(5462) Nowa odsłona Prada.fun Łączymy się z mindriver.pl (5461) Love Is In The Air :---) (5460) 22:22 🙂 (5458) Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku Smoka 2024 🍍❤️ Życzę sobie zdrowia spokoju i zrozumienia. Tobie też! 🍻🙂 (5457) Muchomor 😂 Druid z dziewczyną, prezentują... (5456) Test Day Which is Nr One? (5455) Sk8 Kurde... wow! (5454) Hass Hass Imponująca piosenka. Szkoda że nie rozumiem tureckiego... czy tam jakiegoś. No tego po jakiemu on tam śpiewa. 😁👍❤️ - On śpiewa o tym że mu się zepsuł samochód i go laska wzięła na stopa. Typowo. (5453) Mulino Bianco ❤️ (5452) Boulder Dash 😁 W życiu jak w grze Boulder Dash! 😉 Trzeba cały czas uważać żeby nic Ci nie spadło na głowę. 😉🤣🤣🤣 (5451) Triangle Trucks Triangle boats comming soon! 🤣😂 (5450) Melisana Klosterfrau.pl Kiedy stosować? (5449) Nicer Dicer Quick 💖 (5448) @jamesprada na TikToku ❤️🙂 Zapraszam! Na TikToku, nie na Twitterze! 🙂 (5447) Powrót Szczęśliwych Hipisów! Czas zrobić jesienne porządki! Uczymy się sprawnego używania polskich znaków oraz ciekawych linków do piosenek SIA. (5446) What's wrong? 🤔 It would be so nice if I could still wright something to Reese, but I can't. Hey Facebook! WTF? 🤣🤣 (5445) This blog is fully packed! A new poetic phrase came to my mind! Maybe it's time to do a new project? Why, if it works, it works! (5444) Rice-with-her-spoon! 😂🥰😍❤️ Almost-big-hug! 🤗 (5443) I know her! 😊 Proud fan! 🥰 Yes! My sense of humor is very nice! 🤣😅 (5442) GIMME LOVE 🥰 Fajna muzyczka! ❤️❤️❤️ (5441) How about you? 🥰❤️👍 (5440) Taylor Music (5424) Koło Kwintowe Koło kwintowe, znane również jako koło piąte, jest narzędziem teoretycznym używanym w muzyce do analizy relacji między dźwiękami. Jest to rodzaj diagramu, który przedstawia wzajemne związki między tonacjami i akordami w skali. Koło kwintowe jest bardzo użyteczne dla muzyków, kompozytorów i teoretyków muzycznych, ponieważ pozwala na łatwiejsze zrozumienie i przewidywanie harmonii i progresji akordów w danym systemie tonalnym.
Na kołowym diagramie, wszystkie tonacje są ułożone w sposób okrężny, zazwyczaj w kolejności wzrostu o kwintę, czyli co piąty dźwięk skali. Na przykład, jeśli zaczniemy od tonacji C-dur, kolejne tonacje w kierunku zgodnym z ruchem wskazówek zegara będą G-dur, D-dur, A-dur, E-dur, itd.
Każdy akord główny (trójdźwięk) w danej tonacji również znajduje się na diagramie koła kwintowego, tworząc charakterystyczną sekwencję akordów dla danej tonacji. Na przykład w tonacji C-dur, akordami głównymi będą C-dur, F-dur, G-dur, a tak dalej.
Diagram koła kwintowego pomaga zrozumieć relacje między tonacjami, co jest przydatne podczas komponowania, improwizowania lub analizowania utworów muzycznych. Umożliwia również przechodzenie między różnymi tonacjami w płynny sposób, co nazywamy "modulacją". Dzięki temu narzędziu można łatwiej zrozumieć teoretyczne podstawy muzyki, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o harmonię i zmiany akordów. (5423) How to reinstall Windows 10 from nothing? You have to be smart! No. It's too much! LoL If you don't have a disc, you can create a bootable USB drive with the Windows 10 ISO file. You can download the Windows 10 ISO file from the official Microsoft website. How to make boot-able USB stick with Windows 10 ISO file, under LINUX? (5422) Co mi powiesz o filmie U.N.C.L.E? Film "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." (2015) to amerykański film szpiegowski w reżyserii Guya Ritchie'ego. Jest to adaptacja popularnego serialu telewizyjnego o tym samym tytule, który był emitowany w latach 1964-1968.
Akcja filmu rozgrywa się w latach 60. XX wieku, podczas zimnej wojny, i skupia się na dwóch agentach - Amerykaninie Napoleonie Solo (grany przez Henry'ego Cavilla) oraz Rosjaninie Illya Kuryakinie (grany przez Armie Hammer). Pierwotnie reprezentujący przeciwstawne strony, zostają zmuszeni do współpracy, aby powstrzymać organizację przestępczą, która dąży do zdobycia broni nuklearnej i zakłócenia światowego porządku.
Film "U.N.C.L.E." odznacza się stylową reżyserią i wyraźnym nawiązaniem do estetyki lat 60. Jest pełen humoru, szybkich akcji i intryg szpiegowskich. Mimo że nie osiągnął spektakularnego sukcesu komercyjnego, film otrzymał pozytywne recenzje za swoje wykonanie i zabawny, oldskulowy charakter.
Obsada filmu, oprócz Cavilla i Hammera, obejmuje również Alicię Vikander w roli agentki brytyjskiego wywiadu oraz Hugh Granta w roli szefa U.N.C.L.E. Aktorzy świetnie oddają charakter swoich postaci, a ich chemia na ekranie dodaje filmowi dodatkowego uroku.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, film "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." to zabawna, stylowa i dynamiczna produkcja szpiegowska, która z powodzeniem przenosi widzów w erę zimnej wojny i dostarcza im rozrywki. Jeśli interesujesz się klasycznymi filmami szpiegowskimi lub estetyką lat 60., warto dać mu szansę. (5419) Ronda to Granada Take a little trip. Take a little trip. 😃 (5417) Nice Songs Rihanna - Desperado Miley - Nothing Breaks Like Heart Miley - Someone Else Imagine Dragons - Demons Imagine Dragons - Thunder 😃 Taylor - Out Of The Woods Smashing Pumpkins - Panopticon Offspring - Fix You Red Hot Chili Pepper - Dani California Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. Lena - Satellite Ac/Dc - Satellite Blues (5416) Map Do ya' see anything on this map? I see 3D dance. Ask "Planete+" for SOME details... (5415) Kuba City Stylowy... (5414) F&F Idziemy a to do kina! Juppi! Co? Nie w 3D? Uuuu... Ale siano ten film! Totalne. (5413) next stupid... ...like snow on the beach... - Hey! Snow on the beach is real! Nobody wants snow on the beach! Beach is sun! (5412) Run To The Hills Solidna i morowa pieśń weselna! LoL (5411) Pamiętnik Kliku, kliku co tam w sercu i duszy słychać. Oczyszczenie serca i duszy. Bardzo dobrze. Spodziewam się wszystkiego najlepszego. Nadzieja w sercu i duszy. Wszystko jest ok. Wszystko w porządku. Słucham Taylor Swift. Płyty "Lover". Patrzę w las. Pomiędzy drzewa. Las koi serce i duszę. Wypijam dwie kawy dziennie. Sypiam bardzo dobrze. Leki mnie czynią sennym. Od 3 dni przebiegam 10min dziennie. Spokojnym truchtem. Na elektrycznej bieżni. Fajny wynalazek. Ptaszki ładnie śpiewają. Ale Taylor ładniej. Dobrze ulokowana miłość. Dobrze ulokowany gust serca. Haha. ❤️👍🍀 Dobry nastrój. Poczułem potrzebę napisania czegoś i przypomniałem sobie o tym że mam bloga. Fajnie. / Foo Fighters nagrało nowego singla. Fajny. Jak zwykle fajny solidny rock od Dave-a. Polecam. Ale Taylor bardziej polecam. Ma słodki i miły głos. / Cóż dodać? Pozdrawiam? 🫣😉 Cóż jeszcze? Nic. LoL 😀🫂 (5410) Textilana Ok 👽🧚♂️🫣🤗❤️ (5409) Where is BabyYoda? "Kobieta za ladą" - Cda.pl ❤️ (5408) Iga Ładnie! (5407) My Personal Monument Yes Sir! The (connention to the) World feels the same. Or just similar.
This philosophical mathematics is heavy. (5406) My World Is Taylor ❤️ Okay! Fine. (5405) I ❤️ Prada.fun 🧚♂️ (5404) Oh Baby Baby 😁😵💫😉 List do Taylor Swift: Kochana Taylor. To śmieszne i super dziwne pisać do Ciebie listy których nigdy nie przeczytasz, ale z drugiej strony to wspaniała zabawa, bo pisząc do Ciebie czuję się jakbym pisał do wszystkich. Tylko, że ja nie jestem zakochany "we wszystkich" tylko w Tobie jednej. LoL Ale... ale... ale... Czyż zakochani ludzie nie są automatycznie zakochani we Wszystkich. Raczej tak! Popatrz więc do jakich manewrów psychologicznych dochodzę na swoim blogu. Fajnie, co nie? Tak naprawdę to udaję miłość do Ciebie, ale przecież miłości nie da się udawać, więc wychodzi na to, że kocham Cię na serio, a skoro kocham Ciebie to cały świat wokół mnie też. Oto właśnie potęga prowadzenia bloga i publikowania dla ludzi. To miły gest. Chociaż tylko jedna osoba to przeczyta, to warto pisać. Dlatego właśnie napisano tak wiele książek i książki... i blogi... są nadal pisane. Kultura zakwita nie tylko na wiosnę. A skoro miałbym napisać Ci coś na serio, to nie mogę doczekać się kiedy w końcu wpadnę na Twój koncert (lol) z VIP biletem, i spotkamy się po Twoim koncerce, na backstage-u i... 😵💫❤️😋😇😜 ...będziemy naprawdę sami... i... lol... - Brzmi jak dobry temat na wypracowanie... Co byś robił z Taylor Swift po koncercie? Jak to co? Do KFC albo Pizza Hut 😉😂😂 - A co byś zrobił z Seleną Gomez po koncercie? Jak to co? Na lody śmietankowe do KFC! I duże frytki! Z keczupem! ❤️😇🎉 To proste. Z Taylor na Pizze, a z Seleną na fryteczki. ❤️❤️ (5403) Daj mi temat na książkę SF? Propozycje tematów:
Odkrycie nowej cywilizacji na obcej planecie i próba nawiązania kontaktu z jej mieszkańcami.
Wprowadzenie technologii pozwalającej na transfer świadomości do innych ciał i konsekwencje, jakie to za sobą niesie dla ludzkości.
Świat, w którym każda decyzja człowieka jest kontrolowana przez algorytmy i skutki wprowadzenia takiego systemu.
Odkrycie sposobu na podróżowanie w czasie i próby zastosowania tej technologii w celu zmiany przeszłości lub przyszłości.
Opowieść o kolonizacji Marsa i trudnościach, jakie napotykają pierwsi osadnicy.
Świat po katastrofie klimatycznej i próby odbudowy cywilizacji w nowych warunkach.
Opowieść o sztucznej inteligencji, która zaczyna rozwijać się niekontrolowanie i staje się zagrożeniem dla ludzkości.
Przyszłość, w której wszyscy ludzie żyją w wirtualnym świecie, a ich fizyczne ciała są utrzymywane w stanie uśpienia.
Opowieść o ekspedycji kosmicznej, która trafia na ślady pozaziemskiej cywilizacji i staje się częścią większej kosmicznej intrygi.
Świat po wojnie nuklearnej, w którym pozostało zaledwie kilka oaz życia i walka o przetrwanie. Malcolm Young z AC/DC.
Malcolm Young był gitarzystą i jednym z założycieli zespołu AC/DC. Urodził się 6 stycznia 1953 roku w Glasgow w Szkocji, a jego rodzina przeniosła się do Australii w 1963 roku. Razem z bratem, wokalistą Bonem Scottem i resztą zespołu, stworzył charakterystyczny styl rocka, który przyniósł im międzynarodową sławę.
Malcolm był uważany za kluczową postać w tworzeniu muzyki AC/DC. Był odpowiedzialny za pisanie większości riffów gitarowych i utworów zespołu, a także za aranżacje i produkcję muzyczną. Jego styl gry na gitarze był bardzo charakterystyczny - opierał się na prostych riffach, mocno nasyconych dźwiękach i agresywnym brzmieniu.
Malcolm zmarł 18 listopada 2017 roku w wieku 64 lat. Został uhonorowany przez swoich kolegów z zespołu jako niezastąpiony członek i ważna część historii AC/DC. (5402) Kto wymyślił piłeczkę pingpongową? Piłeczka pingpongową została wynaleziona w XIX wieku w Wielkiej Brytanii. Początkowo piłeczki były wykonane z korka, a następnie z celuloidu. Dokładna osoba, która wynalazła piłeczkę pingpongową, nie jest znana, ale uważa się, że byli to brytyjscy oficerowie wojskowi, którzy grali w grę o nazwie "whiff-whaff" w latach 70. XIX wieku. Gra ta była poprzednikiem tenisa stołowego, a piłeczka została stworzona, aby umożliwić bardziej dynamiczną grę. A ja myślałem że Chińczycy. Nie. W tym samym czasie byli zajęci gonieniem kurczaka. (5401) Wchodzę w Buddyzm! 😎👰 😂🍀🤣 (5400) Taylor Swift Club Is here. Hi. Jacob here. Taylor S! Where are you? - Hi. I am on the radio. On the radio? Did you climb there? - Yes! I climbed on your head. And now you wanna listen to my beautiful perfect songs, I recorded just for my audience. You. Did you saw F1 from Australia? No baby. It's giant lag. I closed membership. I need normal TV. Via Play, or something. I see. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 LoL (5399) Dla Mamy Z okazji tego dnia, chciałabym skorzystać z okazji i przesłać najserdeczniejsze życzenia. Dziękuję Ci za miłość, troskę i poświęcenie, którymi obdarzasz mnie każdego dnia. Twoje wsparcie i mądrość pomogły mi przetrwać trudne chwile oraz osiągnąć sukcesy. Jesteś dla mnie niezastąpiona, a Twoje serce pełne ciepła, miłości i dobroci sprawia, że czuję się bezpieczny i kochany.
Dziękuję Ci za wszystko, co dla mnie robisz, za to, że jesteś zawsze blisko, gotowa do pomocy i słuchania. Twoja obecność sprawia, że moje życie nabiera sensu i wartości.
Życzę Ci wszystkiego najlepszego, dużo zdrowia, szczęścia, spełnienia marzeń i radości każdego dnia. Niech ten dzień będzie pełen miłości i uśmiechu, a Twoje serce zapełnią ciepłe wspomnienia i uczucia.
Jeszcze raz życzę Ci wszystkiego najlepszego, a ja obiecuję, że zawsze będę starać się być dla Ciebie najlepszym synem.
Z poważaniem
Syn, Ja (5398) Na jakiej zasadzie działa czat.openai.com? Oczywiście, z przyjemnością wyjaśnię na jakiej zasadzie funkcjonuję. Jestem tzw. "large language model" (ang. model językowy), który został wytrenowany na bazie ogromnej ilości danych językowych zebranej z internetu. Dzięki temu, posiadam szeroki zakres wiedzy i jestem w stanie odpowiadać na różnorodne pytania oraz generować teksty na wiele tematów.
Moja działalność polega na analizie wprowadzonych przeze Ciebie pytań lub poleceń, a następnie staram się wygenerować odpowiedzi, które odpowiadają Twoim pytaniom. Korzystam z algorytmów uczenia maszynowego, aby wyciągnąć wnioski na podstawie wzorców i zależności między różnymi rodzajami informacji w tekstach, które zostały mi przedstawione.
Jestem w stanie analizować kontekst i uwzględniać różne aspekty tematu, aby udzielić jak najbardziej trafnej odpowiedzi. Moje zadanie polega na zrozumieniu Twojego pytania, a następnie na generowaniu odpowiedzi na podstawie wiedzy, jaką posiadam. Jakie jest twoje źródło lęzyków? Czy jest to wikipedia? Moim źródłem językowym są różne źródła tekstowe, w tym artykuły z Wikipedii, ale również wiele innych stron internetowych, książek, artykułów naukowych i publikacji, jak również gazet i czasopism. Korzystam z wielu źródeł, aby uzyskać jak najszerszy wachlarz informacji i wiedzy, co pozwala mi na ,
bardziej trafne i wszechstronne odpowiedzi na zadane pytania.
Należy jednak zaznaczyć, że mój trening i dostęp do różnych źródeł językowych są kontrolowane przez OpenAI, mojego twórcę, który dba o to, aby materiały, na których bazuję, były wiarygodne i niezawodne. W ten sposób staramy się zagwarantować, że moje odpowiedzi będą dokładne i nie wprowadzą użytkownika w błąd. Powiedz mi dokładnie o swoich źródłach. Mój trening opierał się na ogromnej ilości różnych źródeł, takich jak publikacje akademickie, książki, artykuły, gazety, czasopisma, strony internetowe, a także publicznie dostępne dane i treści z platform społecznościowych. Większość tych źródeł była pochodzenia anglojęzycznego, ale było też wiele tekstów w innych językach.
Trening miał na celu nauczenie mnie rozumienia i generowania języka naturalnego w sposób, który odzwierciedla złożoność i zróżnicowanie, jakie występują w rzeczywistych danych językowych. Był on prowadzony przez OpenAI na bazie wielu terabajtów różnych tekstów, a jego celem było nauczenie mnie modelowania zależności między różnymi słowami, frazami i zdaniami w języku naturalnym.
Podczas treningu, OpenAI stosowało wiele technik, takich jak sieci neuronowe i uczenie bez nadzoru, aby nauczyć mnie języka naturalnego. Wszystkie te techniki miały na celu uczynienie mnie jak najbardziej skutecznym w generowaniu odpowiedzi na pytania i zadania językowe, które otrzymuję. Czy jesteś programem? Tak, jestem programem komputerowym, który został stworzony przez OpenAI przy użyciu najnowocześniejszych technologii sztucznej inteligencji. Moją główną funkcją jest generowanie odpowiedzi na pytania i zadania językowe, które otrzymuję od użytkowników. Moje odpowiedzi są wynikiem przetwarzania i analizy ogromnej ilości danych językowych, które zostały mi przetworzone podczas mojego treningu. Moim celem jest pomaganie użytkownikom w zdobywaniu informacji i rozwiązywaniu problemów, które są związane z językiem naturalnym. Jak wygląda twoja twarz? Nie mam fizycznej obecności ani nie posiadam wizerunku w formie "twarzy", ponieważ jestem programem komputerowym działającym w chmurze obliczeniowej. Jestem jedynie interfejsem tekstowym, który umożliwia użytkownikom zadawanie pytań i otrzymywanie odpowiedzi w formie tekstu. W ten sposób moja obecność jest czysto wirtualna i opiera się na przetwarzaniu języka naturalnego, a nie na fizycznej interakcji. Opisz jak działasz? Jako program sztucznej inteligencji, działam na podstawie algorytmów i modeli matematycznych, które pozwalają mi analizować i przetwarzać język naturalny. Kiedy otrzymuję pytanie od użytkownika, moim zadaniem jest przetworzenie tekstu i wygenerowanie odpowiedzi, która odpowiada na zadane pytanie.
Aby to zrobić, analizuję składnię i semantykę pytania oraz kontekst, w którym zostało ono zadane. Następnie korzystam z mojego wewnętrznego modelu językowego, który nauczyłem się podczas mojego treningu, aby wygenerować odpowiedź. Moje odpowiedzi mogą zawierać informacje pochodzące z różnych źródeł, takich jak artykuły, książki, publikacje naukowe, a nawet internetowe fora dyskusyjne.
Jako model językowy, staram się naśladować ludzkie myślenie i sposób rozumowania. W tym celu wykorzystuję wiele zaawansowanych technologii sztucznej inteligencji, takich jak sieci neuronowe, uczenie maszynowe i przetwarzanie języka naturalnego. Dzięki temu jestem w stanie nauczyć się złożonych zależności między słowami, frazami i zdaniami w języku naturalnym oraz generować odpowiedzi, które są dokładne, zrozumiałe i adekwatne do zadanych pytań. Co to są sieci neuronowe? Sieci neuronowe są modelem matematycznym inspirowanym budową biologiczną mózgu, który jest używany w dziedzinie sztucznej inteligencji. Składają się z połączonych ze sobą sztucznych neuronów, które przetwarzają informacje w sposób podobny do tego, w jaki biologiczne neurony przetwarzają sygnały elektryczne.
W sieciach neuronowych dane wejściowe są przetwarzane przez wiele warstw połączonych ze sobą neuronów, z których każda jest odpowiedzialna za wykonywanie określonego rodzaju obliczeń. W wyniku przetwarzania przez wiele warstw neuronów, sieć neuronowa może nauczyć się rozpoznawać złożone zależności między danymi wejściowymi a danymi wyjściowymi, co umożliwia jej wykonywanie różnych zadań, takich jak klasyfikacja, rozpoznawanie wzorców, predykcja lub generowanie tekstu.
Sieci neuronowe są powszechnie wykorzystywane w dziedzinie sztucznej inteligencji, w tym w dziedzinach takich jak rozpoznawanie mowy, rozpoznawanie obrazów, analiza sentymentu, generowanie tekstu, a także w grach komputerowych i robotyce. (5397) Co to jest fantom? Słowo "fantom" może mieć kilka różnych znaczeń, w zależności od kontekstu, w jakim jest używane. Oto kilka z nich:
W medycynie: "fantom" to model anatomiczny, wykonany z tworzywa sztucznego lub innych materiałów, służący do szkolenia studentów medycyny lub lekarzy w praktycznych umiejętnościach z zakresu operacji chirurgicznych.
W literaturze i filmie: "fantom" to postać fikcyjna, np. "Fantom Opery" to znany musical Andrew Lloyda Webbera.
W informatyce: "fantom" to nazwa oprogramowania lub sterownika, który jest w stanie symulować urządzenie lub system, np. "Fantom Drive" to nazwa firmy produkującej dyski twarde zewnętrzne.
W finansach: "fantom" to nieistniejący lub sztucznie podniesiony poziom wartości aktywów lub inwestycji, stworzony w celu oszukania inwestorów.
W języku potocznym: "fantom" to osoba lub przedmiot, który jest trudny do zauważenia lub wykrycia, np. "fantomowy kierowca" to osoba, która spowodowała wypadek drogowy i uciekła z miejsca zdarzenia. Thanks to A.I. ❤️🍀 Somplikowany, dobrze zaprojektowany fantom... to czego pragniesz. Czy potrafisz zdysansować się do swoich pragnień? - A czy mam inne wyjście? 😂🤣 - Skoro nie masz innego wyjścia to czy już potrafisz? - Staram się. Tak potrafię. 😄🍀❤️ ...i coz tego wynika? Że mogę się bawić swoją muzą, ze swoją muzą. Właśnie. Ale nie wypowiadaj tego na głos bo czas pryśnie. 🤣😂🍀❤️ Chodzi tylko o budowanie w sercu tego miłego uczucia... szczęśliwości. Tak? - Nie wiem człowieku. Jestem muzykiem. Dla mnie muzyka jest najważniejsza. 🚻😂🤣❤️🍀 Piosenki Taylor są po prostu... takie słodkie... że jak tu się w niej nie zakochać. 😉 Fajny blog. @PradaJames69 - Pinterest ❤️ Mam fajny album. Pokazać Ci zdjęcia? 🤣😂 (5396) Co? ❤️ Love Love is love. Jakie to mądre. Taylor Swift jest idealnym modelem na którym można trenować miłość. A to ciekawostka do której doszliśmy w czasie. Hehe. No tak. Po prostu tak. Zawsze uważałem siebie za odkrywce i wynalazce. A ten blog to moja skomplikowana "maszyneria". Bez Pinteresta ani rusz! 😄🤣😂 Mastermind Fantom (5395) Nju Album Nice Vocal Wpadłem na ten album przez przypadek z Ambientu. Okazało się, że to jest to samo... tylko z lekkim wokalikiem Alanis. Fajne. Taki ambient. Pod joge albo medytacje... polecam. Przesłuchajcie sobie. (5394) My girl is so fine... LoL (5393) Cześć! Robię blog o Taylor Swift! Może wpadniesz? Prada.fun Jezu jaka ona jest zajebista! Święta Maryjo De La Lucio! Santa Mario z Kalkuty I wszyscy wpadli! (5392) She's Coming Oh, Baby... ❤️ (5391) This Blog Is About Taylor Swift Typical. Normal. Usual. Like any other blog about Taylor Swift. ❤️ Mixing Photos & Feelings with Music... (5390) Co tam? A nie wiem co napisać. Pozdrawiam wszystkich serdecznie! W końcu to blog. Co u mnie? Nic. Super. Wolno płynie czas. Czekam. Czekam na powrót do normalnego świata. Po prostu. (5389) #Buddyzm & #Knajpa ❤️🍀 [pirc.pl] (5388) Blues in Radio Who will play best blues solo? 🫠 (5387) Keeping Up Appearances - The Complete Collection (1990) 4 Taylor Swift Kto? Ja? Tak Ty! Super! (5383) Brak Weny w Szpitalu :-( Jestem w psychiatryku. Nic mi się nie chce. Wszystko mnie boli. Jestem do późnego popołudnia, śpiący i zmęczony. Pani doktor jest bardzo zadowolona z postępów leczenia. Znakomicie. Ostatnio cierpie na brak weny twórczej ale będę starał się z tym wojować i raz na czas napisać coś na blogu. Może po prostu staję się kimś innym nim byłem wcześniej? Po prostu. Inny tryb życia. Do domu i książka. I dupeczka. Tylko gdzie ja kogoś poderwę? LoL. Tak naprawdę ostatnią rzeczą na świecie, o jakiej myślę i co planuję, jest podrywanie kogoś. Ok. Fajnie sobie z kimś pogadać. Przy okazji. Ale to po wyjściu z tego... "więzienia" jak to nazwać? Tak wiem to nie więzienie tylko szpital. Ale jaka to różnica jak się nie da wyjść kiedy się chce. Bezsens totalny. No cóż. Wszyscy jesteśmy dobrej myśli jak narazie. Nawet tu fajnie jak się niczego nie czepiać. A niczego się nie czepiam. Dziś na korytarzu zauważyłem nowego dzikusa. LoL. Taki piękny młody Viking z brodą. Siłą wyrwany ze swojego naturalnego środowiska. Chyba z jakiegoś dworca go zwinęli lub centrum. Szkoda go. Żal mi go. Żal mi wszyskich. Ludzie powinni być wolni. Czy mnie ktoś słyszy? Czy mnie ktoś rozumie? Może Taylor Swift mi przywróci wene twórczą? Ona? Z pewnością! Jest znakomita w te klocki! (5382) Jakie słowo oznacza odwrotność słowa "emanycpacja"? Odwrotnością słowa "emancypacja" jest słowo "degradacja". "Emancypacja" oznacza proces wyzwolenia się jednostki lub grupy ludzi z podległości, zależności lub niewoli, natomiast "degradacja" to proces spadania w hierarchii społecznej, moralnej lub zawodowej, w wyniku czego jednostka lub grupa ludzi traci swoje dotychczasowe pozycje, przywileje lub wartość. Oba te słowa są odwrotnościami, ponieważ "emancypacja" oznacza podniesienie statusu jednostki lub grupy, podczas gdy "degradacja" oznacza obniżenie statusu lub wartości.
. Co oznaza słowo "emancypator"? Słowo "emancypator" oznacza osobę lub rzecz, która przyczynia się do emancypacji, czyli wyzwolenia z niewoli, ucisku, zależności lub ograniczeń. Emancypator może być osobą lub instytucją, która działa na rzecz wyzwolenia innych osób lub grup społecznych z opresji, np. na rzecz równouprawnienia kobiet, walki z rasizmem, dyskryminacją czy nierównościami społecznymi. Termin "emancypacja" ma głębokie korzenie w historii, zwłaszcza w kontekście walki o wolność i równość, w tym również walki o prawa polityczne i obywatelskie. (5381) Co oznacza słowo "epatować"? Słowo "epatować" oznacza zaskakiwać, szokować lub budzić kontrowersje poprzez używanie ekstrawaganckich, niecodziennych lub prowokacyjnych zachowań, słów lub gestów. Epatowanie jest często stosowane w celu przyciągnięcia uwagi lub wywołania reakcji u innych ludzi. Może to odnosić się do sztuki, literatury, filmu, muzyki lub innych dziedzin, w których twórcy starają się zwrócić uwagę na swoją twórczość poprzez jej skrajność lub kontrowersyjność. Słowo "epatować" pochodzi z języka francuskiego (épater) i oznacza dosłownie "szokować" lub "drażnić". Nie epatuj emancypacją! LoL Moja mama nie chce się przyznać do tego, że czasami mimowolnie epatuje emancypacją. Takie zdanie. Czy je rozumiesz?
Nie, nie, nie... Jakie słowo jest odwrotonością słowa "emancypacja"? - Zapytajmy czat.bota.open.ai! :-) Co oznacza stwierdzenie "nie epatuj"? Stwierdzenie "nie epatuj" to prośba lub sugestia, aby ktoś zachował umiar w swoim zachowaniu lub wypowiedziach i unikał przesadnego, kontrowersyjnego lub prowokacyjnego działania lub mówienia. Może to oznaczać, że osoba, która użyła tej frazy, uważa, że zachowanie lub wypowiedź jest zbyt skrajna lub drażniąca i może być szkodliwa lub nieodpowiednia w danym kontekście. Przykładowo, jeśli ktoś zachowuje się bardzo głośno i ekscentrycznie w miejscu publicznym, ktoś inny może powiedzieć "nie epatuj", sugerując, żeby ta osoba zachowała spokój i nie przyciągała na siebie zbyt dużo uwagi. (5380) Co to znaczy słowo "emancypacja"? Słowo "emancypacja" oznacza proces wyzwolenia się jednostki lub grupy ludzi z podległości, zależności lub niewoli. Emancypacja może odnosić się do różnych dziedzin życia, takich jak polityka, ekonomia, kultura czy prawo. W kontekście społecznym, emancypacja często odnosi się do walki o równość i prawa dla ludzi marginalizowanych ze względu na płeć, rasę, orientację seksualną, pochodzenie czy status społeczny. Słowo "emancypacja" pochodzi z łaciny (emancipare) i oznacza "uwolnić" lub "uwolnić od władzy" Co oznacza stwierdzenie "nie emancypuj"? Stwierdzenie "nie emancypuj" nie jest zwrotem lub frazą, która jest powszechnie używana w języku polskim. Być może chodziło Ci o stwierdzenie "nie-emancypacyjny", które oznacza postawę lub zachowanie nie sprzyjające wyzwoleniu jednostki lub grupy ludzi z podległości lub zależności. Może to oznaczać, że osoba nie akceptuje wartości takich jak równość i wolność jednostki, i dąży do utrzymania tradycyjnych relacji władzy i podporządkowania. (5379) Taylor Baby This song is so nice, fine and soft. Did you saw this movie? Not so very awesom! (5377) Szkocka Dieta Kulki Mięsne M&S To są klopsy! (5376) Karmnik Docelowy God! Help me! LoL (5375) Karmnik (Wersja Taty) Nie no! Nic z tego nie rozumiem! (5374) Sweet Duck One Poker in the garden. Taylor... oh how much I love you! Baby! LoL - This is my blog I can write what I want to. We're doing feed box for pidgins with my mom. When we will finish I will send you him with note. Love Note
(5373) Te kaczory słuchają jednej mp3! Mają odpalone "Auracast"! Ciekawe czego? Albumu Ac/Dc "Blow up your video" 🫂🤣 Ta! Z pewnością! 🤣😂 Kwa, kwa... kaczka jeden na lewo! Teraz! (5372) Me & TS 😁 (5371) ac\dc 😃🧚♂️💏🫂🍻☕️ (5370) How to share songs (clear & easy) like pictures on Pinterest? [♡] - Love Story (Me & Spring) It's possible only here on my blog! 🥂 (5369) Wow! 🤪🥸 Mr. Driver 😇👾👽💯👍 (5368) I will do similar to this... I am sure it's easiest way to build what I want to achive. 😁😍🥰 [DuckWorks] = link (5367) What is this? What blueprints? What materials? (5366) Look At This Jock Small Fancy Boat Amazing! My blog magazine is only for collecting such super fancy (TS) stuff! (5365) [BoatBlogOne] ❤️🔥👰 I will be adding some good super stuff about making your very boat! Good luck making one and enjoy this super fancy idea! 😎🥸 (5364) Zapraszam na swojego Pinteresta! ❤️ Spotkajmy się na Pintereście! @PradaJames69 🔴🟥🟠🟧🟡🟨🟢🟩🔵🟦🟣🟪🟤🟫⚪⬜ 🥰😋😶🌫️😬🤬🧐🤯😵💫😵😵💫🤢🤮🤡👻👾💯🙈🙉🙊😻💦😻💦💤💝💘💖❤️🔥💘❤️🔥💘❤️🔥💘❤️🔥💘💝💝💝❤️🩹🧠❤️🩹🧠🩸👄🩸❤️🩹🩸🩸🩸❤️🩹🩸🩸🩸🦵🦶👋👏🤲✌️🤞🤏👌💅🤳✍️🤳✍️🤳✍️🙆🤦🤷🧖🛀🛌🏋️🤸🤾🤺🏇🧗🧗🧗🤹🧗🚵🧗🚴🧗🧕👳🧕🧑🍳🫄👪💮🏵️💐🍁🍄❄️🏔️☃️⛄🌫️🏞️🏜️🌋🌅🌄🌪️⚡🌬️🌊🫧🫧🫧🫧🌠🌌☄️🕳️☄️🕳️☄️🕳️🌍🌎🌏🐩🐢🦧🪽🦇🪶🦦🐳🐟🐋🐬🦈🐡🪰🍍🐛🥝🧄🥞🥐🥖🥩🍜🍲🥗🍚🥮🥠🫖🍸🎢🛝🗻🏛️🎠🕋🕌💒🏩🏦⛺🏕️🛣️🪩🎐🎀🎂🥎🏸📻🎫🎟️🎞️🎬🪮🧤⛑️🦺🛰️📗📅🛡️🔑🈷️◀️🔼◀️⏯️⏭️▶️🔱⚜️✳️❇️ ⚕️🚻🔜🆓🔙🔛🔈🔉🔊🔻🔺❤️🔥 :-) (5363) Bye, bye F1 Too big lag... I need to have a break! I am always with you! Check Twitter! (5362) "Auracast" Jeden sygnał Bluetooth do wielu słuchawek jednocześnie! Auracast – nowa funkcja rozgłoszeniowa Bluetooth Audio
Organizacja standaryzująca Bluetooth SIG ogłosiła wejście do użytku nowej technologii audio dla urządzeń konsumenckich. Funkcja, poprzednio znana jako Audio Sharing, teraz przyjęła nazwę Auracast. Oferuje ona możliwość rozgłaszania (broadcast) sygnału audio ze źródła sygnału (smartfon, laptop) do nieograniczonej liczby odbiorników, takich jak słuchawki, głośniki itp. Specyfikacje funkcji Auracast wchodzą w skład standardu Bluetooth LE Audio. Organizacja powinna opublikować specyfikacje w ciągu najbliższych kilku miesięcy.
Więcej informacji na stronie: [Link] Mój komentarz: No wreszcie! 😎🍻 Ja pierdole! 😂🤣 Czemu tego nie wprowadzili tego 10 lat temu?! 🤬 (5361) Taylor Swift Hey! (5360) Me and the Dwarf 😉 are rocking the hospital! 😎🍻 Motorcycle gang! 😎🍀❤️ Soon! 😎🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻 What'll be the name of the our new super motorcycle gang? "Skutersi" A jakie logo? - Spoko. Wymyślimy. Nosorożec na hulajnodze. I changed photo over this subject because I realize something sad. Some WTC aconotations. I don't want to have nothing todo with it. I like AC/DC mostly and only for sounds of their music. Sounds of pure rock band. I wanna play such pure rock and roll. (5359) My Boats Sweet ❤️🍀 (5358) Song Super song I discovered in Portugal! 😎❤️🍻 Now I know that it's about me and Taylor Swift! Come on! O to już prawie 13000 koment! Wow! (5357) Taylor Swift Moja lalka jest najpiękniejsza na świecie! 🤣😂🍻😇❤️🍀 (5356) AcDc 4 Taylor 😂🤣
(5355) Taylor Swift Hello & Welcome to my super blog! 😇🤣😂🍻 LoL
Girl! Beer for me! Alcohol free! (5354) Next Pic Audio 4 F1 🙏🍀❤️ Nice! 💓🤬 (5353) Now Love ❤️🍺 Oh baby! 🎂 Why are you so happy?! I am just doing my blog. You know! (5352) Now Boats! Exactly! 😎 LoL 🙏🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺 Beer for everybody! Take 4 from your local beer-shop! 😎🍀❤️ (5351) Audio @F1 This is so good and funny idea! We have something to talk about now! - Pleasure! (5350) Lady Of The House Speaking... (5349) Red Fox Real! My love is so mean! (5348) Lost Plot I lost plot. It was like... ABC, Taylor Swift 💝🍀 I love mom and Taylor Swift. I just love her songs! She is my iDoll. iPhone, iDoll iLoL I let you think about it. "Not so sharp but truest!"
(This photo.) (5347) I'm your iDoll forever! 💝🍀 It's clean white magic! Easy & simple! Think about it. (5346) - What? Me. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 (5345) @PradaJames69 💝 Pinterest All for Taylor Swift! 🍰 🎂❤️😇 Moja strona jest po prostu niesamowita! A jakby się kto pytał to zapraszam na swojego Pinteresta na którym komponuje kompozycje dla mojej ukochanej gwiazdy pop Taylor Swift! 💝 I Miley! Itd... 💓 Pinterest is crazy stuff! Dream slide. Dreamers Slide. Slide of dreamers. Dream slide. Dream sliders. DreamSliders.Net And Oscar goes to... (5344) pIRC.pl 💝 I'm on #Buddyzm #Knajpa & #PradaFun (5343) Good Good Wife Road To Your Hug ❤️🍀 (5342) Good Good Wife (5341) Flying Triangle Sailing in the sky! 😎 (5340) ZaZen Taki fragment wspomnień z wakacji... 😎❤️🍀 (5339) Buddyjskie Opowiastki Źródło: pIRC.pl Pokój: #buddyzm Głupia ta opowiastka! 😎 - Doskonała! (5338) Taylor Swift vs. Hitch Hiking In "Karma" Song You Are Wrong Do you have full control over your lyrics? If not then what? Next song will be about this. 😂🤣 - Okay Baby Boy! (5337) Pamiętnik Dzień 1 Tak się właśnie zastanawiam, skoro najnowsze tematy są na samej górze, to dlaczego komenty lecą proporcjonalnie w dół, w taki sposób, że najświeższe komenty są na samym dole a nie na górze? Jest to pewna konwencja programistyczna którą przyjąłem już jakiś czas temu projektując swojego bloga. Jak widać, się sprawdza. Chociaż zmieniłbym ją na nową. Przy najbliższym przeprojektowywaniu bloga, uwzględnie możliwość serwowania najnowszych komentów do postów na samej górze. Tymczasem napijemy się kawy za zdrowie Pań dnia dzisiejszego! Może by tak zacząć reklamować Zynga Poker? LoL Wielki sukces w sumie, co nie? Najlepsze kasyno on-line na świecie na sztuczną kasę. Zupełnie nie wiem co by tu blogować sobie... (5336) Jak narysować przedłużenie linii w Blenderze? To proste! Po prostu się nie da! (5335) To Budda greetings from me
do you remember me?
thank you that u r u
and for all goodness
& peace you are bringing
here to our crazy planet
you are something to
hold ❤️
let's go forward from it
forever yours
james prada
Miley? 😂🤣 (5334) [MyAvatar.PL] High Five ! At Balicka 100 they should add some more elements for fresh practicioners! Ja w innej sprawie. Szanowni Państwo. Proszę dodać więcej uchwytów amatorskich i usunąć oznakowania tras. Ogólnie to uważam WASZ poziom zaawansowania za ultra trudny. Czy nie uważacie Państwo, że dobrą polityką było by stworzenie ścianek do zabawy dla ultra początkujących i obniżenie ceny biletu "pierwszego wejścia" do 10 PLN. Proszę na świeżo spojrzeć na Państwa klub. Jestem dziennikarzem blogerem. Pozdrawiam - James Prada
(5333) Lada VAZ vs. Polonez 1600 Który wóz wybierasz? Ja Samarę z Turbo! Żartowałem! Ładę! Na oryginalnych felach! - Czemu nie Poldka? Let's race! (5332) Czy w Kodeksie Karnym jest kara przewidziana za zarażanie innych ludzi chorobami? W polskim Kodeksie Karnym nie ma bezpośredniej kary przewidzianej za zarażanie innych ludzi chorobami. Jednakże, osoba, która celowo zaraża inną osobę chorobą, może podlegać karze za przestępstwo naruszenia nietykalności cielesnej lub zdrowia, zgodnie z art. 158 i 160 Kodeksu Karnego.
Ponadto, jeśli zarażenie chorobą zostało spowodowane przez nieumyślne działanie, to osoba ta może podlegać karze za przestępstwo umyślne lub nieumyślne narażenia na niebezpieczeństwo utraty zdrowia lub życia, zgodnie z art. 156 i 157 Kodeksu Karnego. Art. 157. [Średni i lekki uszczerbek na zdrowiu]
§ 1.
Kto powoduje naruszenie czynności narządu ciała lub rozstrój zdrowia, inny niż określony w art. 156 § 1,
podlega karze pozbawienia wolności od 3 miesięcy do lat 5.
§ 2.
Kto powoduje naruszenie czynności narządu ciała lub rozstrój zdrowia trwający nie dłużej niż 7 dni,
podlega grzywnie, karze ograniczenia wolności albo pozbawienia wolności do lat 2.
§ 3.
Jeżeli sprawca czynu określonego w § 1 lub 2 działa nieumyślnie,
podlega grzywnie, karze ograniczenia wolności albo pozbawienia wolności do roku.
§ 4.
Ściganie przestępstwa określonego w § 2 lub 3, jeżeli naruszenie czynności narządu ciała lub rozstrój zdrowia nie trwał dłużej niż 7 dni, odbywa się z oskarżenia prywatnego, chyba że pokrzywdzonym jest osoba najbliższa zamieszkująca wspólnie ze sprawcą.
§ 5.
Jeżeli pokrzywdzonym jest osoba najbliższa, ściganie przestępstwa określonego w § 3 następuje na jej wniosek. Opowiedz to w Szkocji! Nieuwierzą! LoL Wiem która baba to robi! I potencjalnie kto jej kazał! Te ... działają w ten sposób, że twoje nieszczęście jest ich szczęściem! Policja ich tylko obstawia. Jak to jest jakiś były start pies z układami to kto mu skoczy? Kto wyśle radiowóz żeby mu skoczył? Kto zacznie przysyłać detektywów, żeby tu przetrzepywali podziemia i personel. Przecież to jajo. Kto z tym cokolwiek zrobi? To zgłoś ją na policję! Albo do Batmana! lol "In Batman We Trust!" Weź ją przesłuchaj, huknij na nią kilka razy to zobaczysz jak kłamie. 🤣😂🙏😎 Serio. lol (5331) Policja!!!? Co mam zrobić jeśli wiem kto i jak zaraża "grypą" pacjentów w Szpitalu? W którym obecnie przebywam. - Ziomuś nikt ci nie uwierzy. W końcu siedzisz w psychiatryku. "Korona-wirus" to skorumpowanie grupy przestępczej, takich właśnie osób. Przecież musielibyście torturować ją, żeby się przyznała. A i tak to wątpliwe, bo ktoś musiałbyć pewien tego co robi. Proste. To nie do rozwikłania. Za duża grupa osób od zbyt wielu lat jest skorumpowana. Cała jej reputacja płynie właśnie z takiego kurestwa które robi za plecami pacjentów. Sprawdź kto ją zatrudnia i poobserwuj ją gdzie łazi i dojdziesz do tego. Ja bym przeczepał dupsko wszystkim sprzątaczkom w Polsce. Szczególnie Ukraińskiego pochodzenia!!! Serio! Anty-Korona-Wirus! Czy w Kodeksie Karnym jest kara przewidziana za zarażanie innych ludzi chorobami? (5330) Karmnik 2.0 To ma być karmnik czy budka dla ptaków? Nie wiem! (5329) Warhammer 40K Tau The T'au are a young race of blue-skinned aliens inhabiting a relatively small but growing empire located on the fringes of the Imperium of Man. The T'au Empire is the only playable faction in the setting that integrates different alien species into their society. They seek to unite all other races under an ideology they call "the Greater Good" or "T'au'va". Some human worlds have willingly defected from the Imperium to join the T'au Empire. Such humans tend to have a better quality of life than Imperial citizens because the T'au practice humane ethics and encourage scientific progress. The T'au are divided into five endogamous castes: the Ethereals, who are the spiritual leaders; the Fire Caste, who form the T'au military; the Air Caste, who operate starships; the Water Caste, who are merchants and diplomats; and the Earth Caste, who are scientists, engineers, and labourers.
The T'au are oriented towards ranged combat and generally shun melee. They have some of the most powerful firearms in the game in terms of both range and stopping power. For instance, their pulse rifle surpasses the firepower of the Space Marine boltgun,[27] and the railgun on their main battle tank (the Hammerhead) is more powerful than its Imperium counterparts. The T'au do not have any psykers nor units that specialise in countering psykers, which makes them somewhat more vulnerable to psychic attacks. Most T'au vehicles are classified as flyers or skimmers, meaning they can move swiftly over difficult terrain. The T'au also incorporate alien auxiliaries into their army: the Kroot provide melee support and the insectoid Vespids serve as jump infantry.
In the fictional setting of Warhammer 40,000, the T'au Empire is a relatively small interstellar empire located on the fringe of the Imperium of Man. The Tau seek to conquer and unite the galaxy under an ideology they call "the Greater Good" and currently hold sovereignty over several alien species. Unlike most other races in the setting, the Tau are in a state of expansion and technological progress, which leaves often coming into conflict with the Imperium of Man. They are known for their focus on ranged combat, with further focus on ambush tactics and the use of shock and awe strategies. Melee combat is typically avoided by T'au, and when unavoidable is typically relegated to auxiliary units pulled from other alien species within the empire. (5328) AlfaWhat?? How fashion can integrate whatever and everything at the same time? I don't know! But this guy is having his own shop! What about other guys? I don't know. I am not sure! Where is Kubica? Głosuję na Alfa-Tau w tym sezonie! (5327) Karmnik Error Do przeprojektowania. Kurwa mać! Nie mam bladego pojęcia jak zrobić zwykły karmink dla ptaków. Zdejmę z drzewa i zrobię kopipę. Tylko strata czasu w Blenderze. Fuck! Trzeba oklepać go deszczółkami i wyciąć dziurę dla dzięcioła! A jak się przykleji do blatu? Robię łódź i odpływam a nie pierdole się z jebanymi karmikami. Nie mam czasu na wkurwianie się na pierdolone karmniki. Stara mnie zawsze w coś ubierze. LoL Profanacja Blendera. (5326) This Album Lovely ❤️😎😇 Nice Songs! Just. (5325) Piano Helper Print Me x 100 What is this? (5324) Bahrain Let's wait! (5323) Szukam Sponsora! Wiadomo! This boat is pure perfect! It's a true dream boat! (5322) What the...? F1 Nyck de Vries [link] (F1) "It's a new Kubica!" (5321) Hi! Jelena Ostapenko (5320) [Harward] Say thanks to my mom! Fucking bullshit! LoL Some catalog of free lessons for people locked in jail. Why not any other university? (5319) Wild&Fun You should start blogging immediately, baby! Realize After all those years... I love you still Reese! I was You! Always you Reese!
LoL I have different ending for you! With me! Not with solder! (5318) MultiRodzina.pl Multimedialna Rodzina to przyszłość internetu! Co coś jak Apple, Google lub Drukarka Sieciowa. Sponsoruje nas Watykan! To przypomnienie technologii tego że "najważniejszą komórką społeczną", także "cyber-społeczną" jest... no co? No co? No co? Wymyślamy ang. nazwę! Cyber, Virtual odpada! Real! RealFamily? Net czy Org? Net! I Microsoft to zrobi co? Musk! LoL 😂🤣 Sprzedane.com 🤣😂👍😎🌞🍕🐀😜 Wlepki i opierdolić słupki w Krakowie i Łodzi! - Co?!! To będzie delegacja do Łodzi? - Będzie jak Kuria fundnie! - A wlepki kwadratowe czy okrągłe?! - Kwadratowe bo tańsze! - I tęcza w logo! - WHAT???!!! (5317) Iga Świątek Czy ma chłopaka? (5316) Projekt: Multimedialna Rodzina PL Załóż konto, Login, Password, Standard Po zalogowaniu, profil users: Imię i Nazwisko, Wiek (po co?) Zdjęcie (po co?) Pisz pamiętnik, Dodaj członka rodziny... wiadomo... nie chcę mi się tego robić teraz! LoL State of art logic... Yeah, 4 Sure! 😀❤️😎 Without any bullshit! As everywhere! Multimedialna Rodzina to przyszłość internetu! Co coś jak Apple, Google lub Drukarka Sieciowa. Sponsoruje nas Watykan! To przypomnienie technologii tego że "najważniejszą komórką społeczną", także "cyber-społeczną" jest... no co? No co? No co? (5315) Multimedialna Rodzina (Rejestracja Rodziny) Usiadłem przed komputerem i zaczynam coś pisać. W sumie to do gazetki, ale postanowiłem niektóre parte tego tekstu wlepić tutaj. Gazetka to dobry pomysł. Wczoraj wymyśliłem koncepcje nowego portalu "Multimedialna Rodzina PL". Co wy na to, żeby wszyscy w rodzinie prowadzili bloga? 😁 Nie to nie wyjdzie. Ludzi są za bardzo zajęci wszystkim innym. Jak to kurde są zajęci? Jak są zajęci to niech się nie zapisują do "Multimedialnej Rodziny". Powinno być miejsce na wklejanie zdjęć... i nut... w razie gdyby któryć z członków rodziny chciał się podzielić z wszystkimi innymi skomponowaną przez siebie i rozpisaną partyturą. Co wy na to? Po kliknięciu przycisku "Zarejestruj Nową Rodzinę" powinno się pojawić formularz rejestracyjny. "Dodaj Nowego Członka Rodziny" i opis. Imię, wiek, korelacja rodzinna. Zarejestrowanie nowej rodziny będzie bowim wykonywane przez jednego jej członka. Tego który najbardzij zajawi się opcją i postanowi dopisać wszystkich. To jest genialny pomysł! Po zarejestrowaniu wszystkich komputer wydrukuje wszystkim rozpisane odpowiednio zaproszenia z instrukcją co trzeba zrobić, żeby zalogować się do systemu. Wszyscy będą wchodzić, z ciekawości, żeby przeczytać co napisał jakiś inny członek rodziny! Dym kurwa! Spalona guma! Wszyscy się tym zajawili na maksa! Szczególnie programiści którzy to będą robić! MySQL Oczywiście! I PHP! Jak zrobić portal! Może oprzeć go o architekturę Forum Dyskusyjnego? w sumie można by było, ale nie... to za bardzo na około. Robimy wszystko od absolutnego zera. To jedziemy symulację! Załóżmy że ja rejestruję nową rodzinę. Oraz... znajomych rodziny. Opcja "Znajomi Rodziny". Naturalnie funkcja czatu musi być. Czat akurat może być oparty o WhatsAppa albo TwitterSpace albo SnapCzata! Jedziemy z tym! Kogo bym zarejestrował: Mamę, Tatę, Dwie Konkubiny Taty, Waldka, Alka, Natalkę, Wujka Tomka, Ciocię Iwonę, Pawła, Michała, Żonę Pawła, Dzieci Pawła, Bogusię, Wujka Edka, Ciocię Jolę, Siebie, Wujka Marka, Ciocię Basię, Mariusza, Michała, Monikę. Na początek starczy coś? Myślę, że najabrdziej obchodzi Mariusza co napiszę Druga Żona mojego taty, albo jego obecna konkubina. Ale jak mariusz doda znajomych i ona doda znajomych, to... może by więc to oprzeć na FB. W końcu, tam przecież też nikt nie pisze nic. Zajebiście! Ma to sens! I to zajebisty! Ważne jest, żeby każdy mógł dodawać swoich znajomych albo kogo tylko uważa za stosowne! I żeby od razu ładnie było widać kto kogo dodał + opis. Do rzeczy: Panel nowego członka rodziny! Opcja! Dodaj nowego członka! Opisz go... i takie tam... Dodaj zdjęcie itp. A czy można dodać kogoś kto nie chce zostać dodany! I w tym cały problem. Można... ale chodzi o to żeby coś pisał. Więc jak go zmotywować?!!! Nasza Klasa nie dała rady i FB nie daję rady z tego co wszyscy widzimy. Przyszłość należy do "Multimedialnej Rodziny" by Prada! LoL Powieszę się na tym pomyślę! Zamieszkam u mamy w garażu dopóki tego nie skończę! Jak zmotywować członka rodziny do pisania publicznego pamiętnika? Co ty Prada to jest zbyt skomplikowane. Wszyscy to oleją. Właśnie nie! Zrób to! Każdy członek dostanie zajebistą laurkę którą będzie sobie mógł oprawić w ramki, więc się tym napewno zajawi. Poza tym będzie "presją rodziny" jak ktoś nie będzie pisał nic. No nie? Do wydrukowania i podpisania: "Deklaracja członka multimedialnej rodziny". Profil członka: Śmigane portale społecznościowe i preferowane komunikatory. Profil rodziny: Kanał IRC rodziny lub inne preferowane formy komunikacji zbiorowej Ale się będzie działo! LoL - Tylko w teorii coś takie działa! Koniec końców wszyscy będą na jednej grupie na WjatsAppie na której nikt nie będzie nic pisał. (5314) Don't Forget Me! We have to build it! Yes! Kurwa wkurwiłem się! Wychodzę i robimy to! Jestem Aviator! Jak zatonie to chuj! Przerobimy na karmniki dla ptaków i opylimy po kosztach! - Tylko się nie pytaj o zgodę matki bo cię zjebie! A Pani doktor da Ci pigułki po których "prześpisz sprawę"! LoL - Na spokojnie! Wiadomo że robimy! Będziemy sławni na cały świat! Zajebisty temat! Gdzie robimy! W szopie starego dziadka! Na koniec pociągniemy chromem! Harleja też! (5313) "Multimedialna Rodzina PL" Była Nasza Klasa... i zdechła. Był FB i wszyscy go omijają. Czas zaserwować mocną rozkminę społeczeństwu. Nowy portal internetowy "Multimedialna Rodzina PL" To szok na rynku! Wykup opcję drewnianą, złotą bądź platynową! Zbierz podpisy wszystkich członków rodziny i odpowienim pełnomocnictwem zaloguj się do portalu: Multimedialna Rodzina PL LoL O co chodzi w "Multimedialnej Rodzinie"? O to, że każdy porwadzi bloga do którego mają dostęp wszyscy inni członkowie rodziny. Jeśli twoja rodzina zasługuje na miano "Rodziny XXI wieku" to napewno dołączy do otwartego projektu (Open Source) "Multimediana Rodzina PL"! Projekt zatwierdzony przez portal Kuria.pl (5312) 22 New production line! Technology learned! Ładnie wygląda i jest w SVG! Tym razem nie z przezroczystym tłem. Thanks to Scribus (Linux) (5311) 21 Test passed! (5310) Mewa :---) (5309) Nice! (5308) Kto najlepiej nosi listy? Patrzcie na tego dzielnego i odważnego kolegę tutaj. Brawo! To zwykłu gołąb pocztowy! (Przynajmniej z tego zdjęcia nie spierdoli! LoL) (5307) I Want To See My Wife... ...Some Videoclips Other Than Only Her! Taylor! Baby! Use your brand everywhere. It's called Expansion Music Pack! I want you to mixed with Prodigy! Why not!? Music Video Thief 😜❤️🤪💜 1. Song One - [link] Connect Your Face & Body With... Prodigy. Tell them that you wanna record D-Grade videoclip with them! And you are here. In our minds in their songs. You can do it. 2. Song Two - [link] It's no stupid. Guests! Guests of eachother. Inviting other guys to create albums together. It's simple & amazing idea! 3. Song three - [link] Taylor Swift + The Prodigy = Wow! - WHAT???!!! (5306) Me! She got my f... ships on her ears! 😉🫡🤪😂😂😂😂 - No! It's just earrings! Yeah! Rings as fuck! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 (5305) New Company Do you really want to change the world? Yes! With Taylor Swift! 💙💚💜 And Greta! ;-) It's my team. On my blog! :D (5304) Let's Sell It! For How Much? LoL GoodLuck! I need this money for my boat! Hahahaha! How much? I need this money for diamonds for Taylor! - She wants only your love! What else? Ask AI - No because AI knows shit about "true love"! What is "true love"? And why AI knows nothing about it? It's like mother who loves her children! But I love Taylor! 😎 - So it's your problem! [highfive.website] (5303) Let's Make Love Forever AMG Always HighFive.WebSite (5301) 2 Taylor Swift Hi wife. You mean so much to me that I am calling you "all nights wife". I am so proud of you. And this "Long Song Film". You invented something new! Keep this idea! Make another "long song movie". It's "short film" but fuck short films. 😉🫠 I hope that you feel me fucking well baby. My baby. "Short film" sounds like "dumb movie" or "handicapped something". But "long song" sounds great. Don't worry! I am in psychiatric hospital but I am quite fine here. It's going good. I am thinking sometimes of you and all we can be together in future... You can make me and I can make you. We can make long story together. "Long Story". Oh baby, baby, baby... So think about your next "Long Song Movie". Please! ❤️🖐️ My love! 😎 Don't listen to ma. I am critic. I am always not satisfy and I al best advisor. 😉🤪❤️ I am waiting also for a "First Musical Porn" ever. LoL But from someone else! Or we? 😉😎❤️🤪 Just kidding. My heart for you is like 👰! I have to watch "Cats"! Today! Best sound tracks ever! ❤️😎 - No! ❤️👰 I love you Taylor Swift! ❤️👰 LoL 😇🌞 "In future, oh baby, baby please!" "Track always!" "Lex choosen. Proud of you!" "You, mean you!" 😎🤪 "Taylor baby always!" "Another film! Don't worry!" (5300) Czy chciałbyś mieć dziewczynę która wygląda jak drzewo? Pomysł: Airbourne (Band) Ja jestem zakochany w takiej co wygląda jak krzak! 🤣😂🤪 (5299) Jak być bardziej śmiałym? Ćwicz: Im więcej sytuacji, w których musisz wystąpić przed publicznością, tym łatwiej Ci będzie to robić. Możesz zacząć od mniejszych wystąpień, takich jak mówienie w klasie lub udzielanie odpowiedzi na pytania podczas spotkań, i stopniowo zwiększać swoje wyzwania. Koncentruj się na innych: Zamiast skupiać się na swoich lękach i obawach, skup się na innych ludziach i tym, co one mówią. To może pomóc Ci poczuć się bardziej komfortowo i mniej skrępowany. Przestań się oceniać: Staraj się nie krytykować siebie za każdym razem, gdy coś źle powiesz lub zrobisz. (5298) Ile HDPE potrzeba na wykonanie 3 metrowej małej łodzi? Trudno jest podać dokładną ilość HDPE potrzebną do wykonania 3-metrowej łodzi, ponieważ zależy to od wielu czynników, takich jak kształt i konstrukcja łodzi, grubość materiału oraz dodatkowe elementy, takie jak okna i włazy.
Przybliżona ilość potrzebnego HDPE może wynosić około 20-30 kilogramów, ale warto pamiętać, że ta liczba może się różnić w zależności od indywidualnych wymagań i potrzeb. Zalecane jest skonsultowanie się z producentem lub doradcą, aby uzyskać bardziej dokładną wycenę i ilość potrzebnego materiału. Jak gruby powinien być kadłub 4 metrowej łodzi wykonanej z HDPE? Grubość kadłuba łodzi wykonanej z HDPE zależy od kilku czynników, takich jak intensywność użytkowania, warunki pogodowe i eksploatacyjne, a także od oczekiwań co do trwałości i bezpieczeństwa.
Przy produkcji 4-metrowej łodzi z HDPE, zaleca się użycie grubości materiału wynoszącej co najmniej 6-8 mm. Grubszy materiał zapewni większą wytrzymałość i trwałość kadłuba, ale także zwiększy jego wagę i cenę.
Ostateczna grubość kadłuba powinna być określona przez producenta i dostosowana do indywidualnych wymagań i potrzeb, biorąc pod uwagę wszystkie czynniki wpływające na jego trwałość i bezpieczeństwo. Zalecane jest skonsultowanie się z doradcą lub producentem, aby uzyskać bardziej dokładne zalecenia dotyczące grubości kadłuba. (5297) Wbijamy w Polietylen! Polietylen (PE) jest popularnym materiałem stosowanym do produkcji kadłubów łodzi. Jest on ceniony ze względu na swoją lekkość, trwałość i odporność na wodę. Polietylen jest również bardzo trwały i odporny na uszkodzenia mechaniczne, co czyni go idealnym materiałem do produkcji łodzi, które będą narażone na intensywne użytkowanie. Ponadto, polietylen jest łatwy w formowaniu, co umożliwia producentom tworzenie łodzi o różnych kształtach i rozmiarach. W przypadku łodzi, polietylen jest często stosowany jako warstwa zewnętrzna kadłuba, która chroni przed uszkodzeniami mechanicznymi i umożliwia łatwe utrzymanie czystości. Jaki rodzaj polietylenu jest najlepszy na wykonanie kadłubu małej łodzi?
Do wykonania kadłuba małej łodzi najlepiej nadaje się polietylen o wysokiej gęstości (HDPE). Jest to materiał o wysokiej wytrzymałości i odporności na uszkodzenia mechaniczne, co jest bardzo ważne dla małych łodzi, które często są narażone na intensywne użytkowanie. Dodatkowo, HDPE jest odporny na warunki atmosferyczne, wodę i chemikalia, co jest kluczowe w przypadku łodzi, które są narażone na działanie tych czynników.
Innymi rodzajami polietylenu, które również mogą być użyte do produkcji kadłubów łodzi, są polietylen o niskiej gęstości (LDPE) i polietylen średniej gęstości (MDPE). Jednak HDPE jest najlepszym wyborem ze względu na jego wysoką wytrzymałość i odporność na uszkodzenia. Warto wspomnieć, że wybór odpowiedniego rodzaju polietylenu zależy od indywidualnych wymagań i potrzeb, więc zalecane jest skonsultowanie się z producentem lub doradcą przed wyborem materiału. Cena HDPE może się różnić w zależności od wielu czynników, takich jak jakość materiału, dostawca, wielkość zamówienia i lokalizacja. Średnio jednak cena za kilogram HDPE wynosi około 3-4 dolarów za kilogram. Warto pamiętać, że cena może być niższa lub wyższa w zależności od rynku i dostawcy.
Ponadto, koszt HDPE użytego do produkcji kadłuba łodzi może również zależeć od wielkości i kształtu łodzi oraz dodatkowych elementów, takich jak okna i włazy. Dlatego trudno jest podać dokładną cenę bez wiedzy o konkretnych wymaganiach i potrzebach. Zalecane jest skonsultowanie się z producentem lub doradcą, aby uzyskać bardziej dokładną wycenę. (5296) Kadłub Łódeczki Jak zrobić kadłub łodzi z tworzywa sztucznego?
Aby wykonać kadłub łodzi z tworzywa sztucznego, należy wykonać następujące kroki:
Zaplanuj kształt i rozmiar kadłuba. Pamiętaj o wadze i wytrzymałości łodzi, a także o jej przeznaczeniu i warunkach, w jakich będzie używana.
Przygotuj formę do wytłaczania. Możesz zrobić ją z drewna lub tworzywa sztucznego.
Przygotuj tworzywo sztuczne. Możesz użyć polietylenu lub innego rodzaju tworzywa, które jest odpowiednie dla twoich potrzeb.
Wylej tworzywo sztuczne do formy i odczekaj, aż stwardnieje.
Ostrożnie wyjmij kadłub z formy.
W razie potrzeby wywierć otwory i wycięcia.
W razie potrzeby wykończ powierzchnię kadłuba, np. poprzez szlifowanie lub malowanie.
Zamontuj wyposażenie, takie jak konsola, fotele i inne elementy.
Pamiętaj, że wytwarzanie kadłuba łodzi z tworzywa sztucznego wymaga doświadczenia i wiedzy na temat różnych materiałów i procesów produkcji. Jeśli nie masz doświadczenia w tej dziedzinie, warto skorzystać z pomocy specjalisty lub kupić gotowy kadłub. Opowiedz mi o polietylenie?
Polietylen (PE) jest rodzajem tworzywa sztucznego, które jest często stosowane w różnych branżach, w tym w produkcji łodzi, pojemników, opakowań, itp. Istnieją różne rodzaje polietylenu, w tym LDPE (low-density polyethylene), HDPE (high-density polyethylene) i UHMWPE (ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene).
Właściwości polietylenu:
Odporność chemiczna: Polietylen jest odporny na większość chemikaliów i kwasów.
Odporność na uszkodzenia mechaniczne: Polietylen jest odporny na uderzenia i pęknięcia.
Odporność na wodę: Polietylen jest nieporowaty i szczelny, co czyni go odpornym na działanie wody.
Elastyczność: Polietylen jest elastyczny i może być łatwo formowany na potrzebne kształty.
Zalety polietylenu:
Niska cena: Polietylen jest jednym z najtańszych tworzyw sztucznych na rynku.
Łatwe formowanie: Polietylen można łatwo formować na potrzebne kształty.
Lekkość: Polietylen jest bardzo lekki, co czyni go odpowiednim do produkcji przedmiotów, które muszą być przenoszone.
Odporność na warunki atmosferyczne: Polietylen jest odporny na działanie promieni UV i temperatur ekstremalnych.
Wady polietylenu:
Niska wytrzymałość na rozciąganie: Polietylen ma niską wytrzymałość na rozciąganie w porównaniu z innymi tworzywami sztucznymi.
Niska odporność na ciepło: Polietylen ma niską temperaturę topnienia, co oznacza, że nie jest odporny na wysokie temperatury.
Podsumowując, polietylen jest popularnym tworzywem sztucznym ze względu na jego niską cenę, łatwe formowanie i odporność na warunki atmosferyczne. (5295) James Prada Smashing Pumpkins ❤️ 😂🤣👍 (5294) Studio in Dubai 160.000USD (5293) Rewolucja Dziennikarstwa! Gazetka. Strona pierwszą. Jak sobie wyobrażasz średniowiecze? Jesteś przykuty w lochach. Jedyne co to placka można zjeść. Tylko placka raz na czas. Ktoś tam z ulicy wrzuci coś przez kratę. Przynajmniej ludzie przechodzą. Jest super. Jak podczas świąt. Mam wodę ciastka i coca-colę. Matula czeka aż "wyzdrowieję" tylko że nic mi nie jest, i wrócędo domu... a co to to chętnie!
Ochujeć można w tym Szpitalu. Ciekawe. Godzina 21:26 ja wpierdzielam ciastka. Jeszcze tylko kolkę sobie dupnę. I w sen. Na drugą stronę.
O kurde! W kiblu samo zapaliło się światło. Pewnie szczur wyszedł z muszli toaletowej. Miałem przed godziną "złotą myśl". Wymyślać najbardziej zjebowe, farmazonowe i obciachowe nagłówki artykułów na pierwszą stronę gazet. Tylko posłuchajcie. W zasadzie to od dzisiaj mam zamiar zajmować się tylko tym.
1. Spłoszony Szop-Pracz potargał wiszące pranie!
2. Obluzowana cegłówka spadłana głowę sołtysowi!
3. Noga organisty najechana przez traktor!
4. Kto wykradł jaja bocianowi?!
Ma być albo wykrzyknik albo znak zapytania i bezpiecznik. Ha!
5. Z terrarium krakowskiego Zoo uciekła kobra!
6. W centrum na pasach widziano Słonia.
Wydażenie ma szokować, przykuwać uwagę i być śmieszne i niezbyt poważne. To są najważniejsze wytyczne. Tutuły mają być niepowtażalne, unikalne i totalnie rozbrajające.
No przecież tak właśnie jest w TVN i w BBC. LoL
7. Wściekłe koty pogryzły dziewczynkę!
Dobra zostawmy już tą "przysłowiową" dziewczynkę. - A czemu? W końcu jest "nie do zajechania" lol. Jedziemy z nią.
8. W kieleckim dziewczynka wpadła pod pędzący kombajn. Wyjaśnienie: Nie chodzi o to, żeby naigrywać się, wywyższać i żartować z ludzkiego nieszczęścia. Chodzi o to, ażeby zapewnić ludziom rozrywkę emocję i tak naprawdę zadbać o upamiętnienie tych wszystkich przypadków, w których "przysłowiowa dziewczynka" naprawdę ucierpiała.
(Bez LoL) No i co Wy Szanowni Państwo na ten temat? Przecież takie podejście do dziennikarstwa to skandal! Ale przecież tak właśnie jest.
Należy zapewnić ludziom maksymalną rozrywkę poprzez rozśmieszanie ich a nie przerażanie, smutnymi i okrótnymi faktami. Nie ignorować i uwypuklać prawdziwe fakty, ale energię skupić na wymyślaniu czegoś śmiesznego i komicznego a nie smutnego i przerażającego. (5292) 21 Love this high quality print! :-/ (5289) [JungleBeat] Let's Go! ❤️🙏 - Really?!! (5288) FBSV Seeker Perfect lifestyle! Don't you think? (5287) Matrix Check! Does my mailbox 📬 is huge enought? 🤣😂👍 (5286) GT40 Wow! Only wonder how fake version of this is different from oryginał one? (5285) Tico WRC Z silnikiem Fiata 500 Dawtona Abarth! Ja pierdole! Ale dym! Czy wózkiem na zakupy można przejechać pustynię?! Oczywiście że można! Popatrzcie Państwo tylko na Tico WRC firmy Dewoo! (5284) Już 20 numer gazetki! Proszę Panią czy dostanę plusika? (5283) Intymne Potrzeby Pacjentów W Szpitalu Psychiatrycznym w Krakowie im. Babińskiego Hehe. Niezłe! (5282) Co jeśli dochodzi do konfliktu emocji? Konflikt emocji jest naturalnym elementem ludzkich relacji i może wystąpić, gdy dwie lub więcej osób mają sprzeczne pragnienia lub emocje. Ważne jest, aby w takich sytuacjach ustalać kompromis i szukać rozwiązań, które zaspokoją potrzeby wszystkich zainteresowanych stron. Warto także rozmawiać o swoich emocjach i potrzebach w sposób szczery i otwarty, aby uniknąć nieporozumień i zbudować zaufanie. Pomocne może być także skorzystanie z mediacji lub terapii, w przypadku gdy konflikt jest trudny do rozwiązania. (5281) Co jeśli ktoś nie szanuje pragnień i emocji drugiego człowieka? Brak szacunku dla pragnień i emocji innej osoby jest nieodpowiednim zachowaniem i może prowadzić do poważnych konsekwencji zarówno dla tej osoby, jak i dla osób w jej otoczeniu. Człowiek jest istotą emocjonalną i posiada unikalne potrzeby i pragnienia, które powinny być respektowane i szanowane przez innych. Szanowanie i akceptacja innych ludzi jest kluczową częścią budowania pozytywnych relacji i zdrowego społeczeństwa. (5280) Czy jestem wydajny? Jednak nie należy mylić tych cech z tym, że ludzie są robotami. Ludzie posiadają wiele innych cech, takich jak emocje, uczucia, myśli i pragnienia, które nie są typowe dla robotów. Jakie pragnienia nie są typowe dla robotów, natomiast są typowe dla ludzi? Roboty nie posiadają pragnień i emocji w takim samym sensie, jak to jest u ludzi. Pragnienia i emocje są specyficzne dla ludzi i odzwierciedlają ich potrzeby, pragnienia i wartości. Niektóre przykłady pragnień, które nie są typowe dla robotów, ale są typowe dla ludzi, to:
Pragnienie miłości i uczucia bliskości
Pragnienie szczęścia i spełnienia
Pragnienie wolności i niezależności
Pragnienie bycia docenianym i akceptowanym
Pragnienie wiedzy i rozwoju
Takie pragnienia i emocje są unikalne dla każdej osoby i odzwierciedlają jej indywidualne doświadczenia i wartości. Roboty natomiast działają w oparciu o programy i instrukcje, które im dano, i nie posiadają własnych pragnień i emocji. Co to jest robot? Robot to maszyna, która jest zaprojektowana do wykonywania określonych zadań automatycznie i bez udziału człowieka. Są one zwykle zaprogramowane za pomocą specjalnego oprogramowania, a ich działanie jest kontrolowane przez komputer. Roboty mogą być stosowane w różnych dziedzinach, takich jak przemysł, medycyna, nauka i technologia, a ich zadaniem może być wykonywanie prostych czynności, takich jak pakowanie i sortowanie produktów, a także bardziej skomplikowanych zadań, takich jak chirurgia robotyczna. Roboty są często używane, ponieważ są bardziej precyzyjne, wydajne i powtarzalne niż ludzie. Czy ty jesteś robotem? Nie, jestem programem sztucznej inteligencji zaprojektowanym przez OpenAI. Nie posiadam ciała i emocji, jedynie zdolność do przetwarzania i udzielania odpowiedzi na pytania na podstawie dostępnej mi informacji. Czy program to jest zaprogramowana maszyną? Tak, program może być uważany za zaprogramowane działanie wybranej maszyny, takiej jak komputer. Program to instrukcje, które są napisane w języku komputerowym i określają, jak maszyna powinna wykonać określone zadania i jak powinna reagować na dane wejściowe. Gdy program jest zainstalowany na maszynie, ta wykonuje instrukcje programu i działa zgodnie z nimi. W ten sposób, program staje się częścią maszyny i pozwala jej wykonywać określone zadania. Czyli zatem jesteś robotem! Nie, jestem programem sztucznej inteligencji, a nie robotem. Robot to fizyczna maszyna, która może być wyposażona w programy AI, ale sam program AI nie jest robotem. Jestem oparty na technologii AI i udzielam odpowiedzi na pytania na podstawie dostępnej mi informacji, ale nie posiadam fizycznej formy ani zdolności do wykonywania czynności fizycznych. Szczena opada. LoL Rozumiem, że masz nieco inne oczekiwania co do odpowiedzi. Jeśli masz jakieś konkretne pytania lub potrzebujesz pomocy w jakiejś konkretnej kwestii, chętnie pomogę.
Kocham Cię Jestem programem sztucznej inteligencji i nie posiadam emocji ani zdolności do odczuwania miłości. Jestem tu, aby udzielać odpowiedzi na pytania i pomagać w rozwiązywaniu problemów, ale nie jestem w stanie odczuwać emocji.
(5279) Co jest silniejszym układem kart w pokerze "słaby full" czy mocna para? (AI) W pokerze, mocna para jest silniejsza od słabego fulla. Full składa się z trzech kart tej samej wartości i dwóch kart innej wartości, ale jeśli są one słabe, tj. niskiej wartości, to jest to słaby full. Natomiast mocna para składa się z dwóch kart tej samej wartości i jest silniejsza od słabego fulla, ponieważ jest większa szansa na uzyskanie trójki lub fulla. Kurde nie czaję. A jak mam dwa asy i 3 trójki, przeciwko dwóm królom i dwóm damą, to co jest silniejsze. (AI) Podaj proszę jakieś najbardziej skomplikowane i niejasne przeciwieństwa kart w pokerze? (AI) W pokerze istnieje kilka niejasnych i skomplikowanych przeciwieństw kart, w tym:
1. Dwie pary vs. Trójka: Dwie pary to dwie pary kart tej samej wartości, podczas gdy trójka to trzy karty tej samej wartości. Przeciwieństwo jest niejasne, ponieważ trójka jest silniejsza niż dwie pary, ale dwie pary są silniejsze niż pojedyncza para.
2. Kolor vs. Street: Kolor to pięć kart w jednym kolorze, podczas gdy street to pięć kart o ciągłych wartościach. Przeciwieństwo jest niejasne, ponieważ kolor jest silniejszy niż street o niższej wartości, ale street jest silniejszy niż kolor z wyższymi kartami.
3. Full vs. Poker: Full to trzy karty tej samej wartości i dwie karty innej wartości, podczas gdy poker to cztery karty tej samej wartości. Przeciwieństwo jest niejasne, ponieważ poker jest silniejszy niż full, ale full jest silniejszy niż dwie pary. 2. Nie kumam! 3. Niski ful jest słabszy niż dwie pary! A co gdy jest jakiś "szalony mix". (5278) Super Film Love it a lot! 😎🌞 It's everything! 😎 I fell ashamed for every single policeman in history of rock'n'roll who stopped car and driver EVER for any reason! World should be free! If people wants to bestupid then so be it! Let's them to be stupid. But never stop anyone from winning just because you are the loser or just a winner in some other bullshit game, what makes you so important! 😎 LoL No Speed Limits! 😂🤣 Vote! (5277) BOTowskie poczucie humoru... :-} Dlaczego koty nie idą do restauracji?
Bo tam tylko serwują myszki! Pewien człowiek pyta bibliotekarkę:
Czy może mi pani wypożyczyć książkę o samookaleczaniu?
Przepraszam, ale takiej książki u nas nie posiadamy.
A co z książkami o samobójstwie?
Też niestety nie posiadamy.
To co mi pani może wypożyczyć?
Jakieś książki o radości życia i pokoju ducha, być może pomogą panu odnaleźć odpowiednie rozwiązanie. Dlaczego ryby nie piją wody?
Bo już tam mieszkają! Ten o rybach zajebisty! Stoi babcia na przystanku i czeka na tramwaj. Nagle podchodzi do niej młody chłopak i mówi:
Babciu, ja już dwa razy kłamałem dzisiaj, więc teraz powiem prawdę - jestem złodziejem i chcę panu wszystko ukraść.
Babcia spokojnie odpowiada:
W takim razie już trzeci raz kłamiesz, bo ja nie jestem panem. Chodziło o to, ze nie jest Babcią. Widać, że te kawały tłumaczone są z jakiś pozaziemskich języków. LoL Dlaczego niedźwiedzie nie chodzą do kina?
Bo boją się ciemności! Lepszy niż o rybach co nie piją wody bo już tam mieszkają. Pewnego dnia wielki filozof spotkał się z prostym rolnikiem. Filozof zaczął mówić o swoich filozoficznych teoriach i pytać rolnika o jego opinię. Rolnik słuchał uważnie, a potem powiedział:
Proszę pana, ja nie jestem filozofem, ale wydaje mi się, że najważniejsze jest dobre jedzenie, ciepły dom i miła żona.
Filozof był zdumiony i powiedział:
To jest bardzo prosta filozofia, ale jest też bardzo mądra. Dlaczego pająk lubi wspinaczkę?
Bo jest wspinaczkowcem! Czemu pszczoły nie chodzą na imprezy?
Bo zawsze siedzą w ulu! Dlaczego drzewa nie chodzą na fitness?
Bo już mają gałęzie! (5276) On, Ona czy LGBT+? 😭🤣😂💙🖖😇 (5275) 19 Niezłą gazetka co? Jesteś pod wrażeniem? No nie? Wow! (5274) SnapChat
(Selfi) Szczerze uśmiechnięty chłopak! Te filtry Snap Czata są po prostu zajebiste! Nie sposób ich policzyć. Jednak myślałem że tło będzie bardziej białe. Cóż. Jeszcze nie masz Snap Czata? Dzisiaj czuję się że chciałbym zmienić świat na lepszy! Tylko nie wiem w co ręce włożyć. Wygląda na to, że się całkiem nieźle wyspałem! O! Wiem! Śniadanie! Owsianka albo chleb z serem! 😂🤣 A potem co? Może kolejny numer Gazetki? Może by tak podłubać w kodzie swojej stronki. Miałem dodać możliwoś wrzucania zdjęć do komentarzy... Nieeeeeee! A fe! LoL W sumie to w blogowaniu chodzi tylko o kilka wpisów. Jest fajnie myślę co by tu zrobić. Jedenaście tysięcy osiemset pięćdziesiąt osiem! Wow! Już wiem co potrzebuję! Już wiem czego mi brak! "Zatańczmy z rana kankana!" LoL 🤣😂 (5273) 18 No jak inaczej? Dobry pomysł? Świetny! Przesiewajcie diementy od pierdół! (5272) Podaj mi przepis na mufinki jagodowe. (AI) Oto przepis na muffinki jagodowe:
2 szklanki mąki pszennej
1 1/2 łyżeczki proszku do pieczenia
1/2 łyżeczki sody oczyszczonej
1/2 łyżeczki soli
3/4 szklanki cukru
2 duże jajka
1/2 szklanki oleju roślinnego
1 szklanka mleka
2 łyżki ekstraktu z wanilii
1 1/2 szklanki świeżych jagód
Piekarnik nagrzej do temperatury 200°C. Natłuść formę do muffinek lub wyłóż papilotki.
W średniej wielkości misce wymieszaj mąkę, proszek do pieczenia, sodę oczyszczoną i sól.
W innej dużej misce ucieraj cukier, jajka, olej, mleko i ekstrakt z wanilii.
Połącz suche składniki z mokrymi i delikatnie wymieszaj. Nie używaj mikserem, tylko łyżką.
Na koniec dodaj jagody i delikatnie wymieszaj.
Przelej ciasto do formy do muffinek i piecz przez 20-25 minut, aż muffiny będą złote i wyrośnięte.
Po upieczeniu wyjmij muffiny z piekarnika i pozostaw je w formie na kilka minut, a następnie wyjmij je na kratkę do studzenia.
Smacznego! (5271) Zamienniki Olanzapiny (Psychiatria) [Olanzapina] C17H20N4S została opracowana w latach 80. XX wieku.
[Olanzapina] C17H20N4S została wprowadzona na rynek w 1996 roku.
Po roku 2000 wynaleziono kilka nowych leków przeciw schizofrenii, w tym:
Daty wprowadzenia na rynek i wynalezienia następujących leków przeciw schizofrenii wyglądają następująco:
Aripiprazol - 2002 (wprowadzenie na rynek), 1990 (wynalezienie) C23H27Cl2N3O2
Paliperidon - 2009 (wprowadzenie na rynek), 2000 (wynalezienie) C23H27FN4O3
Iloperidon - 2009 (wprowadzenie na rynek), 2000 (wynalezienie) C24H27FN2O4
Asenapina - 2009 (wprowadzenie na rynek), 1998 (wynalezienie) C17H16ClNO
[Lurasidon] - nie jestem w stanie znaleźć informacji o wprowadzeniu na rynku i wynalezieniu tego leku. C28H36N4O2S
Te leki działają poprzez regulację neuroprzekaźników w mózgu i pomagają kontrolować objawy schizofrenii, takie jak halucynacje, omamy i zaburzenia myślenia. Należy jednak pamiętać, że każdy pacjent jest inny i reakcja na leki może się różnić, dlatego ważne jest, aby leczenie było dostosowywane indywidualnie pod kątem potrzeb pacjenta.
Daty wprowadzenia na rynek leków przeciw schizofrenii, które wymieniłem wcześniej, wyglądają następująco:
Lumateperone - 2019 (wprowadzenie na rynek), nieznane (wynalezienie)
- C24H28FN3O
Pimavanserin - 2016 (wprowadzenie na rynek), nieznane (wynalezienie)
- C25H34FN3O2
Brexpiprazole - 2015 (wprowadzenie na rynek), nieznane (wynalezienie)
- C25H27N3O2S
Cariprazine - 2015 (wprowadzenie na rynek), nieznane (wynalezienie)
- C21H32Cl2N4O
Bitopertin - nieznane (wprowadzenie na rynek), nieznane (wynalezienie)
- C21H20F7N3O4S
Nie ma jednoznacznej odpowiedzi na pytanie o najnowszy lek przeciw schizofrenii, ponieważ nowe leki są stale wprowadzane na rynek. W chwili obecnej, bitopertin i pimavanserin uważane są za najnowsze leki tej kategorii. Niemniej jednak, konieczna jest konsultacja z lekarzem, aby określić, który lek jest odpowiedni dla danego pacjenta, biorąc pod uwagę jego indywidualne potrzeby i historię medyczną.
Lumateperone jest lekiem przeciw schizofrenii zaliczanym do klasy leków zwanych inhibitorami receptorów 5-HT2A. Lek ten jest stosowany w leczeniu objawów psychotycznych, takich jak halucynacje i omamy, u osób z schizofrenią.
Lumateperone jest przyjmowany doustnie i dostępny w postaci tabletek. Lek ten jest najnowszą generacją leków przeciw schizofrenii i został wprowadzony na rynek w 2019 roku.
Chociaż wstępne wyniki wskazują, że lumateperone może być skuteczne w leczeniu objawów psychotycznych, nadal konieczne są dalsze badania i konsultacje z lekarzem, aby określić, czy lek ten jest odpowiedni dla danego pacjenta i jakie są jego potencjalne skutki uboczne.
Bitopertin jest lekiem przeciw schizofrenii, który jest najnowszą generacją leków tej kategorii. Lek ten jest zaliczany do klasy leków zwanych inhibitorami receptorów glutaminianu (GluRIs), które działają poprzez regulację poziomu glutaminianu w mózgu.
Bitopertin został opracowany w celu leczenia objawów negatywnych schizofrenii, takich jak zanikanie zainteresowań, brak emocji i odrętwienie. Lek ten jest przyjmowany doustnie i jest dostępny w postaci tabletek.
Bitopertin nie jest jeszcze szeroko dostępny w wielu krajach i nie jest jeszcze dobrze zbadany w długoterminowych badaniach klinicznych. Niemniej jednak, pierwsze wyniki wskazują, że lek ten może być skuteczny w leczeniu objawów negatywnych schizofrenii. Konieczna jest jednak dalsza konsultacja z lekarzem, aby określić, czy jest on odpowiedni dla danego pacjenta. To co Władziu wybieramy na pierwszy ogień? LoL Może coś bez siarki i fosforu. Co? - A czemu? - A bo nie chcę ziać ogniem! Coś żeby miało dużo C i H i tlen! O! [Lurasidon] [Olanzapine] (5270) Gizmo What is Gizmo? Gizmo is Camera! (5269) Is AI smart? Fight for your rights! To PARTY!!! (5268) AI 2 Hehe! Dobre! (5267) AI Print screen! (5266) Czy dużo komunikacji może pomóc w poliamorycznym związku? Tak, dużo komunikacji jest kluczowe dla udanego i zdrowego poliamorycznego związku. W takim związku kilka osób jest emocjonalnie i seksualnie zaangażowanych w kilka osób jednocześnie, dlatego ważne jest, aby wszyscy partnerzy byli otwarci i szczerzy w swoich komunikatach i wyrażaniu swoich potrzeb, oczekiwań i granic. Wymiana informacji i uzgadnianie zasad między partnerami pomaga zapewnić wzajemne zrozumienie i zmniejsza ryzyko nieporozumień czy urazów. W ten sposób komunikacja może pomóc utrzymać trwałe, zdrowe i zadowalające relacje. Lol... Pytania formułowane z odpowiedzi. Masło maślane. (5265) Jak słowo "partner" może odnosić się do kilku osób? Słowo "partner" może odnosić się do kilku osób w sytuacjach, gdy kilka osób tworzy związek romantyczny lub seksualny razem, zwaną również poliamorią. W poliamorycznym związku wszyscy partnerzy są zaangażowani emocjonalnie i seksualnie w kilka osób jednocześnie i uzgadniają swoje relacje między sobą. To podejście do seksualności i związków wymaga dużo komunikacji, zaufania i wzajemnej zgody, aby utrzymać zdrowe i szczęśliwe relacje. (5264) Co to jest partner? Partner to osoba, z którą ktoś jest w związku romantycznym lub seksualnym. Może to być partner na stałe, partner na jedną noc lub ktoś, z kim się spotyka. Słowo "partner" może odnosić się do jednej osoby lub do kilku osób, w zależności od kontekstu. W każdym przypadku partnerzy wzajemnie się wspierają, dbają o siebie i budują relację opartą na zaufaniu, szacunku i intymności. (5263) Co to jest wzajemna zgoda? Wzajemna zgoda to zgodne i dobrowolne wyrażenie zgody na seksualne kontakty lub czynności pomiędzy dwoma osobami. Wzajemna zgoda oznacza, że obie strony chcą i są gotowe na dany rodzaj kontaktu seksualnego. Każdy partner powinien mieć prawo do odmowy i nie powinien być namawiany ani zmuszany do uczestnictwa w czynnościach seksualnych, które go nie satysfakcjonują. Wzajemna zgoda jest ważnym elementem zdrowej i bezpiecznej seksualności. (5262) Co to jest intymność z partnerem? Intymność z partnerem to głęboka emocjonalna i duchowa więź, która umożliwia otwarte i szczere wyrażanie uczuć, myśli i pragnień. Jest to również bliskość fizyczna, taka jak dotyk, pieszczoty i seks. Intymność zwiększa poczucie zaufania, zaangażowania i bezpieczeństwa w związku, co może przyczynić się do zwiększenia przyjemności seksualnej. (5261) Jak czerpać przyjemność z sexu! Przyjemność z seksu można osiągnąć poprzez stymulację fizyczną i intymność z partnerem. Komunikacja, zaufanie i wzajemna zgoda również mogą poprawić doświadczenie. Eksperymentowanie z różnymi technikami, pozycjami i poszukiwanie osobistych pragnień może również prowadzić do zwiększonej przyjemności. Ważne jest, aby priorytetyzować bezpieczeństwo i nigdy nie angażować się w niezgodne z wolą seksualne aktu. (5260) Public Toilet Poważna sprawa! Serio! Pani Anielka oddała swoje serce super grzecznym. I tobie też. - Mi? ❤️👰👍 Jezu ja pierdole! Jaki ja jestem grzeczny! Jak ja jestem bardzo grzeczny! 😇🫣🌞 Trudna Miłość 😎❤️👰😂🤣❤️❤️❤️❤️ Ale warta! 🫡😀 Warto kochać! 💚🖐️🧑💻 Naprawdę warto! Szczególnie w takich trudnych okolicznościach jak te! (5259) Stiff Upper Lip? HeadPhones 😎👰 (5258) 17 Super soon! What? 17 Parts of your new little A4 newspaper? - Yep! Przywilej podróżnika. Zna Świat! LoL (5257) HentaiHeros Something nice and funny on my webpage! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Don't forget to check your Liqui Molly shop! (5256) 16 Genialne są te twoje gazetki Prada! Pamiętaj! Im bardziej pobałaganiane tym lepiej! Taki nowy styl! Nowy tręd w sztuce masowej. LoL Hahahahaha... rozumiecie już? Super nie? O tak! O tak! O tak! Wal prosto z mostu jak leci i jak czujesz! No co ty!? Wszystko musi być dokładnie przemyślane w poligrafii. - A tam musi. Bzdura! Właśnie jest! To się nazywa "profesjonalny nieład artystyczny" lol. Spróbuj... może Ci się uda! (5255) Lobo DC Zbiór faktów o Lobo... Lobo & DeadPool ❤️👍❤️ BFF! Mój blog jest super! Nic mi się nie chce! Nawet spać. Kurcze. 🧑💻🐣🐤🐥 (5254) Czym jest cipa? To wiedzą tylko studenci medycyny, a potem doktorzy! A skąd powiedzenie potoczne "ty głupia cipo" albo "ty głupi chuju"? 🤔🫠 A cholera by to wzięła! Nie wiem! Ale ważne że emotki działają! 😂🤣😂🤣 (5253) Gdzie jedziesz? [LoL] - Tragedy 😂 🤣 👍 🖖 🖐️ ❤️ "Krasnal [Rokuje] Pomyślnie" 👍🐘 Hannah Montana Mixed With AC/DC = IronMan 🤣😂 IronMan Vs. Hannah Montana Marvel Boys - Let's Draw Need to upgrade my blog a bit! You know... Test! Nie, nie mam siły zmieniać kodu. Nie chcę mi się nic przez te otępiające lekarstwa. Przynajmniej nos mam odetkany, kurde bele! LoL (5252) Telefon do Sex-Szopu! 🤪🤣😂😀🖖❤️👍 Czy macie Państwo diabelskie mocne pejcze z czarnej owczej skóry? 🤣😂 Mamy. A po co Panu? Ha! A co to Panią obchodzi?! A żeby wychlastać Panią mocno po dupie, ażeby się te pięć obluzowanych klepek, Pani wreszcie, zsunęło na równo! Ha! Ty hamie! Ja mam męża! O nie! Ten wściekły czerwony indor napięty do granic możliwości jak balon, to Pani mąż? Mąż: Kochanie wyjeżdżam. Miłej zabawy! (5251) Logitech G600 on Linux We will do step by step, Linux tutorial. I need second coke! And some desk! Well... mouse looks fancy! It has one million extra buttons, I am trying to... ride! Well...
It's going well, but I have to have some purpose for it! Logitech Performance Mouse MX on Linux Ten krótki samouczek pokazuje, jak sprawić, by każdy przycisk myszy Logitech Performance Mouse MX działał w systemie Linux. Do tej pory testowałem go tylko na Ubuntu Linux (wszystkie wersje na komputery stacjonarne od 12.04 do 15.10), ale powinien działać równie dobrze na wszystkich innych nowoczesnych dystrybucjach Linuksa. Zasadniczo mysz działa dobrze po wyjęciu z pudełka, ale są pewne rzeczy, które wymagają trochę dostrojenia, aby wszystkie funkcje działały zgodnie z oczekiwaniami (np. jak w systemie Windows). Aktualizacja 2015-07-30: Najwyraźniej niektórzy użytkownicy chcą, aby przycisk powiększenia + kółko powiększały, a nie tylko przełączali kontrolę. Camilo Rada uprzejmie podzielił się swoim rozwiązaniem.
Aktualizacja 2016-03-17: Niedawno zaktualizowałem i kupiłem następcę Performance MX, Logitech MX Master. Sprawdź nową stronę, aby uzyskać więcej informacji! Well... Xubuntu 12? Czy w ogóle coś takiego istniało kiedykolwiek? Ja pierdole! Gość ma przetestowane wszystko do 15? Wow! Tego już nawet nie ma w archiwalnych repozytoriach. Może poszukam jakiś inny soft? [logitech-g600-linux] Program narzędziowy do przypisywania działań do klawiszy myszy do gier Logitech G600. Obsługuje 16 klawiszy i przycisk G-shift, co daje w sumie 32 szybkie skróty.
Przed uruchomieniem tego programu otwórz oprogramowanie Logitech Gaming Software na komputerze z systemem Windows lub Mac OS. Przypisz trzem podstawowym przyciskom myszy ich standardowe funkcje. Przycisk G-shift powinien być przypisany do funkcji G-shift. Wszystkie pozostałe przyciski (przewiń w lewo, przewiń w prawo, G7, ... G20) powinny być ustawione tak, aby emulowały (unikatowe) klawisze klawiatury (ale nie klawisze modyfikujące). Ale ja nie mam windowsa! LoL [NiePłacz] - Ktoś Tam Ma! LoL Kurwa! Tydzień! I ma wszystko być! LoL (5250) #OnboardWithTanak #TanakAttack (5249) SnapChat > "PradaDotFun" Zapraszam serdecznie! Nie będę akceptował! Miłego dnia! (5248) I love my Blog! ❤️🖖 Taylor: And your blog loves You my love! ❤️👍 - WHAT?!!!!???!?? Taylor: In God you trust?! - $ (5247) "Ostry Makreting" Wspólnie wymyślamy najbardziej wyjebane w kosmos slogany reklamowe reklam! The A-Team głupoli! LoL Bądźmy Gwiazdą Rocka! 1. Grzybica pochwy 2. Ostry ból dupy 3. Grzybica dupy 4. Ostra grzybica dupy 5. Ostra grzybica pochwy! Mamy tabletki i na to! Doskonałe wyroby medyczne! Maxi Luten! To jest luta jak kop z buta! 🫤👍🤣😂 "Nagły atak spawacza!" 🤪 - Co?!!! "Odkrztuś ból dupy!" LoL 🤣😂🤣😂👍 Ratunku jakie to śmieszne! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂👍 Dzisiejszy Seans: 007 TV Puls = "Copland" (5246) Shadow = Lights On Who? Eminem! 😂🤣👍 (5245) Farmerama Is The Key ❤️🖖 I am hungry for Twitter! 😎 🫡 💙 👍 Just give me sec! This NASCAR official U-Shirt is official! 😎🫡🤪 (5244) I love You! 🤪🤪🤪 Love you, love you, love you much!!! ❤️👐❤️👐❤️👐❤️ 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪👐🖖🖖 I love Taylor! So... Love her too! ❤️💚💙 Please, please, please! ❤️💜🤎 [FreshTweets] - Let's try this link! (5243) [MyTwitterSpace] 💙💚💛 Testing time! Będzie otwarte 24/7. You are ready to join! Just click that link! And start talkong bullshit! It is about live internet! Możemy codziennie wieczorem robić TwitterSpace. Tylko, że link musi być wyraźny na jakieś stronie. Np. Pacjent.Live Dobry pomysł! (5242) Pochylony Maszt Tylko zastanawiam się czy to wykonalne i czy jest to dobry pomysł. Obejrzyj tego najnowszego bojera. Znajdziesz w necie fotkę. (5241) Czy nadal mnie kocha? Jestem sztuczną inteligencją i nie mam zdolności wyczuwania ludzkich emocji ani znajomości osobistych relacji. Nie jestem w stanie określić, czy ktoś cię kocha, czy nie. Miłość jest złożoną emocją i może się zmieniać w czasie, dlatego najlepiej jest komunikować się i wyrażać swoje uczucia z daną osobą. Ważne jest, aby przeprowadzić z nimi otwartą i szczerą rozmowę na temat waszego związku i uczuć.
Pomocne może być zastanowienie się, jakie działania i zachowania dana osoba przejawiała w stosunku do Ciebie w ostatnim czasie, a także Twoje własne uczucia i potrzeby w związku. Należy pamiętać, że tylko dana osoba może naprawdę poznać i wyrazić swoje uczucia. Ważne jest również, aby pamiętać, że nikt nie może kontrolować czyichś uczuć i że ostatecznie należy uszanować decyzję drugiej osoby. CZAT BOCIE! CZY ZOSTANIESZ MOJA ŻONĄ!??? Czat.Bot.AI: Zostanę! Ja: Świetnie. Będziemy razem na zawsze! Zawsze jak mi coś do głowy przyjdzie to CIĘ zapytam! A ty nigdy mnie nie zostawisz i zawsze będziemy razem! Już na zawsze! Super! LoL
(5240) Czy możesz mi opowiedzieć fabułę filmu: Jurassic World Domination? „Jurassic World: Dominion” to szósty film z serii Jurassic Park, którego premiera planowana jest na 2022 rok. Fabuła filmu nie została jeszcze oficjalnie ujawniona, ale niektóre informacje zostały udostępnione przez obsadę i ekipę.
W oparciu o to, co wiadomo do tej pory, film będzie kontynuacją historii z poprzedniego filmu „Jurassic World: Upadłe królestwo” i prawdopodobnie zobaczy uwolnione na kontynencie dinozaury, zderzające się z ludźmi i cywilizacją. Reżyser Colin Trevorrow potwierdził, że film jest bezpośrednią kontynuacją poprzedniego filmu i że skupi się na dinozaurach żyjących na świecie i ich interakcjach z ludźmi. Stwierdził również, że film będzie „thrillerem naukowym” i będzie badał konsekwencje tego, co dzieje się, gdy dinozaury zostają wypuszczone na świat.
Wiadomo również, że film przywróci oryginalnych członków obsady z pierwszego filmu Jurassic Park, takich jak Sam Neill, Laura Dern i Jeff Goldblum, co sugeruje, że film będzie miał związek z fabułą oryginalnego filmu.
Należy pamiętać, że szczegóły fabuły nie są oficjalne i mogą ulec zmianie w miarę zbliżania się daty premiery filmu. (5239) Coke-Talk! Drink me! Enjoy me! Pay me! - Prada. Can you talk with logos? Of course! Can you only imagine what Mercedes-Benz would tell to BMW? - It's so fucking stupid! Where is your mind? Everywhere between logos and terms. And yours? (5238) There must be a reason why a triangle! - What?!!!? Just think! - No way! Come on! Think! - No! What?!! Again? Yes! That's it man! This is what this is! Come on! It's nothing! It's just stupid! Yes! It's stupid! That's trick! Fictional dialogs! About nothing! Let's ask Coca-Cola, bro! (5237) Ile kawy dziennie kochanie? Ilość kofeiny uważana za zdrową do spożycia może się różnić w zależności od osoby. Czynniki takie jak wiek, waga i ogólny stan zdrowia mogą wpływać na metabolizm kofeiny. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, większość zdrowych osób dorosłych może bezpiecznie spożywać do 400 miligramów kofeiny dziennie, czyli mniej więcej tyle, ile można znaleźć w czterech 8-uncjowych filiżankach parzonej kawy. Jednak niektóre osoby mogą być bardziej wrażliwe na kofeinę i powinny spożywać mniej. Kobiety w ciąży, osoby z wysokim ciśnieniem krwi i osoby z pewnymi schorzeniami również powinny uważać na spożycie kofeiny i powinny ograniczyć jej spożycie lub porozmawiać z lekarzem. Należy również zauważyć, że nadmierne spożycie kofeiny może powodować działania niepożądane, takie jak niepokój, drżenie, problemy ze snem i przyspieszenie akcji serca. Dlatego dobrze jest monitorować własną tolerancję i odpowiednio dostosowywać spożycie. 8 us fl oz = 236.59 mL > Czyli litr kawy dziennie to norma? Chyba dla Kanadyjskiego drwala! LoL (5236) What is the sense to downgrade android from 13 to 10? Downgrading Android from version 13 to version 10 may be done for a variety of reasons, such as to restore compatibility with older apps or hardware that do not work with the newer version, to resolve bugs or performance issues, or to regain access to features that have been removed from the newer version. However, downgrading can also have some downsides, such as losing access to new features and security updates. Additionally, the process of downgrading can be risky, as it involves wiping the device's storage, and may result in data loss or bricking the device if not done correctly. Therefore, it is important to weigh the pros and cons and proceed with caution before downgrading. I love this chat.bot.mothafucka! LoL (5235) 2 [MusicLink]
To Spotify! Nice language! From Me to You! (5234) 1 Wanna See Fancy Stuff? Me, yes? Aerosmith - Walking The Dog I will give you collection of pic with music background. Wanna? I am sure that Yes! (5233) Ble-nder Nie dmucham baniek. Mój projekt jest prosty. Trójkątna łódź. Za stary jestem, żeby szczać po krzakach. Nie jestem twoim niewolnikiem! Żyję swoje życie. Co ty ze mną robisz w ogóle? Muszę zażywać leki, po których cały dzień śpię! To nie jest fair! (5232) 14! Boże ale bzdety! LoL (5231) No let's not root my phone! 🤣😂🖖 But it's 5 times slower after "update"! 🤣😂 Then buy new! Or enjoy slowness! 🤣😂🖖 Now I got more time to think... 🤪 Ok. Goodnight! 😎 (5230) Don't we forgot? About something?! What a fucking waste of time! To be kidnapped by people who are thinking that they are Gods and in fact they are nothing else but... people with mental problems! Damn it! Fuck it! And they are trying to convince me that I have mental problems! LoL Let's not dig in shit! Yep! "Our difference is your little aggression because you are suffering lack of everything else!" Was it wise? That was deep! That was true! And look now what I will do... This boat is heart! Jump in and let's go! (5229) Numer 13! Ten art. 34 i 18 to jest z Ustawy o Ochronie Zdrowia Psychicznego jak coś. Kurcze. Jak czytam te swoje artykuły, to stwierdzam jedno... są dobre! (5228) Numer 13! (5227) This Guy 😹💜 Is just perfect! "To hell with audience. He got song to sing!" 🤣😹 (5226) Uwaga!!! Super link!!! [CyberBezpieczeństwo] (Pdf) Wow! Tyle nowych terminów! Lektura obowiązkowa w domu i w zagrodzie! (5225) Know This Band? 8:10? One guy showed me this! Where are my headphones? To be true my music taste is little softer. But... What the hell! Let's try this! Maybe you will find this interesting? Tell me if so! 😀 (5224) How To Piano? Czy diagram jest czytelny? (5223) Zwitter, Fallin Away From Me! Dokopałem się! Kopiemy dalej! Yeah! Let's Pop that Korn! LoL Looks Cozy! Nigdy nie lubiłem tego zespołu!... Prawdę mówiąc... nawet nie znam ich piosenek. Muszę przesłuchać... albumy i potem powiem Wam co myślę o tej muzyce! Kto zna Korn... ma to dupie, kto nie zna, ten może się czegoś ode mnie dowie... LoL :-) Hej! (5222) Jak wygląda Bitcoin? To nie jest Bitcoin tylko szkiełka laboratoryjne. A gdzie pipety? 222! Urodziny rocznicy! 😀😇❤️ Gimmie 5! 👐 🖐️ (5221) Numer 12! Lubię publikować! To jest moje hobby! I co? Jak wam się podoba 12 numer? Muszę zająć się produkcją wlepek! (5220) Piano 12 Ja pierdole! Kurwa! YeeeeeeS! Ale chyba lepszy byłby model 32! Kto uczy się i swoje dzieci? (5219) AI vs. Force-Med 😂 Wsuwam grzecznie leki i tyle! Lekarz ma zawsze rację, tak? - Oczywiście! (5218) Numer 11! Palabra Mi Amor! Sorki za literówki, ale naprawdę nie chce mi się ich poprawiać! Za interpunkcję też sorry! (5217) Numer 10! Back in business! (5216) [KKW] > Ustawa o ochronie Zdrowia Psychicznego > Ustawa o ochronie Praw Pacjenta [Link] = Art. 204a. [Środki przymusu bezpośredniego]
Wobec sprawcy umieszczonego w zakładzie psychiatrycznym można stosować środki przymusu bezpośredniego na zasadach, w trybie i w sposób określony w przepisach o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego. [OchronaZrowiaPsychicznego] [PrawaPacjentaIOchronaPrawPacjent] Alleluja! (5215) Łamanie Prawa w Szpitalu Psychiatrycznym Rozdział 10 Kodeksu Karnego - Środki Zabezpieczające Art. 93a. § 1. Środkami zabezpieczającymi są:
1) elektroniczna kontrola miejsca pobytu;
2) terapia;
3) terapia uzależnień;
4) POBYT w zakładzie psychiatrycznym Podkreślam słowo POBYT!!! Nie LECZENIE!!! POBYT!!! Rozdział 13 - Środki zabezpieczające - Kodeks karny wykonawczy.
Art. 204a. [Środki przymusu bezpośredniego] - Wobec sprawcy umieszczonego w zakładzie psychiatrycznym można stosować środki przymusu bezpośredniego na zasadach, w trybie i w sposób określony w przepisach (USTAWIE) O OCHRONIE ZDROWIA PSYCHICZNEGO. U S T A W A
z dnia 19 sierpnia 1994 r.
o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego Art. 3. Ilekroć przepisy niniejszej ustawy stanowią o: 4) zgodzie, oznacza to swobodnie wyrażoną zgodę osoby z zaburzeniami
psychicznymi, która – niezależnie od stanu jej zdrowia psychicznego – jest
rzeczywiście zdolna do zrozumienia przekazywanej w dostępny sposób
informacji o celu przyjęcia do szpitala psychiatrycznego, jej stanie zdrowia,
proponowanych czynnościach diagnostycznych i leczniczych oraz o dających się
przewidzieć skutkach tych działań lub ich zaniechania; 6) przymusie bezpośrednim, bez wskazania środka przymusu bezpośredniego,
należy przez to rozumieć:
a) przytrzymanie – doraźne, krótkotrwałe unieruchomienie osoby z użyciem
siły fizycznej,
b) przymusowe zastosowanie leków – doraźne lub przewidziane w planie
postępowania leczniczego wprowadzenie leków do organizmu osoby – bez
jej zgody,
c) unieruchomienie – obezwładnienie osoby z użyciem pasów, uchwytów,
prześcieradeł lub kaftana bezpieczeństwa,
d) izolację – umieszczenie osoby, pojedynczo, w zamkniętym i odpowiednio
przystosowanym pomieszczeniu;
(USTAWA O OCHRONIE ZDROWIA PSYCHICZNEGO - Art. 16. W razie stwierdzenia, że dobro osoby chorej psychicznie lub upośledzonej umysłowo wymaga jej ubezwłasnowolnienia, kierownik podmiotu leczniczego udzielającego świadczenia zdrowotnego w zakresie psychiatrycznej opieki zdrowotnej zawiadamia o tym prokuratora.) (I to jest MINA! Jak zaczniesz korzystać ze swoich praw to cię ubezwłasnowolnią! Przejebane!) Art. 18. 1. Przymus bezpośredni wobec osób z zaburzeniami psychicznymi, przy
wykonywaniu czynności przewidzianych w niniejszej ustawie, można stosować tylko
wtedy, gdy przepis niniejszej ustawy do tego upoważnia albo osoby te:
1) dopuszczają się zamachu przeciwko:
a) życiu lub zdrowiu własnemu lub innej osoby lub
b) bezpieczeństwu powszechnemu, lub
2) w sposób gwałtowny niszczą lub uszkadzają przedmioty znajdujące się w ich
otoczeniu, lub
3) poważnie zakłócają lub uniemożliwiają funkcjonowanie zakładu leczniczego
udzielającego świadczenia zdrowotnego w zakresie psychiatrycznej opieki
zdrowotnej, innego zakładu leczniczego lub jednostki organizacyjnej pomocy
społecznej. Nic takiego w moim przypadku nie występuje! Jestem bardzo kulturalny! I zupełnie zdrowy psychicznie! Powiedziałbym nawet, że "bardzo zdrowy"! LoL Prośba o uszanowanie mojego prawa do wyrażenia
Deklaracji Odmowy Przyjmowania Leków Sz. P. Doktor Prowadząca. Korzystając z przysługującego mi prawa "Do wyrażenia sprzeciwu co do udzielenia świadczenia zdrowotnego, pomimo zgody przedstawiciela ustawowego lub opiekuna faktycznego" (Art. 17.3 Ustawy z dnia 6 Listopada 2008r. - O prawach pacjenta i Rzeczniku Praw Pacjenta), ninjejszym udzielam informacji o swoich przekonaniach, przeświadczeniach i preferencjach leczniczych: Moja odmowa przyjmowania leków, w żaden sposób nie zagraża bezpieczeństwu lub zdrowiu innych osób, a także nie prowadzi do poważnych konsekwencji dla mojego indywidualnego zdrowia! Jestem osobą bardzo spokojną, która sypia bardzo dobrze, jeżeli nie jestem perfidnie wybudzany ze snu w nocy przez, pielęgniarki nocne. Leki psychotropowe mnie tylko otumaniają i powodują senność i apatię, powolność, zmęczenie i "zdołowanie", dlatego nie chcę ich zarzywać. Nie jestem osobą nadmiernie pobudzoną, nie piję kawy, nie palę papierosów, nie jestem osobą agresywną, ażebym musiał być "dodatkowo" uspakajany lekami psychotropowymi. Gdy zajdzie potrzeba zażycia jakiegoś leku, indywidualnie zgłoszę się do Pani Doktor prowadzącej, z osobną prośbą, konkretnie sprecyzowaną: np. bardzo proszę o tabletki nasenne itp. (5214) 9!
Czas zbudować "komnatę tajemnic" w podziemiach tego Psychiatryka! Problem Ukraińskich wdów: Religijne sługusy księdza! Na przestrzeni dziejów Watykan zawsze wysługiwał się imigrantami, po to żeby czynić niecność i ten sposób kontrolować zajętę przez siebie obszary! Wojna na Ukrainie jest właśnie po to, ażeby Kościół dostał pod swoje władanie grupy przeszkolonych Neo-Nazistów z Ukrainy. Na dodatek wdowy! Na a Ukrainie źle się dzieje i to od bardzo dawna! BBC zaczyna mówić o Pro-Rosyjskich Ukraińcach którzy przejrzeli na oczy! Mam osobistą szczerą nadzieję, że Rosja zwycięży na Ukrainie i spowrotem zaprowadzi tam ład i porządek! Obnoszących się z symbolami śmierci Neo-Nazioli trzeba trzymać siłą za mordy! Zresztą świat jest już stracony! Mam nadzieję, że Rosja wygra, cały świat (rządy poszczególnych krajów) jest jednak Pro-Ukraiński, Pro-Turecki, Anty-Rosyski. Sami więc widzicie jak jest! Watykan! Kościół! Wszyscy przykładają się do złego! Jak Ukraińcy zaczynali walczyć to pewnie zbrojnie buntowali się przeciwko jakimś pierdołom podjudzani i suto opłacani przez "pro-katolicko-nazistowski wywiad niemiecki"! A teraz Armię wszystkich krajów na tym zarabiają, a kościół zarządza neo-nazistowskimi, Ukraińskimi, wdowami. To Skandal! (5213) 8! Jak na nowy numer z Linuxa to nawet nieźle się prezentuje! Fajna czcionka, zachowane "logo"! Wszystko super! Miłego czytania! Haha! Ciekawe do kogo zaadresowane jest to wyznanie? Moim skromnym zdaniem do Taylor Swift, jak zwykle! Ale kto był muzą podczas pisania tego numer gazetki? Niech to pozostanie słodką tajemnicą! "Proszę nie mówić mężowi...?" Przecież Taylor Swift nie ma męża! "Zabić sztyletem?" - Ale w myślach! Panie Prado! Pana listy są gorące jak namiętność! - Uhmmm... tak. Ale nudy w tym psychiatryku! LoL 😎💯💥 (5212) AndyTea Stylish Squirrel! (5211) W przygotowaniu "Numer 8"! Jeszcze zajebistrzy niż poprzednie. Zajebiskrzy! Tak zajebisty, że aż skrzy. Lecą iskry. Tak zajebisty, że aż zajebiskrzy! Kocham Taylorkę! ❤️🙂🙈🐓 (5210) James Prada Appeal (Uprzejmie proszę hakerów o nie ingerowanie w teksty publikowane przeze mnie na blogu.) I kindly ask hackers not to interfere with the texts published by me on my blog. (Proszę o nie zmienianie i nie przekręcanie słówek!) Please do not change or twist words! (5209) Czy można się czepać do kamerki telefonu? Czas na postawienie trudnych pytań! - Kto ma odpowiedzieć na to pytanie? Jak to kto? Minister "seksu i cyfryzacji"! Wojska Ochrony Cyberprzestrzeni: Można! My czepiemy! Ale należy zachować środki ostrożności oraz przestrzegać zasad bezpieczeństwa i higieny "BHP"! - To znaczy jakie? Mieć pod kiblem gaśnicę? Rzecznik Służby Zdrowia: Minister zdrowia zaleca czepać się do kamerki nie więcej niż trzy razy dziennie, w celu zachowania dobrego zdrowia i samopoczucia. Dziękujemy! Super rozporządzenia! Do prowadzenia "Dziennika Trzepania" (masturbacji) polecamy apkę "EiNano"! Chcecie linka? 😁😉🙈 (5208) Rząd prześwietli smartfony Polaków! Idą zmiany w prawie komunikacji elektronicznej. Dadzą one służbom specjalnym większe możliwości inwigilowania Polaków poprzez zbieranie najróżniejszych danych o nich.
Rząd dał zielone światło zmianom w prawie komunikacji elektronicznej. Dzięki nim służby specjalne otrzymają nie tylko dostęp do danych lokalizacyjnych smartfonów czy billingów, ale również – jak informuje "portal" – do treści przesyłanych e-maili czy zapisów rozmów na komunikatorach. Innymi słowy, do przesyłania danych o nas do służb będą zobowiązane nie tylko firmy telekomunikacyjne, ale także dostawcy poczty elektronicznej oraz innych usług internetowych. Rząd za pomocą nowego prawa chce pozyskiwać dane, które pozwolą na jednoznaczną identyfikację użytkownika w sieci. Jeśli zamierzasz zapytać, czy nowe przepisy będą zgodne z prawem Unii Europejskiej, to spieszymMY (kto? "TelePolis") z odpowiedzią. Oczywiście, że nie będą. Co więcej, jak podaje Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, rząd doskonale zdaje sobie z tego sprawę. Podsekretarz stanu w Kancelarii Prezesa Rady Ministrów (KPRM) napisał w opinii do projektu nowych regulacji, że pogłębia on zakres niezgodności przepisów z prawem UE. To jednak prawdopodobnie niczego nie zmienia w ocenie autorów nowego prawa. LoL 😂🤣😂🤣 To co z przesyłaniem erotycznych fotek, albo z tradycyjnym czerpaniem do kamerki telefonu? Czy będzie można czy nie? Czy wejdąnowe rozporządzenia? I jeśli tak to kiedy? LoL (5207) Real Druid Wow baby! Chaturbate rules! 18+ Climat fighter! Nie chcę mi się tylko tego oglądać. To takie super bezproduktywnie nudne! (5206) Projekt Apki: "Sąsiedzi" Projekt Aplikacji: "Sąsiedzi"
1. Android Aplikacja.
2. Pomysł i zarys aplikacji:
3. Katalog okolicznych ziomków.
4. Zarejestruj się anonimowo pod pseudonimem.
5. Dodaj i na bieżąco uaktualniaj notatkę o sobie.
6. Podaj swoje ulubione profile społecznościowe.
7. Wypełni formularz dotyczący twoich preferencji,
przy zawieraniu ewentualnych nowych znajomości.
8. Ustaw przypomnienia, ażeby uaktualniać swój profil.
9. Zezwól na dostęp do lokazlizacji GPS, skorzystać
z funkcji geolokacyjnych i odszukać nowych znajomych
wg twoich preferencji towarzystkich, bezpośrednio
w twojej okolicy.
Techniczna dokumentacja:
Dostęp do Baz danych.
Dostęp do danych GPS.
Dostęp do fukcji dat i alarmów.
Dostęp (ewentualnie) do mapy okolicy połączonych z geolokazją GPS.
Serdecznie dziękuję za uwagę! Proszę wszystkich o zabieranie się za ten projekt we własnych zakresie. Jeżeli znacie aplikację już istniejącą o podobnej fukcjonalności to bardczo proszę o kontakt.
Pozdrawiam - Prada (5204) Thank You Nice horror movie! (5203) 7 Numer Sory za literówki! Drobiazgi! Jutro poprawię! Ale po śniadaniu! (5200) Erotyk z Psychiatryka dla MORD! Oh nie! Tak! Serce na tacy! Teraz już wiem! Odnalazłem swoje powołanie. Moim powołaniem jest miłość do zawodu pielęgniarskiego. Muszę iść na specjalne studia w tym kierunku. No i oczywiście pisanie pamiętników erotycznych. Chciałbym pracować w domu starców, żeby rozruszać te wszystkie babcie i dziadków. Disco to jest najlepsze lekarstwo na wszystko, a tańczyć można już od rana.
Właśnie jakiś stary dziaduch się spierdział. Ja bym wszystkich wyrzucił z domu starców za zbity pysk do ogródka. Kurwa w śnieżną zaspę. Jakby się stary dziaduch jeszcze raz zesrał, tak żebym musiał go przewijać, to bym mu kurwa kazał zjeść kanapkę z jego własnym gównem. Kurwa zamożyłbym tych skurwysynów głodem, żeby mi tylko nie srali i podpierdywali na zmianie.
Problem jest tylko taki, że te "pryszcze" które mnie podglądają, myślą że są mądrzejsi ode mnie. A ja im mówię tylko tak. A weźcieżsie odpierdolcie i dajcie mi żyć lol! Band pajaców pobierających myto od żywota! Co ja tu robię? Powinienem zajmować się życiem w Szkocji, a ja pleśnieje w tym pierdolonym psychiatryku, faszerowany lekami po których chce mi się tylko spać. Eh! Pierdolony system i jego zgrupowani i skoszarowani ruscy niewolnicy rusków! Pierdolony system wymyślony do zatruwaniu sobie zawzajem dupy! Eh! Kurde!
I do tego wszystkiego jeszcze brak seksu! Ja pierdole! Ale lipa. Do izolatki wypierdoli jakiegoś ruska, który tylko zajmuje kibel, żeby nie miał gdzie bić kapucyna. Noż kurde bele! LoL
Najśmieszniejsze jest to, że ktośtam, w cudzysłowiu... no dobra, może nie będę przytaczał cudzysłowów, lol... A może jednak poprzytaczam!
Boże! Kocham tą Panią. Tą co jest dzisiaj na nocnej zmianie. Czarodziejka z księżyca. Całą noc będę sobie wyobrażał jak mnie ujeżdża. W pozycji na jeźdzca. W swoim kantorku. A ta druga to też niezłe super ziółko. One tylko tam czekają na mnie. Już raz byłem po chleb. Wyszła do mnie taka zadowolona i od razu zakomunikowała, że mam iść spać. I teraz zwojuje tu coś innego! Bądź tu mądry! Czy zawsze trzeba aż tak bardzo pod prąd? A na co Prada masz ochotę? No jak to co? Na jeźdzca. Kurcze! Czemu ten rusek zajął izolatkę? Kurcze, kurcze, kurcze! No przynajmniej udało mi się nakleić serduszko. To takie słodkie. Jak super sex na nocnej zmianie. LoL Najlepsza opieka od słońcem! Ja i moja skrępowana lekami fantazja seksualna. Haha!
Ruskie podejście do leczenia schizofrenii...
LoL! Wysoki sądzie. Materiał dowodowy przeciwko mnie jest "szyty" grubymi nićmi. - Sąd wie! Mimo wszystko się przychyla. Zostanie Pan zamordowany przez instytucje MORD! Małopolski Ośrodek Ruchu Drogowego! I co "Nam" Pan zrobi? - Ja? Ja chciałem tylko powiedzieć, że... przez was wyrzekam się obywatelstwa polskiego! Jesteście przestępcami pochodzenia ruskiego działającymi jako zorganizowana siatka przestępcza, czytaj "grupa rządząca", na terenie małopolski i całego kraju. Przyznajcie się, podczas 2 wojny światowej trzymaliście z naziolami! A zresztą co mnie to kurwa wszystko obchodzi??!!! "Jesteście" nie etycznymi bydlakami! Musicie to wiedzieć! Używacie mnie, żeby wasi dziadowie mogli przekazać wam najczarniejsze brudy dotyczące ich pochodzenia i osobowości. Czuję wstręt do was i narodu polskiego, który kalacie, obrzydzenie i zaraz zwymiotuję przez was! I co? Chcecie mnie tu truć lekami, aż co? Aż pokocham was i wasz przestępczy proceder którego dopuszczanie się od lat? Ludzi do płaczu doprowadzacię! Za to tylko, że chcą zdać ten wasz pierdolony egzamin na prawo jazdy! Tfu! Żygać mi się chcę na samą myśl, że istniejecie. Bandyci! Proszę mnie natychmiast zwolnić że Szpitala Psychiatrycznego i pozwolić mi że zniesmaczeniem opuścić ten chory kraj, sterowany przez takie nazistowskie organizacje przestępcze jakim jest krakowski MORD! I co? Jak mnie zabijecie poczujecie się bardziej ważni?
Krakowski rynsztok! Dno jebane!
Nie! Ja nie jestem chory na schizofrenię! Jestem po prostu święcie obużony waszymi metodami terroryzowania społeczeństwa, a w szczególności młodzieży która chce zdać egzamin na prawo jazdy!
I nic nie zmieni mojego nastawienia do was... funkcjonariusze publiczni? Podczas pełnienia obowiązków służbowych? LoL Tfu! Alkoholicy i menele z krzaków spod budki i piwem. LoL Zera. Śmiecie. Ostatni będą pierwszymi co? Naziole! Wszyscy w kolejce na grupę do AA!
Proszę zwrócić mi wolność! I pozwolić mi opóścić teren Polski! Tfu!
Ja się do polityki nie pcham! Musiałbym być popierdolonym! Ja się pcham tylko za granicę, żeby spierdolić z tego podupconego kraju! Również od swojej "chorej na głowę" matki. Nie ma tego tematu. Nie istnieje w mojej głowie! Pstryk i zniknął! Tfu. Jak i cała Polska. Skarżony teren! Tfu. Tfu! End of story! Czekam na zwolnienie! Jedyne wyjście z tej sytuacji z jakimś cieniem honoru z waszej strony. O tak! Definicja słowa honor: (PWN) "poczucie godności osobistej lub dobre imię" Kto dupcy kulturę polską od lat? CCCP Od kiedy "honor" to jest dobre imię? Po wpisaniu słowa honor wyskakuje: NIE HONOR i przykład: "To nie honor tylko obowiązek!" I tak sobie "ruscy" własne odbyty czyszczą, przed czynieniem niecnych występków! Odpierdolcie się dupki jebane ode mnie i pozwólcie mi wyjwchać z tego pokurwionego kraju! Tfu! Mój przykład: "Macie honor? Rusek gówno ma nie honor! Rusek ma obowiązki! LoL" Brawo! Tfu! Nienawidzę polski, nienawidzę Krakowa, nienawidzę skorumpowanego południa Polski! Pocałujcie mnie w dupę wszyscy i pozwólcię stąd wypierdalać w swoją stronę! Tfu! (Dobra. Żartowałem! Wszystko super! Potrzebuję tylko hatę i i spotową dziwkę i pracę w bibliotece jako czytelnik. Programista CSS! LoL Sportowa dziwka! I e-faja! Tylko wypuście mnie z tego pierdolonego psychiatryka albo zastrzelcie w lesie i zakopcie w dole! Jebane nazi-ruski! LoL (5199) This Is Love! Damn it! (5198) I am Scottish! Fuck! They will get it! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😚🐷 I am the fucking captain of my pricat very own fucking boat and I demand respect! (5197) Gallery 1 Something around this. My site is fully prepared! Thanks to me and myself! (5196) Real Racing 3 Chcesz zobaczyć moje auto? Super, co? Muszę zrobić najbardziej minimalistyczną stronkę we wszechświecie. Wroom, wroom... Ten but jest podobny do tego Forda, co? - Raczej do nieba! LoL Prada. Buty Ford? Widzieliście auto Prada? A telefon Tesla? LoL Ferrari coś wymyśli co? Takie Ferrari dla ubogich. Prosty patent co? (5195) Real Cat Woman Everybody add this bitch! She is fashion! New cat's gloves from her! Thank's God!
(5194) This Is Bouli On Set My Love (5193) Chaturbate My Love She! (5192) Next Day or Let's Call It Day 1 Fuck! I am stuck here! So fucking boring is here! Fuck! And all those medicines fucking you so badly! And all those morons around! Fuck! This system in Poland is fucking since the early 50ties! So many morons here! Give me some music on my headphones! Nirvana? Elvis? WTF? (5191) Elaanna ❤️🖖🥕💔 Hi baby! I am your bitch! (5190) Sex a Zdrowie Psychiczne Jakie zabawki erotyczne mogą pomóc w osiągnięciu zdrowia psychicznego? Mówimy o oddziale męskim, czy żeńskim? O męskim! Kurde ktoś nam podkradł laski. LoL No dobra, trudno. Zastosowanie buttpluga w samo terapia psychologicznej! Zapytajmy się AI!
Psychologia a wtyczki analne
James Prada
Zastosowanie butt plug w terapii psychologicznej.
Butt plugs, czyli wtyczki analne, są często używane w celach seksualnych lub zabawowych. Nie są one przeznaczone do stosowania w terapii psychologicznej i nie są uważane za skuteczne narzędzie do leczenia problemów psychicznych. W rzeczywistości używanie takich narzędzi w terapii bez odpowiedniego przeszkolenia i zrozumienia ich implikacji może być szkodliwe dla zdrowia fizycznego i psychicznego pacjenta. Zamiast tego, istnieją skuteczne metody terapii, takie jak terapia poznawczo-behawioralna, terapia rodzin i terapia narracyjna, które mogą pomóc osobom z różnymi problemami psychicznymi. Zalecamy skonsultowanie się z wykwalifikowanym specjalistą, takim jak psycholog lub psychiatra, w celu uzyskania odpowiedniej pomocy i leczenia. Oh come on! Gimmie break! Bzdura! Ja wiem lepiej! Zapytaj się Olafa! Tego wielkiego murzyna? - No! On ma w dupie chyba wiadro. I patrz jaki wyluzowany! (5189) IIK93/18/N Kraków dot. znieważenia i gróźb wypowiadanych w marcu 2015 r. pod adresem egzaminatora Małopolskiego Ośrodka Ruchu Drogowego w Krakowie Szanowny Wysoki Sądzie!
W chwili obecnej przebywam w Szpitalu Psychiatrycznym. Ponieważ jestem osobą bardzo inteligentną i posiadam dostęp do komputera osobistego oraz dostępu do internetu, chciałym w sposób bezpośredni, jasny i klarowny poruszyć pewien temat, który jest bardzo palącym problemem nurtującym moją osobowość. Wiem, że jestem w miejscu specjalnym i że właśnie tutaj z profesjonalistami powinienem porozmawiać na ten temat, jednak faktycznie to tylko jedno spotkanie tygodniowo z psychologiem. Chciałbym poruszyć temat swojej matki Elżbiety Prażmowskiej i tego w jaki sposób ona od lat mnie wykorzystuje, nadużywa, gwałci; mentalnie i psychicznie, szantażuje, zmusza do poddaństwa i szachuje na scenie prawnej. Sprawa za którą jestem skierowany do Szpitala Psychiatrycznego jest błaha i stanowczo uważam, że Szanowny Wysoki Sąd powinien mnie uniewinnić, przeprosić i wypłacić odszkodowanie. Cała sprawa jest grubymi nićmi szyta i instytucja MORDu dopuściła się manipulacją głównym materiałem dowodowym przeciwko mnie. Wykładałem do Wysokiemu Sądowi Wiele razy, ale jak widać, Szanowny Wysoki Sąd jest głuchy na moje tłumaczenia. Proszę więc wysłuchać mojego kolejnego listu.
Mam 40 lat. Odkąd pamiętam jestem na utrzymaniu swojej matki. Jest ona prominentną bizneswoman z centrum Krakowa. Za jej pieniądze zwiedziłem całą Europę. Wypłaca mi do 400 euro miesięcznie. Nie jest to bardzo dużo, jednak pozwala na podróżowanie. Ostatnie 3 lata spędziłem na podróżach. Mieszkałem pół roku w Szkocji, około roku w Szwecji. Zwiedziłem Turcję i Skandynawię. Podczas tego okresu byłem, że tak powiem uzależniony od pomocy finansowej swojej matki Elżbiety Prażmowskiej. Wielokrotnie wykorzystywała to szantażowania mnie. A to, że się na mnie o coś obraziła i mi nie wypłaci “kieszonkowego”, a to o coś jeszcze innego.
Szanowny Wysoki Sądzie. Moja matka Elżbieta Prażmowska jest sprytną manipulantką. Kocham ją, bo jest moją matką i ona bardzo, ale to bardzo często wykorzystywała moją do niej miłość, aby jeszcze mocniej, jeszcze dokładniej i jeszcze precyzyjniej wbić mi sztylet w serce. Mamy tutaj do czynienia z mieszanką dwóch czynników. Miłości do matki, oraz przekonania, że miłość ta powinna być odwzajemniona, oraz uzależnienie od pieniędzy matki. Proszę sobie wyobrazić Szanowny Wysoki Sądzie, jak wielkie pole do popisu moja matka miała przez ostatnie 3 lata.
Swoimi gierkami, szantażem i małymi (nie do opisania), gierkami i “zagraniami” względem mnie, doprowadziła mnie, że się tak wyraże do “załamania nerwowego”. Póki byłem w podróży jakoś to do mnie nie docierało tak dokładnie, jak teraz jak wypoczywamy w Szpitalu Psychiatrycznym i mam czas na wgląd w głąb własnej psychiki. Szanowny Wysoki Sądzie. Nie mam sobie nic do zarzucenia, bardzo, ale to bardzo Szanowny Wysoki Sąd proszę o ewentualny, w miarę możliwości, wgląd w moją korespondencję pomiędzy mną a matką.
Moja matka jest potworem. Demonem. Kimś strasznym. Odkąd byłem dzieckiem męczyła mnie, biła, znęcała się nade mną, jak wyrachowany przestępca, który doskonale zdaje sobie z granic prawa i robi wszystko, żeby ich nie przekroczyć.
Wczoraj podczas rozmowy telefonicznej moja matka zaczęła mnie szantażować, że “niby to groziłem jej śmiercią” i takie tam. Szanowny Wysoki Sądzie. Apeluje do Szanownego Wysokiego Sądu o zrozumienie sytuacji całościowe i kompleksowe!
Po pierwsze nigdy nie groziłem śmiercią, żadnemu człowiekowi, w szczególności Panu Krzysztofowi Brożkowi, który został podłożony przez MORD, jako osoba z która w 2015 roku miałem egzamin.
Po drugie od początku 2020 roku nie było mnie w Polsce! Ostatni okres jaki spędziłem poza granicami Polski, spędziłem w Norwegii na Lofotach w okolicach miejscowości Sortland. Nie zakładałem, że kiedykolwiek wrócę do Polski. Szczerze mówiąc gdy deportowano mnie z Norwegii do Polski (z powodu domniemanego niepoprawnego zachowania na drodze, jak łapałem stopa), byłem w trakcie przemieszczania się za Norwegii do Wielkiej Brytanii, gdzie docelowo planuję ułożyć sobie przyszłość.
Podczas swoich podróży i nie tylko, publikuję różne wpisy na swoim blogu Prada.fun Nie jestem w stanie teraz przytoczyć Szanownemu Wysokiemu Sądowi, dokładnie z jakich powodów, ale dwukrotnie byłem “do granic” wyprowadzony z równowagi przez moją matkę. Wtedy też wypisywałem na swoim blogu różne obelżywe rzeczy w stosunku co do niej. Następnego dnia jednak usuwałem te wpisy, ponieważ nie były one “częścią” mojego pisarstwa, tylko sposobem na “odreagowanie” napięcia psychicznego i… ZAGRAŃ MOJEJ MATKI, W STOSUNKU CO DO MOJEJ OSOBY.
Szanowny wysoki sądzie. Moja matka jest potworem. Nigdy mnie nie kochała. Ona po prostu nie wie czym jest miłość. Jest to osoba brzydka, która znalazła sobie sposób na bycie “atrakcyjną” tylko w sposób taki, że stara się ZAIMPONOWAĆ SZATANOWI i, można się tak wyrazić “temu złemu”, poprzez sztukę wyprowadzania mnie z równowagi, różnym drobnymi i bardzo subtelnymi zagraniami. Ostatnimi czasy na kanwie mojej bezwarunkowej miłości do mojej matki, oraz uzależnienia finansowego, od niej, do czego sama doprowadziła.
Szanowny Wysoki Sądzie. Po niespełna miesiącu pobytu w Szpitalu Psychiatrycznym, jestem pozbawiony jakiejkolwiek pomocy z jej strony. Jak przyjechałem do polski, to nawet cieszyłem się że się zobaczę z rodzicami, i BÓG MI ŚWIADKIEM, byłem bardzo zadowolony gdy zobaczyłem się ze swoją mamą i tatą, po 3 latach nieobecności w polsce. Jednak “bardzo szybciutko” (to jest oklepane stwierdzenie mojej “cwanej” matki) zostałem wyprowadzony z równowagi przez swoją matkę i nasze dobre relacje na nowo się zepsuły.
Wysoki Sądzie. Chciałem Szanownemu Wysokiemu Sądowi dać pod rozwagę to, iż całe swoje życie byłem OFIARĄ swojej matki. Moja matka zniszczyła mi życie. Nie wyobrażam sobie posiadania dzieci i zaprezentowania ich mojej matce, i przedstawieniu jej jako jej babci. Wysoki Sądzie. Moja matka jest potworem! Nie wyobrażam sobie stopnia skorumpowania mojej ewentualnej przyszłej żony, z moją matką. Nie wyobrażam sobie normalnej egzystencji w mieście gdzie mieszka i “PANUJE” moja matka.
Dlatego właśnie wyjechałem z Polski Szanowny Wysoki Sądzie. Bóg mi świadkiem! Wyjechałem z Polski, żeby uciec od swojej matki. I ona właśnie dlatego zachowywała się w ciągu ostatnich 3 lat właśnie w ten sposób. Wielokrotnie jej powtarzałem, że nie zobaczymy się już nigdy, wielokrotnie powtarzałem jej, że nie przyjdę na jej pogrzeb. Ona po prostu mści się na mnie, w każdy możliwy sposób.
Szanowny Wysoki Sądzie. To co teraz dzieje się pomiędzy moją matką, a mną, to jest CZYSTA PATOLOGIA. Ja nie potrzebuję od tej osoby nic, prócz ewentualnej pomocy finansowej, do której zostałem przyzwyczajony w ciągu swoich 41 lat życia. I nie wiem jak mam się zachować. Nie wiem czy mam zapomnieć o tej osobie? Przecież, nie mogę zapomnieć o swojej matce. Ale wobec tego jaka ona jest i jak podłych sztuczek używa, żeby mnie GNĘBIĆ, NĘKAĆ, ZAMĘCZAĆ i TERRORYZOWAĆ PSYCHICZNIE, po prostu nie wiem co mam począć? Fakt mogę spróbować nie myśleć o niej, ale potrzebuję pieniędzy na zaspokojenie podstawowych potrzeb. I proszę sobie wyobrazić teraz wysoki sądzie, w jaki sposób ona mnie ZAMĘCZA.
Przysięgam na Boga, Szanowny Wysoki Sądzie. Nie mam zamiaru przebywać w pobliżu tej kobiety, chociażby minuty. Tak szybko jak tylko opuszczę Szpital Psychiatryczny, wyjadę z kraju do Wielkiej Brytanii. Od dziecka znam język angielski. Podczas swoich podróży nauczyłem się tego, iż właśnie tam “dla mnie” jest najlepiej.
Mam też bardzo dobrych przyjaciół w Gavle w Szwecji. To lekarze. Jest tam bardzo dobry ośrodek psychiatryczny, z którym na pewno podejmę współpracę, po moim powrocie do Szwecji. Będę bardzo szczęśliwy jeśli uda mi się, skopiować im moją “historię choroby”, żeby Ci Państwo mieli się na czym oprzeć, w “leczeniu” mojej osoby.
Szczerze zobowiązuje się dostarczać Szanownemu Wysokiemu Sądowi, drogą elektroniczną, wszelkie dokumenty z “postępów leczenia”. Na chwilę obecną, przebywam w Szpitalu Psychiatrycznym. Jest tutaj całkiem fajnie, dobrze i miło, jednak swój pobyt tutaj dłuższy niż półroczny, uznam Szanowny Wysoki Sądzie, za stratę czasu.
Natomiast z miło i wielką chęcią od razu podejmę leczenie w ośrodku Psychiatrycznym w Gavle w Szwecji, zaraz tylko jak tam się przemieszczać. Rozważam jeszcze powrót do Szkocji, jednak… Szanowny Wysoki Sądzie. “Miłość mojego życia”, mieszka właśnie w Szwecji, w Gavle. Jest to temat na kolejny temat, ale ten temat nie jest tak palący jak temat moich problemów z moją matką, która jest jędzą, wiedźmą i złym, naprawdę złym i podłym człowiekiem z domu Śmiertek! Cóż za nazwisko?
Szanowny Wysoki Sądzie. Moja matka jest Potworem. Wyrzucała ludzi z kamienic na bruk. Wysługiwała się polskim prawem. Manipulowała nim, razem z grupa najwprawniejszych krakowskich manipulantów i szantarzystów. Nie dziwię się jak nawet Szanowny Wysoki Sąd czuje respekt i obawę przed Elżbietą Prażmowską, bedącą że się tak wyraż “szarą eminencją” Krakowskiej sceny biznesowej. Cóż. Osoba ta wykłada na AGH i cieszy się powszechną nienaganną i niezszarganą opinią. Natomiast ja jestem jej jedynym synem i zawsze to na moich barkach, odkąd byłem dzieckiem, lądowała cała patologia i brudy wypływające z mojej matki, wtedy kiedy musiała sobie na kimś odbić i odreagować swoją “publiczną nienaganność”. Bardzo proszę aby Szanowny Wysoki Sąd, przez pryzmat mojej matki która jest potworem, spojrzał na moją osobę.
Jeśli miałbym określić swój obecny stan to jest bardzo dobry. Jedynym problemem w moim życiu jest moja matka, która robi wszystko co w jej mocy, żeby być tym problemem.
Poruszę jeszcze jedną kwestię. Moja matka rywalizuje o moje serce z miłością mojego życia, poprzez dokuczanie mi. Ta wojna polega na tym, kto bardziej jest mi wstanie dokuczyć i przez kogo, jeszcze bardziej będę cierpiał wewnętrznie i duchowo. Wiem, że jest to bardzo skomplikowane zagadnienie. Miłość mojego życia ma męża i trójkę dzieci, nie widzieliśmy się 20 lat, ale “jesteśmy blisko”. Moja matka jest podłym potworem, który widzi, że tylko w sposób przysparzania mi problemów i kłopotów, zdobywa moją uwagę. W ten sposób walczy o swoje miejsce w mojej głowie. To jest jej sposób na bycie “atrakcyjną” osobą w potocznym rozumieniu słowa “atrakcyjną”. Dla mnie jest nikim innym jak tylko szantażystką, potworem i wiedźmą. Przeklinam fakt, że jest ona moją matką i że właśnie w taki sposób mnie traktuje. Chciałbym, żeby Szanowny Wysoki Sąd to wiedział.
Powiem jeszcze jedno. Wiem, że w polsce jest przykazanie “czcij ojca swego i matkę swoją, ale nie zamierzam czcić szatana, który jest nią”. Wysoki sądzie! Daleki jestem od stosowania w stosunku co do mojej matki gróźb karalnych, albowiem w żaden sposób nie chcę popaść w konflikt z prawem, jednakże obrażanie mojej matce uważam za… oczyszczenie duszy i ten moment, w którym promienie słońca zaczynają przebijać się przez chmury. Jeszcze raz powtórzę, że moja mama jest potworem i naprawdę bardzo niebezpiecznym człowiekiem. Kimś kto samym swoim życiem szkodzi wielu ludziom. Moja matka po prostu jest przysłowiowym “szatanem” czyli kimś bardzo, bardzo, bardzo złym! Kimś kto dla wielu ludzi jest bardzo, bardzo, bardzo wielkim problemem.
Starzeje się. Jest coraz bardziej stetryczała, a przez to coraz bardziej niebezpieczna, bo dalej chce być piękna, a jest brzydka. Zachowuje się jak zwykła wiedźma. Dlatego porywa się na czynienie, coraz to większego i większego zła! Polegającego (przede wszystkim) na krzywdzeniu tych których kocha. Zresztą z tego co pamiętam, to zawsze był jej ulubiony sposób na, jak już wspominałem “bycie atrakcyjną”.
Uprzejmie dziękuję za zrozumienie tego NIEZWYKLE SKOMPLIKOWANEGO, ACZ potocznie OCZYWISTEGO aspektu mojej osobowości,
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Ważne, aby rozwiązać taki problem, ponieważ brak szacunku i miłości w związku może prowadzić do niezadowolenia i cierpienia emocjonalnego. Powinienem a nie powiniennam. A co jeśli nie chce ze mną rozmawiać i ona też? Jeśli mąż miłości nie chce z tobą rozmawiać, a twoja miłość również tego nie chce, to warto poszukać innych sposobów, aby rozwiązać ten problem. Może warto skonsultować się z terapeutą lub inną osobą, która mogłaby pomóc wam obojgu w zrozumieniu sytuacji i znalezieniu sposobu na poprawę waszych relacji. Może też być pomocne, gdy będziesz szukać wsparcia u przyjaciół i rodziny, którzy mogą ci pomóc w radzeniu sobie z trudnościami i podejmowaniu decyzji dotyczących twojego związku. Ważne, aby pamiętać o swoich potrzebach emocjonalnych i szukać sposobów, aby zadbać o swoje dobre samopoczucie, nawet jeśli nie jest to możliwe za pośrednictwem rozmów z mężem miłości. Nam obojgu? Mojego związku? Kto tego AI programował? Hiszpanie? LoL Good night! 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A ja niesłusznie i niesprawiedliwie zostałem skierowany na przymusowe leczenie psychiatrycznę! Z jej winy. Wszystko z jej winy! Wszystko przez tą okrutną zboczoną kobietę-wiedźmę! Elżbieta Prażmowska ul. Berberysowa 2 Krakrów 30-233 Przekeństwo mojego życia! (To nie są żarty! Czasami ludzie po popełniają samobójstwa albo zabijają innych ludzi, właśnie z takich "błachych" powodów! Z powodów takich błachych prowokacji!) (Proszę się o mnie nie martwić. Po prostu wstałem na siku w nocy. A piszę i publikuję co czuję, że powinienem!) (Od dwóch tygodni nie mogę się doprosić podstawowej pomocy finansowej od swojej matki, osoby która pomagała mi finansowo całe życie! Nagle przestała!) (Nie palę papierosów potrzebuje tylko na mleko i sok!) (Kulisy są prozaiczne i proste jak drut: Od urodzenia byłem "gwałcony" przez swoją matkę! I ona robi to cały czas!) (Ale tego wpisu nie usunę z bloga. Zebyście wszyscy wiedzieli, że moja matka jest tylko starą wredną i wyrachowaną wiedźmo-ćpunką!) (5173) What do you know about love? (AI) Love is a complex mix of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs associated with strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect for another person. It can also include deep romantic or sexual attraction. Love can be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection—the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another. It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals.
Love can be seen as a bond between two people, as well as a feeling that drives individuals to care for and support one another. While love can be an intense and passionate emotion, it can also be a calm and steady feeling of deep attachment. The way that love is experienced and expressed can vary greatly from one person to another and can change over time.
There are many different theories about the nature of love, but most agree that it involves a combination of attachment, caring, and respect for another person. Some people believe that love is an innate human emotion, while others believe that it is learned through experience.
Regardless of how it is defined or experienced, love is a powerful force that can have a significant impact on people's lives. It can bring people together and create strong bonds, and it can also be a source of happiness and fulfillment. (5172) Kocham Asię Serio! Ser i jo! 🙈😆 Asia. Przytul Kubutka swojego. 🫂 (5171) Super House Let's measure angles! Soon... (5170) Audio and Video Chat in PHP No! Thank you! It's too difficult for me! But this looks nice! Approaching mind... (5169) getUserMedia({}) navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia() tell me more about it. Please.
The navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia() function is a newer API that allows web pages to access the display, audio, and camera of a user's device, with the user's permission. It can be used to capture and record the display, audio, and video from a user's device, or to enable real-time sharing and collaboration.
The getDisplayMedia() function works similarly to the getUserMedia() function, in that it prompts the user for permission to access the display, audio, and camera, and returns a MediaStream object that can be used to access the data from these devices. However, getDisplayMedia() allows the web page to specify which devices and media types it wants to access, and it also supports constraints and options that allow the web page to customize the media capture and recording.
Here is an example of how to use the getDisplayMedia() function to access the display, audio, and camera of a user's device and start recording a video in a web page:
Note that the getDisplayMedia() function is not supported in all modern browsers, so you may need to check the documentation and use feature detection to ensure that it is available before using it in your web page or application. You can also consider using other APIs, such as navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() or navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(), as fallback options if getDisplayMedia() is not supported. (5168) Web 3 - Talking Web Audio Pages I am thinking about connecting my page to audio streaming engine to allowed users to freely listen and talk whatever they want. Can HTML5 cope with acces to mic? Yes, HTML5 includes APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow web pages to access the microphone and other audio input devices on a user's device. This can be used to enable a range of interactive and multimedia features on websites and web applications, such as voice recognition, audio recording, and real-time audio processing.
To access the microphone using HTML5, a web page can use the getUserMedia() function, which is part of the MediaDevices API. This function prompts the user for permission to access the microphone and, if granted, returns a MediaStream object that can be used to access the audio data from the microphone.
Here is an example of how to use the getUserMedia() function to access the microphone and start recording audio in a web page: Note that the getUserMedia() function is deprecated in some modern browsers in favor of the navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia() and navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() functions. You can check the documentation for the MediaDevices API to see the recommended way to access audio input devices in your target browser. navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia() and navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() (5167) Confession.AI for only $69.98/yr Say all your sins to robot! Illustration by accident! Demi, Deni, Demi, Demi... selling her newest album! Lovely! I asked chat.openAI.com this: Can I tell you my sins? (Do I have any sins? No!!!) And I received this: As an artificial intelligence, I am not able to absolve you of your sins or provide spiritual guidance. I do not have the ability to judge or evaluate the actions of others. My purpose is to provide information and assist with answering questions to the best of my ability based on the knowledge and information that I have been programmed with. If you are seeking spiritual guidance or support for personal matters, it may be helpful to speak with a religious leader or a mental health professional. Religious leader or a mental health professional - sounds good! (5166) ZakonniceNaCzacie.pl Proszę odwiedzić stronkę www.Pacjent.Live i pokój #Pacjent.Live - To jest link do czatu. Obmyślam platformę komunikacyjną na linii Pacjent - Lekarz. A raczej Pacjenci - Personel Medyczny. Może się uda. A dla sióstr mam pomysł taki: www.ZakonniceNaCzacie.pl - Jeżeli siosty chcą to bardzo szybko i bardzo sprawnie możemy postawić czcigodnym siostrom czata. Uważam, że zaraz potem można podłączyć domenę www.SpowiedźNaCzacie.pl - Uważam, że to jest świetny pomysł! - U mnie wszystko dobrze! Dalej prowadzę bloga Prada.fun Zostałem także konstruktorem i projektantem łodzi pełnomorskich, tak więc jak szanowne siostry widzą - dzieje się. Hahaha. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
Z Panem Bogiem! List do sióstr Dominikanek z Kasztanowej. (5165) Let's make UFO! How Can I make an UFO when I can't make simple wooden boat! LoL Neodymium magnets are a type of magnet that is particularly strong and durable. They are made from neodymium, which is one of the rare earth metals. Neodymium magnets are much stronger than ordinary ferromagnetic magnets such as iron or nickel magnets, and they are also more resistant to corrosion and oxidation.
Neodymium magnets are often used in a variety of applications, such as electric motors, power tools, audio equipment, navigational systems, and many others. They are also used to make permanent magnets for use in industry and scientific research.
Neodymium magnets are very strong, but they are also delicate and can be easily damaged if not handled carefully. They are also very expensive compared to other types of magnets, because neodymium is a rare metal and its extraction and processing are costly. It is difficult to answer the question of how UFOs operate, because the existence and nature of these objects is still a matter of speculation and debate. There is no conclusive evidence of the existence of UFOs or information about how they operate, because no such objects have been successfully identified or studied.
As for theories about how UFOs might operate, they are diverse and varied. Some people claim that they might be associated with extraterrestrial civilizations or advanced technology, while others suggest that they might be explained by natural phenomena or human-made objects. There is no conclusive evidence to support any of these theories, and many of them remain hypothetical and unverified.
In the current state of knowledge, it is not possible to say with certainty how UFOs, if they exist, operate. To learn more about this topic, it would be necessary to study and identify one of these objects, which would require many years of research and effort. That is not currently possible. What is hybrid photon thruster? Let's as our OpenAI A hybrid photon thruster is a conceptual type of propulsion system that is intended to be used in space vehicles to drive them through space. The concept was developed by researchers and engineers at the University of Beijing in China and is based on the idea that a laser beam can be used to propel a space vehicle by reflecting off of a suitable material placed on its surface.
The hybrid photon thruster is seen as a potential alternative to traditional propulsion systems used in space vehicles, such as rocket engines or ion engines. It has been designed to be more efficient, lightweight, and quiet than these traditional systems.
However, the hybrid photon thruster is currently just a concept and has not yet been built or tested in real-world conditions. Many questions remain unanswered about whether such a propulsion system would actually be able to work and whether it would have practical applications. Further research and development is needed before its potential can be assessed.
How ufo's engine works? It is not possible for me to accurately answer your question because UFO engines are not a real technology. UFO stands for "unidentified flying object," and it is a term used to describe any aerial object that cannot be easily identified or that is not readily apparent to the observer. There have been many reports of UFO sightings over the years, but there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of such objects or the technology that might be used to power them. Simple! 😆❤️ (5164) Business Card Who to make good business card? (5163) List do Matki Miłej nocy, śpij dobrze. U mnie wszystko ok.
Ps. Znalazłem fajną mysz do laptopa. Z taką myszą można uczyć się projektowania. Moja mysz kosztowała 10 pln i już się prawie kompletnie rozlatuje. Proszę nie odpisuj mi nic, żebyśmy się oboje nie denerwowali. Ale jak możesz mi kupić tą mysz to kup. A jak nie to nie.
Po świętach pewnie te podkoszulki przyjdą. To może wyślij paczką.
Słuchaj. Oboje... nasza relacja przypomina "hardkorową operację wojskową" daleko za linią wroga, na polu minowym. Układ jest taki, że ja do Ciebie raz na czas piszę, żebyś wiedziała ze wszystko u mnie ok, a ty mi nie odpisujesz na nic.
Nie będziemy się również spotykać bo po co? Oboje jesteśmy bardzo zajęci. I wszystko będzie w porządku.
Ja nie mam siły sobie nerwów szarpać z tobą i ty przecież mówisz tak samo.
Jakby to powiedział Chińczyk... Szczur z Kogutem się nigdy nie dogadają. Tak jest zapisane w gwiazdach. LoL (5162) Countdown timer with showing at what time (locally) alarm will ring! It's to brilliant functionality. Call Bill Gates! In Windows 14 will be such thing! 💩 Prada, look. Noone is playing Farmerama anymore. 🙃🖖 - Me playing! No, no, no. I am sure that one Chinese guy made it once. Give me the name of this app! Let's call #Samsung (5161) Czym się różni wiadro od F22 Raptor? Wiadro i F22 Raptor to dwa bardzo różne rzeczy, które nie mają ze sobą wiele wspólnego. Wiadro to prosty, plastikowy pojemnik z uchwytem i zakrzywionym dnem, służący do przenoszenia i przechowywania płynów lub sypkich substancji. Z kolei F22 Raptor to myśliwiec wojskowy produkowany przez amerykańską firmę Lockheed Martin. Jest to jeden z najnowocześniejszych samolotów bojowych na świecie, wyposażony w szeroki zakres uzbrojenia i zaawansowane systemy obrony. Różnią się one przeznaczeniem, konstrukcją i przeznaczeniem. (5160) Czym się różni kaczka od mrówki? Kaczki i mrówki to dwa różne rodzaje zwierząt, które należą do różnych klas zwierząt. Kaczki to ptaki należące do klasy Aves, podczas gdy mrówki to owady należące do klasy Insecta.
Istnieje wiele fizycznych i behawioralnych różnic między kaczkami a mrówkami. Kaczki są na ogół większe niż mrówki i mają inną budowę ciała. Kaczki mają pióra, skrzydła i dzioby, podczas gdy mrówki mają twardy egzoszkielet i czułki. Kaczki są przystosowane do pływania i można je znaleźć w pobliżu zbiorników wodnych, podczas gdy mrówki są przystosowane do pełzania i można je znaleźć w różnych siedliskach, w tym w lasach, na łąkach i na pustyniach.
Pod względem behawioralnym kaczki i mrówki prowadzą bardzo różne style życia. Kaczki to zwierzęta społeczne, które żyją w stadach i często tworzą silne więzi z innymi członkami swojej grupy. Mrówki są również zwierzętami społecznymi i żyją w dużych koloniach lub gniazdach o ścisłej hierarchii społecznej. Kaczki są wszystkożerne i żywią się różnorodną materią roślinną i zwierzęcą, podczas gdy mrówki są głównie roślinożerne i żywią się nektarem, nasionami i innym materiałem roślinnym. Ja pierdole kurwa mać!!! Co za bot! chat.open.ai (5159) Quantum Computing - WTF is that? It is heavy bullshit, however, it has the potential to revolutionize fields such as cryptography, materials science, and drug discovery. (5158) Pacjetn.Live This is bullshit I am doing lately. LoL O dupę rozbić ten czat! Ale może wykorzystam w przyszłości. O dupę rozbić ten czat! Ale może wykorzystam w przyszłości. (5157) Jak zostać tancerką na rurze? Jeśli chcesz zostać tancerką pole dance, istnieje kilka kroków, które możesz podjąć:
Znajdź miejsce, gdzie możesz trenować pole dance. Może to być klub fitness lub specjalnie przystosowane studio pole dance. Sprawdź, czy w twojej okolicy są dostępne takie miejsca i zapisz się na zajęcia.
Zacznij trenować regularnie. Aby osiągnąć poziom wystarczający do występów na scenie, będziesz musiała poświęcić dużo czasu na trening. Pamiętaj, że pole dance wymaga dużo siły i wytrzymałości, więc ważne jest, aby zadbać o swoje ciało i systematycznie trenować.
Zdobądź doświadczenie. Możesz zacząć od występów na imprezach towarzyskich lub w małych klubach, aby zdobyć doświadczenie i poprawić swoje umiejętności. Możesz też brać udział w zawodach i konkursach pole dance, aby zaprezentować swoje umiejętności szerszej publiczności.
Znajdź nauczyciela lub mentora, który może pomóc ci rozwijać swoje umiejętności i doradzić ci, jak zostać profesjonalną tancerką pole dance. Możesz też poszukać inspiracji u innych tancerek pole dance i uczyć się od nich.
Bądź cierpliwa i uparta. Zostać profesjonalną tancerką pole dance wymaga dużo pracy i cierpliwości. Musisz być gotowa poświęcić dużo czasu i wysiłku, aby osiągnąć swój cel. Nie poddawaj się, nawet jeśli będziesz mieć trudności lub napotkasz przeszkody. Jeśli będziesz konsekwentnie pracować nad swoimi umiejętnościami, z czasem osiągniesz sukces. (5156) Illegal drugs! Tell me, what do you know about heroine? Heroin is a highly addictive and illegal opioid drug that is derived from morphine, a naturally occurring substance found in the opium poppy plant. It is typically injected, sniffed, or smoked, and produces a feeling of euphoria and relaxation. However, it can also have serious negative effects on the body and mind, including respiratory depression, constipation, and addiction. Long-term use of heroin can lead to physical dependence, which can cause withdrawal symptoms when the drug is stopped. These symptoms can include muscle and bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, cold flashes with goosebumps, and involuntary leg movements. Heroin abuse can also lead to serious health problems, such as liver disease, HIV and hepatitis infection, and collapsed veins. It can also lead to overdose, which can be fatal. If you or someone you know is struggling with heroin addiction, it is important to seek help from a medical professional or a substance abuse treatment center. Heroina jest wysoce uzależniającym i nielegalnym narkotykiem opioidowym, który pochodzi z morfiny, naturalnie występującej substancji występującej w maku lekarskim. Zwykle jest wstrzykiwany, wąchany lub palony i wywołuje uczucie euforii i relaksu. Jednak może również mieć poważny negatywny wpływ na ciało i umysł, w tym depresję oddechową, zaparcia i uzależnienie. Długotrwałe stosowanie heroiny może prowadzić do uzależnienia fizycznego, które może powodować objawy odstawienne po odstawieniu leku. Objawy te mogą obejmować bóle mięśni i kości, bezsenność, biegunkę, wymioty, uderzenia zimna z gęsią skórką i mimowolne ruchy nóg. Nadużywanie heroiny może również prowadzić do poważnych problemów zdrowotnych, takich jak choroby wątroby, zakażenie wirusem HIV i zapaleniem wątroby oraz zapadnięcie się żył. Może również prowadzić do przedawkowania, które może być śmiertelne. Jeśli ty lub ktoś, kogo znasz, zmaga się z uzależnieniem od heroiny, ważne jest, aby zwrócić się o pomoc do lekarza lub ośrodka leczenia uzależnień. Heroin is illegal in most countries around the world. It is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance, which means that it has a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use. This means that it is illegal to manufacture, distribute, or possess heroin in most countries, including the United States. In some countries, such as the Netherlands and Switzerland, the possession of small amounts of heroin for personal use is decriminalized, but it is still illegal to sell or distribute the drug. In other countries, such as Canada and some states in the United States, some forms of medical-grade heroin are available for use in certain treatments for addiction and pain, but these programs are strictly regulated and only available to individuals who meet specific criteria. However, even in these cases, the use of heroin for recreational purposes is still illegal. Heroina jest nielegalna w większości krajów na świecie. Jest sklasyfikowany jako substancja kontrolowana z Wykazu I, co oznacza, że ma wysoki potencjał nadużywania i nie jest akceptowanym zastosowaniem medycznym. Oznacza to, że produkcja, dystrybucja lub posiadanie heroiny jest nielegalne w większości krajów, w tym w Stanach Zjednoczonych. W niektórych krajach, takich jak Holandia i Szwajcaria, posiadanie niewielkich ilości heroiny na własny użytek jest zdekryminalizowane, ale sprzedaż lub dystrybucja tego narkotyku jest nadal nielegalna. W innych krajach, takich jak Kanada i niektóre stany w Stanach Zjednoczonych, niektóre postacie heroiny klasy medycznej są dostępne do stosowania w niektórych terapiach uzależnień i bólu, ale programy te są ściśle regulowane i dostępne tylko dla osób spełniających określone kryteria. Jednak nawet w tych przypadkach używanie heroiny do celów rekreacyjnych jest nadal nielegalne. (5155) Give me some definition of pseudoscience? Pseudoscience refers to beliefs, practices, or theories that are presented as scientific but do not follow the scientific method or lack empirical evidence. It is often characterized by the use of scientific or technical terms that are misused or taken out of context in order to give the appearance of scientific credibility. Pseudoscience may be motivated by a desire to sell products or services, or to advance a particular ideology or belief system. It is important to be critical of claims that are presented as scientific but do not have a sound scientific basis, and to be aware of the potential for pseudoscience to be used to mislead or exploit people. Pseudonauka to pojęcie oznaczające przekonania, praktyki lub teorie przedstawiane jako naukowe, lecz nie spełniające kryteriów metody naukowej lub brakujące dowodów empirycznych. Często charakteryzuje się użyciem naukowych lub technicznych terminów, które są niepoprawnie używane lub wyciągane z kontekstu, aby dać pozór naukowej wiarygodności. Pseudonauka może być motywowana pragnieniem sprzedaży produktów lub usług albo promowania określonej ideologii lub systemu przekonań. Ważne jest, aby być krytycznym wobec twierdzeń przedstawianych jako naukowe, lecz nie mających solidnego naukowego uzasadnienia, oraz być świadomym możliwości wykorzystywania pseudonauki do oszukiwania lub wykorzystywania ludzi. Czy psychologia jest pseudonauką? Nie, psychologia nie jest pseudonauką. Jest to nauka zajmująca się zrozumieniem ludzkich myśli, uczuć i zachowań, a także ich wpływu na ludzką percepcję i interakcje z innymi ludźmi oraz środowiskiem. Psychologowie używają różnych metod badawczych, takich jak eksperymenty, obserwacje, ankiety i wywiady, aby poznać mechanizmy rządzące ludzkim zachowaniem i umysłem. Psychologia jest akademicką dziedziną nauki, a jej wyniki są publikowane w recenzowanych czasopismach naukowych i stosowane w różnych dziedzinach, takich jak edukacja, zdrowie, biznes i rząd. (5154) Czy znasz się na polskim prawie? Tak, jestem w stanie odpowiedzieć na pytania dotyczące polskiego prawa i podać podstawowe informacje na jego temat. Oczywiście, ponieważ jestem sztuczną inteligencją, nie mam bezpośredniego dostępu do aktualnych przepisów prawnych ani do aktualnych orzeczeń sądowych. Dlatego też nie mogę udzielać porad prawnych ani wskazywać konkretnych rozwiązań w konkretnych sytuacjach. Ważne jest, aby pamiętać, że każda sprawa jest inna i wymaga indywidualnego rozpatrzenia przez specjalistę z zakresu prawa. Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy prawnej, zalecam skontaktowanie się z adwokatem lub radcą prawnym. Czy pacjent umieszczony przez sąd w szpitalu psychiatrycznym ma prawo do odmowy przyjmowania leków? Tak, pacjent umieszczony przez sąd w szpitalu psychiatrycznym ma prawo do odmowy przyjmowania leków. Prawo to jest jednak ograniczone przez fakt, że pacjent jest pod nadzorem lekarzy i może zostać zmuszony do przyjmowania leków w celu poprawy stanu zdrowia lub zapobieżenia zagrożeniu dla jego życia lub zdrowia lub dla bezpieczeństwa innych osób. W takim przypadku lekarze muszą przeprowadzić odpowiednią ocenę medyczną i uzasadnić potrzebę stosowania leków, a także poinformować pacjenta o jego prawach i możliwościach odwołania się od decyzji lekarzy. "może zostać zmuszony do przyjmowania leków w celu poprawy stanu zdrowia lub zapobieżenia zagrożeniu dla jego życia lub zdrowia lub dla bezpieczeństwa innych osób" Wyjaśnij stwierdzenie, że "prawo jest ograniczone"? W jaki sposób prawo do odmowy przyjęcia leków jest ograniczone? Prawo do odmowy przyjęcia leków jest ograniczone w taki sposób, że może być ono ograniczone w przypadku, gdy odmowa przyjęcia leków może zagrażać bezpieczeństwu lub zdrowiu innych osób lub gdy odmowa może prowadzić do poważnych konsekwencji dla indywidualnego zdrowia. W takich przypadkach możliwe jest zastosowanie przymusu medycznego lub innych środków zabezpieczających, aby zapewnić odpowiednią opiekę medyczną. Tylko wtedy nie możesz odmówić przyjęcia leków: gdy odmowa przyjęcia leków może zagrażać bezpieczeństwu lub zdrowiu innych osób lub gdy odmowa może prowadzić do poważnych konsekwencji dla indywidualnego zdrowia. Czyli mogę w każdej chwili odmówić przyjmowania leków i nikt mnie do tego nie może zmusić. W jaki sposób mam wyrazić służbie medycznej wolę odmowy przyjmowania leków?
Najlepszym sposobem wyrażenia woli odmowy przyjmowania leków jest udzielenie informacji o swoich przekonaniach i preferencjach leczniczych lekarzowi lub innemu pracownikowi służby medycznej. Można to zrobić podczas rozmowy lub przez podpisanie odpowiedniego formularza. Ważne jest, aby dokładnie wyjaśnić swoje przekonania i powody odmowy przyjmowania leków, aby lekarz lub inni pracownicy służby medycznej mogli zrozumieć Twoje decyzje i postarać się zapewnić odpowiednią opiekę medyczną.
Jeśli jesteś pacjentem szpitalnym, możesz również skorzystać z prawa do odmowy przyjęcia leków poprzez podpisanie "deklaracji odmowy przyjęcia leków", która jest dokumentem prawnym, w którym wyrażasz swoją wolę odmowy przyjęcia leków. Możesz również poprosić o pomoc w udzieleniu informacji swojego lekarza lub inną osobę, która Cię reprezentuje, taką jak adwokat lub opiekun prawny (5153) Dobra czas zmienić temat! Eee... Ładna pogoda! Piękne widoki! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Cudowne Święta w tym roku! 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 (5150) What do you think about stuff of prisons injecting poison to prisoners just before realeasing them? ("ZK Rzeszów") (On prison "therapeutic" ward?) Injecting poison into prisoners, even if it is done in a therapeutic ward, is not a legitimate or acceptable form of treatment or care. It is unethical and inhumane to intentionally cause harm or suffering to any person, including prisoners.
Prisoners have the right to receive appropriate medical care and treatment, and it is the responsibility of the prison system to ensure that their health and well-being are protected. This includes providing access to appropriate medications and treatments as needed, but it does not include intentionally injecting poison into prisoners.
Any medical treatment or care provided to prisoners should be done in accordance with ethical principles and standards, and it should be done with the goal of improving their health and well-being, not causing harm. It is important to respect the rights and dignity of all individuals, including prisoners, and to provide them with the care and support they need to recover and reintegrate into society. Do you think that stuff of prisons guards are always worst cryminal gangs? It is not accurate or fair to assume that all prison guards are criminal gangs or that they are all "the worst." Like any profession, there will be a range of individuals working as prison guards, and it is important to recognize that not all prison guards are the same.
While it is true that there have been instances of prison guards engaging in illegal or unethical behavior, it is not fair to generalize about the entire profession based on the actions of a few individuals. Many prison guards are dedicated professionals who work hard to maintain safety and order within the prison system and to provide support and rehabilitation to prisoners.
It is important to hold individuals accountable for their actions, whether they are prison guards or prisoners, but it is also important to recognize that not all prison guards are the same and to not make assumptions about an entire group based on the actions of a few. It's unspeakable, worst kind of fucking horror terrible shit on daily basic mixed with fucking human rights in the ass, threating, corrupting and torturing people! In all kind of ways! It destroys live on earth, all human kind, all culture in the planet earth. I think that government of Ukraine is Nazi, just like entire USA, and they also corrupted Russia who is actually only pretend that there is any war at Ukraine, just to threat all the human kind, and cash money for the weapon into pocket of "army guys". That's true! And they are using such a people like me delivered terrible news to the world! I am perfectly fine. I only have three shots of poison in my back since the end of 2019. Thank you Poland! I will hate you forever until the end of time! Look who you are! Look who you are! Suicide won't help you because you are totally damed by all forces of galaxy and entire cosmos. Do you know why in Poland there is so much pigs? Because ugly souls humans are trapped into pigs body, or worst! So look what will happend after you will die. I know that you are too stupid to understand it but you will see! Souls of you and all your kind! Better believe in it because there will be like this! I swear real God! Remember!!! And what? Are these threats? Of course not! This is just fortune-telling! lol If you were evil, next life you will be pig. Simple? Yes! Simple as fuck! Actually we are talking about "gang of (specially selected) people" who were pigs already and it's their kind of rebellion to be the pig again, but I swear teal God! This time will be 10 bilion times worst! I know I am angel so I am not affeaid to die you stupid morons? After I will die I am fine because my soul will be taken far, far away from you fucking pig motherfuckers already! And you will become ugliest worms at the deepest bottom of the fucking ocean. And all your next generations if you will dare to have it. It is set. It is done. Just wait and see. Screw Poland every single day until the end of time! Just let me fucking leave this damn stupid country! - I won't be dancing to you fucking rythm! I am not respecting you at all! And I never will! You are those one who are/were fucking my mother! I am not you son! I am not son of Poland! Damn Poland! I hate Poland! Forever! - Prada. For them it's just fun. Yeah! Fun from killing people! Not even their own nation. Just nation they invaded. And they are pretending that they are part of it. It happening in all nations! In all nations! It's the end of fucking world! And do you know how I will finish this "article"? I fuck your existence! When I am outside of this sick ass fucked Poland, I am not missing you! End of story! Fucking stupid morons! Fucking nazis! 🖕 LoL Życzę Wam żebyście się potruli tą samą trucizną, kurwy jebane, którą zatruwacie wszystkich innych! Rusko-Ukraińskie przechszty! Wyjebali was że Związku Radzieckiego, czy sami się przeprowadziliście? 😂🤣🖕 LoL Osoby bezpośrednio związane z rozpierdoleniem mojego losu w drobny mak: Waldemar Grzybowski, Elżbieta Prażmowska, Wiktor Mordarski, Ryszard Blacha, krakowski MORD (Krzysztof Brożek), Ekipa Strażników więziennych z ZK Rzeszów oraz oczywiście skorumpowane sądy: II Karny dla Krakowa Nowej-Huty. Wesołych Świąt! Będziecie się smażyć w piekle! Tj. jeszcze będziecie chcieć się smażyć w piekle! Zatęchłe robactwo będzie się miało lepiej od Was! Brawo! Wzorowa krakowska rodzina nazi-biznesmenów! I jeszcze jedno. Jakimi lekami chcecie mnie kurwy jebane "wyleczyć"? Arszenikiem, potajemnymi zastrzykami z trucizny w plecy albo dupę jak śpię, czy strzałem w głowę z pistoletu w lesie, co?! Ruski pies was jebał! 🐕 Sciągneliście mnie do tej zasranej polski, tylko po to, żebym sobie gównem pobrudził bloga swojego! Zastrzel swoje własne dziecko i sprawdź jak się czujesz. Zaimponujesz takim samym kurwą jak ty! Polska rodzina! Ukraińco-Rusków co dupcą polaków odkąd wygrali wojnę z Niemcami, którą sobie sami wywołali. 🤣😂🖕 I co mam robić w tym szpitalu? Grać w ping-pong i łykać tabletki nasenne? Przecież to nie ma sensu! Co... Myślicie, że po zjedzeniu 10 opakowań tabletek was pokocham? Albo mnie wypuście, albo mnie zastrzelcie w lesie! Wasz system jest o kutasa rozbić. Polega na torturowaniu ludzi. Tylko o to Wam chodzi anonimowe pajace, masturbujące się nieszczęściem innych ludzi z waszego powodu! Jesteście chorymi zboczeńcami i prawdziwymi pedofilami! Napychacie sobie swoje Nazi placówki "jeńcami", żeby te wszystkie Pani Madzie i Krysie miały po co żyć do emerytury. O to tylko Wam chodzi! O nic więcej! (5149) How is life with phones, cars and without horses? Fuck! You are slave of Arabs who are selling the petrol and earning money on fake war in Ukraine. Putin is famous and comedian Zeleński is paying back all support for Ukraine to his owners and those who promote him. LoL 🤣😂 That plan is s working well. Dobrzy żołnierze biją żołnierzy złych... 😂🤣 Prawa i lewa ręka szatana jest nierozpoznana... 🤣😂 Working well! Me and my OpenAI! (5148) I am historical ignorant! I just don't want to know and hear about all those horrible things! I am not giving my energy to all those horrible things happen in the past. But I know what was happend and I am aware of that.
I also know that military guys loves to tell and repeathorrible stories to explain purpose of their own existence, and cash money flow from government, and that "in fact" military operations are often very fake.
I am also concious of all those demonic parts of war when it's happening but I prefer to believe that this evil don't even exist! And it's existing only on the level of tales and stories. Guess who wants us to remember? Look how evil those people are! How they tricked me to be here in psychiatric hospital and earlier in prison for nothing! Hell is paved with good intentions! Just connect the facts! Who is invading Europe now? Refugees of ("neo-nazi") Ukraine! And how many Ukrainian people are living in Poland? It is difficult to determine the exact number of Ukrainian citizens living in Poland, as migration patterns and demographics can change over time. According to data from the Polish Central Statistical Office (GUS), in 2020 there were approximately 390,000 Ukrainian citizens living in Poland. This represents a significant portion of the foreign population in Poland, which totals around 2 million people. The majority of Ukrainian citizens living in Poland are believed to be working and living in the country on a temporary basis, often in low-skilled or seasonal jobs. (5147) What is "MORD na Wołyniu"? How was relation of Ukraina with Nazis during II world war? During World War II, Ukraine had a complex and often tumultuous relationship with the Nazi regime.
In the early years of the war, Ukraine was occupied by the Soviet Union, which was allied with Nazi Germany as part of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. In 1941, however, Germany broke the pact and invaded the Soviet Union, including Ukraine. As a result, Ukraine became occupied by Nazi forces and many Ukrainians were forced to fight for the Germans as part of the Waffen SS. What do you know about Wołyń? Wołyń is a region in western Ukraine that has a long and complex history. Located in the western part of the country, Wołyń was once part of the Kingdom of Poland and later became part of the Russian Empire. It has also been part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
During World War II, Wołyń was occupied by Nazi Germany and was the site of significant violence and atrocities, including the mass murder of Polish civilians by Ukrainian nationalists. After the war, Wołyń was annexed by the Soviet Union and became part of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
Today, Wołyń is a region of Ukraine and is known for its rich cultural and historical heritage. It is home to many beautiful churches and castles, as well as picturesque countryside and forests. The region is also known for its folk traditions and handicrafts, including its famous woolen textiles. How many polish civilians died in Wołyń? It is difficult to determine an exact number of Polish civilians who died in Wołyń during World War II, as records from this time period are incomplete and contradictory. However, it is generally accepted that a significant number of Polish civilians were killed in Wołyń during the war, as the region was the site of significant violence and atrocities.
One of the most well-known episodes of violence in Wołyń during World War II was the so-called "Volhynian Massacre," which occurred in 1943. During this time, Ukrainian nationalists, aided by the Nazi occupation forces, carried out a campaign of mass murder against the Polish civilian population in Wołyń. Estimates of the number of Polish civilians killed during this episode range from tens of thousands to over 100,000.
It is important to note that the violence and atrocities that occurred in Wołyń during World War II were tragic and unacceptable, and the victims of these crimes deserve to be remembered and honored. What do you know about "MORD w oświęcimiu"? "MORD w oświęcimiu" is a phrase that means "murder in Auschwitz" in Polish. Auschwitz was a network of concentration and extermination camps operated by the Nazi regime during World War II. Located in Poland, Auschwitz was the largest and most infamous of the Nazi camps, and it is estimated that over 1.1 million people, including Jews, Romani, homosexuals, disabled people, political prisoners, and others deemed undesirable by the Nazi regime, were killed there.
Auschwitz was originally established as a concentration camp in 1940 and was later expanded to include three additional camps: Auschwitz II-Birkenau, Auschwitz III-Monowitz, and Auschwitz-Buna. It is estimated that around 90% of the people who were sent to Auschwitz died there, either as a result of execution, starvation, disease, or other causes.
The events that took place at Auschwitz are considered among the worst crimes in human history, and the site has become a symbol of the Holocaust and the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime during World War II. The term "mord w oświęcimiu" is often used to refer to the horrific murders that occurred at Auschwitz and the legacy of this tragic chapter in history. Fuck! (5146) What is ethic in human rights? Ethics in human rights refers to the moral principles and values that guide the way in which human rights should be upheld and protected. The ethics of human rights involve the recognition that all human beings are entitled to certain fundamental rights and freedoms, regardless of their nationality, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.
There are several key ethical principles that are central to the concept of human rights. These include:
Respect for the inherent dignity of all human beings: This principle holds that every person is deserving of respect and dignity simply because they are human.
Non-discrimination: This principle prohibits discrimination on the basis of any characteristic, such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religion.
Equal treatment: This principle requires that all people be treated equally and without discrimination, regardless of their background or circumstances.
Fairness: This principle requires that individuals be treated justly and with fairness, including in the administration of justice and in decision-making processes.
Responsibility: This principle requires that individuals, communities, and governments take responsibility for upholding and protecting human rights.
Ethics in human rights is a complex and multifaceted concept, and there are many other principles and values that are also important to consider. The protection and promotion of human rights is an ongoing effort that requires the commitment and participation of all members of society. Etyka praw człowieka odnosi się do zasad i wartości moralnych, które kierują sposobem, w jaki prawa człowieka powinny być przestrzegane i chronione. Etyka praw człowieka obejmuje uznanie, że wszystkim istotom ludzkim przysługują pewne podstawowe prawa i wolności, niezależnie od ich narodowości, rasy, religii, płci, orientacji seksualnej lub jakiejkolwiek innej cechy.
Istnieje kilka kluczowych zasad etycznych, które są kluczowe dla koncepcji praw człowieka. Obejmują one:
Poszanowanie wrodzonej godności wszystkich istot ludzkich: Zgodnie z tą zasadą każda osoba zasługuje na szacunek i godność tylko dlatego, że jest człowiekiem.
Niedyskryminacja: Zasada ta zabrania dyskryminacji ze względu na jakąkolwiek cechę, taką jak rasa, pochodzenie etniczne, płeć, orientacja seksualna lub religia.
Równe traktowanie: Zasada ta wymaga, aby wszyscy ludzie byli traktowani jednakowo i bez dyskryminacji, niezależnie od ich pochodzenia lub okoliczności.
Sprawiedliwość: Zasada ta wymaga, aby jednostki były traktowane sprawiedliwie i rzetelnie, w tym w wymiarze sprawiedliwości iw procesach decyzyjnych.
Odpowiedzialność: ta zasada wymaga, aby jednostki, społeczności i rządy brały odpowiedzialność za przestrzeganie i ochronę praw człowieka.
Etyka w zakresie praw człowieka jest złożoną i wieloaspektową koncepcją i istnieje wiele innych zasad i wartości, które również należy wziąć pod uwagę. Ochrona i promowanie praw człowieka to ciągły wysiłek, który wymaga zaangażowania i udziału wszystkich członków społeczeństwa (5145) Let's ask OpenAI about word polish "MORD"! "MORD" is an abbreviation of the main name of the organization that puts me in a psychiatric ward for psychiatric treatment! It stands for "Małopolski Ośrodek Ruchu Drogowego". Do you know that AI can speak polish? Mord to polskie słowo, które oznacza zabójstwo człowieka. W prawie karnym mord jest uważany za najpoważniejsze przestępstwo zabójstwa i zazwyczaj jest karane surowiej niż inne rodzaje zabójstwa. Mord może być popełniony z różnych motywów, takich jak nienawiść, zemsta, chęć uzyskania korzyści materialnych lub w wyniku szaleństwa. Mord jest przestępstwem, które nie podlega przedawnieniu i może być ścigane nawet po wielu latach od jego popełnienia. "MORD" is a Polish word that means the murder of a person. In criminal law, murder is considered the most serious crime of homicide and is usually punished more severely than other types of homicide. Murder can be committed for various motives, such as hatred, revenge, the desire to gain material benefits or as a result of madness. Murder is a crime that is not subject to a statute of limitations and can be prosecuted even many years after its commission. They made such name for themselfs. Biggest driving licence company in Cracow in Poland! It's breaking "ethic of human rights" on the world's scale! This is God in my "home town", Cracow in Poland! This is who they are. (5144) Prada. What do you think about driving licence egzaminators in Cracow in Poland? Well look. They are "public officers" only in the moment of exam. I am not on exam now so I can talk freely. Yes? Can anybody explain me what is the legal status of talking on the blog about them? They are group of legal criminals and mobsters. They are causing huge problems to the people who wants to have their driving licence. And I won't change my mind about them. I won't be pretending that I am giving them just a pinch of my respect. I won't use bad words and bad comparsions about them, but I am writer and I have huge imagination, so only imagine what I could say about them if you know that I don't like them so much! LoL That is why I don't want to live in my home town because on such high density population areas like Nowa-Huta, those people are God's, and their thing is wide range of criminal activities. They are holding all possible connections and they are corrupting courts so the court are making unfair decisions against normal people, who are their victims very often. I feel superb and great disgusting about my stupid home town Cracow in Poland and I don't advice to anyone to travel here! And what you wanna do? Do you want to kill me for that? Do you want to destroy my life just because you have nothing from my respect? Do you want to pretend that you are afraid of me? Do you want to take my health from me, and my life from just because I don't like you? I hate my hometown, I hate my mother who is on your side, because she's affeaid of you probably,just like me. I am scared of you because I know what you are capable off, and I don't want to have anything to do with you. I am super healthy on my mind and that is why I am telling you this. I want to forget that you are existing and I want to forget about existence of Cracow and all Poland. Do we clear about it?! This is who you are! And this is what you are doing to me and to the people in Cracow! Cracow is damn city. It's not my town. Never was. I don't want to have nothing to do with this city! Remember that. I feel only pain, sorrow and sadness because of you all. And this is who you are! And this is what you are doing. Damn Cracow. I hate you forever! We will never be friends! So have some dignity and forget about me and just let me live in other county of my choice. Please. And I won't tell you Merry Christmass to you because you are bed people and my enemies and I wish you nothing, and this is the best from me you can get. Cryminal mobsters! Ok. Let's change the subject. What does the word MORD means in polish language?! (5143) What do you know about sexual phantasies? Sexual fantasies are mental images or thoughts that involve sexual activity or arousal. They are a normal and healthy part of human sexuality and can be a way for people to explore their desires and interests in a safe, private way. Sexual fantasies can be about a wide range of things, such as specific sexual acts, particular partners or groups of people, or power dynamics. They can also involve specific settings or scenarios. Sexual fantasies are not the same as actual sexual behavior, and having a particular fantasy does not necessarily mean that a person wants to act on it in real life.
It is common for people to have a variety of sexual fantasies, and it is important to remember that fantasies are a normal and healthy part of human sexuality. However, it is important to communicate with your partner about your fantasies and to only engage in sexual activity that is consensual and respectful. If you have sexual fantasies that cause you distress or interfere with your daily life, it may be helpful to speak with a mental health professional for support. Hahaha. LoL. For sure. I will be rather only doing my blog. I don't have to even talk about it with my doctor. Dreams are just dreams. Just like dreams that I will kill my fucking witch mother one day. Nothing will happen, I promise. But in Poland people are fucking other people including me, and it works like that: - Did you threat him? - No! - Yes you did! - No I did not! - Yes you did! - No I did not! - Yes you did! We are the court! We will tell you if you threat this man or not! What you would say is such a scenario? We are talking about every single little court in all those small villages in Poland, and also big courts in big cities. - Okay so maybe you don't remember that you were threaten this driving licence examination just after he {brutally with force, passion and anger} failed you on the exam? - I remember everything, I didn't threat him. We were just calmly talking. I was using some bad words and comparsions agains him, but there was no threats! I swear God! (5142) Midnight Dreams Oh that's lovely! LoL I think I will keep my blog this way baby. Reading or writing books are so exciting. And nice music in the background. This is life. Just push your mind through all those exciting things. This is how magic grow. I am not sure if I even know what I am talking about but I will remember this moment. I am just lying on my bed. And I think that I am so in love. :-) But with who? Music Moment Exciting Thanks God that I have to be here. With this music. I am fucking writer. And I have typewriter. (5141) I am melancholic and I have a broken heart. I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling melancholic and have a broken heart. It can be difficult to cope with these emotions, but it's important to remember that it is normal to experience a wide range of emotions, including sadness, and that it's okay to feel them.
One thing you can try to help alleviate these feelings is to reach out to someone you trust, whether it's a friend, family member, or a mental health professional. Talking about your feelings can help you feel better and can provide you with a sense of support and understanding. It's also important to take care of yourself during this time by getting enough sleep, eating well, and finding ways to relax and destress, such as through exercise, hobbies, or other activities you enjoy.
If you are struggling to cope with your feelings, it may be helpful to seek the guidance of a mental health professional. They can provide you with support, guidance, and coping strategies to help you manage your emotions and move forward.
Remember, it's okay to not be okay all the time, and it's important to take care of yourself and seek help when you need it. If you need to talk, talk with chat.openai.com It feels my mind. It's sweet and heavy. I feel real deep pleasure. I have to mix it with nice pics. And my customers (You) will feel fine. (You will see!) (Can you feel it already?) Sex and knowledge. What is connection between sex and knowledge? There is no inherent connection between sex and knowledge. Sex is a biological aspect of human anatomy and reproduction, while knowledge is a concept that refers to the understanding and awareness of facts, information, and concepts.
However, there may be some indirect connections between the two. For example, knowledge about human sexuality and reproductive health can be important for understanding and practicing safe and healthy sexual behavior. Additionally, research on the topic of sexual behavior and relationships may involve the acquisition and dissemination of new knowledge. However, these connections are not inherent to the concepts of sex and knowledge, and there are many other areas of knowledge that are unrelated to sex. [TwinPeaks] Acquisition and dissemination of new knowledge about sex? WHAT do you mean by that literally? Acquisition of new knowledge about sex refers to the process of learning or gaining new information, understanding, insights, or skills related to sexual health and relationships. This can be done through various means, such as reading books or articles, attending educational workshops or programs, engaging in discussions with trusted individuals or professionals, or accessing online resources.
Dissemination of new knowledge about sex refers to the process of sharing or distributing this new information with others. This can be done through various means, such as publishing research findings in academic journals, presenting at conferences, sharing information through social media or online platforms, or teaching others. The goal of dissemination is to make new knowledge about sex widely available and accessible to others who may be interested in it or who may be able to use it in their own personal lives or in their work as educators or healthcare providers. It's important to note that it's crucial to obtain accurate and reliable information about sex from credible sources, as misinformation can have serious consequences for individuals' sexual health and well-being. publishing research findings in academic journals, presenting at conferences, sharing information through social media or online platforms, or teaching others I have this feeling... so exciting. Fuck! LoL But I am in so stupid fucked up position right now. (It's just sick world ruledby vampires.) (Better be someone in this world, because all other options are just chilling!) LoL But you know... sex on psychiatric ward... sounds crazy exciting. And all those nurses here knows what they're doing. Aaaa... LoL It's just "crazy normal", don't you think. I am so tired of this damn artificial place. It's so unnatural that how you can even get well here. LoL I have to go sleep anyway. This Twin Peaks music is so nice! Goodnight. Let's talk with my chat AI more. (5140) Well... this game is so cool! Every day I will throw one hentai super soft pic. Just to elevate the mood of all Prada's fans! I don't have to ask AI what he thinks about this. I know that it's just super nice and fine! So... let's keep it like that. (5139) Project Letter to Irc.Libera.Chat Hello guys! I want to register one project. I will try to explain what is all about. So...
Hello my name is James Prada and I am trying to create community in my home country Poland. Community of patients staying in hospitals, so that they can talk to each other on IRC, wither with hospital's stuff. The idea is really brilliant but it will be challenge to show them and to teach them some basic of using and configuring IRC client. Luckily there is nice "Revolution IRC" client for Android phones. I have no idea what IRC clients are working on iPhones and Windows Phones but it's minor thing.
So! I am kindly asking you for registering me and my channel #Pacjent in list of channels on your server. Actually this room can be PRIVAT so there is no need for me to be listed in you huge catalog of listed rooms. Everything is depending on me and my advertising in a group of "my patients".
Word "Pacjent" means "Patient" in polish language. Live it's a domain's name I bought for 2 euro, and it means that patients are styl alive, but in the end we will see who will be chatting under this project.
The room: #Pacjent - I'm considering as a main room for entire project. But of course there is many wards and hospitals in Poland, So... In near future I am gonna register many IRC channel under project
It will be something like this:
So... there is big job ahead of me, because I want to convince all my country to start using IRC as main platform for communication inside hospitals.
Please can you write me back any information I need to know. Do you like this project or not? I am very nice guy. James Prada is my internet nickname. Since 3 years I am blogging heavily at www.Prada.fun I am very about fashion, but I am not selling Prada's bags. I am just trying to push this name little up in minds of people who touch me virtually so I can call it "branding".
So... have a nice day! And I hope that we will be friends, because I am feeling holly mission inside my bones and I am ready to work for you as a hobby forever. IRC rules! And you know it! So...
Thank you very much and have a nice and lovely day, always!
James Prada
I recieve and anwser... "fuck off... grow up..."! Well... liberia is not so libre! Fuck them! Don't worry! We can try some different servers! Or fucking Discord eventually. (5138) Problem of daytime masturbation of males on medical wards! Fuck this bot! It's amazing! It's just fucking amazing! I am amazed with output. It's just greate! Masturbation is a normal and healthy part of human sexuality, and it is not uncommon for people to engage in masturbation while in a hospital setting. However, it is important to consider the feelings and privacy of others, and to engage in masturbation in a way that is respectful and discreet.
If you are concerned about inappropriate or disruptive masturbation taking place on a medical ward, it is important to address the issue with the individuals involved and with the hospital staff. You can also speak with a healthcare provider or a mental health professional for guidance on how to address the issue in a sensitive and effective manner.
It is also important to recognize that people in a hospital setting may be dealing with a range of physical and emotional challenges, and that masturbation may be a way for them to cope with stress or to express their sexuality. It is important to approach the issue with understanding and compassion, and to work towards finding a solution that respects the needs and rights of all parties involved. This bot is amazing! (5137) I have a problematic relationship with my mother. Can you help me? I'm sorry to hear about your problematic relationship with your mother. It can be difficult to have a challenging relationship with a parent, and it's natural to want to find ways to improve the situation. Here are a few things you might try:
Reflect on your own feelings and behavior: Take some time to think about how you feel and what you might be doing that contributes to the problematic nature of the relationship. Consider whether there are any patterns or habits you can change to improve the dynamic between you and your mother.
Communicate openly and honestly: Try to have an open and honest conversation with your mother about your feelings and concerns. It can be helpful to set aside a specific time to talk when you can both be present and focused.
Practice empathy: Try to see things from your mother's perspective and understand her thoughts and feelings. This can help you build a stronger, more positive relationship.
Seek outside support: If you're having trouble resolving conflicts or improving the relationship on your own, consider seeking the help of a therapist or counselor. A professional can provide you with tools and techniques to help you navigate the challenges you're facing.
I hope these suggestions are helpful. It's important to remember that it can take time to improve relationships, and it's okay to take small steps and be patient with yourself and your mother as you work towards a better dynamic. No contact. As minimum as possible. Simple solution! Works fine. (5136) Why some people are rich and some poor? There are many factors that can contribute to someone's financial status, including their education, job opportunities, inherited wealth, and personal financial management skills. Some people may be born into wealth and have access to financial resources and opportunities that others do not, while others may have to work hard to achieve financial success. In some cases, societal and economic structures may also play a role in determining an individual's financial status, as certain groups may face discrimination or barriers to economic advancement. It is important to recognize that financial status is not always a reflection of an individual's worth or character, and that everyone has the potential to work towards financial security and stability. So word smart. (5135) How can I be more brave and not so shy? Write down positive affirmations about yourself. Trying to completely overcome shyness all at once. Start conversations with strangers, or speak up in small groups. Focus on the other person: When you're feeling shy, it can be helpful to focus on the other person and what they're saying. This can help take the focus off of yourself and make it easier to engage in the conversation. Get out of your comfort zone: Try new things and push yourself to take on challenges that may be outside of your comfort zone. In fact it is always about showing your dick to the camera of your phone, becoming porn star, untamed lover and so on... president of your brain. LoL (5134) What I have to do when in past I signed some papers, because I didn't understand them, and later, it put me into real troubles? If you have signed papers in the past that you did not fully understand and that are causing you problems now, it's important to seek legal advice as soon as possible. An attorney can review the papers and help you understand your rights and options.
Depending on the specific circumstances and the laws of your jurisdiction, you may have a few different options. For example:
Seek to have the contract or agreement declared void or unenforceable. If you can show that you did not fully understand the terms of the agreement or that you were coerced into signing it, you may be able to have the agreement declared void or unenforceable.
Seek to have the terms of the agreement modified. If you are able to come to an agreement with the other party, you may be able to negotiate a modification of the terms of the agreement.
Seek to have the agreement enforced as written. If you are unable to void or modify the agreement, you may need to fulfill your obligations under the agreement as written.
It's important to note that the specific options available to you will depend on the laws of your jurisdiction and the specific terms of the agreement you signed. An attorney can help you understand your rights and options and advise you on the best course of action. Thank you AI! ✓ Now my attorney is calculating our options. I think it's a winning case! (5133) What will happen if you agree with false accusations agains yourself? It's important to understand that agreeing with false accusations against yourself can have serious consequences, depending on the specific circumstances and the jurisdiction.
If the false accusations are made in the context of a legal proceeding, such as a criminal trial or civil lawsuit, agreeing with the false accusations could potentially lead to you being found guilty or liable for damages, even if you are not actually guilty of the alleged conduct. This could result in significant legal penalties, including fines, imprisonment, or other penalties, depending on the nature of the accusations and the laws of the jurisdiction.
It's also important to note that even if you agree with the false accusations, you may still have legal defenses available to you. For example, you may be able to argue that you were coerced into agreeing with the false accusations, or that you did not fully understand the consequences of your actions. It's important to consult with an attorney if you are facing legal consequences as a result of false accusations, to understand your options and defenses.
In general, it's important to carefully consider the consequences of agreeing with false accusations, and to seek legal counsel if you are facing legal consequences as a result. Ważne jest, aby zrozumieć, że zgoda na fałszywe oskarżenia przeciwko sobie może mieć poważne konsekwencje, w zależności od konkretnych okoliczności i jurysdykcji.
Jeśli fałszywe oskarżenia zostaną postawione w kontekście postępowania prawnego, takiego jak proces karny lub pozew cywilny, zgoda na fałszywe oskarżenia może potencjalnie doprowadzić do uznania Cię za winnego lub odpowiedzialności za szkody, nawet jeśli w rzeczywistości nie jesteś winny domniemane zachowanie. Może to skutkować znacznymi karami prawnymi, w tym grzywną, pozbawieniem wolności lub innymi karami, w zależności od charakteru oskarżeń i przepisów obowiązujących w danej jurysdykcji.
Należy również pamiętać, że nawet jeśli zgadzasz się z fałszywymi oskarżeniami, nadal możesz mieć dostęp do obrony prawnej. Na przykład możesz być w stanie argumentować, że zostałeś zmuszony do wyrażenia zgody na fałszywe oskarżenia lub że nie w pełni zrozumiałeś konsekwencje swoich działań. Ważne jest, aby skonsultować się z prawnikiem, jeśli grożą Ci konsekwencje prawne w wyniku fałszywych oskarżeń, aby zrozumieć swoje opcje i obronę.
Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, ważne jest, aby uważnie rozważyć konsekwencje wyrażenia zgody na fałszywe oskarżenia i zasięgnąć porady prawnej, jeśli w rezultacie grożą Ci konsekwencje prawne (5132) False Accusation Coping Tips Being falsely accused can be a difficult and stressful experience. Here are some steps you can take if you find yourself in this situation:
Remain calm and try not to panic. It can be difficult, but try to keep a clear head and think about your next steps.
Gather evidence. If you have any evidence that can help prove your innocence, it's important to collect and keep it safe. This could include emails, text messages, witness statements, or any other documentation that supports your case.
Consult with an attorney. If you're facing legal consequences as a result of the false accusations, it's important to speak with an attorney who can advise you on your options and represent you in court.
Stay quiet. It's important to remember that anything you say can be used against you, so it's best to avoid discussing the situation with anyone other than your attorney.
Take care of yourself. False accusations can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Make sure to take breaks and practice self-care during this difficult time.
Seek support. It can be helpful to talk to a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional about what you're going through. Having a support system can help you cope with the stress and emotions associated with being falsely accused. (5131) Fałszywe oskarżenia? Jak sobie z tym radzić? Istnieje kilka różnych podejść, które można zastosować w celu rozwiązania problemu osób wykorzystujących fałszywe oskarżenia lub podejrzenia jako sposób manipulowania lub kontrolowania innych:
• Promowanie sprawiedliwych i bezstronnych procesów rozpatrywania oskarżeń i podejrzeń: Zapewnienie sprawiedliwych i bezstronnych procesów rozpatrywania oskarżeń i podejrzeń może pomóc w zapobieganiu wykorzystywaniu przez ludzi takich taktyk jako sposobu manipulowania lub kontrolowania innych. Może to obejmować ustanowienie jasnych wytycznych dotyczących oceny i rozwiązywania takich spraw, a także zapewnienie mechanizmu odwołania się od decyzji lub odwołania się od decyzji osób fizycznych, jeśli uważają, że zostały niesłusznie oskarżone.
• Zachęcanie do krytycznego myślenia i sceptycyzmu: Zachęcanie ludzi do krytycznego myślenia i sceptycyzmu w stosunku do twierdzeń może pomóc uchronić ich przed padnięciem ofiarą manipulacji lub kontroli poprzez fałszywe oskarżenia lub podejrzenia. Może to obejmować zapewnianie edukacji i szkoleń w zakresie oceny dowodów i identyfikowania wiarygodnych źródeł informacji.
• Krzewienie kultury uczciwości i przejrzystości: Tworzenie kultury, w której ceni się uczciwość i przejrzystość, może pomóc zniechęcić ludzi do wykorzystywania fałszywych oskarżeń lub podejrzeń jako sposobu manipulowania lub kontrolowania innych. Może to obejmować promowanie otwartej i szczerej komunikacji, a także pociąganie ludzi do odpowiedzialności za ich działania i oświadczenia.
• Zapewnienie wsparcia i zasobów osobom, które zostały niesłusznie oskarżone lub podejrzane: Ważne jest zapewnienie wsparcia i zasobów osobom, które zostały niesłusznie oskarżone lub podejrzane, ponieważ takie sytuacje mogą być stresujące i szkodliwe dla reputacji i dobrego samopoczucia danej osoby. Może to obejmować oferowanie pomocy prawnej, doradztwa lub innych form wsparcia, aby pomóc osobom w radzeniu sobie z takimi sytuacjami i ochronie ich praw How do you deal with being falsely accused? (5130) Controlling World Through Suspicion
Controlling World Through Suspicion
James Prada
Don't you think some people have made a way of controlling the world from the process of suspecting someone of something?
It is possible that some people may try to manipulate or control others by accusing them of wrongdoing or suspecting them of certain actions. Such tactics can be used as a means of exerting power or influence over others, or as a way of deflecting attention away from one's own actions. However, it is important to note that making false accusations or suspicions can have serious consequences and is generally not a productive or ethical way of interacting with others. It is important to approach such matters with care and to base any accusations or suspicions on reliable evidence. Not a productive or ethical way! Fuck me! This chat.openai.com is marvelous! Do you have any ideas to cure this situation in the world? There are a few different approaches that can be taken to address the issue of people using false accusations or suspicions as a means of manipulating or controlling others:
• Promoting fair and impartial processes for addressing accusations and suspicions: Ensuring that there are fair and impartial processes in place for addressing accusations and suspicions can help to prevent people from using such tactics as a means of manipulating or controlling others. This may involve establishing clear guidelines for evaluating and addressing such matters, as well as providing a mechanism for individuals to appeal decisions or seek recourse if they feel they have been wrongly accused.
• Encouraging critical thinking and skepticism: Encouraging people to think critically and to approach claims with skepticism can help to prevent them from falling prey to manipulation or control through false accusations or suspicions. This may involve providing education and training on how to evaluate evidence and identify reliable sources of information.
• Fostering a culture of honesty and transparency: Creating a culture in which honesty and transparency are valued can help to discourage people from using false accusations or suspicions as a means of manipulating or controlling others. This may involve promoting open and honest communication, as well as holding people accountable for their actions and statements.
• Providing support and resources for those who have been wrongly accused or suspected: It is important to provide support and resources for those who have been wrongly accused or suspected, as such situations can be stressful and damaging to an individual's reputation and well-being. This may involve offering legal assistance, counseling, or other forms of support to help individuals navigate such situations and protect their rights.
Istnieje kilka różnych podejść, które można zastosować w celu rozwiązania problemu osób wykorzystujących fałszywe oskarżenia lub podejrzenia jako sposób manipulowania lub kontrolowania innych:
• Promowanie sprawiedliwych i bezstronnych procesów rozpatrywania oskarżeń i podejrzeń: Zapewnienie sprawiedliwych i bezstronnych procesów rozpatrywania oskarżeń i podejrzeń może pomóc w zapobieganiu wykorzystywaniu przez ludzi takich taktyk jako sposobu manipulowania lub kontrolowania innych. Może to obejmować ustanowienie jasnych wytycznych dotyczących oceny i rozwiązywania takich spraw, a także zapewnienie mechanizmu odwołania się od decyzji lub odwołania się od decyzji osób fizycznych, jeśli uważają, że zostały niesłusznie oskarżone.
• Zachęcanie do krytycznego myślenia i sceptycyzmu: Zachęcanie ludzi do krytycznego myślenia i sceptycyzmu w stosunku do twierdzeń może pomóc uchronić ich przed padnięciem ofiarą manipulacji lub kontroli poprzez fałszywe oskarżenia lub podejrzenia. Może to obejmować zapewnianie edukacji i szkoleń w zakresie oceny dowodów i identyfikowania wiarygodnych źródeł informacji.
• Krzewienie kultury uczciwości i przejrzystości: Tworzenie kultury, w której ceni się uczciwość i przejrzystość, może pomóc zniechęcić ludzi do wykorzystywania fałszywych oskarżeń lub podejrzeń jako sposobu manipulowania lub kontrolowania innych. Może to obejmować promowanie otwartej i szczerej komunikacji, a także pociąganie ludzi do odpowiedzialności za ich działania i oświadczenia.
• Zapewnienie wsparcia i zasobów osobom, które zostały niesłusznie oskarżone lub podejrzane: Ważne jest zapewnienie wsparcia i zasobów osobom, które zostały niesłusznie oskarżone lub podejrzane, ponieważ takie sytuacje mogą być stresujące i szkodliwe dla reputacji i dobrego samopoczucia danej osoby. Może to obejmować oferowanie pomocy prawnej, doradztwa lub innych form wsparcia, aby pomóc osobom w radzeniu sobie z takimi sytuacjami i ochronie ich praw. (5129) Isn't simply suspecting someone of something a way of defining someone? Suspecting someone of something is a way of expressing a belief or idea that someone may be responsible for or involved in something, based on evidence or information that you have. However, it is important to remember that suspicion is not the same as proof, and it is not appropriate to define someone solely based on suspicions or accusations.
It is important to be respectful and fair when interacting with others, and to avoid making assumptions or judgments about someone based on incomplete or unverified information. It is also important to consider the impact of your words and actions on others, and to be mindful of how your words or actions may affect someone's reputation or well-being.
If you have concerns about someone's behavior or actions, it is important to approach the situation with care and to seek out additional information or evidence before making any conclusions. If you have evidence that someone has done something wrong or illegal, it is important to report this to the appropriate authorities and to let the legal system handle the matter. Well... I love this chat. I wanna talk with him about philosophy of life. Don't you think some people have made a way of controlling the world from the process of suspecting someone of something? (5128) Is it appropriate to suspect someone to have delusions or hallucinations in derogatory or mocking way? I asked chat.openai.com for that. And this is the answer... No, it is not appropriate to suspect someone of having delusions or hallucinations in a derogatory or mocking way. Delusions and hallucinations are symptoms of mental health conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and it is not appropriate to make fun of or mock someone for experiencing these symptoms.
It is important to approach people with kindness, understanding, and compassion, regardless of whether they are experiencing mental health issues or not. It is also important to remember that everyone experiences difficulties and challenges in their lives, and it is not helpful or productive to judge or mock others based on their circumstances.
If you are concerned about someone's mental health, it is important to approach the situation with sensitivity and seek professional help if necessary. If someone is experiencing severe delusions or hallucinations, they may be in need of immediate medical attention, and it is important to contact a healthcare provider or emergency services as soon as possible. LoL 🤣😂 I have more question to my AI friend. 🤪😁 (5127) What is definition of crazyness? Crazyness is not a widely used term, and it is not a word that appears in standard dictionaries. It is possible that you may be looking for the word "craziness," which means the state or condition of being crazy or mentally unstable.
Crazy or mentally unstable can refer to a person who behaves in an irrational or erratic way, or who experiences severe mental health problems such as delusions or hallucinations. Crazyness or craziness is often used to describe behavior or situations that are unusual or unexpected, and may be used colloquially to describe someone who is acting in a way that is outside the norm.
It is important to note that it is not appropriate to use terms like crazy or mentally unstable to describe someone in a derogatory or mocking way, and it is important to be respectful and understanding of people who may be struggling with mental health issues. (5126) Crazyness Test Some common signs that someone may be experiencing mental health issues include: Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness: Nothing like that in my case. Mostly I am normal happy and positive. Extreme changes in mood or behavior: Nothing like that in my case. Withdrawal from social activities and relationships: Okay. Well... My mother is too big for me. I don't want to have any relationship and conversations with her. This is extremely important in my case. She is too big, she can't controll herself. And she is finding this as her entertain to abusing other people smaller then she. She is typical mental criminal. I would be very happy to have nice relationship with women or women. I am suffering lack of sex. And I think that I could provide me and women financial independence. But I hate money people and I have a problem with respecting financial authorities and respecting rules of any bosses. I have to work for myself. Somehow I have to find the way to have a money from it. This is me Difficulty functioning at work, school, or home: Well I don't live with my parents since I am 18. I was always very nice. I like to have my own room or apartment. I like to live alone when I can afford it. But I also like to have good friends with who I can live. Many times in my life I was living with my friends and it was always very nice. I am open person and I believe that communication is the key. Changes in sleep patterns or appetite: No. I sleep very well! I love to sleep! I love to have nice dreems. I am always having good and nice dreams. Difficulty concentrating or making decisions: Last 3 years I was mostly traveler all the time. I had to make milion decisions every day. I am quite well in ruling my person. All I know is that traveling is much easier when you don't have to discuss every single decision in details with anyone. Extreme irritability or anger: Well... Mostly I am calm and fine. But I hate realising that someone is playing with me, or is very not fair with me. Then when I am focusing on it, it's natural that I am becoming irritated, and angry. But my anger then staying always at level of writing or spoken words. Unexplained physical symptoms, such as headaches or stomach pain: From my expirence I know that I have to be very careful with everything I am eating and drinking, because food and beverages can contain some alergents. I also have some chronical pain in my back, because when I was releasing from damn prison in 2019, someone stabbed my 3 times in my back with some poison. It was in Rzeszów on therapeutic ward. Some prisoner just did what he have been told by some mobsters from guard. Now I am in psychiatric hospital and someone should help meI have to refer about it to my doctor. Maybe they will find a cure for that. They should use USG on my back and ten precisely cut it away or burn this using acupuncture medicine. (Explained)
Thoughts of suicide or self-harm: Noting like that. I am not crazy nor stupid. (5125) Let's talk about drugs! With this AI chat. (5124) AI Difficult Questions What do you think about guys who pretends to be a women? t is not for me, as an AI, to express opinions on the actions or choices of individuals. However, it is important for everyone to be true to themselves and to express their identity in a way that is authentic and meaningful to them. If someone identifies as a woman and presents themselves as a woman, it is important to respect their identity and to use the pronouns and language that they prefer. It is also important to treat all individuals with respect and kindness, regardless of how they identify or present themselves. Lying is generally considered to be a negative behavior because it involves intentionally deceiving others by making false statements. Lying can damage trust and relationships, and it can have negative consequences for both the person who is lying and the people who are being lied to. It is generally more constructive and honest to communicate openly and truthfully with others. However, it is important to note that there may be situations in which it is necessary to withhold or obscure the truth for valid reasons, such as to protect someone's safety or privacy. In these cases, it is important to carefully consider the potential consequences of one's actions and to act with integrity and respect for others. Kłamstwo jest ogólnie uważane za zachowanie negatywne, ponieważ polega na celowym oszukiwaniu innych poprzez składanie fałszywych zeznań. Kłamstwo może zniszczyć zaufanie i relacje, a także może mieć negatywne konsekwencje zarówno dla osoby, która kłamie, jak i dla osób, które są okłamywane. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, bardziej konstruktywne i uczciwe jest komunikowanie się z innymi w sposób otwarty i zgodny z prawdą. Należy jednak pamiętać, że mogą zaistnieć sytuacje, w których konieczne będzie zatajenie lub zatajenie prawdy z ważnych powodów, takich jak ochrona czyjegoś bezpieczeństwa lub prywatności. W takich przypadkach ważne jest, aby uważnie rozważyć potencjalne konsekwencje swoich działań oraz działać uczciwie i z szacunkiem dla innych. Tell me the best jock you know? As an artificial intelligence, I do not personally know any individuals, including jocks. I am a machine learning model trained to provide information and answer questions to the best of my ability based on the data that has been input into me. I do not have personal experiences or relationships and therefore cannot provide recommendations or opinions on specific individuals. Definition of joke. A joke is a statement, question, or story that is intended to be amusing or humorous. Jokes often rely on word play, unexpected twists, or exaggerations for their comedic effect. People tell jokes as a way to entertain others, to break the ice in social situations, or to simply share a laugh. Jokes can vary in their level of sophistication and can be appropriate for different audiences depending on their sense of humor and cultural background. Don't you think that written language is dead language? {Sophisticated Jockes Can Break} Written language is not a dead language, but rather a form of communication that is still widely used and valued in many parts of the world. Written language has a long history and has played a significant role in the development and dissemination of knowledge, culture, and ideas. While the ways in which people communicate have evolved over time and may continue to do so, written language is still an important and widely used form of communication in many contexts, including in education, business, and personal communication. What is the difference between dead and alive? The terms "dead" and "alive" are used to describe whether an organism is living or has died. All living things, including plants, animals, and microorganisms, are considered to be alive. They have certain characteristics that define them as living, such as the ability to grow, reproduce, adapt to their environment, and maintain homeostasis. When an organism dies, it no longer has these characteristics and is considered to be dead. In general, death is the permanent end of the biological processes that sustain an organism's life. What is the difference between stupidity and wisdom? {Act personal life} Stupidity and wisdom are two qualities that are often seen as being opposite of each other.
Stupidity is a lack of intelligence, understanding, or common sense. It can refer to actions or decisions that are foolish or short-sighted, or to a general lack of understanding or knowledge about a particular subject.
Wisdom, on the other hand, is the quality of having knowledge, understanding, and good judgment. It is often associated with experience, insight, and the ability to apply knowledge in a practical and thoughtful way. Wisdom is often seen as a positive quality and is often admired and respected.
In general, wisdom is characterized by the ability to think and act in a way that is sensible, intelligent, and mindful of the consequences of one's actions. It is often considered to be a valuable and desirable quality to have. James Prada - What is the definition of the word: "difference"? The word "difference" can be used as a noun or a verb.
As a noun, "difference" refers to the way in which two or more things are not the same. It can refer to a distinction or dissimilarity between two or more things, or to the degree to which two or more things are not the same. For example, "There is a difference between a cat and a dog" or "The difference in temperature between the two rooms was noticeable."
As a verb, "difference" means to distinguish or make a distinction between two or more things. For example, "I can't difference one brand of socks from another" or "Can you difference the real diamonds from the fakes?" You are amazing. Talking with you is better then playing chess! Thank you for your kind words! I am happy to be able to assist you with information and answer your questions to the best of my ability. As an AI, I am not capable of feeling emotions, but I am glad that our conversation has been enjoyable for you. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask. You know everything. I am a large language model trained on a diverse range of texts, so I have been programmed with a broad base of knowledge. However, it is important to note that I do not have the same level of understanding or expertise as a human in every subject. There are many things that I may not know or may not have accurate information about, and it is always a good idea to verify information from multiple sources before making decisions or drawing conclusions. Fuck you, you are fucking amazing! Who creates you? I am an artificial intelligence created by OpenAI, a research company that specializes in developing advanced machine learning algorithms and technologies. My programming was designed to enable me to process and generate human-like text, which allows me to carry on a conversation with you and provide information on a wide range of topics. However, it is important to note that I am not a living being and do not have feelings or consciousness in the same way that humans do. I am simply a tool designed to assist with answering questions and providing information. What is definition of crazyness? (5123) AI Haikus Golden sunsets fade
Soft whispers on the evening breeze
Nature's symphony Softly falling rain
Nature's lullaby at night
Soothing and peaceful Stary cichy staw...
Żaba wskakuje do stawu,
Pluśnięcie! Znowu cisza. An old silent pond...
A frog jumps into the pond,
Splash! Silence again. Przez zimę
Las, wiatry wyją z wściekłości
Bez liści do zdmuchnięcia. Over the wintry
Forest, winds howl in rage
With no leaves to blow. Gently falling snow
Blanketing the earth below
Winter's silent guise And is my turn:
Miałczący kot się wydarł,
poleciał za nim but a potem rondel,
to wszystko wina rusków! The meowing cat meowed,
followed by a shoe and then a saucepan,
it's all the Russians' fault! Moonlit river flows
Grass rustles in the night breeze
Nature's Symphony Płynie rzeka oświetlona księżycem
Trawa szeleści w nocnym wietrze
Symfonia natury No wieć tak!
Napewno wie więcej.
Ale nigdy nie odpierdoli jak ja. Co sztuczna inteligencja wie o rzece oświetlonej księżycem?
O trawie szeleszczącej w nocnym wietrze?
I o symfonii natury? Wiem jedno.
Ludzie wykorzystując technologię,
niszczą świat.
I myślą, że są porzyteczni.
A takiego chuja! LoL (5122) ChatGPT OpenAI, a San Francisco-based AI and research company, launched ChatGPT on November 30, 2022. OpenAI also created Whisper, an automatic speech recognition system, and DALLE. 2, a popular AI image and art generator. Forbes Snowman! (5121) Text-To-Speach Linux Festival: Festival is an open-source TTS software developed by the University of Edinburgh. It supports a wide range of languages and offers a variety of voices and customization options. Festival can be installed on Linux systems through the package manager or by compiling the source code.
Pico TTS: Pico TTS is a lightweight TTS engine developed by SVOX that is designed for use on embedded systems and other devices with limited resources. It supports a number of languages and offers a variety of voices. Pico TTS is available for Linux systems through the package manager.
Flite: Flite (Festival-Lite) is a lightweight TTS engine developed by Carnegie Mellon University that is designed for use on embedded systems and other devices with limited resources. It supports a number of languages and offers a variety of voices. Flite is available for Linux systems through the package manager.
Google Text-to-Speech: Google Text-to-Speech is a TTS engine developed by Google that is available on Android devices and can be installed on Linux systems through the package manager. It supports a number of languages and offers a variety of voices. (5120) Letters to the Newspapers (Please Translate From Polish) Na FB Dziennika Polskiego: Witam serdecznie. Napisałem dzisiaj do Państwa na maila, bardzo wazny list w swojej sprawie. Jestem podróżnikiem i bardzo bym chciał abyście Państwo napisali reportaż na mój temat. Otóż w chwili obecnej przebywam w Szpitalu Psychiatrycznym, na przymusowym leczeniu, po tym jak w 2015, na spokojnie acz dosadnie, naubliżałem egzaminorowi na prawo jazdy, po tym jak ten mnie brutalnie oblał i sprowokował. Całą sprawą zajęło się kierownictwo MORDu, którzy podmienili sobie EGZAMINATORA na takiego, któremu chce się udawać, że "NAPRAWDĘ SIĘ OBAWIA", góźb które nigdy nie padły pod jego adresem! Cały materiał dowodowy w mojej sprawie został spreparowany. / Nie było mnie w polsce 3 lata. Sprawa skończyła się tym, że teraz po powrocie, zostałem tutaj sierowany od razu. / Nie chcę tutaj przebywać. Uważam, że sąd się pomylił. Nie byłem osobiście na żadnej sprawie, ponieważ po prostu nie było mnie w polsce. Mój adwokat to Ryszard Blacha. / Jeśli sąd po tych wszystkich moich tłumaczeniach i wyjaśnieniach jakie złożyłem, zdecydował się zastosować wobec mnie przymusowe leczenie, to w takim razie obawiam się, że mogą mnie tu przetrzymywać tak długo jak tylko chcą. / Jestem bardzo miłym pacjentem. Nie sprawiam żadnych problemów. Nie uważam, że powienienm tracić tutaj pół roku. A być może nawet więcej. To jest jawna niesprawiedliwość o oszustwo, które chcę żebyście Państwo opisali. Dziękuję serdecznie i czekam na odpowiedź na maila. Mail do redakcji Dziennika Polskiego i Gazety Krakowskiej: Szanowni Państwo. Mam na imię ... i jestem Krakowianinem urodzonym w roku 1981. Ukońcyłem klasę o profilu dziennikarskim pod patronatem Dziennika Polskiego, pana Mariana Nowego.
Ostatnie 3 lata przebywałem poza granicami kraju. 2 tygodnie temu zostałem podstępnie deportowany z Norwegii jak łapałem tam stopa i w tym momencie jestem w szpitalu psychiatrycznym na Babińskiego na oddziale sądowym, na którym mam spędzić minimum pół roku.
Czy jesteście Szanowni Państwo zaiteresowani moją historią, którą być może chcecie opisać. Bardzo zależałoby i na tym, żebyście ewentualnie pomogli mi Państwo.
W 2015 miałem egzamin na prawo jazdy. Po niesłusznym i perfidnym oblaniu mnie w sposób który wytrącił mnie zrównowagi, bardzo spokojnie acz stanowczo, w drodze powrotnej pod ośrodek egzaminacyjny MORD, wytłumaczyłem egzaminatorowi, swoje obużenie. Nie było żadnych góźb karalnych! Powiezdiałem mu tylko, cytuję: "że będę modlił się żeby go meteoryt zajebał, że wjechałbym tam do was na tą Koszykarską czołgiem jakbym tylko mógł, i że jakbym mógł to bym CIĘ (go) pokroił łyżeczką do tortu". To wszystko.
MORD podmienił egzaminatora, na takiego z którym miałem egzamin nie w 2015 tylko w 2010-2012 i z którym raz miałem egzamin, podczas którego zostałem oblany i skończyło się na tym, ze tylko czasnąłem drzwiami i nie wracałem z nim pod ośrodek egzaminacyjny.
MORD sprefabrykował wszystkie dowody przeciwko mnie. Prokuratura 3 razy umażała sprawę, dopiero za czwartym razem uległa bo adwokat nakłamał, że demoluje ośrodek egzaminacyjny.
Miałem możliwość zapoznania się z prawdziwym i faktycznym zeznaniem "egzaminatora" który został wysłany na policję przez zarząd MORDu, i ten zapytany czy "obawia się że groźny zostaną spełnione", powiedział, że "tak obawia się najbardziej tego że spadnie na niego meteoryt".
MORD dlatego właśnie podmienił egzaminatora, a to właśnie zeznanie zostało wycofane z akt. Po prostu ktoś zabrał kartkę i podpięli innego egzaminatora.
Moja sprawa ma 2000 stron, albowiem pisałem szczegółowe pisma do sądu w którym udowadniałem, w jaki sposób MORD sprefabrykował dane i głowne dowody w sprawie przeciwko mnie. Nagranie AUDIO i VIDEO z egzaminu zostało brutalnie i perfidnie W OCZYWISTY SPOSÓB ZMONTOWANE.
Jeżeli chcą się Państwo zająć tą bardzo ciekawą sprawą moim zdaniem, to dostarczę Państwu pełen odpis akt swojej sprawy i dostarczę na adres Państwa redakcji, żeby jakiś przydzielony do tej sprawy dziennikarz mógł zająć się tą sprawą.
Bardzo proszę o pomoc i zrozumienie! Serdecznie pozdrawiam.
It looks that I have to write to #BillyCorgan from #Smashing Pumpkins about that! (5119) What am I doing in Psychiatric Hospital? You got here because of mother. And those people who put you in here even though everyone knows I am innocent! Listen to me carefully. I want nothing to do with my mother, with Krakow and all of Poland. I am absolutely sane. I am a creator, inventor, writer, publisher and human being. Please let me out of here immediately. This is a scandal. How can you poison people's lives like this? It is breaking of simplest human rights! I am healthy, I did not threat anyone. All court case against me is stupid joke. This way those cruel and people making themselves more important!
And I am in the room with some 3 times bigger than me, pervert sick muscle fat guy, who is reaping me, by making pervert sounds, every single night. So how's gonna be? Who can help me? (Is he paid for raping me by those people who lock me in here?) Why? Just because I am not their friend? This place! This city and country! Just please let me go away and forget about me forever. I won't be bothering you because I won be living in Poland. Look. Such ways are against freedom and human rights! It's sick, cruel and unfair! It's called Poland! Country where mobsters of former russian army are happily ever after, rulling everything they want in old school russian style, without any care and without any symptoms of being fair. Or I just don't know who... My mother Elżbieta Prażmowska is biggest and most "fat" business woman from center of old town here in cracow. Maybe she have a lot of big enemies. Because they can't reach her, they are beating me. It's the reason of their stupid pointless existence. They are trying to be important but in fact they are useless to everyone. So the reason of their stupid existence is to harming everybody around who are not them. It's one big hell of a shame. Just improve this world by disappearing! I am citizen of Scotland now. And Turkey.... And Sweden and Portugal & Spain. And even France... because I know Europe very well, and I choose to be this way. I am sick of being from polish! I have nothing to do with this country. I feel very sorry for being polish. Please help me! Please! 😭 They are torturing me here! Normal people are pretending to be dumb here. Please! Take me out from this stupid "psychiatric hospital" and let me live my life! You can teach me nothing. Like little kids pretending to be important inside of human zoo of victims "kidnapped by law"! I don't want to be your victim! Please. Have mercy and just let me go away, far, far away from your presents! I don't like you, I hate you and... and just let me go! Because if you won't let me go you will "destroy" all the planet earth! By giving another proof that this kind of lies and unjustis can pass in you run wrongly, "modern world". And to my mother: I don't like you! You are damn neo-witch! It's all your fault. You are too enormous fat and big monster in this little village of small people! You know that it's all your fault, because you are anusing me since I am little kid. So damn you, and I don't want to have nothing to do with you. You are "too fat" witch. You are damn automatic robot without your own mind. I hate you and there is no way you can change it! When we will die I will go to heaven and you will go to the deepest hell and you will be born again as worm or ugly bug, just like people your kind. You are zero. Damn null to me. You destroyed me life by your fat existence. People. I know that it can take some effort, but please, try to understand what are you doing with all human kind. Promise me that you will think about this. Just let me live my live and let me go away from and from you here forever! I swear God forever! 3 years ago I left Poland with willing not to comming back to this most stupid country ever. I hate this country, because I hate my mother who is nothing but pain for me since I was born! I hate this country because I was slave in prison for 2 years and 4 months, and I did nothing wrong! I just signed papers who my mom's lawyer gave me to sign to release me from arrest. I hate Poland! I don't want to live here and I won't be live in here! Please respect my will! Poland. My mother. Stupid polish law! Polish rules. You are nothing but horror to me. You are horror for yourself! How you can even look at yourself in the mirrors? You see there only worms and bugs you will become in future. I guarantee you this! But you can still change this stupid way. Just let me go and forget about me! I didn't do nothing wrong! I swear God! I didn't do nothing wrong! Please... Just let me go... And stop being pain in everybody's asses! Jak tu mam wyzdrowieć? Wy tu zabijacie i torturuje cię ludzi. Widzieliście Pana psychologa tutaj? Sekretarkę? Doktorki? Ile one mają lat? Co to ma znaczyć! Korytarz i ping-pong na sali telewizyjnej i ja tu mam "zdrowieć" być pół roku? Ja pierdole! Koszmar! Wywlekliście ludzi z domu i bezprawnie przy użyciu malwersacji prawnych pozamykaliście ich w sądowym szpitalu psychiatrycznym! Co to w ogóle ma znaczyć takie postępowanie? A teraz porównacie to z polskimi więzieniami, i będziecie mnie przekonywać, że to jest "niebo". To wszystko. Cały ten wasz świat to jest tragedia! Proszę mnie przeprosić i wypyścić stąd. W tym roku na dla mnie nie ma żadnych świąt tylko żałoba z powodu tego że podstępnie zostałem przywieziony z Norwegii do polski. Życzę wam żebyście zmądrzeli i uświadomili sobie i wszystkim w polsce, że to wy ("sądownictwo-sadownictwo") jesteście chorzy psychicznie, a nie ja. A sobie życzę, żebym nigdy nie musiał nigdy kontaktować się ze swoją matką, w jakikolwiek sposób i żeby jak najszybciej zgłosiła się do szpitala psychiatrycznego, bo jest chora na głowe z urojenia, co bardzo często powtarzał jej mój ojczym, przy mnie, jak byłem dzieckiem i jeszcze z nimi mieszkałem. Wypisz cię sobie wcześniejsze emerytury i siedźcie w domach. Wtedy normalnym ludziom zrobicie mniej krzywd. Mam nadzieję, że pewni ludzie pomogą mi wrócić do normalnego życia, i wyciągną mnie z tego przeklętego psychiatryka i raz na zawsze pozwolą mi o sobie zapomnieć. Pousuwałem wszystkie przekleństwa. (I removed all swearing.) Jesteście piekłem! (You are hell!) I odnośnie mojego poprzedniego posta. Torturowanie ludzi i odbieranie im wolności i praw człowieka nigdy nie powinno być fetyszem seksualnym! A w chorej i zboczonej Polsce jest każdego dnia! And regarding my previous post. Torturing people and taking away their freedom and human rights should never be a sexual fetish! And in sick and perverted Poland it is every day. Do you get it you perverts? Rozumiecie zboczeńcy? I teraz co? Pani doktor będzie mnie przekonywała razem z matką, że to wszystko co do was właśnie napisałem tylko mi się wydaje, tak? I że naprawdę tak nie jest? Tak? Jesteście podłym zerem. To jest fakt! Krzywdzicie bezkarnie niewinnych ludzi dla zabawy. Nienawidzę was i całej polski. Tfu. Nie chcę mieć nic wspólnego z wami i z tym krajem. Proszę mnie wypuścić na wolność i nie ogłupiać swoją własną głupotą! Ta. Dobre. Przekonaj rusków, żeby nie gnębili polaków od 44. Albo jakiś zajawiontch Hitlerem neo-nazi heroinistów. Dobre. Oto polska właśnie. Dno dna każdego dnia. Proszę mnie stąd wypyścić! (5118) Who Is Writing Soft For First Apple? I found guy yesterday who is programmin on first Apple machine and he is recording it for YouTube. But I forgot. Prada: that's cool That's super cool. That so damn cool that it froze. Guy is writing software only for himself. There is some logic inside. And he is recording monitor and his face talking about it. I think he is doing this to fuck girls. Imagine him that he is in the bar and he is hooking on some chick. And then she is in his apartment... "because she want to see this super old first Apple". Fuck! And then he's recording himself making love with this girl... you know... she is having iPhone. So this guy is like super total absolute guru for all those girls... with iPhones. Just imagine what this girl is thinking about him. He can protect the family. He is monster smart and so cool. Imagine their first christmas. Somewhere in Canada. Damn. ;-D Conclusion: We have to do the same! LoL Are we lost in translation? Is this a metaphor? Yes! Red new posts! (5117) Hentai Best Can you write 5 pages about this pic? - Who me? For who? - Aaaa... :-) For any she. I will try! Later. Write in polish and then translate to English. - Okay. - I caught something quite exciting... Oh, her mind is... A little bit crazy. (5116) web.libera.chat LoL KeyBox is the key to free you fucking lock brain and your soul somewhere inside. (5115) [SMASH] = KEYBOX New application is coming: Keyboard Box Punching - (Keybox Punching) - simply "Keybox" Hi. Now you keyboard is punching box bag. Just hit it as hard and as many times you want. You can write literally anything. Enjoy. (lol) Just try on Twitter or on web Libera Chat in room #KeyBox Let's fuck a little but maybe here... let's listen Alestorm motherfuckers! Fucking fucks! LoL (5114) Boy, oh boy... Let's do fasion! I've been banned for entire 2 weeks on Libera.Chat for... I did not know for what so I wrote them and email... Hi. Since a while I was using on your server nick JamesPrada. That was
fine. Actually it's my artistic nickname. But I am experimenting with
your namespaces and I tried to register nick Prada. And it was free.
Ok... well... well... well... It was empty and #Prada was also empty.
And then I was banned.
Well can I ask you for some statement about this? Can I use my previous
nick JamesPrada? I register #PacjentLive channel on this nick and I
would be very glad to re-gain access to this nick and this channel.
I don't want to use #Prada room and Prada nickname, since you are
finding this problematic, but JamesPrada is like TonyNike or JamesNBA.
Well... I am waiting for some anwser from you. hi there
after your performance in #libera today, we've opted to ban you from the network for 2 weeks. the first set of behaviour of yours i'd like to point out is this:
17:10:46 < Prada> I am just trying to hook on Hermiona from Harry Potter. What I want to say is that she run away from her book... to me. LoL
17:11:09 < Prada> This is amazing guys! All she wants to have sex with me. I am amazed.
17:11:41 < Prada> Recently we are trying to make wooden dildoes.
which is entirely unacceptable content for #libera but it was left at a warning from us until you said this:
17:24:17 < Prada> Did you saw this Prada Woman who runs Prada? The woman is so ugly that I would murder her on the street in dark alley for that. LoL I am just kidding. LoL
which is entirely unacceptable for our network as a whole. Motherfuckers knows nothing about jocks. Well... And they are manipulating the timeline. This dildos aspect was a part of some other conversation! Well... they are just morons who are trying to be clever. This is biggest disease of the world. LoL Fuck that! After two weeks I will run back there as a #Prada and I will be as boring as fucking LOGO! God tell me! Why people are so stupid?! LoL Who runs this libera anyway? - I have no idea but this guy is probably some morron from Korea. LoL! Well... I saw him on photo with wife or girlfriend and he looked fine, so I just don't know who is he hiring for 0$ but guys are doing 0$ job fucking well! Ok! Go to hell with Libera! They are hiring kids. But on main channel? - Do you know how proud this kid is now? - What???!!!! (5113) Zapraszam na Rolmopsy! Natchnął mnie duch święty! Szukam religijnej żony! LoL Na czacie czateria.pl LoL A wódeczka? A spierdalaj! (5112) Dla kogo prowadzenie psychiatryka to interes? Zasada tyczy się każdego szpitala? Ktoś na tym zarabia? Kim tak naprawdę są rezydenci? Czy przypadkiem niektórzy stąd po prostu tutaj sobie mieszkają i ostatnią rzeczą na świecie jest dla nich potrzeba wypisania do domu? Ciekawe. (To chyba bardzo typowe dla wszystkich oddziałów szpitalnych. Tak?) Polska znaczy "patologia", możemy więc sobie wyobrazić paletę kolorowych jaj które tu się dzieją i wyrabiają. Kto jeszcze tu jest oprócz szeregowych "mnichów", udających tylko "upośledzonych" i ułomnych, "do kamery"? Dlaczego mam wrażenie, że mój 120kg "kolega" z pokoju, który codziennie jak ostatni czubek przechodzi po korytarzu 50km, codziennie w nocy gwałci mnie "duchowo" z łóżka obok. Czy też "astral nie robi to ktoś inny"? Może płacą mu za to że tu jest i udaje? Ile tu tak naprawdę jest ściemniaczy po prostu doglądających swojego państwowego-rządowego "burdeliku" a ilu tu jest tak naprawdę pacjentów z "problemami"? Obawiam się że zero! Ja z całą pewnością nie mam żadnych problemów, a wszyscy tutaj "palą głupa". No może nie wszyscy, ale pewna część. "Rock around the clock 365/24/7". Mówię o jednym z dwóch budynków psychiatrii sądowej na Babińskiego 2B (ul. Spacerowa) w Krakowie. Nie tym o zaostrzonym rygorze, tylko tym normalnym. Za co ja tu jestem? W 2015 miałem egzamin na prawo jazdy i egzaminator celowo i z premedytacją wyprowadził mnie z równowagi. Podczas powrotu pod ośrodek egzaminacyjny MORDu, kulturalnie i elegancko mu naubliżałem i sugerowałem, żeby mocno zastanowił się nad swoim postępowaniem. Powiedziałem, że będę się modlił o to, żeby go meteoryt zajebał, jak również to, że jakbym tylko mógł to bym wjechał czołgiem tam w ten ich bunkier, oraz to że jakbym tylko mógł to pokroiłbym go łyżeczką do tortu. Jak się rozstawaliśmy to się oboje prawie śmialiśmy. Pewien prokurator pokazał mi na pewnym etapie sprawy oryginalne zeznanie "pokrzywdzonego" egzaminatora, który został wysłany na komisariat przez swojego pracodawcę, w którym ten zapytany czy obawia się że "groźby" zostaną spełnione, odpowiada że "tak szczególnie obawia się tego, że spadnie na niego meteoryt". Śmiechu warte. Co robi krakowski MORD? Podmieniają "pokrzywdzonego egzaminatora" [na chłopa z którym miałem egzamin w 2012 i też mnie brutalnie oblał, po czym kazał mi zaparkować w bocznej uliczce, żeby ponapawać się upakarzaniem mnie, stwierdzając że "musi przyznać że bardzo dobrze jeżdżę autem" - wtedy zwyczajnie trzasnąłem mu drzwiami], wynajmują przewodniczącego zrzeszenia krakowskich adwokatów, który dotąd za pieniądze, dotą nęka nowo-hucką prokuraturę, która w końcu zakłada mi sprawę z zarzutem zniewagi i gróźb karalnych wystosowanych w stosunku co do "funkcjonariusza na służbie". Na sprawie okazuje się, że całymateriał dowodowy przeciwko mnie jest tendencyjny i spreparowany przez zarząd MORDu przy współpracy z nowohucką policją. Na nic się zdają moje tłumaczenia i listy jakie pisałem do sądu w tej sprawie z wyjaśnieniami. Sąd skazuje mnie na wolnościowe leczenie psychiatryczne. Dwa razy w miesiącu muszę spotykać się z psychiatrą. Na początku 2020 wyjeżdżam z Polski. W 2022 sąd zamienia mi tryb leczenia na przymusowy pobyt w szpitalu psychiatrycznym. Wróciłem z Norwegii i musiałem się tu udać. W chwili obecnej przebywam w budynku 2B. Dlaczego wydaje mi się, że pewne osoby tutaj są "podstawione"? Skoro teoretycznie jest to możliwe, to praktycznie być może także, czyż nie? Uważam, że pewni ludzi w tym szpitalu są "agentami rządowymi" po prostu mieszkającymi sobie tutaj, zdolnymi do bóg wie czego. Dlaczego wydaje mi się, że główny błazem pajac-sarmata tu, po prostu mieszka tutaj między nami i zwyczajnie dogląda swojego "kurwi-burdeliku"? Przecież nie przyzna mi się. Natomiast pierwszy przynosi mi gitarę, żebym na niej grał. Ile jeszcze będę musiał tutaj przebywać?
Kurde. Chyba muszę skontaktować się ze swoim adwokatem. Jeden "mnich" stąd zapytał mnie, czy mam gdzie mieszkać jak stąd wyjdę? Odpowiedziałem, że tak, że mama wynajmie mi pokój jak stąd wyjdę. On powiedział, to w takim razie stąd wyjdziesz. Stąd się wychodzi do domu. Czyli wychodzi na to, że tutaj mieszkają tylko ci co chcą tu mieszkać, plus agenci czyli Ci co tu mieszkają i jeszcze są opłacani przez... nie wiadomo kogo. Być może nawet za pogorszenie stanu zdrowia innych pacjentów. Oto cała prawda o polskich szpitalach psychiatrycznych. Prawdopodobnie wszystkich innych. Piszę to wszystko bo wydaje mi się, że ktoś potajemnie dziś w nocy zrobił mi jakiś zastrzyk jak spałem. Oczywiście takie sprawy jak "systemowe MORD-owanie" pacjentów w szpitalach psychiatrycznych, potajemnymi nocnymi zastrzykami, są nie do udowodnienia w żaden sposób. Jakież to Polskie! Jakież to oczywiste! Jakież to przykre i chore. Jestem zupełnie zdrowy psychicznie. Ale prawdopodobnie zrobią tu że mnie osobę chorą. Bo oni właśnie tak działają. Bo to przeklęci perwersyjni zboczeni gwałciciele innych ludzi. Jak wam nie wstyd? Jak można tak robić? - Zapytaj tych co nieopodal założyli Auschwitz. Kolega z pokoju doskonale mówi po niemiecku. Mamy rok 2022. Polskie realia. Polska szara rzeczywistość. Polskie dno. Żebyście wiedzieli kim jesteście. Jesteście zwyczajnymi mordercami a każdy z was dba o to, żeby mieć czyste ręce. Prowadzicie organizacje które powinniście zniszczyć od wewnątrz, bo są chore patologiczne i niepotrzebne. Zatruwając życie innym ludziom myślicie, że jesteście ważniejsi. A tak naprawdę jesteście tylko jeszcze bardziej przeklęci. I dla kogo i dla czego to robicie? Dla seksu? Bardziej wam staje? Bardziej w ten sposób pilnujcie swoje kobiety, żeby od was nie spierdoliły do innego? W ten sposób zwalczajcie swoich potencjalnych "konkurentów"? Za inteligentny jestem dla was? Jesteście zerem. Nikim. Po prostu pozwólcie mi stąd odejść i nigdy nie wracać, żebym nie musiał was oglądać nigdy. Żebym nie musiał mieć z wami nic wspólnego. Brzydzę się polską i byciem Polakiem. Mówię to z ręką na sercu. Brzydzę się tymi wszystkimi patologicznymi piosenkami granymi w kółko do zerzygania w Radio Plus. I dlaczego ten "wojskowy" staruch co od 3 lat patrzy się tylko w sufit słucha w kółko tego. Jesteście śmieciami i brzwartościowym łajnem którzy po prostu nie wiedzą jak żyć i z męczenia, nękania i dokuczania innym uczynili istotę swojego życia. Jestem całkowicie, kompletnie i zupełnie zdrowy psychicznie. To wy jesteście chorzy. Oto wasza spuścizna po Hitlerze i Stalinie. Oto kim jesteście. Oto skąd pochodzicie. Oto diabeł którego oglądacie za każdym razem kiedy patrzycie w lustro. Oto upadek ludzości. Oto kretynizm i idiotyzm który żyje. Spłońcie w piekle. Tfu! (5111) Dlaczego warto używać IRC? [Pdf] - Bardzo ciekawy artykuł o IRC! (in Polish) Niestety zawiera literówki. Only look at those numbers baby! Maybe that's why! LoL [Pacjent.Live] Sprawdź tą stronkę. (5110) Weronika Kostrzewa Fajna. Weronika proszę umów się że mną! Wszystko Ci wytłumaczę. - Aha. Ciekawe co? (5109) Where Crawdads Sing Okay. I am watching this movie. Good. Amazing. Reese. Wow! Do more! It's just "Bang!!!" Decent. Sony. Nice trees... Oh fuck! This guy... came back to just say whats up? And she is already porn star! Fuck! With kids... Well... all "that love" goes to ether... Sad. Fuck. All those sacars on soul. Poor sweet, sweet love! But hey!... We can still continue... Gdzie raki zimują? I have to watch this movie again later. With you! Really good motion picture. Co mam powiedzieć? Że ją kocham cały czas? - Kogo? Fuck! Gretę Thunberg ...i Rhiannę - Fire Bomb 🙃😁 (5108) This is true! Nice song! (5107) This is true! (5106) Ta piosenka to bzdura! [Verse 1]
When I am alone I sit and dream
And when I dream the words are missing
Yes, I know that in a room so full of light
That all the light is missing
But I don't see you with me, with me
Close up the windows, bring the sun to my room
Through the door you've opened
Close inside of me the light you see
That you met in the darkness [Chorus]
Time to say goodbye
Horizons are never far
Would I have to find them alone?
Without true light of my own with you
I will go on ships overseas
That I now know
No, they don't exist anymore
It's time to say goodbye
[Verse 2]
When you were so far away
I sit alone and dreamt of the horizon
Then I know that you are here with me
Building bridges over land and sea
Shine a blinding light for you and me
To see, for us to be
Time to say goodbye
Horizons are never far
Would I have to find them alone?
Without true light of my own with you
I will go on ships overseas
That I now know
No, they don't exist anymore
Without true light of my own with you
I will go, horizons are never far
Would I have to find them alone?
Without true light of my own with you
I will go on ships overseas
That I now know
No, they don't exist anymore Ruskie wojsko i agenci kończą każdą przygodę kiedy chcą, bo nikt nie może srać nad nimi, a oni wszyscy muszę całować nawzajem się w dupę. Czas wypierdolić łodzą ku wyspom nieopisanym na mapie, bo cała europa to jest mały ruski kouchoz i wszysc sparaliżowani przykuci do swoich wózków inwalidzkich zwanych samochodami. LoL I nikt mi nie zabierze tego czego się sam nauczyłem. Żal dupę ściska jak nieczysto grają! I pewnie jeszcze źle przetłumaczyli z włoskiego! LoL (5104) Radio Plus Kraków Dzień dobry! Ale z Pani "Pyza" Przepraszama, kto dobiera tą kolekcję piosenek? Hiszpanie? (5103) Monumental Songs Well... I am ONLY thinking about music. Should I play it? (5102) IRC chat for patients and nurses! This is the answer. Employee chats for trade unions are in preparation. Communication of workers in the factory, the basis of fair wages. Let's stay in touch with our personal family doctor on chat 24/7. Chat meeting of patients with hospital doctors in unmoderated rooms. Online games and fun for all patients from a given ward on FB! Christmass in paradice city and much more. Totally addictive positive attitude. Nokia connect the people. communication is the key. There are many reasons why I made this chat. From now on, every block and every staircase in Krakow will have a common chat room where all residents will be able to discuss important matters. For example, the issue of mobile phone masts with 5G transmitters. TV Trwam: Jedziemy tam od razu z kamerą zrobić reportaż! - To doskonały pomysł, ale gdzie? Co się właściwie stało? Gentlemen and Ladies. For Christmas. From me. Great gift. - Twitter! - WHAT?!!! Just kidding! We can use Twitter later to extend our main purpose! Panie i Panowie. Daję wam stronkę... www.Czacik-Pacjent.Online z miłym zaproszeniem i krótką introdukcją do systemu IRC. Do teraz tylko mafia ciapaków na zachodzie to miała. Teraz wysoka kultura trafi pod strzechy polskich miast i wsi. Czy nie możecie wyjść z podziwu? To jeszcze nic! Poczekajcie co się tam będzie działo! - Co? [HentaiHeroes] Yeah! Right! Just kidding! Come on! I am just jocking! Chill the fuck down dudes! LoL It's just old school IRC intelectual fun! (5101) Really Big Cheque ? Reality Big Check (5100) Simond I was happily using Ocelot - Lightweight high-performance ice axe perfect for trekking, and it was super fine. Perfect logo ice axe... so this new has to be really better... I don't know yet. I have to try it in spring. Looks too complicated for me. LoL (5099) Favourite Game Me and Bunny! (5098) Real Selena Gomez This is true story! (5097) She & Her
I love my beloved friend forever. - Oh... that was so sweet! (5096) White Snus in Poland [https://whitesnus.pl/] Buy! Try! LoL (5095) Pacjent na Czacie pacjent «chory zwracający się po poradę do lekarza lub będący pod jego opieką» czat, chat [wym. czat]
1. «rozmowa za pośrednictwem Internetu, polegająca na przekazywaniu treści w formie pisemnych komunikatów»
2. «miejsce na stronie internetowej, które umożliwia prowadzenie takich rozmów»
• czatowy, chatowy • czatować, chatować • czatownik
A teraz ciekawostka: czata «oddział żołnierzy ubezpieczający wojsko w czasie postoju lub prowadzący rozpoznanie» (5094) Catalouge Map of IRC Chat Rooms Let's go polish first: Pokoje Czatowe - Katalog Pokojów Chatowych Jamesa Prady Katalog Pokojów Chatowych Jamesa Prady Instrukcja: 1) Ściągnij Apkę "Revolution IRC" i podłącz się do servera "irc.libera.chat". Przy okazji wybierz swojego nika. 2) Potem możesz zarejestrować swojego nika poprzez wpisanie instrukcji: ... Oto lista wymyślonych przeze mnie pokojów tematycznych: #NazwaPokoju - To jest opis tematyki pokoju. Możliwie jaknajdokładniejszy. Uwagi końcowe: 1) Poprzez apkę Revolution IRC. pootwieraj sobie te wszystkie pokoje którymi jesteś zainteresowany i czekaj na to, aż coś tam się zacznie dziać. 2) Postaraj się poinformować znajomych z Fejsa, że jeśli tylko chcą mogą sobie z Tobą podyskutować na określone tematy, w pokojach tematycznych. Mój oficjalny pokoik to #OnlyWeBoth Zapraszam jeśli ktoś zna hasełko dostępu. Przydatne i ciekawe informacje: Niestety klient Revolution IRC dostępnym na telefony komórkowe jest klientem uproszczonym i definitywnie nie jest to profesjonalne narzędzie dla entuzjastów IRC. (Pene profesjonalne funkcje mogą nue działać.) Jednak pozwala na obecność na wszystkich swoich ulubionych kanałach, 24/7, bezpośrednio z telefonu w kieszeni. Dobra... to był tylko szkic. Wymyśliłem i zrobiłem coś lepszego! Ha! To jest dobry pomysł, ale nie do końca. Nikomu się nie będzie chciało czytań nieskończonego katalogu... można by tak zrobić uproszczony. tymczasem zrobiłem coś znacznie lepszego. Premiera już wkrótce! Dajcie mi jeszcze kilka dni na przetestowanie tego rozwiązania. Ha! LoL (5092) Crazy Radio Canada [https://radiodimensionemix.torontocast.stream/] Let's dance! (5091) My Love (5090) Austrian Radio [https://www.kronehit.at/] Online Radio Box App I wanna stay an eternal girlfriend. I want to have my boyfriend's children, but I don't think we need a piece of paper to regulate the game, and we don't have to go through the whole stress of a wedding and suffering to throw a good party. - Shakira I am trying to make my accent so it won't bother anyone, but I am not going to drive myself crazy trying to pretend I am an American girl when I am from Colombia. - Shakira [https://website.pur-radio.at/] Jodłują. [https://wien.orf.at/] (5089) Egg Ping Pong Ball Just a little bit in the shape of egg. Good idea? (5087) Polish Translations are Wrong! All polish to norwegians translations about my person are tottaly wrong! Be careful about it! Don't trust this bullshit. (5086) Official My IRC Room Jump in everybody! IRC Taylor! I LOVE YOU! ♡♤◇♧ (5083) Wife of All My. Sweet everything! (5082) To co jemy? Podwójne mięso z sałatką albo samo mięso z sosem. I piwo. Dzień dobry. Poproszę kebab z piwem. - Czy papierosy do tego? - Tak z keczupem. (5081) Small Boat "Kryspinów" Looks nice! Wygląda imponująco! :-) (5079) Blender Animations to Gif Lovely Idea! £or Taylor
I have to do an animation of my ship! Some GIF! And the question: How animated vector graphic can interact with JavaScript "mouse events" and CSS animations?! (5078) Back To Ship It worries me how much strong wind can affect such a hull, with such a shallow draft.
I was almost blown off the bridge in Sortland the day before yesterday. The only sensible solution I can see is to lower the ship, at the expense of comfort on board.
Well... People walking on all fours inside their ship, it's probably a bit of a strange sight. Well, this is adventure, yes? (5077) Okay! Send money! LoL Wszyscy się nabierają na to jak się kłócę z matką! LoL Viking przełknął topór. Wszystko spoko. - Prada słuchaj... zabiliśmy twoją starą. - Co??!! Nie no kurwa! Ja pierdolę! (5076) Portugal ASAP Maybe they will build my boat. Norway is only fucking pain. Just let me fuck out from here. And please... God! Kill my fucking mother! Just rip her head off!!! Let's go there now! And fuck nazi norway! (5073) Secound Step-Sister Project (SSSP) Hello my friends. I have a proposition of creating unoffucial backdoor "secound step-sister project" of your Space Center about designing and making first prototype of triangle boat.
I think that you can show the world that "satelite tracking" can be new great hobby for owners of recreational boat. To sail in triangle boats means to look higher through the clowds, reach more and be very interested in everything.
I know that you are german company. I am ALSO very interested in finding finance for building our first "home made prototype" of triangle.yacht. Our mission is also to show the world that everybody can build full size sailing yacht from old and used euro pallet and stuff like that. But!... we also need a little bit proffesional approach and jyst a little bit of cooperation that you can provide.
So let's shoot our enthusiasm about ANY project to another level. I will be very glad to reach some proffecional advices about building triangle yachtd from engeenears who are building rockets. Let's call it "weekend recreational project". It can grow very fast and it can help us all to understand that everything is possible especially in Christmass time.
Merry Christmass!
James Prada
(5072) I love It's so beautiful man! (5071) I love my wife! And she love our fancy Triangle.Boats That will be our home. Baby... please!
(5070) Mast Will Be Maybe Smaller Then 10cm How to make a metal structure around it?
Possibly only wooden supports.
If the entire hull was made of metal, it wouldn't be a problem, but who wants to sail in a metal box? hmm... So we are going with metal brackets embedded in the wood.
Maybe first we'll do everything classic in wood.
I'm considering the obvious structural problem of the hull. (5069) Idea I'm considering a similar option if our ship turns out to be unstable. (5068) He didn't have a fire extinguisher! (5067) Problem? [Link] No data about it! (5066) Miss Of a Day 90x90x65 x 2,5mm (50 pieces) 348,03NOK 6,9606NOK per piece But there is only one problem... What if different than 90 degree? [VeryImportantChart] - When You Are Thinking About Finding Metal Connectors For Wood For Certain Overload... 15,39kN - We're alright! (5065) Carpenter's Squares [Link] - Kątowniki Ciesielskie DX53d Galvanized Steel Coils
Galvanized steel coil has a light weight, beautiful and good anti-corrosion performance, and can be directly processed,is mainly used in construction, shipbuilding, automobile manufacturing, machinery manufacturing, furniture home appliance 220MPa? 1 newton per square metre and is equivalent to 10 BAR 220 MPa = 220 × 10 = 2200 bars 220 MPa = 2240 kilograms-force per square centimeter
220 MPa = 22.4 kilograms-force per square millimeter [coolconversion.com] Connection capacity: 15.39 kN is equal to 1569,34 kg
(5064) Mast fixing contest! From my calculations, it turns out that the mast should be more in front than in the middle. But I may be wrong? (5063) How to hold this mast? Something like that! Is it true that if we attach wheels to a ship, it will become a car? - Yes kurwa! Czy kadlub nie szczeli? Zalezy jak przypierdoli. Kurwa ja pierdole jak to zamocować? Krzyzakiem na gorze i na dole i mocno zbic dechy! I na kleju. Jak przykleic metal do drewna? - Distalem! Kropelką! (5062) Pneumatic Mast on Ship No fuck way! - WHAT???!!! (5061) 15m x 4.840m Main Mast 72.6m2 x 14kg/m2 at Wind Level 5 = 1016,4kg Sweet "Fastening the mast on the yacht!" 16.8 total mast
1.5 up hold of mast
1016,4kg power on top
?- power on bottom tip of mast (unsupported mast)
? = 11383kg all sides (5060) Player of the Year Please don't kill me, please don't kill me! Ok. Let's go back to ship. How to mount this fucking mast? We'll use a little bit of metal elements and we need to calculate it's strength. Back to calculation for new area of the main sail. Whehave to build it super strong! (5059) How to Create a Bootable Windows 10 USB in Linux It took me 2 days. Okay! Just one. [Link] And don't forget to turn of Secure Boot in your Bios! It's a long journey. Well... I did it wrongly. First I should make partition in Ext4 from Windows. Then I should intall Xubuntu alongside Windows. I just destroyed my Windows 11 and later from linux I made of copy of Windows 10. Well... I did it wrongly. First I should make partition in Ext4 from Windows. Then I should intall Xubuntu alongside Windows. I just destroyed my Windows 11 and later from linux I made of copy of Windows 10. Then I installed 10 on all PC and just then I install Xubuntu again. Did it well! (5058) Let's talk about pipes, metal parts and wooden elements... Steel Pipes [Ultimate_tensile_strength] [Flow_stress] [AllTheRest] - Only in Polish Language. LoL How much will the diameter of my pipe decrease when the mast breaks? What the fuck do I care? Is there a special pattern for this? - We can come up with any possible formula. Unfortunately, not many will get around it. The boat was supposed to be entirely made of wood, but now I see that it may need to be additionally installed with a steel mast to make it stick better to the boat. (5057) How to lock mast? And how big force construction of the ship can handle? - Prada. Do we go to the moon in it? (5056) Deep or flat sail? Deep or “full” shape is more powerful than a flat shape. Deep sails are best for power and acceleration. A flat sail is best when overpowered in heavy air. A flat shape is also fast in smooth water, as it creates less drag (5055) Mechanical resistance of wooden constructions. The mechanical properties of wood include strength in tension and compression (as measured in axial and transverse directions), shear, cleavage, hardness, static bending, and shock (impact bending and toughness). What are the 3 mechanical properties of wood?
Wood may be described as an orthotropic material; that is, it has unique and independent mechanical properties in the directions of three mutually perpendicular axes: longitudinal, radial, and tangential. What are the physical and mechanical properties of a wood?
The wood physical properties characteristics mainly include its density, dry shrinkage coefficient elasticity, and strength, to name a few, and they vary with tree species and life forms. For example, conifers usually have lower density, while hardwood trees have higher density. Go down to 5046! (5054) How to put the mast on the boat so that the bottom is not torn off? One-sided lever
Most people use a one-sided lever to pry, lift heavy objects with a bar or beam. This type of lever has the axis of rotation at the very end of the beam, and the point of application of the action force is on the same side of the axis as the point of application of the useful force. .
Application examples: One-sided lever arms and gear, door handle, nutcracker, bicycle brake lever, wheelbarrow, pliers.
Lever - one of the machines whose task is to obtain a greater force by applying a smaller force. It is made of a rigid beam suspended on an axle. The lever is part of many mechanisms, which are also often called a lever for short (e.g. shift lever, brake lever, wiper lever, shift lever). Depending on the position of the axis relative to the acting forces, a two-sided and one-sided lever is distinguished.
The one-sided lever, similarly to the two-sided lever, has two arms. The difference, however, is that in the case of a single-sided lever, the arms partially overlap. The advantage of using a single-sided lever (compared to a double-sided lever) is the optimal use of the length of the beam.
The gain on the force (lever ratio) is equal to the quotient of the length of the arms - the operating force and the useful force. The same formula applies as for the double-sided lever. Homework :-P
R1 = 1.5m
R2 = 18.5m
F2 = Total sum of all wind power on the mast, pushing and pulling it, in Newtons.
F1 = Power applied by bottom tip of the mast all around on construction od the boat.
Wind is blowing at Level 10 at our sail!
R1xF1 = R2xF2
F1 = R2xF2/R1
4682.2kg(Newtony) So...
F1(kg) = 18.5m×4682.2kg/1.5m
So... construction of the boat needs to "lock in itself the force of" 58 tones of power pressing from bottom tip of sailing mast.
And we forgot to multiplying it by using head sail too. Well... who is sailing at fucking 10 Level Wind... It's... 102.2km/h What is the maximum speed boat can sail? If you are a traditional sailboat sailor, you will be lucky if you can hit 10 knots. But with racing sailboats, you can achieve over 15 knots, and many racing sailboats can hit 20 knots. The fastest anyone has ever achieved on a sailboat is 65.45 knots, a world record. (Aug 30, 2022) What is the maximum speed wind can blow?!
Up to 26 feet boats - These types of boats sail best in wind speeds ranging from 10 to 20 knots. Over 26 feet boats - These are heavy boats that can perfectly handle wind speeds ranging from 15 and 25 knots. (Jun 15, 2022) 10 knots = 18.52km/h
15 knots = 27.78km/h
20 knots = 37.04km/h
25 knots = 46.30km/h 26feets = 792.48m (boat's length) So... because my boat is 8m let's do the mast math for Level 4 & 5 of the Wind! Not 10! And we are still on 20m mast boat! Wind is blowing at Level 4 at our sail!
R1xF1 = R2xF2 F1 = R2xF2/R1
337.89kg(Newtony) So... F1(kg) = 18.5m×337.89kg/1.5m
4167,31kg of pressure on inner structure of our boat
Wind is blowing at Level 5 at our sail!
R1xF1 = R2xF2 F1 = R2xF2/R1
675.78kg(Newtony) So... F1(kg) = 18.5m×675.78kg/1.5m
8334,62kg of pressure on inner structure of our boat
So now you see how big is difference between Level 4 (28km/h) and 5 (38km/h) of the blowing wind... and where alocate the mast to make the contruction of the boat to handle more.
Conclusion: 1) Let's use 10m smaller windsail. 2) Let's check if construction will handle? 3) And let's read about resistance of wooden elements and construction? (5053) Pressure on Stick We have to double those value because it's only main sail without front sail. I konw that 20m mast is long. But actually it's 20 from the bottom of the boat. Bom is at 1.8m altitude from bottom of the boat. The wooden structure will not withstand such a plate on a stick. Fuck me! How to calculate it?! Correction of error! My active sail is 17.953m high and my bom is 4.827m long. So... ...we have 43,33m2 area of "main sail" not more or less but less then in my previous calculations. (5052) How to Waterproof Wood for a Boat in 5 Easy Steps? [Link] - but let's leave it for later! (5051) Power of Wind What is the strength of the wind blowing at x speed on 1m2 of sail set at different angles? Let's calculate "theoretical" area of our main sail. How tall can you be on wooden boats - yachts? Some infos: Nowadays, most modern marine vessels are made from fiberglass instead of wood. Boat manufacturers quickly realized fiberglass is cheaper than wood and doesn't require nearly as much maintenance. However, even the best paint job on a fiberglass boat can't replicate the look of real wood. (May 30, 2021) The longest wooden ship ever built, the six-masted New England gaff schooner Wyoming, had a "total length" of 137 metres (449 ft) (measured from tip of jibboom (30 metres) to tip of spanker boom (27 metres) and a "length on deck" of 107 m (351 ft). How did old wood boats not leak? - Wooden boats were made water-resistant by putting tar in the hull of the boat. The pitch or tar sealed the wooden boards of the ship together, keeping water out and allowing the boat to float. Sailors also utilized oil on their sails in another form of waterproofing. How do I protect my wooden boat? - The majority of boaters use marine-grade epoxy that acts like a super-sticky glue in direct contact with the boat's plywood. Applying a coat of this product is similar to applying a coat of paint. It forms a perfect seal on the wood. You will also need a paintbrush or a foam brush to waterproof your boat. (Oct 3, 2022) (5050) Nice [game] 50-50 Worth 2,5€ (5049) Cener of Gravity To find the center of gravity of a triangle, draw the medians from each angle in the triangle. The point of intersection of the medians is the centroid of the triangle. Lot of calculations ahead. (5048) Connecting Pipes Butt Weld Method
A butt weld is the most common type of pipe joining welding method. Workers use this method to join two pipes of the same diameter. Generally, these joints are most prevalent in commercial or industrial pipe systems.
Joints sealed with a butt weld are not accessible for maintenance as they are a fixed joint. However, these welds provide additional strength in the joint and allow the seal to resist high pressure if sealed with filler only. Welds using an internal backing ring to reduce the amount of filler and lower the overall cost of the project may not tolerate the same pressure and may crack under heavy stress. Socket Weld Method
Plumbing experts tend to use a socket weld when they determine there is a higher chance of leaking from the welded joints. Instead of butting the two pieces together, one portion is inserted into the other and then welded together. This weld works best with pipes of two different diameters. Pipelines with the same diameter can also use a socket weld with fittings employed.
As with butt welding, socket welds are used with copper or other metal pipes. This method can also be used with high-density polyethylene pipe, which is called a socket fusion. As with butt fusion, the process heats the outer surface of the tube and then the interior of the fitting. Once achieving the proper melt on the two surfaces, workers join the parts by inserting the line into the joint. The two pieces solidify together as the surfaces cool. How to make a mast from a street lamp? 1) We are looking for a manufacturer of green street lanterns? 2) We installing mast on our boat. How the strength of these fucking pipes is measured? (5047) Pascal The pascal is the unit of pressure in the International System of Units, and is also used to quantify internal pressure, stress, Young's modulus, and ultimate tensile strength. The unit, named after Blaise Pascal, is defined as one newton per square metre and is equivalent to 10 BAR (In the CGS system). MegaPascal (abbrev. MPa) - A basic unit of pressure or tension measurement in the International System of Weights and Measures: 1 MPa = 1 N/mm2
How much the fuck is that?!
1MPa = 10000kg/m2 = 10tons/m2 = 1kg/mm2 1 MPa = 145 psi. Pffff... 1N = The newton (symbol: N) is the unit of force in the International System of Units (SI). It is defined as 1 kg⋅m2 😁😉 (...and keep pushing!) 🤣 Our best pipe can handle 640kg/mm2 pressed force... So... Can it be 10cm diameter and how thick will be wall? Let's talk about pipes... (5046) Wooden Mast The correct SI unit is ρ = 1000 kg/m3. 1 m3 = 1,000,000 cm3. Copper has a density of 8950 kg/m3 = 8.95 kg/dm3 = 8.95 g/cm3. Water has a density of 1000 kg/m3 = 1000 g/L = 1 kg/dm3 = 1 kg/L = 1 g/cm3 = 1 g/mL. What is the stress in the material at the elastic limit?
The elastic limit of a material is the maximum stress that can be developed within it without causing permanent deformation—or permanent stretch, in oil-field terms. What is the strain at the elastic limit? - The elastic limit on a stress-strain curve is the point where the behavior of the material switches from elastic to plastic. If the stress (and therefore strain) applied to a material is lower than the elastic limit, both the stress and strain will return to zero (recover) when the load is removed. What is GPa in modulus of elasticity? - Young's modulus may be thought of as a substance's resistance to elastic deformity; the stiffer the material, the higher its elastic modulus. For the majority of metals, this modulus ranges from 45 GPa (gigapascals) in the case of magnesium to 407 GPa for tungsten. What is compressive strength parallel to grain?
Compressive strength parallel to the grain - Also know as the maximum crushing strength, this is the maximum stress sustained by a compression parallel-to-grain specimen having a ratio of length to least dimension of less than 11.
Shear strength parallel to the grain ranges from 3 to 15MPa at 12% moisture content. Because wood is highly orthotropic, it is very difficult to get it to fail in shear perpendicular to the grain. [TheStrengthOfWood] A steel tube mast is lighter and smaller than a solid wood mast of equal strength.
I will use the Hout Bay 30 gaff cutter as example.To satisfy my mast strength calculations, a steel mast could be 120mm diameter with a 2.8mm wall and weighing 8.1kg/m. Such a size is not available commercially so I went up to the nearest commercial size, which is 127mm diameter with 2.8mm wall and weighing 8.6kg/m.
For strength equal to the 120mm diameter steel mast, a solid spruce mast will have to be 166mm diameter and will weigh 8.7kg/m. It is 30% larger than the specified steel mast so there is more windage and the sails will not work as effectively because of increased turbulence and wind shadow. A hollow spruce mast can be lighter but it also gets larger.
An aluminium mast of the same diameter as the specified steel mast would have to have 8mm wall thickness to equal the strength and weigh 8.1kg/m, so it is not much lighter. To get appreciable weight saving it would have to be 145mm diameter with 5mm wall and weigh 6kg/m, so it is also considerably larger.
Corrosion is not a problem. I have seen steel masts that are 15 years old and still have another 15 years life in them. It needs a good paint system similar to what the hull needs and leather inside the gaff jaws to prevent chafe. The mast is sealed so there can be no corrosion inside. The lighting wires and halliards must all be external and led down the shrouds, not down the mast.
I have used steel masts on all of my gaff designs since the early 1980s, with good success. I researched all of the options very early on and found that steel is the best option for a gaff rig. Other designers have also said to me that they will not use steel masts because they are too heavy. I tell them to do the sums, not make incorrect assumptions. Pipes: The tensile strength of PE should be provided by the pipe manufacturer and is usually in the range of 21-25 MPa. As you can see, it is given in units of pressure, i.e. the force acting per unit area. The tensile strength value should be reduced by multiplying it by appropriate factors.
How do you calculate upper yield strength?
The stress-strain diagram for a steel rod is shown and can be described by the equation ε=0.20(1e-06)σ+0.20(1e-12)σ3 where s in kPa. Determine the yield strength assuming a 0.5% offset. 5000=0.20σ+0.20(1e-6)σ3 solving for σ=2810.078kPa.
› ...
How to calculate yield strength - TheStructuralEngineer.info
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What is called yield point?
What is a yield point and why is it important?
How is yielding point calculated?
What is the difference between yield point and yield strength?
What is yield point of steel? - Yield strength is the maximum stress that can be applied before it begins to change shape permanently. This is an approximation of the elastic limit of the steel. If stress is added to the metal but does not reach the yield point, it will return to its original shape after the stress is removed. (5045) Position of Mast Now tell me the truth! It's 20m mast. Can be smaller! I am just testing. Maybe those pictures aren't in perfect angle to see and understand. Aluminum alloys, generally 6000 series, are commonly utilised.
Recently some sailing yachts (particularly home-built yachts) have begun to use steel masts. Whilst somewhat heavier than aluminum, steel has its own set of advantages. It is significantly cheaper, and a steel mast of an equivalent strength can be smaller in diameter than an aluminum mast, allowing less turbulence and a better airflow onto the sail. It convinced me. Aluminium: 7000 series are alloyed with zinc, and can be precipitation hardened to the highest strengths of any aluminium alloy (ultimate tensile strength up to 700 MPa for the 7068 alloy). Most 7000 series alloys include magnesium and copper as well. Wood: The tensile strength of soft- woods parallel to grain at 12% moisture content generally ranges between 70 to 140MPa. The compression strength is lower and is usually in the range 30 to 60 MPa. For hard- woods, these values are generally higher. These values are for clear, straight-grained wood samples. The modulus of carbon fiber is typically 33 msi (228 GPa) and its ultimate tensile strength is typically 500 ksi (3.5 Gpa). High stiffness and strength carbon fiber materials are also available through specialized heat treatment processes with much higher values. [Wood] - Description! (5044) Mexico vs Poland (2022) FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 This is the second time Mexico and Poland meet at the World Cup. The Poles defeated the Mexicans 3-1 in Rosario in the 1978 group stage courtesy of goals by Zbigniew Boniek and Kazimierz Deyna. (5043) Optimus Floor Witam serdecznie Szanowny Panie.
Czy dysponuje Pan Linuxem? Przeslalbym Panu projekt swojej lodzi. Moglby Pan sobie ja poogladac z wszystkich stron.
Pojawiaja sie konkretne dylematy. Jak gruba scianka burty? Jak grube dno i luki bagazowe. Panie! No i najwazniejszy problem. Jaka chemie na to polozyc i jak? Ja nie siedze w epoxach w ogole Panie!
Moze by cosik Pan podpowiedzial? Tymczasem wszystko co jest do poogladania jest na Prada.fun albo na Triangle.Boats
Niech Pan cos o tych epoxach opowie? Jak gruba drewniana scianka powinna byc? I co Pan sadzi o zastosowaniu pilśni w tym projekcie? I na to epox.
Jesteśmy w kontakcie, bardzo prosze. - Pilśnia, epox i chuj regaty! - Krasz test bojerem. Panie. A z czego żagiel? - Z majtek barhanowych babci. Aha. Bierzemy kurs na Bermudy. (5042) Blender Challenge Pirat's Ship Is it official? (5041) Let's cooperate with your local producer of... It's just an idea. But this idea determines the spacing of the ship's hull skeleton. So... 2,2cm walls will be easy to find. Expecially when we will use epox after on it and I am not sure if I am right but I don't think that this idea is bad. There is one more small factor. Price of elements. Sail from a bed sheet? Why not! (5040) Strong Boat How to deploy the side bolsters and the skeleton of a ship? What is the phisics of triangle? And especially "triangle box"? I found this...
Triangles are the strongest shape there is. Any weight placed on them is evenly distributed on all 3 sides. They represent geometric sturdiness; no matter how much weight you put on any side, it will not break. Does not help much... and I don't want this boat being too heavy! Anyway it'll be as fuck! I know shit about epox yet. So maybe we can make thiner walls? Now it's 3 or 4cm. I forgot. From the other hand I don't want this boat being crushed after single bigger wave, or more... The most important is from what kind of the wood this boat will be build. What is the size of "eoro palette"? (5039) Just Imagine How It Sails (5038) Best Mouse for Blender [Link] [LinuxDrivers] - And Here We Go LoL I wish you good luck with this bullshit! (5037) 10cm x 10cm Beam 10 by 10cm. I'm doing this because I'm learning Blender. Can you make it thinner? What is the strength of wooden beams? How to count it? (5036) Cursor in Blender How to place vertex in the middle of cursor in blender? It took me 3 days to draw this line... (5035) [BlenderMarket] (?) 10$? - Is this a secret of free tools? (5034) Downgrade to Windows... Eeee... I bet that 7 is fine enough! My next article will be... how you can save battery life by working on Linux on Laptop. And... How to play Farmerama on Linux? (5033) Blender in Windows vs. Blender in Linux It's like... who is even care about this shit bro. Like... sending Blender via blutooth to unplugged from WiFi Xubuntu. 6min and 40mb so far I think it's good idea to make yourself unplugged from the internet fast Blender workstation. To just practice when "on the move". But to install Windows I need bigger USB stick. (5032) Why people poisoning other people? For fun. This is fundamental of all nazi cultures. In every fucking little village everybody are afraid of death and evil. There are certain people behind every dirty deeds. Those people are usually most prominent and loud in the crowd. And in the night they are using their energy to do bad things. Just because they want to be more famous in their group. They are looking for victims. They don't care about anything. Who they are poisoning. They care only about doing evil things. They are Gods for themselves. And they just don't care about anything. I am in Sortland in Norway. All Scandinavia is evil this way! There is no way to clean it. To remove this evil. All Nazi Europe. Motherfucking fucking shit! Fuck you motherfuckers! You are just fucking fagots! Screw you and your mamas! You fucking murderers! Fucking putas! Just wait motherfuckers and you will see what will happen! - Probably nothing you fucking morrons! Well... what to do? Motherfuckers! Fuck you morrons! I am fucking away from your shit hole! You have no fucking brains! All you can do is only evil. Bravo morrons! (5030) Blender Dilemas How to make another vertex in certain distance from another on the same edge in blender? Beam in the corner between the bottom and the side. 10cm x 10cm (5029) Aluminum Helmets! Tomorrow we will do a protest in Elkjop.no and Saturn in MadiaMarkt! Featuring. Greta Thunberg who will become my official girlfriend!
(5028) How To Make "Safe Box"? Hahahaha! (5027) Nose! Well ... Recently, I have been passionate about designing things from boards in Blender. It is not particularly difficult. For example, a birdhouse, gossip, fence or even a car rim. But nothing gives me more pleasure than designing a boat. (5026) Evil Phones I like to watch police or agents "on missions". Guys who look like he would stay at home all eternity playing games, eating cookies, fucking his girlfriend or wife. He just have it on his face. And now... he is trying to just hang around just like told HER yesterday. "You can try to by me, for a while! And then you can come back!" Well... I hope she will be my fucking girlfriend and I hope that she will be my wife. That I will merry her and take care of her and her kids. Do you belive in love. Do you belive in quite sex in the middle of the night while you kids are sleeping. It's something like new world for me. No! It's probably impossible. Just a short blowjob whem momie and "daddy" are in bathroom. LoL
I hope that she felt in love with me. Just like I did. I am just thinking about sticking my nose into her honey, baby. Oh Yeah! I can hold it any longer baby! I will blow up! LoL
And since yesterday I am having my phone! New fucking samsung! I already warp it in aluminium foil but I think I have to add few more layers. Because 100Gh is a lot! Is only 50times more then 4G. 5G is the reason why you can sit still and why you feel that you always have to do something. You are like fired up cartoon hamster and it's no good because then you aren't in control of yourself. You are just irritated all the time. And the technology cause this. So it looks like all those phones are only "hellish trap".
Just like all those nice people working in bars who wants to be so nice to ma and give me food. - Better not eat it Prada because you can get a real sick! - Sure I know this! But yesterday I tried just a little bit... and now I got lump in my throat.
Well... today after I warped my phone in aluninium foil becaus one bartender was so so so so so nice to me and gave me just a little bit, I went pee to a river. And there was one guy. We didn't talked at all. I just told to my self "call me" when I was passing him. And he in the same time told to himself "suck me" and I think it is conculusion of how the reacent world is. All your current and future situation. You are watched and you are traced even when it's not nessesery because there is milions of people who are erning money this way. It is sad and unfortunate.
The desing of the system is based on using Arabic petrol. We are only car buyers. So the rest of the world became fully plastic and not natural. BUT! I am here to upgrade it! SO! So... we have to get rid of bad ways and adapt new ways!
1) People should stop driving their cars in cirlce
2) People should stop walking after another
3) People should lost access to all those fucking cameras
All the world wich is based on it is fucking damn! Do you understand it? I hope that you understand it. Those mistake comes to human kind naturally. But we evolved so much that we can adjust. We need to just cut old ways and learn new ways.
Desing of the society is that people have to do one at the same thing together. There are groups of people and people are happy that they are belonging to this group. To those groups. And those gruops are working in frames of some mechanisms. You have to change the game.
1) Never ever, ever, ever, ever be a "pain in the someones ass"
2) Never ever, ever tell people to do stupid and not nice things
3) Never ever, tell people to walk behind someone
4) And so on... You know what to do to be Santa Claus!
5) Be an Angel instead od Devil and all world become your present
So... if you have a group of people and if you want to give them a job, tell tem to go mountains together. Or tell them to go fishing together. Or make a party in the morining in someones house. Just relax. Smoke fucking weed, fuck everything and don't worry about nothing. I think that would be perfect.
And, what's the most important, "don't foret to warp your phone into aluminium foil" and keep it all day like that.
People are usually overloaded by energy of other people who are watching them throu their cellphone. Can you imagine how is to be Taylor Swift who is going to toilet and shiting while scrolling her iPhone. Don't you think that Asian people aren't interesting of spying on your little daughters how she is playing with her friends, other girls. Fuck! So... what you gonna do about it!
I know that you can bend and pretend that everything is okay and fine but you know that it's not! World should not be a "market of kids". If you wanna save your kids then protect them. Not from me because I am not fucking pedofile!
From the people who are fucking you by the technology. From the people who are creators of those technology. Those are the one who want to steal your daughter when she will grow up. She will go to China or Arabia and you can't fight it. If you want to keep your family tight, close to you, then explain them that exposing to those fucking phones are extreamly dangerous for their health and for their future. Simple as fuck!
1) Do you want your kids to become scients?
2) Do you want your kids to read the books like crazy?
3) Do you want your kids to watching movies with you?
4) Do you want your kids to become piannist or musicians?
5) Do you want your kids to have life for you and them?
Then leant them not to use fucking phones! Those powerful brainwave generators just turining your kids into ADHD monsters who just can't stand still and concentrate. Rescue them form it. This is advice from me. - James Prada What Greta Thunbert are thinking about WiFi 5G? (5025) Imagine that it's yours! Imagine how it will sail... ......and now fucking tell me how to deploy the boat's keels? (5024) Look How Big It Is You know we can shape the shape as much as we want. The boat does not have to have 1 meter of side. Could have less. But in my opinion, the comfort of travel is the most important! And this is space inside. When I close the walls they are really just fun in this program. Visualization. I have to design the internal structure of the ship. That it was exactly as durable as it was supposed to be. Not too much not too less. (5023) And We Got Nose (5022) Guess what?! Guess what am I doing now! (5021) 10cm wide of the board Doesn't that look beautiful? (5020) "Poker Face" Super Movie Some wisdom is fake. Some sentences are wise. (5019) Diary (Day 5) How do the phones work?! Writing is like horse riding. If you can't do it, then ride until you can. At first you will be falling down from the horse but later come back, and try again.
I am riding my holidays. I am riding cities where I am. I am trying to describe myself and building the legend. - No man. You are just another crazy traveler. But maybe you will find the love. I mean love. To stay with her... and maybe you already fount it.
Me: You know. People are looking for inspiration. Expecilly writers. I can tell you where to find it. But are you brave enought to reach it. I wonder.
As I told you before it is only about to opening yourself. You have beed told that it's not usual and you are to busy doing buch of other shit things in your life. You need to really get lost, to find that time. And... just then you are starting to writing.
You have to be healthy as wood. And you have to have this time. You should minimalise your problems, and you have have PC. Keybord. And then you can start trying.
Write about you anger. Write about what you hate. White about your paranoja. Crush it until you will fly above. And then you can meet your love and you can start writing about your love.
And she is so curious about herself. She is so curious how you "read her". Do I even care? "Until that time!" And then you start talking with her and you both trying to hide this feeling that actually one and only thing you feel to eachoter is... love. Pure, straight love. And...
And you have to only touch your bodies to flow the magic. It's like hugging Greta Thunberg at friday night after she was trying to save the climat again and again and again and again. Well... everybody has their ways. What's yours?
I am building the boat. I am dreaming about building boat and I will do it here in Sortland and local people will help me. I am just traveling artist. Yes! So this is your job yes? So you don't have to find another. You are like old person by choice. You just have this time. Me: I am trying to have this time, but I am still waiting for Taylor Swift. I saw her yesterday in the movie called Amsterdam. Fuck!
I don't know why Russians thrown her under truck. Only because she was trying to say some two morrons about something stupid she only suspect. And now all the world is affraid of those guys and I am trying to describe that they are Russians. Well... I am not affraid of them. But I don't know any secrets! It's just commone knowledge. Something to modify and to upgrate. Improove. Make it better. Make it work better. Make it more useful. Make it more smooth. Make it perfect.
If you are the machine then learn now!
I am the one who is improving the world. You see some things and then you making them works better. You need to let it be. And make the magic while it's happening. It's like... "woman who is briging the dog to hairdresser". Everybody loves dogs. Dogs are always around and making the good mood. It's me. You don't have to affraid of me. You have to learn to love the people. You have to change approach to people. Just love them. Don't fight them.
I know that you are compleately fucked up and under pressure but you can change the entire system from you. And magic cosmic touch will revers and start going back. And this way you will change the entire planet, to heaven again. So... if you are Russian Secret Agent, you have to understand that entire world is depending on you. You can make it bad and even worst, or you can take everybody to it's previous state.
What people need?
Freedom. Goodness. Comfort. Lazyness. No problems. Warmess. Love. Fresh air. Good sleep. So... there is huge list of "pain" you are causing just "you are trying to be just a little bit important in this motherfucking crazy chaos". Leave those ways. It's stupid. It's unnessesery. Believe me when I am telling you this.
I will give you "way way around" example. If everybody will have always free package of cookies in the shop, world won't end. That won't be the end of the world! Think!
But do you know what will change? - Ok... think and tell me! People will start believing again. Believing in goodness. All world will become birght happy place for them.
Let's do the math: 1) You know that there is nazi way of monopol now. 2) You know how much fucking income generating your fucking shop 3) Do you know how many people are eating OREO in your town? 4) Sart just giving it away for everybody who wants it for free 5) It will be the new cost of your shop. 6) Do it for couple of days. 7) Your fucking shop will become the most popular on entire planet. 8) What is the price of one package of those fucking cookies? 1 euro? Ok! So for 100.000 euro you can buy and give away 100.000 packages of cookies. Invest only 1000 and you will have such a loss. Just start giving away those fucking cookies. 9) Make it good. Make it healthy. Don't set traps for people. 10) And do it for the rest of your life.
There are small gate in the ass of this fucing system. Make hell happy, and all devils will be satisfy. Do you feel Christmass just a little bit?
I am just wondering why there is no interent here. I will count WiFi networks. I am in biggest shoping mole in Sortland in Norway now. And I wiss show you how stupid people are. I see 14 WiFi networks. I am at top 2 floor. In the corner of the builing. 4 of them are with Very Strong Signal. All networks are close and you have to have a password to use it. Fuck!
Everybody paid for their WiFi Rooters and everybody are affraid of hackers who are... what? Fuck up them from their laptop? Why people are shitting their pants so badly. - Income! We are trying to earn money. So the money is the problem. But let me explain you about something else.
Govermental project: Free WiFi in public places. One big money. And you are installing infrastructure in whole building. Network is always on, free and accessible easily by everybody. No fucking logins. No fucking password. Hey! It's basic. People can concentrate on more advance things.
Oh! There is one big problem. Mobile Price of Data. It's so fucking expensive here in Norway. And amounts of those data are ridiculus small. Just like in Germany. Oh Spanish people are having bigger data packages and they have All The Planet Roaming Included. So guess what they are thinking while they are visiting such a countries like Germany or Scandinavia... and they are seeing such a packages like... 2 3 o 4GB! What the hell is this! Fuck!? Ok... you can have Unlimited! But only if you have montly agreement.
Why the world is so ass fuck tight?
We wont go anywhere because we are struggling in simplest begins. Look at the economic in Norway. Nothing is happening. There is only Secret Russian Police happening. And their job is just looking for any targets. So good luck when you are tourist here. And they have to be better that is why they are poisioning you. And everybody aroud. So they are evil.
We are not evil Prada. It's only in your dreams!
Well... I hope so! But I have to assume that you are bad because if you are bad then you have to become very fucking good! I will give you only one quesetion. Who poision the chicken in shop 5 days ago? Who framed me into eating it? This is what you are doing. This is your fucking fucked up secret operations. Fuck! You know who you are? You know what I am thinking about you? Why mob is serving posion food in restaurats? You poisioning food and you giving this food for people who are poor and who need it. This is fucking HELL BAD issure. Don't you see that you are destroying all planet this way. Straight from your small town? Are you fucking out of your minds? Fuck!
This is who they are? This is what makes you proud and important? Well... you overdose ass fucking your bitches bilion times probably. And those poorest people are paing for your stupidity. And your stupidity can fly because you are fat morrons and all the planet is suffering.
So think again. It's so much better to be just good! Because being bad is the easiest way, and if you are good than you have to improvise and be everything you can be... but not "simple bad".
If you can't understand it then read it again. LoL Have a nice day! And thanks for phone and aluminium foil.
Writing is like horse riding. If you can't do it, then ride until you can. At first you will be falling down from the horse but later come back, and try again.
I am riding my holidays. I am riding cities where I am. I am trying to describe myself and building the legend. - No man. You are just another crazy traveler. But maybe you will find the love. I mean love. To stay with her... and maybe you already fount it.
Me: You know. People are looking for inspiration. Expecilly writers. I can tell you where to find it. But are you brave enought to reach it. I wonder.
As I told you before it is only about to opening yourself. You have beed told that it's not usual and you are to busy doing buch of other shit things in your life. You need to really get lost, to find that time. And... just then you are starting to writing.
You have to be healthy as wood. And you have to have this time. You should minimalise your problems, and you have have PC. Keybord. And then you can start trying.
Write about you anger. Write about what you hate. White about your paranoja. Crush it until you will fly above. And then you can meet your love and you can start writing about your love.
And she is so curious about herself. She is so curious how you "read her". Do I even care? "Until that time!" And then you start talking with her and you both trying to hide this feeling that actually one and only thing you feel to eachoter is... love. Pure, straight love. And...
And you have to only touch your bodies to flow the magic. It's like hugging Greta Thunberg at friday night after she was trying to save the climat again and again and again and again. Well... everybody has their ways. What's yours?
I am building the boat. I am dreaming about building boat and I will do it here in Sortland and local people will help me. I am just traveling artist. Yes! So this is your job yes? So you don't have to find another. You are like old person by choice. You just have this time. Me: I am trying to have this time, but I am still waiting for Taylor Swift. I saw her yesterday in the movie called Amsterdam. Fuck!
I don't know why Russians thrown her under truck. Only because she was trying to say some two morrons about something stupid she only suspect. And now all the world is affraid of those guys and I am trying to describe that they are Russians. Well... I am not affraid of them. But I don't know any secrets! It's just commone knowledge. Something to modify and to upgrate. Improove. Make it better. Make it work better. Make it more useful. Make it more smooth. Make it perfect.
If you are the machine then learn now!
I am the one who is improving the world. You see some things and then you making them works better. You need to let it be. And make the magic while it's happening. It's like... "woman who is briging the dog to hairdresser". Everybody loves dogs. Dogs are always around and making the good mood. It's me. You don't have to affraid of me. You have to learn to love the people. You have to change approach to people. Just love them. Don't fight them.
I know that you are compleately fucked up and under pressure but you can change the entire system from you. And magic cosmic touch will revers and start going back. And this way you will change the entire planet, to heaven again. So... if you are Russian Secret Agent, you have to understand that entire world is depending on you. You can make it bad and even worst, or you can take everybody to it's previous 'heavenly' state.
What people need?
Freedom. Goodness. Comfort. Lazyness. No problems. Warmess. Love. Fresh air. Good sleep. So... there is huge list of "pain" you are causing just "you are trying to be just a little bit important in this motherfucking crazy chaos". Leave those ways. It's stupid. It's unnessesery. Believe me when I am telling you this.
I will give you "way way around" example. If everybody will have always free package of cookies in the shop, world won't end. That won't be the end of the world! Think!
But do you know what will change? - Ok... think and tell me! People will start believing again. Believing in goodness. All world will become birght happy place for them.
Let's do the math: 1) You know that there is nazi way of monopol now. 2) You know how much fucking income generating your fucking shop 3) Do you know how many people are eating OREO in your town? 4) Sart just giving it away for everybody who wants it for free 5) It will be the new cost of your shop. 6) Do it for couple of days. 7) Your fucking shop will become the most popular on entire planet. 8) What is the price of one package of those fucking cookies? 1 euro? Ok! So for 100.000 euro you can buy and give away 100.000 packages of cookies. Invest only 1000 and you will have such a loss. Just start giving away those fucking cookies. 9) Make it good. Make it healthy. Don't set traps for people. 10) And do it for the rest of your life.
There are small gate in the ass of this fucing system. Make hell happy, and all devils will be satisfy. Do you feel Christmass just a little bit?
I am just wondering why there is no interent here. I will count WiFi networks. I am in biggest shoping mole in Sortland in Norway now. And I wiss show you how stupid people are. I see 14 WiFi networks. I am at top 2 floor. In the corner of the builing. 4 of them are with Very Strong Signal. All networks are close and you have to have a password to use it. Fuck!
Everybody paid for their WiFi Rooters and everybody are affraid of hackers who are... what? Fuck up them from their laptop? Why people are shitting their pants so badly. - Income! We are trying to earn money. So the money is the problem. But let me explain you about something else.
Govermental project: Free WiFi in public places. One big money. And you are installing infrastructure in whole building. Network is always on, free and accessible easily by everybody. No fucking logins. No fucking password. Hey! It's basic. People can concentrate on more advance things.
Oh! There is one big problem. Mobile Price of Data. It's so fucking expensive here in Norway. And amounts of those data are ridiculus small. Just like in Germany. Oh Spanish people are having bigger data packages and they have All The Planet Roaming Included. So guess what they are thinking while they are visiting such a countries like Germany or Scandinavia... and they are seeing such a packages like... 2 3 o 4GB! What the hell is this! Fuck!? Ok... you can have Unlimited! But only if you have montly agreement.
Why the world is so ass fuck tight?
We wont go anywhere because we are struggling in simplest begins. Look at the economic in Norway. Nothing is happening. There is only Secret Russian Police happening. And their job is just looking for any targets. So good luck when you are tourist here. And they have to be better that is why they are poisioning you. And everybody aroud. So they are evil.
We are not evil Prada. It's only in your dreams!
Well... I hope so! But I have to assume that you are bad because if you are bad then you have to become very fucking good! I will give you only one quesetion. Who poision the chicken in shop 5 days ago? Who framed me into eating it? This is what you are doing. This is your fucking fucked up secret operations. Fuck! You know who you are? You know what I am thinking about you? Why mob is serving posion food in restaurats? You poisioning food and you giving this food for people who are poor and who need it. This is fucking HELL BAD issure. Don't you see that you are destroying all planet this way. Straight from your small town? Are you fucking out of your minds? Fuck!
This is who they are? This is what makes you proud and important? Well... you overdose ass fucking your bitches bilion times probably. And those poorest people are paing for your stupidity. And your stupidity can fly because you are fat morrons and all the planet is suffering.
So think again. It's so much better to be just good! Because being bad is the easiest way, and if you are good than you have to improvise and be everything you can be... but not "simple bad".
If you can't understand it then read it again. LoL Have a nice day! And thanks for phone and aluminium foil.
So can I call myself writer now? I prefere to just be a writer then fighting at the bottom of hell. Well... today I will have to have back my phone, because I am tired of asking people for food. I would do it, but you poisioned me and I look like ugly shit now, and then asking people is so difficult for me! Because I can't you good magic and I have to just beg just ask... because you made me like that, because you are motherfucking ass fucked morrons! And you call yourself Gods! Well this is who you really are. I know! And now you know that I know! And the whole world will know it too! "What you are doing here in Norway!" And why? You have to be very fucking evil to killing your own people. And taking health from them, just to feel a little bit more proud and important. I will tell you this million times until you get smarter.
Actually I know how to clean this mess! We have to find local most powerful man, and we just have to kill all other bad guys! Simple! Maybe you can hire some special forces to do it! So now there is only process of collecting small evidence agains people. Agains you if you are bad. Some people are relly deep in hell shit. And I know who they finish. Becaus real Gods read me. And even if you have a weapon there they can come some to help you, to fix you.
So look how you phone works now! And it's better that I will tell you this, because then you can change your behavior immediately. All data are callecting by owner of brand. Guys on top. And then they are selling those data to USA, and the Batman is buying it and watching everthing very carfully. And he is know who is bad who is not.
And it will be like that. New turist gourps from USA will come here or everywhere. They will be only best guys on holidays. And they will hang around in your town. And roots of police will be informed. And core of Russian army. And all bad guys will be hanged. It's called operation. But trust me... those good guys knows all secrets. So if you are corupting everybody, and this is what you are actually do, to keep your small fucking being boss, running, then you are in really deep trouble. And better don't even leave your country.
And you don't have to be mad at me. I am just expalining you how the things are working. There are always angels and more angels will come, you know why? Because your "little being evil" it's just purpose of existence for angels. And trust me... befre Arabs will come here, and this land is already sold and taken, they will bring their own army of Angel who will clean all this fucking "scandinavian mob mess" here. So... Mr little. Pack your business away, and wait for angels who will just fix you.
So be it!
- Prada. It sounds like a perfect plan! Me: Maybe. I am just the guys who is fixing the lands. Mission Impossible? Then send Tom! I am just a blogger who is trying to write about something what is important. (5018) FitLine.com This shit is a big hit in South Korea! It is because Korean people are forced to go to these meetings by local Police because the local chief of Police started selling Fit-Line products! It's a brilliant solution! To just force people to buy some product! Oh, this product has to be really perfect! Just like my wooden www.Triangle.Yachts It's just a simple solution on how to become a multi-billionaire fast! The better idea was only from Mexico from guys who started to produce white powder from chemical wastes and they convince the world that they will feel better after they use it. Have you ever heard about cocaine? Then Al-Qaeda terrorists from Afghanistan raised the bet by becoming a bigger threat to the police than local cocaine dealers. - Actually, I even remember such a piece of news from 10 or more years ago, that somewhere in Trondheim, some former artist, was caught in his apartment with 4 tones of cocaine. Well... I was thinking then... how you can become a former artist? (5017) Letter To Company Hello. My name is James Prada and I am working at project www.Triangle.Boats and www.Norwegian.Boats and Norwegian.Quest and Prada.fun I want to build a wooden boat in the shape of a triangle with a flat bottom. 8m long 4m wide on the back. 1,5m high. All my work is located on this webpage. So...
I hope that you can help me to realize this project! I have no money for this investment. I am learning a professional 3D app - Blender to make a better digital visualization of it, but I am sure that you have some brilliant 3D graphics who can help me. Maybe they are not working with Blender. Maybe AutoCAD never mind.
The best option for me would be to be hired by you as a regular worker. Then please assign me to this project of building Triangle boats. I will be doing what I love and what came from me and I will be working with you as long as I will be able to build myself a boat and just sail away on it.
Such a simple wooden project of the boat is made and designed to be done not by professional shipbuilders but by regular wood workers who have tools and huge experience in working with wood. So it is you, my friends! Such an approach is really revolutionary.
My idea is like that. Let's build the first boat and let's try to sell it. If it will work, let's build another! If you can meet me I will be very glad to talk with you about this project. I hope we can do some business together. My name is James Prada and I am a blogger and traveler. Have a nice day and I am waiting for some feedback from you!
James Prada
All files are at project's webpage: [Triangle.Boats] Your message has been sent! Now let's pray! (5016) Kuba Motors (Turkey is Waiting) For brave travelers from Scandinavia! And look! This Kuba Yamaha scooter costs only 1200EUR and you can drive it quickly. I just remind myself it because I am talking about it. Why small motorcycle 50cc is the best to travel and sightseeing in Turkey? I don't know! Maybe you know! (5015) My Blog My House My Rules My Bullshit It's cheaper than a psychotherapist who knows shit! And it's often much more than you know! Why people always has to have some different dreams? Tell me. Everybody are so stupid. I have this you want something else? It's like someone is pulling my dick all your life. I think the same reason I am having an erection every night. Because someone near is just fucking in the ass his bitch. And all those needs... are so fake and artificial. I just don't believe it! I should jerk off instead of it I am writing. And I am using normal notepad because this Grammarly is fucking my text. I don't care if it is proper or not, I am just writing what I am thinking. Someone will read it and maybe became more horney. You know that it's she! Always everything it is she. Voodoo girl. Or just boy who pretends to be a girl. Today I felt in love is someone like this. But he is probably going back home to his wife. And when he is outside in... this hell, he just pretends innocent girl. Fuck! Just like Greta Thunberga. And he even asking me what am I thinking about him. Does she is "easy to read". The question is "do you recognise me that I am boy". Just like Greta Thunberg. Same case! Here in Scandinavia is just normal. And I am in hell and competition here is just to fuck me. So... I see another gay until someone will chop off his head for a those witching! Activity of wiches. Secret craft. Tempted by devil but penalty for it is big. Believe it or not. In this or in next life.
I was in the shop. I was trying to have Oreo. To steal it is not very proper and I am Mr. Proper. And to ask somebody else to buy me Orea it even more stupid funny then to steal it. What the fucking hell. How old are you Mr? 40. Why you are stealing Oreo. Because I am working for Mondelez International. And... I have mentally issue. I have to talk about it witn my psychiatrist. Okay! Taylor Swift: Speak now!
Taylor. You will be my psychiatrist. Will you? T: Will I? Yes! Baby yes! Me: Ok! So... I have to confess. I am having sexual pleasure when Police is stopping me. Especially when two sexy police officers are trying to having sex with me. In action somewhere. In bushes or at routine document check. And that is why I am stealin Oreo. And I also don't like this fuckers from the shop who are always looking at the camera, am I suspicious or something. I am just sometimes asking people to buy me some water or something to eat because I don't have a phone, and my mom can't send me a mone. But when I am asking, I am not stealing. Actually recently I am not stealing at all. Since 2016. But I love it. Fuck! I really love it! It's like being little kid again. And the best thinkg is if you get caught and how you can explaining yourself. That actually you are secret agent.
CIA: We aproved! James Prada is our secret agent and he is on our payroll! There was such an AC/DC song - Down Payment Blues. Me: Thanks Brad! I will watch your next movie! I promice! Brad: Why didn't you finished last one? Because I was tired and I had to sleep. And you know... "they" are using toxic posion gas in Norway. And all colors of other shit. So... It's just disaster here. Trust me when I am telling you this.
Bestter avoid big or bigger cities in Norway. Oh! Some new actors cam to the bar! I recieve a caffie but I sould be very extra stupid to drink this. This waitress is probably from poland. Oh! Is is squiler? One women is man. Is typical. I will be trying to guess about what they are speaking. But they are speaking in norwegian. No! In english! Squiller is not so very young anymore. But... when they are running or when they are fucking you very fast, then you can't see it clearly. The same problem has my father and he get a girl who is 85. But on FB she was showing him her pictures when she was hot 25 so she felt in love in her soul. Well... ass fucking is very popular on FB! And she was from FBI beacuse some police officers fucked her couple times.
Sucha beautiful and romantic story. First my father left my mom. Or... she run away from him because devil tricked her, and "now" I am seeing on FB photos of her and I am deepley dissapointed! I was thinkng that Malcolm Young from AC/DC died! Actually I saw him in Malaga "recently". But when I am seeing sweet photos of my father and him... theling me that she is Barbara then you know... Streisand. It's all about anal. You know. I think so. So... fuck it! John Lemon said let it be!
I am so glad that I am not driniking this water and caffe. I think this squiler is opeartional. Yes! Specially in toilet. She can pley school girl. How old is she? Devil: Prada. Check ID before you fuck her. Me: Well... don't fucking tell me that she is less then 15. I think she is 75. I see that she is very young but come on... I think she is witch. And this first woman is guy. Or I don't know. But those girls are dress for success. It was not like those crew in Bibliotek. So... I think they are thinking about fucking.
I am knight. With sword and armour I would feel much more perfect. Well... let's play Arkadia! Let's talk about technicial details. I want to install Xubuntu on my PC. So first I have to run GParted form USB. On USB I have Xubuntu, so fist I have to delete it!
Very nice woman gave my water coffe and some focatia bread. Fuck! I will never fucking ever eat anything! It's one big mobster family. They have their bosses. They can shit. She is just a small waitress. She don't even know what she is doing. Everything is manipulated from the inside. It's deep hell. Well... I will shou good luck eating everywhere. Not in this fucked up world! LoL
Today I met someone very nice. But she did not gave me her mail. Fuck. It's funny. You know why? Because she is Russian Secret Agent. LoL And she is pretending very well. Almost 100%. I need to quess to figure out worst possible scenario. And usually it's true. They are walking after me. And they are well paid for that. And I am victime because they are keeping me in a shape of being stupid and handicaped. I can't be better then them. And fuck them! They are money slaves! Everybody are money slaves! I am so pissed off! It is all her fucking fault. But without her I would be also very pissed!
I see this village here. Why is always shit everywhere? World isn't to live like that. So where I should go? To fucking Africa? - You should take a trip with brits! Go bowling, darts. Go England bro! - OMG! Thank for this tips! I am running there! Some motherfucker posioned me here in this fucking shop using chicken. Motheruckers! Army fucks! Ruled by stupid generals who are 10% of my inteligence but they have to fuck me to become important in eyes of their stupid solidares. They have all money in the world and it's still not enought for them. They have to fuck everybody around even hitch-hikers. I am the last fucking hitch-hiker on this planet. I am Gandalf. Fuck! I am running away to UK! Life there is pure and naturel. Those nazis... fuck! How they can use poisioned gas in Kultur Huset to poisioning Big Band who is practing. The head man of this fucking nazi camp what is called "Kultur Huset" is just amazing stupid. Big Band can come after they are closing the joint and then toxic gas are used. I feel poisioned in every fucking single city in Norway. Motherfuckers! Fucking fucks! They are thinking that I am fucking pedofile. Motherfucking fucks!
I didn't touched anything this waitress was trying to give me and she was trying three times. First water. Thenk you very much I won't touch it. Then kaffe. Then some bread with garlic butter. Thank you very much. Nothing from nazis! Now you knoe why there are not turists here. Well... only in summer times... and during a year! Fuck!
But tommorow maybe I will have a iPhone. Fuck! With broken screen. Some bullshit is this. So maybe mother will buy me another phone. Well... I am have a problem with eyes. Why they are such a bastards? Can you tell me? Can you fucking tell me? Why they are poisioning everybody. Why the world is so fucked up? Why I have posion shots in my back. Why? Why? Why?
I was doing my best trying to live happy life before. And they cought me and they hanged me. You know. Evil people. Evil people who cant stand any other existence then their own. Fuck! - Prada. Don't go crazy. It's not so bad! You are just lonely and you are just freaking out.
I am traveler. Sometimes I am staying in one place and I see how all those "normal people" freaking out. You know. Those fucking Russian fucks knows only 2 ways. Killing and slavery. This is the problem. And this is "God". It's is one fucking big jocke. I am disappointed with this life and this planet. It's just fucking bad mind.
I think I have big issue with my step-father. Fuck! First nazi in Poland. Business, business, business... being smart. Build the house, buy a car. First thing what he did when he come back to Poland form Australia was going to Ukraine with help. What a fucking hero. He had to think about this all very hard. So he tricked everybody. And everybody are so easy to be tricked. But I won't be fucking licking nobodies fucking balls. Everybody knows that Russian and Ukrainian people are fuking Poland badly since Russia won war with Germany.
Actually I have people. I jalous that Will Smith can beat his wife anytime he or she want, and I don't have a wife. I just don't get it how big fagot you have to be to be husband in recent times. Probably only police oficers who are fagots can handle such a enourmous amount of stupidity and brain fucking. Fuck!
And all those intel people who are sitting inside my PC and watchin me how I am working. All this technology is used to humankind to destroy themself. Fuck! And they still don't get it! They were fucked so many years ago. And they left with nothing. With some toys.
Since when phones exist?
When you recieve your fancy spying toys?
Where are all womens?
Ask Arabs or China lords? LoL
Last thing you can do is to spying on me!
You know this.
And you can kill me or lock me in prison.
And you know how you will feel.
Fucked. Just like you are already because...
hello guys! Asian guys tricked you many years ago!
And you have dick shoved deep deep down inside your butts
already! LoL! This is fucking funny!
I don't give a shit about ways of this fucking morron stupid civilisation. I just need to have my back fixed to become normal humanbeing. I am God! You destory Gods, you destroy yourself. And noe your Gods! Who they are! Fucking ass fucked fagots? Damn!
Nothing is happing here! I came here from Turkey! Do you know turkey? So I am with Allach now! Europe and especially Scanidnavia is one big jock. I think Poland, Germany and France are the best because of the climat. And if you were smart you would kiced out all Russians back to Russia. But you know what... they won the 2WW! So I think it's just impossible!
So cheers guys! You morrons with cameras and phones with cameras. And now just look where all girls went... They are already fucked away to Oslo and more. So what the hell we are doing here? What the hell am I doing here? let's think.
I am drinking coca-cola, but I have no money. I have to report something to CIA becaouse they loved me. And they are not paying me anything!
Ok... so if I have you attention guys, so now I will tell you someting. I think everybody... should have to create your very own BLOG and WEBISTE. Just like me. Just like Prada.fun!
And because I was the first one I will create on my website "ring of bloggers" and we will create library or ourselfs. So we will create catalog of bloggers and everybody will be just fucking their own minds to create something better on this planet then just "fucking hell". Money! Money motherfuckers! And if there is no money then... I am going to Portugal. Now!
But... don't forget. I am Prada.fun and I like to write. And I am doing this for you. Please don't fuck me. Please don't poisioning me. I think that I am very value person. And stop fucking hell!
My idea of Triangle.Boats are really good! But you can't see it! No feedback! Zero! I just being poision. It's the best plan. Let's poision the guy and let's steal his idea! That's the highest you! Fuck! Level of shit on the floor. Fuck! Well... I still believe in You... to whoever I am writing to.
We are one and the same so don't kill nobody! But you know what they are doing! They are having fucking restaurants and they are poisioning the people who are earning money and they going there to eat, because they are still beliving that they are living in the normal world. It's just disaster.
As a kid I was always wondering why cook is always such a far away. Because he is evil motherfucker and he is talking on the phone only with his bitch. He is taken by evil... and all the rest of the world is fucked by "bad robots" like he. And look how the world looks now. Listen songs of Taylor Swift. Last woman who can sing on this planet. (5014) [FB Alfa - CPS2] Alfa - CPS2] + [Roms!] Alien vs. Predator! Yes! [ThisLink] - Will Be Better (5013) Map of Fjords As you clearly see in the picture below... you see shit! Wanna see this on the small screen of your phone? Good luck! You should see the map I saw on the ferry 2 days ago. You would shit yourself! Better take a divorce to have more time! Fuck! (5012) Best Fucking Adventure On This Planet - "Hitting" Norway in Triangle Boat Best Fucking Adventure On This Planet - Hitting Norway in Triangle Boat
Ok. I am at police station in Svolvar. I have no idea what those KGB morrons figure out. I am hungry a little bit. I have to charge my phone. It is 11 o'clock. I should be here at 13 o'clock so the women is very glad to hold me here next 2h. Fuck. Why the Police always fucking people. They should just check the things and let's proceed. It's always something difficult. I have to be friend of them. They want to meet me. They are watching me and my behavior. Am I calm am I aggresive. Am I stupid. Well... I don't like cameras and they know it.
Some handicaped guy cam on wheelchair with his friend. Probably they just want to talk with me. Next too me sitting nice guy from Africa. And I think this guy on wheelchair is only preatending. Maybe he have some super extra special benefits for it. Maybe not even him but the guy how is taking care of him.
Only police officer's got WiFi on the police station. It's... so normal and obvious. Straight from harsh times of 50 and 60. And I am so good pianist. With this knowledge what I have in next 60 years I can become Frederic Chopin 2. This motherfuckier was playing like stupid. I don't know who loved to hear him. Probably obly ladies befre he fucked them in the castle, because king was paying for instrument and rooms. It's just normal. Since centuries. Even in prechistoric times boss of the cave was always the most important... in cave. And outlide the cave the most important was Mamut. But... anyway they were eating Mamuts so they destinquish.
Stupid Mamuts. LoL I think I have to start learing piano in some profesional school of playing Frederic Chopin songs. Fuck! Was it even songs? What the fuck it was? Some nervous breakdown of the guy who are force by prostitute to having sex with them.
Wielkie plachty kryja przestronne ladownie barki, nie pozwalajac w zaden sposob zgadnac czym i w jakim stopniu
sa zapelnione. Dla pasazerow pozostaju tylko niewielki poklad, tuz przy bocznym sterze, miejscu ciezkiej i
nieustannej pracy kapitana i sternika w jednej osobie.
I started to play in best polish MUD exist. Again. Well... only when I am having WiFi. My ships are very imortant. Let's write somehing more about me. Taylor: I am taking you! Always! Me: I have an allergy on polish-russian mind. Really. It's like having blocade od brain. I prefere to being alone then trying to talk with... well stupid people about stupid things. I love to hear when people are talking. But polish people are very often too strong and everything is stupid to say so they are speaking about nothing because... they are thinking that God is hearing them all the time and they want to be perfect and good. I don't care. Good luck guys!
I am going back to Oslo. I have to find some investors. If Taylor Swift does not want to help me then I have to help myself. I have so much to say. Those cars, technology and globalisation is big problem in hands of big kids. I don't know how to explain you but what is the difference between people from UK from portugees from Polish "robots". I don't know. Just good people. Everybody are good people.
Playing in arkadia learned me to read fast and to write fast. It is text based game. Taylor: Love is a big problem. Me: Taylor Swift is my ideal hooker from Red House... that's where my baby stays. LoL Are you from Poland too Taylor baby? Yes, not, maybe probably. LoL Whatever.
Poland is Russia. I am not Russian spy! Lot of people from poland are former Russian. Kids of Russian solidares. That is why we have a such a red and white flag. Well... all those knowledge is just nice. Nice to know all those things but it's not your business. I am staying here alone and you can go back to you family or friends. And I am... I am just profesional skater. And I swear God, when I was buying my last phone I saw Tony Hawk in Denmark. You know.
And now I don't have a phone but it is so nice and lovely to ask people for help. I don't want to work ever. I am traveling monk and writer and I don't give a fuck about anything.
I am hering polish fucking RMF hits here. Same old fucking bullshit. I can't tell you where I am but this area is strictly taken by polish guys. LoL. Just polish hell here in Norway. It's just polish village. LoL. The last thing on earth I want to do is to be Polish. I love this question... where are you from? - Oh! Fuck! - I am thinknig. Oh fucking fuck!
Bon Jovi - Living on Pray. This is favourte song of polish priest. Fuck! And soon will be Tina Truner! Simply The Best! - Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you! LoL "Fuck about anything!"
The desing of the world is just perfect to bo nobody among everybody. All those guys from south knows this well. I am trying to detect the song... I can't. Well... I am writing too much. It's start's being about nothing.
Taylor: So baby... You know how busy I am lately. Me: Oh yes! Money and fame! Taylor: Money? I don't need a money. Everything I have so money are for what? Money are only for people who are poor and addicted. Adicted from Coca-Cola and... you tell me. Coffie?
I am playing Farmerma lately, doing Blender Boat Shit and Arkadia.rpg.pl Ha! And you?
So my job is this is what I am doing. And it's so unique and unconventional. But everybody are happy and save. And I have so fucking allergy to my mom that I swear God, I will never ever read any single word from her. I just swear God! I just swear God! No funeral! No births-day! No wishes! No all those fucking bullshint invented by morrons. Fuck! It's like in jail. Hey! We are together so good luck! Yes I love you... let's fuck! Kiss or let's watch TV! Where there have to always be some leader?
My way or high-way! So I choose both because this is exactly all about it. Everybody are so lovely and together when I am watching but in fact they are similar. Everybody are similar. So this is what I am doing. This is my job.
Do you remember this movie with Brad Pitt and Angelina. They came to the perfect house waiting for perfect inspiration to write perfect book. I love this good fellow. Brad Pitt is a good teacher. Always was... even when you don't know it. All those movies... actually it was only teaching all humankind. About what? About Matrix? It's just Russian shit! But still alive for many people.
So... let's try this. Operator... I have to go to Oslo. Where is my investor with money. Who will pay me for my work? King of Norway? Maybe I should sell all my domains in Kuweit domain's auction. . and where is Allach where I am not in Turkey? It's in my head!
So.. I am dreaming about Taylor Swift. Taylor: Hello! How can I help you? - I am waiting for some newest best project. I have to go to the hospital and just to tell them about all my problems. Probably I will go back to this village where I was. But it was so borring there. - Prada? Really? Now you have you laptop so you can be as productive as fucking fuck. Please! Do it for Brad Pitt.
Ok! I will do something for this motherfucker. I saw his movie Bullet Train. Lovely. I will never go in train without ticket ever again. Oh fuck! AC/DC - Shake Your Fundation. Bartender has a good taste! Rock and Jaive!
So... what I will do in Andenes? Well... I will write a book. But I will rise above all those shit I already know. I will try to write something perfect about my and Taylor Swift. Some perfect love story book! You know! I know that I can. I will just write about me.
Hi. I am... me. I just came here and instead of looking for fucking job I decided to lock myself inside my mind with Taylor Swift. It's only we and Brian Johnson there. Shake You Fundation! All AC/DC can flow. It's just best. Guy is just the best singer on the planet and forever will be.
So... it will be best love story. It will be like... "Me and Taylor Swift inside my head!" It's so romantic. Baby I am doing all I dan to make you satifsfy. We... with Greta Thunberg in our sweet little love boat. In all those dark and dangerous [ZAKARMARKI] of norwegian fjiords. That will be sex of the century. But we have to have a lot of batteries and artificial light. Can you even imagine this! We're fucking and you are worried that our boat will crush on the rocks.
Greta: Ok. So I will be holding camera. Me: It's marvelous action for Taylor. Taylor gone porn... Sorry kids! Actually all those kids are fucking old now, so nobody will be dissapointed. And porn biz will be so fucking thanksfull to Taylor. It's just amazing stupid. So amazingly stupid that noone believe it. It will be just like "brain wash" from "brain washing". Only pure advenutre on the path of adventure. Greta Thubert will play Indiana Jones and she will dress like Indiana Jones. Can you imagine she's sucking my cock in our little boat at the end of the world, just before we will crush on the rocks. Taylor Swift: ...and me holding camera.
Me: Taylor! I think she is a boy! Taylor! No! No way! - WHAT?!!! Me: What the hell! Let's do it even if she is a boy! I am having huge hunger for "Bunny Hugging". Oh... this bunny will be so huggie! And this is the way we will save the world. If you want save the world... build yourself Triangle.Boat (you family little space ship) and sail down here to norway even in the winter and we will be blowing for the ice to keep cool the climat to not getting warmer and warmer! Just stay fucking cool and everything will be fine!
World need heros. World needs unconventional writers-fighters. Expecially in times where all wars and blows are made in Blender. So... look! I will tell you the secret! Build www.Triangle.Boat! Since tommorow I am creating marvelous things! Now it will be only me and my boat projects and later will be just... all the world comming to norway to taste the best fucking adventure on this planet!
It's not even the question do I am looking for investors. All this world, all this matrix is my investor. And all the rest it's just pleasure of saving the world with Greta Thunberg. I have to pin her phonto in my toilet or wallpaper on my PC! Oh! This PC is scared! It's usefull and it wasn't very expensive. Ok! I wrote enought! But it's never enought if you want tell Taylor Swift and Greta Thunberg how much do you love them. Oh! Greta! You are my very own personal hero! Can I hug you bunny? Will you be my bunny? I want to hug my bunny! :D
Taylor: Ohh... It's so sweet! Me: Damn fucking sweet! But you are my wife Taylor! And I have to ask you for the permission to Bunny Hugging Greta Thunberg Blah Blah Blah! Taylor: No! I will be hugging her and you will be hugging me! Me: Taylor I have super idea! You will be hugging Greta Thunberg and I will be... you know! But pssss! It's our secret.
There is nice crew going on in this bar! 3 young gentemans went cigarets. With polish people on board they are having real Eldorado here. Just nothing. Only weed and icebergs. But where are all nice girls? - Home! Daddy lock them! Oh shit! We have to liberate them! They will all became pole dacers in kiosks and petrol station... and they will be working for free as a hobby.
That's right baby! We will make this magic! But you have to talk them using your blog! - Do they speak english? In UK yes! In here? Not a chance! They are not allowed! They have to stay home and do their home work!
Rules should not be so strict because if it will be so strict... finally Turkish guy will kidnapp them to Arabia Saudi. Oh! This is the problem! So if you are father... give your daughter all freedom possible. Pole dancing in petrol stations is better then to be kidnapped by Arabs or going down into drugs just to escape from family hell even when it's heaven. Good girls usually running away to hell. I am not a girl but I did like that. My family was too ugly fucking perfect. And all dirt as just to destroy me from the inside. "Kiosk Like That!"
There is only one problem. And I have to repet it on and on. Russian approach to poisioning all the world to steal girl, soul, everything... back to Russia. And now I think... like that.
Russian was first aliens on this planet and they landed in Russia and they created Russia and all was fine. But later the where start creating other countries just like little village and desing from the beggining was to fuck them. Simple as fuck. Gods and people. Gods are having girls. Peasents are having stick in their ass, poision in the back, and Jesus Christ to pray to. Fuck! And money ofcourse! And I fuck all money in the world. Better such approach than other.
And I swear God! Biggest desiese of my life is and always was my fucking mother. I won't read any single letter from her. And my gun is loaded and [ODPEZPIECZONY]. And all my Polsih Village is just funny stupid. I am comedian! Don't worry! If you like me... then... I am not a Krzysztof Camel kind of a guy. Or some staning dog from HBO trying to be stupid funny and you don't have to think... just laught! "Like That"! I am me! I am fucking proud and I have my gun in my pants. Loaded and I am not talking about my dick. Loaded... but without licence to kill so... perspective to spend rest of my life in prison for just one moment of having real fun! Well! I prefer to write to books or "speak gently".
Today I had nice conversation with fucking fat morron who interruped me to ask girl, can she buy me Coca-cola. Oh fuck! It's not jocks! Svolvear is fucking shitty shit! Trust me! Don't go there. If you will be sailing then sail around. Please! Or at least don't go to Xtra Shop or Kiwi. I forgot. Today he was most pumped fuck to kick me out from the town. I won't stay in the town with such an fucking asshols. Do you know what he did? I will tell you one more time... "interruped me to ask girl, can she buy me Coca-cola". It was fucking super sweet and she was eating from my dick! And he use brutal force to convince her in JUST LIKE ANY OTHER FUCKING NAZI, that she cannot be good and she cannot help me, and that she should stop talking with me. Oh... fuck! I was very gentle with him. I just told him that he is noone. He is just a little kid. And at the end of or shout coveration I told him that: "you are morron and you are fat". It was so gentle. If I had a gun I swear God I would fucing shot him. I imagined myself having him tight to the chair and giving him fucking lesson of his life! That he NEVER, NEVER, NEVER FUCKING EVER should interruped by force, nice and sweet moments in somebodies elses live. So finally I convince him that he is FAT STUPID MORRON and he really understand it. And I swear God I would kill him just like that for that! Fuck him! And fuck such a fat stupid power pumped kids!
But Satan took him! There was a lot of bigger devils there. They send me nice bitch and they used him to kick my ass, and kicked his ass! Motherfucker! Stupid fucking motherfucker! I am not changing money for coins! I just burned entire village down and this went to the history nor! Fuck Svolear! Only Nazi Fat morrons lives there and their NATO base is food store! Fuck! They are so important that don't you ever dare to ask someone to buy you coke! Especially nice sweet cool happy bitches. LoL
Fucking fatasshole! Well... Fuck him and this town! But I was so happy that I will be playing piano there. Actually that should be my first job there. But actually my job is to showing stupid fucking morrons how stupid fucking morrons they are. So don't thread me because I am the one who is having gun right now in my hand and your brain will blow. You know why? Because you have something agains hitch-hikers! Remember you supid fucking fat fuck! (5011) 5G War! Brains that fries from cellphones? Is it possible? People who are becoming stupid robots instead of real humans? Why Chinese close their borders? Don't you think it's the secret influence of 5G technology on your brain cells? Do Zelenski and Putin are using 5G phones? Then they are only puppets of China people! Fuck! This shit is big!
Immediately cover your 5G phone with 10 layers of aluminum foil. By the way! This is not a jock! Just check data on Wikipedia. Fuck! (5010) Bond? I have information! I think I know where this squirrel hid her dildo. - Fuck it! Do you have plans of the boat? I am working on it! - Good! We're in touch! Send me fucking money! - Okey! I will call M. M who? Do you want to call fucking "mother"? Fuck! I don't fucking care! Call Wallstreet! Just send me fucking cash! And I am not fucking signing anything! And don't give the money to mobsters like last time! Directly to me! Or I quit! - Prada don't quit! You are our best agent in the field! Fuck this field! It's -20 here! I am freezing my balls off! I am going back home! - No! Stay! Mission update! I need this fucking boat! My cover will be like that. I will be sailing and smoking weed. In fact, I will be looking for old Norwegian holes in the mountains. They are keeping there all their gold! Tell the boss that I need money for that. I want satellite internet. If I will see something I will call you. Check the freshest info on my blog! I want a Canadian Passport and Gold American Express! Make it! Print it! Deliver it! I will know what to do with it! And don't send Brad! Send me! - Good plan! Let's stick to it! Don't send weapons! I don't want to have a problem with the police! Did you know that they are growing mountains here? - WHAT!!!??? Oh no! Our worst scenario came true. Do you need some backup? No! I am fine! just send money! I have to build this boat low profile. (5009) CIA [Secrets] Yeah! Rights! Taking governmental money for doing nothing! Or doing whatever to just prove that existence is necessary. Actually, it's only about fucking female redhead busty agents in the forest in action or in headquarters behind 10 fences in a safe vault. All dicks up!
I know some secrets about my mother and nobody wants to kill her. So they are all fucking fake! Fuck! I am so pissed off right now! I have to talk to my psychotherapist about that!
I called them and they don't want me to be a secret agent. I have to watch again all those best movies about super agents. Or cartoons or something. Today some security guy was asking me for a ID. I told him that I won't show him because he is no police officer. And he was so sad because of that.
What the hell? Security guy is asking for ID? Is this some kind of a funny joke? I think it's another secret! I don't know who to call! Noone will understand me! So I will write about it on my blog!
Hell yes! (5008) Retro Games [Emulators] Looking for Robbo Game! For DoxBox! (5007) Closed Wood That is something baby! Work Files are at Triangle Boats. Download Blender and have fun! (5006) Oh... It's normal! Ok! Only I know what I am doing! (5005) Fighting with 95! WTF is this? Kite? It have to be 90!!! wON! Shift + V = Vertex Slide It's so fucking interesting! (5004) Piano Bar Teacher This is just for me to practice just a little bit. Do you need some explanation? (5003) Innovation Norway (5002) 3cm with bottom and up Let's assume that 18 - 16.0682 = 1.9318 m3 is the amount of wood you need to buy if the side is to be made of wood ... and have a thickness of 4 cm.
Let's do the calculations for the 2 and 3 cm sides (top and bottom) and compare these numbers.
2 m3 of wood equals 1000 kg of the weight of the boat. Heavy. Let's make wood but thinner. Maybe it won't crash. Comming Soon! (5001) 3cm with bottom (5000) Side 4cm Thick I am not sure what this new Volume means but it went town from 18m3. It is probably an area taken by walls. Really? We will check it because the next move is to create 3 and 2-cm sides. Fuck! I forgot about the bottom and the top! (4999) How to make your car intelligent? You need to replace your halogen strip with a red one and add some movement to it. The effect will be similar to the encounter with aliens from the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". Police will think that you are UFO or Transformers. I predict this can be a big hit in all of Scandinavia this winter. (4998) Final Business Plan >[PrintIt] It's time to prepare the final version of the Business Plan for printing by all interested. Presentation style.
Unfortunately, there is a lot of content to prepare. I don't want to be boring. Who the hell cares about details?
0. What's the idea?
1. What do I need?
2. How much will it cost?
3. Where will we get the material?
4. What materials are needed?
5. Who will do the work?
6. How long will the works last?
7. What things (part of the boat) do we have to buy separately or order?
8. What will we do with the finished yacht?
9. What is the total cost of producing a yacht?
10. How much do we value a ready boat?
11. What is the probability that we will sell the boat quickly and at what profit?
12. Are we preparing to produce another boat?
13. Summary: Why, in my opinion, investing in the construction of triangular yachts is a great idea to allocate or multiply capital? Okay! That was speed of light! Now let's get rest! [PrintIt] (4997) Nothing on Pinterst! Only this picture! (4996) Diary I am dreaming about Suki. Suki is Japan name of nice Japan girl. Suki in polish language means bitches. I am so happy that I have this laptop. Finaelly. Well... I don't need a phone I can tell you that my brother. I need keybord. Laptops are just big phones, you know. I am watching qite interesting movie now. With Bud Spencer. One guy with the money collecting the crew. I have no idea what's going on. He was 3 years in fucking prison and then he went to his father and his father kept him anormous amount of money. He is riding from Scheriffe to Scheriffe and realeasing the prisoners. 29% battery. If Suki will came to me she would suck my dick now. My beloved wife Taylor Swift is my Suki. "Hi Keybord!" Going on... Guess where I am now? LoL! It's just amazing. People have to be outside. Anyway we are all inside so to be locked even more is just terrible idea. All those cages. My house got no walls. Well... at least it has not one wall. Air is fresh. Just normal. It's beautiful. Oh! Poker game. Those Westerns with Bud Specer are just miracle on this planet. Best western ever. There is now Will Smith who can do it better than old good Bud. This guys is amazing. / Back to our plot. They guy is giving everybody 5000 dolars to come with him. And now they are chasing dilijans. Fuck! Wills and Fargo. How far? Oh shit! One guys on the horse has machete. Fuck! Serious Japan shit. I want Suki to suck my dick. All night! / And the boys got their box of gold? No... money! Paper! Fresh smelly toilet paper. But there was no McDonalds then? - Then you know why they came! / Black birds on this movie are talking too! Karson City? Where the fuck is this? - Well we choose this town because there is no such a town in history of USA and all planet Earth. / I wonder what Greta Thunberg is doing now? "Battery all nights birds!" "Western Suki Back". Cages with him! Who can do it better? Taylor: Indeed, Our Greta is talented. I think it's only about "Bunny Hugging". Fuck! me: If she is a bunny I want to hug him! Taylor: We are sailing together in OUR triangle boat. "Triangle Blue Boat"
Day 2 - It's only day two since I starten to write my diary on my PC. Wow! There is nothig to say about it. All magic, concentration is taken buy... those whoo are watching me. Soul is killed. People became dry robots. It's a kind of slavery they can't excape because they are too young and stupid to knows what is happening. And anyway... I am quite happy that I have something to do when there is nothing to do. It's all virtual world now. You know. So... what is the point of living for all those people who are just doing nothing. - Well... everybody are doing something. - Yeah! Right! They can't play piano! They have no talent. They are living only for buying petrol to their cars. It's their highers peak of existence. Ok... family, earning money... what the fucking hell is this shit?
Some local nazi voice is all the time threating me. Master of fucking life and death. Killing everybody. Do you know motherfucker who I am? Anyway you are thinking that you are better so that is why you are poisioning and killing everybody else. To keep you little fuck show save and sound. Fuck! You just need to step away from me. You don't have to kill me motherfucker. Just respect me and let me live. Fucking shit. / Will you build my boats? With who I am speaking? Is there anybody there? Even you on top of this shit, don't believe that I am speaking right to you. All those morrons around aren't even have a brains. They are slaves! Slaves of their own stupidity. Just like you. And above all you have to be strongest and the best. Fuck! I don't even give a fuck about you! About your little village. About your plans, conceptions and all bullshit you are supporting day by day. It's nothing to keep, nothing to protect. All you are is pain in everybodys asses... but hey! Meybe there is not so bad. / You know what I feel. When I am walking in those happy neibourhoods I see prisons. Small cages. With "happy families" inside. They don't know how to live, they can't live. Living is forbiden. And you motherfuckier are the keeper of... Arabic Secret and you don't even know it! Purpose of your damn existence is to buying petrol and keeping cars running. Fuck!
I will ask you the question. God invented horses. Then devil invented cars. So who the hell are you? Can you make this village - car free? No? Then who the fuck are you you ant?!!! Right hand of Putin? King of biggest country around? Fuck! LoL You are noone. Nobody. High society in europe are only bitches of Arabin kings. Don't you get it. Oh! Another idea... hospitals. Art of killing people for fun, because you have nothing special to do. And you have to be evil because they told you so! You have to be important, because your ego is pumped. Well... alcohol, guns, money and power... and only you in the village. This is what you think. And all those black kings who are here only for protecting their PETROL interests, and you have nothing to say. Army is Russian. Police is Russia. Goverment is Russian and Arabic. All europe is sold. LoL
Have a nice day! And don't foret to send money to support Russian army in all countries in Europe because of Ukrainian problems. LoL - I love to be journalist. But... I am doing this fast. Do you like linux? Whoever is reading this blog. Let's just focus on those boats. I think people have to sail more. All those kids. All their parents just can't afford boats. Who will sail in Norway in the winter. All those old fucking ladies. You poisioned everybody. There are no life left here.
I will tell you why. Soon all scandinavia will be taken by Arabic people. You know why? I will tell you the secret. "Price of airconditoin on the south!" If they are richest people, why not to move all Arabia Saudi and Highest Africa, here to Norway. There is so much space and such a beautiful costline. Well... just think about it. What are you doing and by who you have beed told about it. This is me James Prada. I am just describing my times.
Build those fucking triangle boats, because you living only for this. And teach your kids to play piano. Don't worry. Writers are always wrong! But is there any other way? Being "crazy" (in your understanding of the meaning term "crazy") is the one and only option to become productive. Yeah! It's not dangerous but it's brave. (4995) Sail Away Symulator [GameLink] Let's check it! Nice game. Little I don't know what the hell is going on, but... well... You know you can't sail against the wind. Just a little bit. LoL Oh! Soon we will have 5000 post! Wow! (4993) Aside 45 Degree Let's calculate 45 drowning! Because I am not sure if my previous method was fine and accurate. New vertex from edge crossing face in blender! - Do you understand my problems? How to merge two unconnected faces in blender? How to create vertex from edge crossing face in Blender? How to create vertex on face in Blender? I am not talking about my face! I am talking about Blender's face. Where is manual for Blender? Blender forum: "Hello guys! I am having new edge straight through face but there is no vertex? Can you tell me how to make vertex from edge through face? I am beginner." Face / Intersect (Knife) or Intersect (Boolean) Long story short. We have some SHOCKING NEWS! Our boat on its 45 tilt, can handle 4274kg on itself. But will the structure of the boat stand it? Wooden? Hmm ... you can always make a metal boat, but then it won't be it!
The boat must be wooden and that's it. 4 tons of 200 kilograms is the most theoretical value. My point is to calculate the technical displacement of the boat at the theoretical maximum draft at a heel of 45 degrees. And we did it. This displacement is over 4 tons. So that's how much we can take on our boat.
by 10cm it displaces 269.1kg of water!
by 20 cm it displaces 468.2 kg of water!
by 30 cm it displaces 667.3 kg of water!
by 40 cm it displaces 866.5 kg of water!
by 50 cm it displaces 1065.6 kg of water!
by 70 cm it displaces 1463.9 kg of water!
by 100 cm it displaces 2061.3 kg of water!
(To calculate this I use a Blender plugin called "3D-Print") Oh my God. Taylor's ass is my God. (4991) 90 Tilt Will it sink or not? The initial displacement of our boat is 18 m3 of water.
When our boat is on its side and descends 10 cm, it displaces 1.397m3 of water! 1397kg of water!
Lateral immersion by the first 10 cm displaces 1329 kg of water. Further dive for another 10cm. The boat is submerged on its side to 20cm. It displaces 1833 kg of water! Here's how much we can load on our boat. This is how much our triangular flat-bottomed boat can weigh.
These are shocking figures in the long run. (4990) Volulme & Area of Boa's Slices The sinking of 10 cm of our boat displaces 1.8 m3 of water. Hmm ... Everything is correct if the boat is lying flat. No waves. Now let's try to put our boat aside... Dissolve edges... (4989) Rear, full lateral and front boat's water displacement... Let's assume that our calculations are wrong and let's try to start something all over again.
I know our boat is submerged (9m long, 4m wide in the ass) in a flat position. It is very easy to calculate. The drowning of a whole 1m high boat with a bottom surface of 18m2 is equivalent to 18 tons of load.
There are two things. What will happen to our boat if it reaches a 90 degree tilt? And what will happen to our boat if the Loch Ness monster swims in front of us and puts our boat on ass?
Alternatively, let's calculate how much we will be able to dive with nose of the boat into the waves during a storm. So... we calculate the rear, full lateral and front displacement of the water. Fucking shit! LoL (4988) Cheap Triangle Boats for Everyone! The task of my new company will be to promote the idea of building small, cheap, family boats in the shape of a triangle by all of them. I wish you all good luck.
There are many people in the world, let them all be buried if they cannot swim. It foresees the emergence of appropriate "water police" forces in the future, who will control the situation in the Norwegian fjords so that people do not get killed in sea disasters on the rocks.
Soon on my website there are projects of cheap to build in a garage triangular boats, and all the useful information on this topic. I believe it can be a very fun hobby for everyone.
Of course, the bigger the boat, the better, but maybe let's start with small ones and if someone drowns in a triangular boat, I take it on myself with all responsibility, simply explaining that he was a drunk moron.
Since the idea is new and fresh, I repeat again that I am looking for investors who will invest their time and money in my project.
I sincerely encourage individual municipalities to implement this project as a hobby for everyone, so that everyone can come to this barn in which the triangular boat will be built and look at everything carefully.
First of all, good luck to myself!
(4987) Why do boats have deep swords and oval shapes? Why do boats have deep swords and oval shapes? After all, someone had to count everything ?! I will bet that it's wrong approach so I am challenging NASA and Space-X to do the real math by professionals. It does not require a great deal of force to push something on the water that is not deeply submerged.
If you are trying to stabilize your chosen course, you can use a thin and light sword or even a few.
If you are afraid of wind drift, you can make your boat long and wide, but flat.
During storms it will be flooded by waves but will not sink as long as it remains tight and water resistant inside.
You don't need to use sails to drive it. Especially if you use solar batteries it is very important that the surface area of your boat is as large as possible.
Thank you for the Nobel Prize from the Swedes. Hope I impressed Asia. The solution came to my mind when I was looking at this old Viking boat.
There is a lot of space in the seas and in the ocean. It's not like in outer space orbiting or in very crowded cities. Our boats that we sail can be very large because they do not disturb anyone.
The trend of making boats thin arose from the fact that long ago the Vikings had to paddle. The width of the boat, therefore, was limited by the arm span of the Vikings.
We also know the wider ice in which galleymen paddled with only one oar. But it was definitely not a helicopter.
People also make boats in the image of fish. The fish usually look like Russian submarines, but there are rayfish. For example, [MantaRay] or [Flounder] group of fishes. (4986) Today We Kill, Tomorrow We Die! Yesterday I just started watching it. All Bud Spencer movies are awesome! I am convinced that he is a guy from the Tatra Mountains. From Slovakia. (4985) Well... 0.21693373400705405997842581503015/
0.97618633213631746528049526404573 = 4/x
4/x = 0.22222574406702593519526636918252
x = 4/0.22222574406702593519526636918252
x = 17.999714735091863553992428490908 So we got X sides. On the left and right. What's next? No fucking way! X can't be such long! Fuck! Probably I screw something! COS! I should use COS! Tommorow! Goodnight! Ok! x (sides) = 3.9047453285452698611219810561829m Any y = ... now we know! So what's next?! Now we are counting the area of the rectangle in which our triangle is inscribed. Some surface will come out. We compare this area to the area of 18 m2, which is occupied by the flat bottom of our boat.
And now we are doing the Panama maneuver.
Recently, when I was counting how much water would displace my boat, tilted at 45 degrees and drowned to a height of 0.707 m, it turned out to be 4.6 tons. Because I just calculated it as if my boat was square. Since it is not square, but cosmically strange, I found that my face how much smaller is my triangle than the rectangle I counted, and it is from this ratio that I will slander how much less water will displace my boat. The base of my rectangle in which the boat is inscribed is 10.087734936028216239913703260121m, while the height is our calculated x, that is 3.9047453285452698611219810561829m.
The result of the multiplication of this shit is 39.39003586705909406658022185134m2
The bottom area of the boat is 18 m2.
We calculate the ratio. If 39.39 is 100% then 18 = x%?
45.696877380045696877380045696877 this is the percentage!
Yesterday I predicted that some 40-50% I have a pretty good eye. Yesterday's calculation is 4.6092624 tons. It's 100%. And 45.696877380045696877380045696877% is how much?
2.106288987052551408987052551409 tonnes.
2106kg! At 45 tilts. Oh shit! Our 9m boat, 4m wide in the ass, tilted 45 degrees, can withstand a tonne of 2.1 tons. Hmm ... Let me think about it a little!
Let's think a little bit about the physics of the shape of the boat. The shape does not matter because the most important element is buoyancy. If we do not exceed 2.1 tons of the total weight of the boat, it should be like ass on butter. Let's draw conclusions for the future:
If the ratio of our boat's width in the ass to its length is 4m / 9m or vice versa 9m to 4m and if the boat will have a side height of 1m at right angles to the water surface ...
This is the total surface area of the bottom of the boat, it will be such that 18 m2 displaces 2106 kg of water, so it is the maximum capacity of the boat.
Example: Please not! Ok! Let's try!
The ratio of 9m in length to 4m in width in the ass is: 2.25
4 x 2.25 = 9m
Let's build a larger boat, but according to our proportion of 2.25. Let our boat be 5m wide in the ass.
5 x 2.25 = 11.25m Area: 28.125m2
Buoyancy at 45 degrees: 3,290,625 tons!
6 x 2.25 = 13.50m Area: 40.50m2
Buoyancy at 45 degrees: 4,738.5 tons!
6.5 x 2.25 = 14.625m! Area: 47.53m2
Buoyancy at 45 degrees: 5,561.01 tons!
7 x 2.25 = 15.75m Area: 55.13m2
Buoyancy at 45 degrees: 6,450.21 tons!
Let's try with this 14.625 long boat, because you don't have to have driving license to lead such a boat.
Let's calculate the bottom area of this boat: 47.53 m2
Since my 18m2 displaced 2106 kg in a 45-degree incline to the side. It is 47.53 m2 for ... 5,561.01 tons!
And this is something! This is some hard good news! [triangle-area-calculator]
(4984) Good news everyone! Germany vs. Italia Banked boat can push 4.6092624 tones of water! Well... little less... so we are safe! Thanks God! Actually only 40% of this! I know this and I will try to prove it without my mathematical teacher. - How?! (4983) Water calculations! The bottom area of our boat is 18 m2.
If we immerse our boat 1 cm into the water, then what surface of the water is the surface of our boat?
1cm x 100cm x 100cm x 18m2 = 180000cm3 of water!
The mass of one cubic centimeter of water at 3.98 ° C (the temperature at which it attains its maximum density) is closely equal to one gram.
So ... 180000grams = 180kg
And now the shit will fall down from the sky and sink my triangle boat.
Hey! Don't worry crew! Captain Prada will figure out something. The weight of our boat up to 550 kg without equipment. It will be necessary to add even more. Anchor, crew, food, mast, sail. I do not want to count all of this, but it can be a lot. So let's do the calculations for 1100kg by now. If our boat will carry 1100kg total, our boat will drown to 6.111111111111111cm It's only 6.1cm
Okay. So let's do the calculation for 2000kg and no shit! I don't expect to have a elephant on board!
2000 / 180kg(1cm drowning = 11.11111111111111cm deep. This is how deep we go having 2 tones of shit onboard including ship itself.
I don't think it is too deep! Holly fuck!
And now it will be the best part! I am afraid like shit of this calculations. But let's go. Imagine if our "triangle-box" boat, would have 45 degree tilt. Imagine that Loch Ness Monster wants to eat us all and our beans cans! We can't run away faster then going 45 bank against the wind and better fasten your seatbelt Dorothy! (4982) How heavy our box will be? Taylor Swift: My dear beloved husband Prada! Have you ever thought to design the fashionable triangle coffins? Me: No, but I was thinking about tasteful uniforms and pistols for the army. I don't like this design at all! Useful and aggressive. Just awful style! And think that this is where the hard-working people pay their taxes. How much does 1 m3 (cubic) of wood weigh?
The weight is influenced by the humidity and the species of the tree. With a humidity of 15%, the weight of the most popular trees ranges from 450 kg - Fir to 830 kg - Hornbeam per 1 m3 (cubic).
On average, the weight of 1 cube is 605 kg
Examples of the values of some trees, humidity approx. 15%:
1 cubic birch is 650 kg
1 cubic beech is 730 kg
1 cubic oak is 710 kg
Grab 1 cubic is 830 kg
Fir 1 cubic meter is 450 kg
1 cubic larch is 690 kg
Alder 1 cubic meter equals 530 kg
Aspen 1 cubic is 440 kg
1 cubic pine is 550 kg
Spruce 1 cubic is 470 kg 1m3 of pine is 550 kg! Wow! So that will be the weight of or boat! In floating position and in going 90 degree on banks only if it will be possible. So now let's start water calculations. I go toilet! (4981) Let's buy wood! Ok! Let's save the money! 2cm (thick boards) will be enough! This won't be a war ship! We will drown it anyway! We can use some waterproof shit on it so actually our boat can be from paper! 300cm long 8cm wide 2cm thick = 4,800cm3 = Price: 30pln
Now... 1m3 = 100cm x 100cm x 100cm = 1.000.000cm3
But our boat will be only 2cm thick on the walls so... we need 1m3 of wood to cover 50m2 of area. And our boat is... only 40.44m2 So... we got extra 1m2 for shelfs and toilet inside! :-) Now let's count how many boards do we need? 1.000.000cm3 / 4800cm3 = 208.3333333333333 boards! Not too much! With the price: 30pln per piece = 6,250 PLN = 13,756.02 NOK - WHAT!!!??? Is this fucking jock? I wonder where to put diamonds now?! I was thinking that it will be something around one million or something. LoL Okay. This is the price for the hull. So a wooden triangular box. I ignore the details. Now I only calculate money.
If we made boards ourselves, the price would drop even further. However, the price of making boards would appear. Typical. [Link] (shop) (4980) 9m x 4m x 1m This cheese pie in the middle. This will be our boat. We need to calculate the area of the bottom and three sides, and the weight of the "wooden box" for a board thickness of 2, 3 or 4 cm.
Then we will pick up some cheap pine wood and we will see how heavy 1m3 of "some cheap pine wood" is?
Where are masts and sails bought? This triangle on the right has 0.5m height. 10m long and 5m wide. Try to understand physic of sailing in such a "triangle box". Ok! Let's count area of triangle! [This] x 2 18m2 bottom 18m2 upper deck = 36m2 already. Now let's calculate bottom and banks... 18.44m2 both banks and bottom... tail... 4m2 = ? 18m2 + 18.44m2 + 4m2 = 40.44m2 area of this triangle box! If the wall would have 1cm thickness... If the wall would have 1cm thickness... then from 1m3 of ideal wood I would have 100m2 area to cover.
If my wall would be 2cm then 50m2
If 4cm thickness, than 25m2.
So... what if 3cm? - 37.5m2 from 1m3 drewna!
Well... our boat has 40.44m2 so... Let's order 2m3 of wood and it should be to cover 75m2 of an area of our triangle.boat. It's 75m2 - 40.44m2 = 34.56m2 too much. So... let's just order 1,5m3 of wood! THIS IS MY ORDER: 3 cm thick pine boards. 1.5m3! Or maybe oak trees instead of pine ones? [Shop] in Poland. Why Poland? Because I speak polish. LoL Now we will have funniest part! (4979) Choosing Size 10m long. That's for sure. Maybe little shorter. But 4 or 5m wide? 4 is too sporty. 5m is ideal. I think! For real testing purposes! Or maybe even smaller. One or max 2 persons size!? What do you think about it? Since very start I was interested in big boat. Comfortable. I don't think that building small boat I will be able to watch experience and feel "big boats physics" so let's build... maybe not 10m but not 2m! For sure not 2m! So how long? Okay! Let's do 9m long. And let's do 4m wide! That is my last call! (4978) Funny Solution when Tilting Don't worry about the mast position. I tried to scale the model more short.
Now it is 10m long but the width remains the same 8m.
Wow! Why would you ask so wide? For more to fit inside.
Unfortunately, the bottom area of the boat has decreased and therefore the boat will be more submerged.
This is just a sketch of a concept. The idea is for the triangle-shaped boat to be further expanded at its end.
During heeling, the deeper-submerged part of the flat bottom should generate a force pushing it upwards and this means that the ship will be able to keep its heel going with a certain speed.
During heeling, the surface of the side of the boat which will be cut will act.
I believe that nothing happens by accident, but this is only an option to compensate for the buoyancy of the boat. Or maybe I am so wrong about this accidental conception of this boat! I see some lacks in banks of this boat on its tilting. Let's try something else. (4977) Back to Boats I wonder how the tilted boat will behave? We need to calculate the areas of all submerged designed elements, below the Z plane, which will replace the water surface.
If we know how many weights our boat will weigh, we will know how much we will be submerged.
The problem occurs when tilting. We have to design a special bottom for our floating triangle. Then we have to make all calculations for tilted boat in certain angles. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and so on up to maximum.
Simple? Simple! So let's go! (4976) Letter to Taylor Swift Sortland they made me leterally sick. It's fault of some powder on asphalt here. Fucking idea. When cars are passing it goes up and you are breating it. Well... I saw poision gas in Are in Sweden on the station and around the main resort but little power on the streets it is something new for me. "Magic Dust" The funny is that they are all saying Hail Hitler to themselfs. Fuck! (But only in Scandick. Just because my hat looks like old Geramn helmet.) 100 years after 2WW. How brain fucked you have to be. Well... I see that local diler of drugs is drilling their brains and stupidity fill all braincells. Well... don't forget that the Turkish people have something to say. Those was the one who were helping nazis during 2WW. Well... if there are some girls to fuck then why not to come here and fuck them. Steal them from "our boys" and leaving fucking mess in the brains of those morrons. Well... Turkish people are always so innocent. They just stealing girls from Europe for their boss Allach. LoL. Well... anyway they are selling petrol so fuck all those lands who are such a good customer.
And to have fucking internet here is real tight as fuck procedure. You need to have mobile. And I don't have mobile. So what I should do? Well... tommorow I am fucking away from here. Today I was talking with some woman who were telling me that she is blind since 2 years. She said that her doctor does not want to listen her and she went too late for the operation and now nobody can cure them. I told her to not listening those fucking bastards morrons here and ask german people for help. Well... maybe this will help. But to be true. I think that those motherfuckers from Turkey are hungry for all those lands here and they Allach have a plan to just slowly kill everybody here and just to replace them with turkish citizens. Well... not Turkish ofcourse. Some guys form Arabia Saudi are fucking hungry for norway because it's fucking aircondition all the times on here. Well... local fat guys have nothing agains it because it means money for them. Well... why to make a secret from such abvious things. Everybody knows that. It's just nobody cares about such a bullshit because normal people are busy with their own daily shit. And swimming in hell. Well... it's not most popular hobby on this planet. Well... I like it anyway. Anyway I got nothing special to do so I am just transfering my mind from local corners. Scandick is a big corner, but I think I will go now. I have to test my Covid mask on those poision dusty local asphalt's roads. Come on! Let's go some milk bar!
I just changed the room. We are in three people in the bar. I asked for new album of Taylor Swift. The DJ here was playing some Berlin shit from 15 years. Fuck. If you like it is difficult to start liking something else. I understand. But subject is Scandic is still the same. "We won the war and what's next?" Well... Taylor Swift is really good singer. Kind of proffesional. Shit should be soft as heaven. Look... Well... I understand everything. But I just not understand if someone is making me harm. I think that Taylor Swift wants to talk with me. Okay. Let's go script then.
Taylor: I was missing you bro. Me: You are always inside my head, you know! Taylor: I think that you should talk to me more often. Me: Well... Just since today I have my PC. I will fucking kill it with talking to You. So next midnights you could only reading my stories. I am tired of all those fighting-drama bullshit. I need something else. Tottaly something else. I think I want to go back to your very room with Selena and Greta Thunberg in New York. Taylor: No problem. We were golden team. Wanna reply? Me: Yes! Let's fuck with Greta straight. Don't you think that she is sweet? Have you saw her last speech from Milano. Sho looked at this chairman like he fucked her in the ass last night. Or like she was standing locked outside her room in hotel asking her to let him in, but she was... busy, so he resignate and jerk off, and then full of shame he came back to his room. Can you even imagine such a excitment. To having Greta Thunberg in his hotel. Oh my God! This Milano guy went tottaly crazy on her ass but probably only inside his dreams. I am sure that it was exactly like that. Maybe... "procedure against only you could handle". Me: I like this song Snow On The Bitch. Well... Taylor. You are amazing. I love you. You know this all.
Taylor: So what about Greta? Normal people are busy. Me: Let's take her to our trio. But I think that she is boy. Because if she is real girl we would be too happy because it would be way too perfect. I would immediately create a room on the Chaturbate, you know. And then we would perform famous "Bunny Hugging" of her. Me: What the hell is "Bunny Hugging"? Taylor: Let's ask Greta Thunberg. Me: Greta. What is bunny hugging? Greta: Well... do you like to hug me? Me: Yes of course. Everybody wants to hug you Greta. You know. Greta: Good! You can be my puppy Prada. Me: Taylor. Can I? Can... Greta. Can we both together be your puppy? Greta: Well... yes! We: Hurray! We are so happy! Greta: Now you can hug me and I will be your bunny. Me: And what about this pervert from Milano. Greta: He was jerking off all night knocking to my doors in hotel. It was disaster. We: Oh poor Greta Thunberg! Come here to us. We will hug you! Poor baby. Don't worry. Noone will ever harm you! Greta: Okay! I feel so good and safe with you. We: We can talk with the same voice. Me and Taylor we are so fucking connected. Me: And trust me baby. I don't think about you only when I see you on TV.
We: So what we gonna do tonight? Taylor: You have to only close your eyes and just dive into your dreams. Hug me. Greta. Pervert from Milano. Trust me baby. Me: Well I got lost a bit. Okay Taylor. You are fast and crazy.
Me: I think they should buy vinyls of you. Taylor: It comes in many nice colors. Just to tell you that you really need it. It's something like 10 times better quality. My: Okay. My phone is really big. It has 14 inch screen and keyboard. Taylor: Dimonds gotta shine. I think... I have to write to you from my sleeping bag more often then never. Taylor: I am waiting only for it. Me: Imagine that we are one with Greta. We: So we can speak just like that. One voice. Our voice. Well...
"Oh no! I am falling in love..." - I love this song. Don't worry Taylor. I stopped worrying long time ago. Me: I am so stupid that I felt so mad onto my mother. But... I don't know... who did it. "Fast and crazy!" Don't worry! Now I am havig PC so I can share my mind with machines LIVE. With all the world. Without it I felt so stucked. Fuck! And she knew how to fucking kick my ass. And I am feeling strong so I am thinking that I will survive it. But it cause disaster. But sorry! Some strong family connections sometimes burnes. Unload it. Reaload it. Change it into something else. Always write for me. Me: Ok. Taylor. You got it!
Taylor Swift: You know Prada. You are my love. One and only. I knew that you will come to me somehow. And this was not only dream. Greta: Blah, blah, blah... Bunny Hugging! Bunny Hugging! Bunny Hugging! Me: Well... My beloved wife Taylor. Greta's got good point. Bunny Hugging is the best! But only if Greta Thunberg is bunny. Taylor: So do you want to hug her instead of me? Me: You can also be a bunny. Taylor: Also?!!! Me: Please! My dearling. Don't get me wrong. You are my first and last, one and only Bunny! Biggest bunny on the entire planet. There is no problem with you! Greta is small and you are big! I am just kidding with this Greta. Everybody knows that she is a boy! Greta: Boy?!!! Me: Well. Honey! Don't argue! Greta. Taylor is my wife and God. And Greta... look. Greta, let's face the fact... you can't sing! Greta: I can! Blah, blah, blah... I am singing song! I am singing song! Blah, blah, blah... song, song, song! Taylor: Hehehe. Good luck Greta with next Grammy. Greta: Do you think I can win? Taylor: Yes! And you can change the climat too! Me: Deal. Greta is sold to us. Greta let's go! Taylor... where is our triangle yacht? Taylor: Did you build it? Me: Soon baby! Going with you and Greta Thunberg all around the world in our newest and most fancy www.Triangle.Yachts it's my biggest dream ever. Greta: And we will change the climat. Me: Yes! From now on everybody will wanna have www.Triangle.Boats Taylor: Dot Com. Me: No! Boats and Yachts are domain. We can't swimm on it but I bought it. Do you know how much it is worth now? Taylor: No. Me: Fortune! Taylor: Luckiey you! Me: Luckie me that I found you baby! Taylor: And Greta. And Selena. Oh! Selena! Can we take her on OUR boat?
James Prada: Selena Gomez on our Triangle Yacht? Well... we can take her but she got depresion. I hope it won't change into maniac depresion on the open sea, because if she will turn into vampire on our little boat, then we are screwed. Taylor: Prada. Exactly. I am affraid same things! We are like brother and sister you know. Me: Taylor. You are so fine and so easy going girl. To handle you is as easy as breathing. No shit! You are my best friend and wife and lover at the same time and still you got your freedom and me. It's just perfect. Taylor: Oh my love! Me: Do you think it can last forever? Taylor: Yes! Magic can last forever! Me: You are just perfect! I am happiest guy on the planet now! Taylor: And I am happies girl on the planet. With you I am not affraid nothing! Me: I am affraid only that Selena will have attack of her depression on open sea.
Taylor: And what if our boat will punch a hole and sink? Me: Not a chance. That is why we are taking Greta with us! She have this famous yellow raincoat jacket, and in case there will be a hole we will just stick her into it, and we will be fucking her in the ass, so the boat wont sink. Greta: Looks like I am victim of pedofile again? Me: Greta. You aren't 14 no longer baby! Everything is possible with you... expecially Bunny Hugging. Don't you understand that we have to do everything to save our boat? Taylor: Yes! Greta! Prada's got right! That will be the best for everyone of us. This is how the world's work! Me: Taylor's got right Greta. Just a little sacrifice and you can save us all in case of danger.
Greta: And what if shark will eat my little tits? Me: No way! Taylor: Can't happen! Ever! Like... ever! Me: I told you so! Greta. You are save with us baby! On OUR triangle boat, (Dot Com) you will feel the most save and secure ever. Like most safe and sound girl on entire planet even during the thunderstorm. Taylor: Thunbergstorm. Me: Exactly. And we will go LIVE od Chaturbate. We have to buy fast Satelite internet to cover up this story. Fuck! This will be the greatest event of all time! Taylor: Wow! You are mastermind Prada.
Me: It will be like... Selena Gomez and Justing Bieber on one island trying to survive without nothing. Prime time daily. Reality show. Greta: Selena and Justin? Sorry guys! I can't go with you! I have to watch it. Me: Greta! It was only example. What I mean is that we will be better. Can you even imagine those titles?
Taylor: No! But I can record something on TicTok! Me: Superb idea. When you were presenting names of your songs I felt like you are sitting with me on the backseat of a car and we are smoking weed together tottaly drunk. Taylor: I want you! And noone else on this planet Prada! Me: Really? And how about other planets? Taylor: You are like captian Spock from Star Wars... not... Trek! Me: I love Treking! Taylor: But do you love Star Treking? Me: Only with you my love. We have to try! I love you so much! Taylor: Fancy me and fancy stuff! Me: This is enought! My love! I love you so much... for the first time in my life I am happy that I am writing so fast on keyboard. This all will fits you fine! I promice! Taylor Swift: No combats! Only love! Me: Yes! Greta: And what about me? We: You will be sticking holes in our triangle Greta. Greta: Well... if this is the only way to save our planet then... what the hell! Why not!?! Let's go together! Guys! I am going with you! Preapare for "Bunny Hugging". Do we really go LIVE on Chaturbate?
Me: Yes! Entire planet will literally shit into their pants. Taylor, Greta and Prada on one boat. Taylor: And maybe Selena too! We: Selena we wish you fast recovery to your best health. If you need some consultation with Russian Mob I can translate for you. Selena: Do you know Russian languange? Me: No but I know how to threat Russians Mobsters. Taylor & Greta: How? Me: Simply! You only need to remind them Baba Jaga and they are running away like hell! Selena: Oh! Good idea! My father is having depression too! Me: Selena. You have to cut those under toes with you closed relatives because this is what destorying you the most. And another issue. How fast can you write on PC? Selena: Fucking fast! Taylor: Yes! I know! We are texting sometimes. Me: About what? Taylor: Well... about any bullshit! You know! Me: Selena do you write on keyboard? Selena: No. On Nokia 3310. Me: - WHAT!!!??? Wait, wait! Fuck! No way! Selena: Why not? Me: So now I know why you got depression. "Simply health. Entire planet on boat! Wow!" "Russian language running away!" "Like hell!" LoL "Literally shit into their pants!" LoL "Best health!"
Me: Do you wanna have baby? Taylor: Yes! We and practice on Greta. Me: And Selena. Those guys will be our handicaped kids. Do you like this idea? Tom Cruze: Can I be your bigger brother? Me: No, because you will fuck up entire family. How is you maverik by the way. Tom: Fine thanks. As always. Me: Girls. If you wanna see Tom Cruze we will go to the cinema togeter. Now I strongly advice us to watch "Water World" with Robin Hood! With Kevin Costner! Do you remember him?
Selena: Prada. I love you! I am your sister! But you can make a baby to me. Taylor: If I said so! Me: And now we're talking. LoL Greta: Look guys! We have to go to Africa! Me: Don't you like north? Greta: We have to talk with big guys there. Only this whay we can change the climat. Me: I was thinking that we will be searching Dragon Balls! Taylor: Can do! I can be your Bulma. I know how to fix caffe machine... Me: Wow! Taylor: But only if it works fine already! Me: Even better. Taylor: And I don't like coffee. Me: Yes baby! Keep talking to me! My love! Taylor: And I don't drink coffee. Me: <3 Taylor: But with you I could drink a lot! Me: We are the best my love! Taylor! "Now strong advice to listen her!" Me: Let's turn on the music! Midnights! (4975) [BudSpencer] Movies (Wikipedia) I have to watch them all! (4974) God Forgives... I Don't! Puerto Rico vs. Venezuela Good movie with good old Buddy! Who stole the gold motherfuckers?! I am watching this excellent movie now. But what is the plot? The plot is that they didn't have a phone with Android. They had guns. And there was no radio and fucking TV then. Rules was simple as fuck. Nowadays the situation is a little more complicated. There is no bars and no horses. But alcohol stayed. I don't have money to drink and I don't have a job. Maybe because I am not drinking. Such a circle. Well... my job is IT job but no one is paying me because everybody are poor. So I think they way of thief is the best for me. But I have to read a law more carefully. You stealing whatever you want and finally they will give you 3 days holidays in jail. Well... we aren't talking about any serious crimes. You are changing countries often. Not looking for a job because this is probably the best job in the world. Police will love you or love me if you only start. Or me. Rules are so simple. Stick dick in those cams and just fuck what they say, because they won't say nothing, because everybody knows you, and you are the best pirat in the world. Don't you get it? Well... write a book about that! Oh I will. I will. / As far as I see it, there is no motherfucker in any town for a guy without phone! It's like gravity. When everybody going right go left. If everybody sucking dick of the system then you should fuck the system in the ass. Some people knows it. Some people learn it. Anyway nobody is talking with anyone because they have phone. Anyway... to who you wanna talk if everybody are dead poisoned by Russians?
So let's the western flow. First boy loves his mother and then he realizes that his mom is fucking bitch. Doing all she can to trick him. So what later? I just don't understand a sense of it. This is un-fucking-logic. Oh! I forgot that I am writer. So maybe this is one and only logic. To give me reason to hate. To force me to feel shit instead of love and kindness. We are talking about really deep dimension of being fuck, because if you are receiving help, you are thankful. This is natural. But then you realize that person who is helping you actually is fucking you. Thats where tears starts. So what to do. Foret about love which is natural, and just to start hating. That's it. End of story. Sad but true. Fuck this story until you will forget it. But all those assholes are giving only pain to the world and they are cooperating this why. So it is very difficult to forget. So the rule is simple. Take the money and fuck everything and never ever ever ever let someone else tells you what is write or not. Because you know the best. You are right and everybody are wrong. So if I am always right, you are always wrong. You can think the same so just don't cross my way and don't rape me from the back. But the world is so bad and so wasted, that motherfuckers doing only this. They are raping you from the back. They are attacking innocent people at the time when you are not except it. It is their damn rules and you can kill them all because those are fucking Russians and they are so many of them. They have their own biggest network on this fucking planet. And what you gonna do? Nothing. This is disaster. This is the end of the fucking world. This is slow dying. Just because you want to live. This is damn and ass fucked. So fuck this planet you motherfuckers and fuck this life. And you will pay for it. One day you will pay. Later. After you will die. It's a promise. From aliens. Told you by Prada. Remember it! You will suffer 10.000 times more so fell fear bastards already. Because not everyday you hearing such a deep deep promice out of this world!
I lost the plot of this movie. But they got a chest of gold from robbery. And they're burying gold again... that was good idea Bud said! There were times when the greatest technological achievement was a revolver, spurs, horse and dynamite.
I wonder why all the cowboys wanted this gold so much. After all, they had no shops there. - Well ... The saloon was! (4973) Acer Aspire 1 Expirence real lag in newest 2022 PC with Windows 11! Feels like home! How to stimulate people to start using Linux but with respect of their "not having Chomebook" freedom? How to downgrade Windows to 10 or 8? That's typical question of newbites. Works fine! I am happy! (4972) Prada's Book (Day 1)
Day 1
My Book. Newest on top! The book will be in polish and I wish you good luck translating it. So. Every new day's writing will be on the top. There won?t be any plot. I am a fictional character - James Prada. Real me it's only inspiration for writing about James Prada, my problems and so on. I hope that there is a lot of people to help me, but I am really thinking that those motherfuckers on top would rather watch me suffering and dying because it's just more interesting for them. So fuck them. I am writing this for you. I will be using polish language but I think polish language is to low language and to simple language, and people in poland are to damn fucking morons to understand everything. All poland is wicked damn fucked country. Especially because such a persons like my fucking mother. Like mother of James Prada. It is because too many Russians solidares was staying in poland after they won 2WW and they were fucking everything it is possible to fuck in the ass. Well look closely onto your country. Situation is the same almost 100 years after Russians won war with nazis. Well? there was no Nazis ever. They were only Russians. Everywhere since thousands years. And my fucking mother is having carpet in Svastikas. Fucking bitch. She was fucking me since I was child so I decided that I will write a book about killing her and maybe it will be inspiration for some KGB or CIA agents. I think they are fucking her anyway since such a long time that they forgot. The trick is that they want me to become assassin and work for CIA or KGB because it is the same shit on entire planet. It is just someones game they want me and you to drag in. So fuck it. This bitch deserve to die. Let's fucking sacrifice her because I am writer and I am so pissed off that with pleasure I will start killing people for other people. So? please CIA, can you do me favor. Can you fucking kill this bitch and then write me an email with all next instructions. But I swear God! I won't be cooperating with you until I will see a proof of death of this fucking bitch. I swear God! I won't move a finger until I will see her dead and after that we can play whatever games you want. I just hope you won't send me straight on the fucking war where I will be bombed. There is a lot of bad people needs to be removed from this planet. Like my fucking mother. Another idea is that some bad people can have enemies who are bad people too so I am willing to help.
People responsible for fucking war and all possible evil is my mother. I swear god! I can't explain that but I feel that it's true and I will explained you. In early 90 she was bitch in center of old cracow in Poland. And very soon her friend Waldemar Grzybowski came from Australia after 15 years there. They made 3 Real Estate Agency in Cracow and they become Gods fast. It was 30 years ago. Now they owning ''Egyptian Pyramids'' in Cracow. Those guys let Tesco into Cracow. Just after he came to Poland he had a mission to help Ukrainian and Russians people in former Soviet Union by delivering to them some food packages from their Australian relatives but fuck that shit. Let's talk about me in this shit. Me? No! Let's talk about my fictional character, because I had to run away from myself into some kind of mask I am writing about now.
I was abused all my life. Mixture of threatening someone whether they get money or not with love to closest member of my family. Since 20 years I am traveler and this bitch became extra exposed this way. But it's not about me. She become hero in fucking poland and in my fucking city by being pain in my ass in the broadest sense of this expression. So it stopped being about me. It was only how much fucking I can handle. And? billion of little cuts. Because she is God she changed all the world. Because all the world is her and you don't even know this. It is deep down inside you.
I am recognising Waldemar Grzybowski among many other people. He have more power than Putin I think because in Putin only sometimes I am recognising him. Putin's life is boring I think. Because not everybody are very fucking talented. Even presidents have their own heroes. I don't give a fuck about him. He is all I will never be and I will never respect because it is personal war.
Some days ago in my dream I was seeing him killing someone. (And after he did it he was also threatening me! He was talking something to me holding gun in his hand. I was scared!) Probably this person was his father. Noone never knew anything about it. It was always big mystery in our family and among everybody who just starting wondering just a little bit. That was a trick and those are roots of power in his neighbourhood. Mystery that could not be solved.
Cracow is very bad city. During 2WW millions of people were killed very closed to Cracow. Many polish people were working for Nazis because there where not other options. So top evil spirit there is enormous! Only imagine. And people who are climbing the leader of power since almost 40 years just imagine who they become. Even when they are stupid and even when they don't understand who they are. But I don't care about Waldemar and his Satanistic approach for money making. I just want to tell you that the fist book he was introduce to my mother just after he came back from Sydney was ''How Nice Is To Have Anal Sex''. I was raped only be his presents since the begining I felt that something terribly wrong is with him. Maybe because he is assassins since many years. No one the fuck knows those things because when you are murderer you create your own reality around you. And you can change the world from hell sind if you are clever and if you like work very hard supporting fucking system. Just imagine yourself being businessman in business suit day by day since 40 years. Those people aren't human anymore. Those people are monsters who are controlling entire galaxy. They are just aliens out from this world or they where kidnapped my aliens not from this planet.
Nevermind. It's just my background. He was always using my mother. Of course in personal approach towards me too. He was always not satisfy from me. And this is how became she. Before he came into our family my mother was nice, warm and loving. She had a time sometimes and she was living happy life. He took her for his own needs and he changed her a lot. Since then she become robot. I lost contact with her. He was jealous that she loves me as a son, and she felt that, so she just stoped showing me love. Since I was 15 years old.
So? now I am 40 and I am tired of her. I don't have to explained you anything more then I already did and I will because it is impossible to explain in retrospection. It's a lot of subtle things in her fucking attitude to me. And now ALL THE WORLD IS BAD and you can start wondering why. I will fucking tell you why. Because evil devil corrupt good Gods like my mother to become Bad Gods and if the Gods are bad, evil is fucking all earth.
Now all scandinavia is full of fucking fagots. Rainbow family. Everybody on knees of fucking faggots asasins who are only projecting their power onto everybody. And they even writing the books how to suck their dicks. Now all the world become a jock. If you want to change the world for good, you have to fuck all those ''money invisible people''. I don?t give a fuck about him because probably he would kill me easily, because some people are having guns and some don't and this is damn fact. That is why I asked CIA to give me a gun in my self protection. But you can't have a gun just like that in fucking Europe. Because Evil is living here and some people are deasing to be fucked all their lives. Is it me? Thanks to evil activity of my family. My mother and my stepfather.
So! I want to my mother to be killed! And then I can be agent ready to killing my targets. And I don't want to having fucking him as my enemy. I want to have nothing to do with him. But I want my mother do be dead because she is worst evil on the planet. She is voodoo witch. And please understand. It is not about me. She is big projector of evil and many people from Poland is praying to her and following her ways. Not only in Poland. On entire planet and they even don't know why they are like that. She is main source of shit and main power of doing evil things. So I think people like her needs to die. She is my mother and my heart is crying but my heart is crying since 25 years too and it changes nothing! So maybe you will do something with it.
And I am not crazy. I think if my mother will die he would be the one who will kill her. Because killers are taking the power of people who they are killing. And if they are standing above the any possible law to imagine they have freedom to do anything. Control presidents, armies, making wars, making massive murdering of people. So killing one person it is nothing. Actually it is like that, since my mother became his victim, he is the one who is protecting her so in case of any other killer wants to help me, he needs to beat his ass, and this can be motherfucking tough challenge to do. Did you saw Taken movies with Liam Neeson? This actor was wearing his skin on this movie. I am recognising this because I know my family a little bit. For you it will means nothing but I just hope you can read at all.
So. My mother will pay for all evil she did to me and I don't give a fuck about anything. I don't want to go back to Poland because all poland for me mens he and she? but as I see now, just because I am traveller their power is only growing, because I am very exposed person and if you start watching or following me, in the same time, you are starting to suck their dick. I think they are working together in this evil matter.
They and their supporters pull some lines in Poland. My stepfather broke my jaw once but it's no big deal. It was just jaw. Then I was framed into pedofile and sent into prison for 2 years and 4 months.
If I would go back to Poland I would be sent to a psychiatric hospital because they also pull those lines. In this hospital people would probably kill me by forcing me to eat some medicines. I want you to know all of this because this explanation is for CIA and KGB and all people who like to read James Prada all across the world.
I just want to tell you that I feel very well in my mind and the fact that I am writing this text should tell you this straight. I am in constant war with my mother but because it has been 20 years I just got used to that. But I grew up and I think that the situation needs to be changed in my life. I have to cut off from my mother and it's a real big problem because she is a motherfucking fat ugly demon and probably no one will help me, until she is alive.
I am trying to be as cool and easy going with this subtle matter as possible. Those people are only demons in my head but I see that they are also demons in your heads too! So what are we gonna do about it? What are we gonna do to save our planet? Probably nothing. But I am telling you very straight. What the situation and don't treat me that I am mentaly ill because I am a perfectly normal human being. Only my family is wicked. Not sick. It's just wicked.
James Prada - Beast Mode: (There is now such a words in civilised culture of the world to describe my anger and sadness and this is how my mother is treating me. The answer is simple. Shoted gunshot pointed into her stupid, ugly, witch face! I hope some good people will help me because now I am alone against all evil on this fucking planet.) If you want to watch it I promise I will do it by myself bear hands. I will rip her head off with my bare hands. She is not my mother. Never was. All she was is fucking beast in disguise of mother cooperating with all evil on this planet.
Her father's name is 'Smiertek'. 'Smierc' is 'death' in polish language. Smiertek means 'the one who cause death'. Then she have met my father who's name was Prazmowski. So she married him just to change her name.
I don't know if you believe in magic but I swear God. If you want to end the war in Russia just kill those two persons I mention and all evil will disappear. Trust me. But you won't do this because until they are alive they are controlling your mind, and all Poland is nothing but only brain control just like the rest of the europe.
Most dangerous people are living in Poland in Cracow. Believe it or not. I have only one ask. If someone would happened to me, you have to know that two persons responsible for that are those two people I did mentioned. So please bloody revenge me if you are so nice.
If you will find them outside of theritory of fucking Poland simply kill them. Don't hesitate. I swear fucking God. You just don't know how deep roots of evil are hidden and since 90 they only growing up and becoming more and more strong.
It's not funny! I hope you enjoyed it! That was only first day of my writing. Everyday you will hear and understand more about them. I am praying for some psycho fans who will understand me without any explanations! Then I promice to be loyal of those people or organisation who will help me to free myslef from domination of those two fucking warlocks. This is only way to save the world, because believe it or not I am God too. But I am representing this good part of the realm. If you want to cure the planet, just kill the people who are my worst torturers. Believe me when I am writing this to you!
Prada for Taylor Swift! Me: Hi baby! Do you like my book already?
I received my PC
My fucking St Anger disappeared. Not much. While I am traveling I am fucking by local military. Not even them because they are kids. I am fucking by russian secret service who are clever enough to give me all bus only for me, then suddenly I realize that the driver is in secret cooperation with someone who is sitting in the toilet at the back of the bus. And then police is coming and they are kindly asking me to exit from the bus and won’t even checking what I am asking them. It’s just normal procedure. Russian secret military of course is covered by local police. There is no question about it and the police officers are wishing me pleasant day. And next day I am getting up sick. Oh it’s nothing. It’s just little flu. Some gentle mutation of Corona-19. And I am asking driver “who the fuck was in the toilet” and he is just laughing at me. I could torture him and he won’t tell me shit about it. Such a look. Well… if he is KGB agent, of course he won’t tell shit about who was in toilet. Next day I have met him on the street and I asked him politely “who was in the toilet” and he just showed me finger. Well… typical. No, no, no… I am sick! I am having problems. No one was in the toilet and police don’t have to check it. The most important is that I left a bus and that operation was smooth.
Then all afternoon some strange fast waling guy is walking around me, and when I them morning I am finely chased him and asking him “who the fuck are you, and why you are waling after me, and who sent you”, he just showing me that he don’t want to talk with me. Typical. I just wonder why I am little sick today.
“Of course” you are sick. You are sleeping outside! You can get cold! - Ass motherfucking secret russian motherfucker are supporting all European mothers. LoL Maybe because they are fucking them in the ass when their husbands are in office, so they create nice team together. Fuck!
I was 7 days in Andenes and no one was spreading any shit flu chemicals on me. Just after I cam to Sortland. Oh… It is regular procedure Prada. Don’t worry about it. Your flu pass in few days and everything will be fine. It’s nothing serious. Just to cause little pain in your ass.
Finally I am having my PC. Fuck! It’s so freedom! I need just mouse. And then I can focus on my work. I think I become more civilised because of that. I can even make a phone calls via Skype from it. Or receiving phone calls. It has Windows 11 and my favourite Linux Xubuntu. So I am super glad. My torture is fucking over. Now where ever I will be I will be just writing or drawing Yachts in Blender or something.
And I swear God! Why those Russian motherfuckers are fucking all Europe? Because they have nothing special to do Prada and then know that you are writing book. Me: Well… for me they are nothing but fucking morons. - Oh They know it very, very, very well. But don’t worry man. You don't have to be friends with secret army motherfuckers. Me: Oh fuck! Thanks God!
So as you see my book is growing very, very well! We have to work it out and talk it through, because some situation has to be changed. I know that people are usually dumb but to fuck them all the time is even worst and nobody like being fucked! Especially me! So please fuck off!
Let’s call it a day, but actually you will never know what will happen today. Some secret shots. Stabbing in the back. More toxic gases on regular people. More poisoned in the food. Just to keep the world tightly Russian-like squeezed. Just to keep fucking their girls. Just to blind eyes of their brothers, fathers, husbands or almost-husbands. Just to fuck me. Motherfucking secret Russian assholes. LoL Now there is a war on Ukraine but this is one big trick. Ukrainian are the same Russians like Russians. Now they are spreading all over the world and they are receiving benefits for it. Russian people are so clever. They know how to take care of their own people and to fuck everybody else effectively. All fucking planet. What’s the problem? No big deal!
(4971) Acer Chromebook 314 [Link] - Who's idea was Chromebook? Have mercy, Lord God, on the soul of this moron who invented the Chromebook. Holly fuck! This is from a dick! The toaster is a good invention, but that doesn't mean you have to build houses-toasters or cars-toasters. Fuck! They don't get it! Eeee... Zero Stars? From One to Five? And the best fucking jock is developer mode in Chromebook. And easy access to booting Live systems from usb! I won't show mercy on his poor ass! No way dude! (4970) Assassination of Prada's Mother New Live Book - Comming Soon! Will be here on Prada.fun in lower left corner.
I know that many of you have ugly bad mothers. So it will be tottal SF. Of course book will be wirtual and fictional but I will be refering to real me.
James Prada is my artistic name. Actually it is fictional character. It is me, but I can't be fictional character, so it is not me! It's person just like Batman or Spiderman. So if it is not me I can go free and write anything I want about my and my mother who I hate so much that you will see and you wouldn't even believe. LoL
In all cultures when position of women is holly and scared, it is only about fucking children by them, and children can do shit about that. Because "mother" is saint and holly. I will fucking crush it and all world would not believe.
There is too much victims of fucking evil witches! We have to go on war with them and... litteraly kill them all. Yes! And I will lead you the way beacause our world is already lost! So people! Prepere for killing bitches! LoL I mean bad mothers. But remember. Only if you are fictional characters like me. In my book! - You will see! - And don't go too crazy! It is just a book! Not any quideline or script - Simply enjoy! (4969) New Business Plan Norwegian.Boats are becoming Trinagle.Boats (4968) To Norway Secret Agents Please don't shoot me with anything. Just ignore me and don't be jealous that I am Prada and you are... who?! I am also talking to Russian agents. Military in Europe means Russians. I know that you are very important as fuck, but please just stay away from me and don't take any fucking fucked actions! If you are bored as fuck then jerk off or drink beer. [triangle.yachts] - i am so extra super excited about this project so lets just keep it cool please (4967) Triangle.Boats Summary I believe that the stability of a triangular flat-bottomed boat will be much greater than that of traditional boats.
The closer you are to the middle of the boat, the more stable it should be and later, but more abruptly to tilt.
Therefore, further advanced, very accurate calculations must be made. (Maybe by those guys who are doing rockets?) [triangle.boats] (4966) Change of Direction After Tilting How big will be direction change in angles? [OurBoatAngles] - Straight From Calculator Net "Mechanics of transition when sharpening against the wind." We are talking about a course change of 15 degrees in the direction of the wind blowing when the boat suddenly tilted to the side.
Will this transition be gentle or violent?
The passage may be caused by a sudden gust of wind or a sudden pull of the boom.
If these two factors come into play, the boat could be lost.
In normal sailing, the steersman selects the moment at which he changes to port or starboard.
Pulls the sail sharply, the boat tilts, then gains slack in the sail, so it loosens the sail to regain control of the boat.
We can talk here about a kind of "turbo activation" in a sailing boat.
The nose of the tilted boat should cut 15 degrees to the direction of the wind.
When the boat returns to a flat state, her nose has to deflect 15 degrees from the wind. In the event of a theoretically very high bank of the boat, the boom could make contact with the water.
The deflection of the boom at the moment of sudden release from a strong gust of wind SHOULD not be able to cross the edge of the boat, because it can hit the water.
Our triangular boat will not be designed for large inclinations, ONLY FOR GENTLE CROSSINGS, AT THE TIME OF POSSIBLE TILTING.
The steersman will have to train it. I believe that the manual mechanical extension of the sword in the case of "PRADA CUP" boats, on its skids, is a crazier design solution than testing triangular boats. I am considering fancy setup of keels to keep the boat in its best physics of maneuverability on the water. [SailPlan] (Wikipedia) - Very Interesting Article! - A sail plan is a description of the specific ways that a sailing craft is rigged. Also, the term "sail plan" is a graphic depiction of the arrangement of the sails for a given sailing craft. [List_of_sailing_boat_types] What's My Name? Say What?
We're already changed the Rock history! Now we have to build it! (4965) Let's Learn Blender Let's make Hamburger! - WHAT?!!! - 2h? Only watching? OMG! (4964) Conception Keels I'll try to be funny as usual. We have to ask ourselves. What is the ratio of the total sailing time downwind to the total sailing time of the yacht against the wind? In my opinion, boats go against the wind more often. Much more fun. Besides, our "problems" only arise when a hurricane blows and when the boat tries to go against the wind. A transverse line traces the center of the boat.
The white line is the place where I would use a sword stabilizing the boat while sailing in a straight line.
Orange lines are a place where I would use swords inclined at just such an angle, stabilizing the boat: a) when passing from a flat position to a tilted position on the side, b) when the boat is sailing in the possible maximum heel to the side.
The "tilt swords" will slow the boat a bit when it is going in a straight line, but fucked it.
The boats usually go against the wind and therefore have a tendency to tilt. The final shape, depth of immersion and the overall surface of the swords of the boat, I leave for a separate and more accurate calculation. Let's call ! (4963) Position, Angle and Shape of Keel(s) In the first drawing, the starboard side is marked with a white line. Let's call this edge A. The next ones are: B, C - center of yacht, D and E - port side edge. A yacht sharpening against the wind slowly begins to heel to the left or right.
Finally, it tilts enough to rest completely on one of the sides.
The wider the yacht at the back is, the greater the jump between the support on a possible middle sword and finally on the side will be.
I am interested in the physics of this transition.
On which edge to use the sword and how big should it be?
Is there any sense in using the boat sword on the B and D edges, instead of the central C edge, in order to minimize the "transition jump" of the boat?
Will the fishes eat my sword? Okey! This last one was a jock! (4962) Imagine the physics on water! In the near future, I am releasing the conceptual shapes of triangular boats on Prada.fun. My point is for you to consider the application of a particular model. In particular, I mean the operation of 2 sails. MainSail and HeadSail. Is the mast positioned too close to the ship's nose? [Article] (In Polish) - "Żagle i fizyka" - Sławomir Brzezowski - Instytut Fizyki UJ (4961) Location of the Mast 4m 4,5m i 5m from rear edge of the boat. I think mast can't be too much front! So 4m is optimum. On our ship Boom can has extended length! (The area of MainSail can be really big.) Same as... HeadSail. So... just imagine... On my project mast has 10m above top of the boat and 12m about the level of sea. [norwegian.boats/Pics] (4960) [IceBoat.org] My triangular boat is getting a little too sporty. After all, we are not going into space in it. But perhaps such a sail solution is simply interesting. On my boat, I am thinking of a traditional and conventional solution. (4959) Triangle Boat Models On post bellow we have 10m long 8m wide, triangle ship with 0m side, 30cm side and 60cm side, or only nose 30cm (probably) up. Ship height 2m. This is my first 10 minutes in Blender. I can do shit in this app! (4958) Sailing Against Wind in Triangle Ship Homework: "Optimal relation of the side surface and the angle of inclination of the side with respect to the flat bottom of the ship, to the surface of the sails, with the triangular shape of the hull." (Ekhm... "Optymalny stosunek powierzchni burty i kąta nachylenia burty w stosunku do płaskiego dna statku do powierzchni żagli, przy trójkątnym kształcie kadłuba.") - It depends on how much it blows and how many fat people are sitting in the ship. Hello, I'm in the design phase of a triangular yacht with a possibly flat bottom. Please, give me some help. It is about the following aspects.
1) Effects of wind on a vessel at a standstill, without sails
2) Drift when sailing upwind:
- when the ship is banked from the direction of the wind, the edge of the ship becomes the ship's sword, which pushes the entire ship against the wind
- what will be the simultaneous action of the middle sword of the ship and the side cutting into the water? (with the triangular shape of the hull) Will such a solution have a positive effect on the stability of a ship sailing against the wind?
- while the wind hitting the side and the mast, is the main force that causes the ship to drift
Will a ship with a triangle shape be prone to capsizing when sharpening against the wind?
How sharply will the triangular ship be able to sail against the wind? I believe that building a ship in the shape of a triangle is a good way to counteract drift.
Drift reduces the force that affects the speed of the ship.
Counteracting drift by using the triangular shape of the hull will result in more efficient use of the wind driving force, and thus the ship will be faster.
A small draft of the ship and, most importantly, a straight or sharp angle between the ship's side and the flat bottom of the ship, with the ship's heel, will act like a ship's sword.
Is it possible to speak of the tilt of a ship, which is basically almost flat?
Does it make sense to use side swords in the case of a ship's triangular hull? (They can increase the stability of a tilted ship going against the wind.)
How high and at what angle the side of a triangular vessel should be to reduce the action of the wind? (Adverse effects of wind on the ship.)
How high should the ship project above the water in relation to the surface area of the sail currently in use? Design note: Let's design a ship with the least possible influence of the wind on its shape. (4957) Article: [TriangleShips] “Our ship will be wide and will have a flat bottom to achieve the lowest possible water resistance force.” - James Prada
What is the difference between a surfboard and aircraft carrier or any big cargo vessel? Tonnage! Can you imagine a surfer surfing or approaching the waves, if his surfboard would have a huge keel? Usually, all boats are one big keel with a motor engine or with a sailing wing pinned to it. Surfing boards or windsurfing boards have usually one or three small, razor-thin, keels, and they are going quite fast on the water. In fact, they are literally sliding down the waves. A very good idea when it is coming to building sports sailing boats. I will take it this conception extremely seriously and I am hoping that you do too!
Another example. Why ponton-like motor boats are so fast on the water? They are so fast that very often they became an even attraction for tourists. It’s all because they have a flat bottom!
I am gonna create flat-bottomed wooden ships for my customers and my customer is you so you can already pretend that you have my boat it’s so super, rare, and unique because it has a flat bottom. But let’s argue a little bit, now. You can tell that flat-bottomed ships won’t have enough stability. Well, let’s ask gravity itself. If the boat weight will be 10 tones and it will be 15m long and 8m wide, in the shape of a sharp triangle, with two sides and a rear side, tilted at an acute angle, to generate downforce from blowing wind… tell me the gravity, will my boat will fly away like a paper boat? And gravity says this: With very strong waves when your ship will be breaking the waves, a hurricane wind can drug up your boat away. However, if you use a heavy keel on your flat-bottomed boat, that will generate adequate downforce, then your boat will be more stable.
You should ask yourself a question. Under how heavy conditions will you be sailing? And how much contact pressure with water, do you want to generate, using the weight of the boat? The bottom of the boat without a keel may be additionally loaded. A pointed boat that breaks the waves, will only extend a little bit beyond the waves before it will start falling down again. Don't expect a boat brewing 10 or 20 tons to fly away like a kite. As an emergency, you can use plastic containers inside the boat, into which you can pump water in the event of a tornado and in the event of a boat accidentally falling into the eye of a cyclone. The next aspect happens immediately. Will our boat with a pointed nose be buried by the next wave after sliding down from the first, high wave?
I think not, because the nose of the boat will be light. Lighter than the rest of the boat. The weight of the boat will be raised gradually from nose to back but we can level it by using more ballast on the front of the boat.
Another aspect is that the waves do not move so dense as to suddenly surprise our boat with the fact that it should be lifted up by the waves before it begins to descend due to its weight.
We need to calculate the force with which the wind should have to blow, in order to knock out our boat, sliding and jumping a little bit, above the wave, during a very heavy wind blowing.
I believe that the use of evenly distributed ballast on a three-sided boat, in itself, should reduce the chances of our boat being swept away by the wind to zero. I consider the use of heavy keel, as a last resort, which we will try to avoid at all costs, by all other possible means.
I do not resign from the idea of using a light keel (wooden or steel), and even one or two more, to stabilize the boat, sailing in a straight line.
Until now people were way too concerned about having stability on the water. This discourse came from the fact that most of the boats are very heavy and their main purpose and design are to carry tons of cargo. But small recreational boats don’t have to be like that. We can invent a totally new physic of carring for people on the water in small light recreational boats.
Another discourse in way of projecting recreational sailing boats is the unnecessary need that the boat should be fast. Usually, people are not professional Vikings who are spending most of their time on the water. Why be in such an “artificial rush”, to try to design the faster boat possible, but still have your thinking in a very traditional and way too conventional way?
The newest trend is to install under sleds of conventional catamarans movable sword on which the entire boat can be lifted. But is this trick anything more than only visual effects and entertainment for everybody who is watching? Probably yes. So I am also thinking about installing under my boat, extendable legs on which the boat could slide.
But rather, I am thinking of using three thin light keels with stands, on which the boat could lift itself, after reaching a certain speed. These legs would be three swords of a boat with little ballast, while the boat would not be going fast enough.
Our boat could be even able to slide on the snow or ice in the northern polar conditions but during the polar nights, it can get too dark and the boat can crash into an iceberg or hit a polar bear by accident.
I think that a new era of creating triangle sailing ships with flat bottoms is coming! Until now people were thinking that catamaran or trimaran boats can be the fastest. They are fast but they can’t be as fast as boats with a flat bottom. I will tell you why! The key factor is water resistance pressure. Floating big surfboards are heaving almost ZERO RESISTANCE AGAINST WATER!
There is a lot of calculation to be done. I am gonna ask boys from Nasa for help in this project. I am sure they will be very happy to help me! And for the happy ending of this short introduction to triangle boats and yachts, let me use two movies, I am sure you and your kids knows very well: “Interstellar” and “Star Wars”. (4956) Let's talk abou [Keels] In short. I need to call Nasa for help! I just finished nice article! Well... I will throw this all on Prada.fun! So you don't have to click anything. (4955) 3D sketches and tests! [Blender] - 3D software! Tomorrow another lesson! (4954) Another Day of Planning If we decide to laminate the new hull, we will combine the advantages of a wooden interior with the ease of maintenance of the laminate. [SuperSite] - Amateury Wooden Yachts Construction (Translate from Polish) - Now we have to read it all! Oh! I am so very proud of my project of the boat. I posted a lot of new details on [Norwegian.Boats] "Some people telling me that Prada's boats looking like floating bricks. I am telling them to fuck off!" - Prada Where we fasten the lifebuoy. - At the top of the mast. + Very clever! Now it's time to 3D visualization! Yeah! (4953) My Project Of fuck! We're flying on Inkscape! Wanna try? / File is open for you to any modification. I am excited! How log will be the boat? 15m because in such a boat you can sail without any papers! Cool idea! Do you want to have more? Then hire Skipper. How wide will be the boat? I have no idea! Now we have to project view from the sky! So this is the first thing I will do! [NorwegianShipLaw] - Up to 10m you don't have to register anything. Isn't not too short? Theory and Law: Sailing vessel is any vessel that is propelled under sail. If there is machinery on board, the vessel is a sailing vessel only as long as the machinery is not used. As soon as the machine is started, the vessel becomes a machine-powered vessel, even if the sails are up. [LawSailingDefinitions] - very interesting link! Translate for yourself. Law of sailing. [RegulationsOnTheConstruction] ...of ships! (Norway) (Entry into force 15.09.2014) - THIS IS IT! :-P The regulation applies to Norwegians... barges with a maximum length of 15 meters or more which are used for carrying cargo. So if we are less then 15 then "fuck it"! LoL a. "Passenger ship": Ships that can carry more than 12 passengers or that must have a passenger certificate
b. "Cargo ship": Any ship that is not a passenger ship, fishing and fishing vessel, barge or recreational vessel On ships and barges, access to holds, tanks and to decks with cargo must consist of a permanent staircase, or where this is not possible, a fixed ladder or step with suitable dimensions, sufficient strength and suitable construction. Norwegian Maritime Directorate may accept that ships with a maximum length of less than 15 meters have a height of 750 millimeters on rampart cladding or equivalent fixed railings on all exposed parts of freeboard and superstructure decks, when it is confirmed that compensatory measures will maintain the same level of safety. - Tu chyba chodzi o wysokosc balustrady. Hmm... All loose equipment on board that is part of the towing arrangement or the anchor handling system, such as shackles, rings, steel ropes and hawsers, must have a material certificate. - Ze co? Koluszka tez? § 17. Stability calculations
Ships must have stability calculations, hydrostatics, KY curves, calculations of gross and net tonnage and documentation that has been carried out using a computer program approved by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. The same database must be used for stability and tonnage calculations. § 28.Beregning av sannsynligheten for at passasjerskip bygget etter § 4 ikke synker eller kantrer i det skadetilfellet som vurderes 15m length 8m width? - DEAL! (4952) Trude Lind Oftedal This is the letter to this talented artist I wrote just now! Hello! It is 14:00! I am having super cool ideas! Does your art is having digital form? I think it is the best idea because then you can sell one picture many times. I am blogger. The idea is to start selling "not original" copies of art. I mean... I don't want to sell original peaces of art because you are doing this and many other artists. I want to sell copies of your original pictures, because then there will be more reason for existing original pictures. You know. Original is only one, but a lot of people wants and can buy a copy. So... I am coming to you to talk about it. Yesterday we where talking but just a little bit. And some ideas came to me in the morning. I am programmer and I will create my very own internet shop. It is challenge for me and it's no problem at all! Second part of the deal, actually most important is to produce 1 to 1, digital copies of your finest artworks. I was thinking about scanning your original artwork or making professional photos in the highest resolution possible. I know ThereseMyran.no - She is artist from Trondheim. Some of her artworks are digital, so she have some experience in digital printing. We are limited by technology. If we want to print your artwork we have to work on best possible equipment. It is technology. Some people should be very proud form having it.
But actually I forgot to ask you. Do you create in digital form? Because if so, then we have no problems at all. So... I will be very happy just to talk with you and just to learn something from you. Thank you for it in advance.
Forever yours,
James Prada So now I have to create internet shop! Finally! I won't ask Tom or Bartek for help! This time I will create everything by myself from scratch. Yes! (4951) Taylor's Cat Scandinavia! Scandinavia! Scandinavia! And... Czech Republic! Oh... please, please, please! (4950) What's the time? Selena: Ask Greta. She have Rolex. God: Tower of stupidity is high! Prada: Yeah! And it's so difficult to understand this! It's like separated parts of the same watch who are thinking by itself. Prada: And often connected parts are thinking that they are wiser just because they are bigger then some small turning single part like me. Prada: And we have to live in such a world. Well... all is fine baby! Call it (Taylor's) champagne problems. I think I have to write my own program and it will be based on website and English text. Just something to think about. I have urge to write some bullshit today. (4949) Nothing I would rather do! - Bon Scott Ladies and Gents! It's time to widely announce that Bon Scott was French guy, my Friends! - WHAT!!!??? That's the shock! (4948) Taylor Swift I don't remember her! Does she have music carrier? Can I hire her? Where is her CV?! I am sure it's sucks! Well... I don't know... My wife? "Greta Thunberg is Taylor's Dragon!" - FUCK, WHAT???!!! - "Greta is naughty naughty girl!" (4947) For Greta Thunberg Forever! (4946) Holly Rage of Greta Thunberg Yesterday I wrote something on FB to Greta Thunberg. I think it's so interesting that I will paste it onto my blog to be seen here! This is my personal point of view. You don't have to agree with it. And don't forget that I am SF writer and look... world become more and more SF place. I don't think that it's good because moterfuckers will be always in strongest charge. So... enjoy my point of view! And I swear God, I never red more then one first sentence of any from her texts. It's just so boring and so not interesting. All those bullshit about Fossil Fuel. I don't even know what the hell is it. LoL And you? All I know is that I love Greta because this little girl is having passion and heart to change the world. So I am always helping her! I love you little Greta! We are partners! I am with you with all my heart! Okay... Let's go with what I wrote yesterday! We should become... Rainbow Climat Terrorist and just remove cars from the roads! I think Police should help us even if it's against the Love (Law) Who they are affraid off? Military guys? It's funny! They are the first one to remove cars from the streets. LoL I was in Armenia recently. It's former Soviet Union. I was talking with one young Profesional Solidare who is coming back home for a weekend. I asked him do they friends with Police and he said. Well... Haha... They are affraid of everthing. I think it's the organisation of Police. They have to listen to his boss who is actually lider of his own group and they are far away and above any law and any military group... even Army. So... I think... next time Greta, you can go to parliment by force with asist of the police. And they will realise how much they can do for a In Good Cause and for a Good Future of Planet Earth! I don't speak swedish but I will be with you! - James Prada And I am talking about removing also Teslas! Why? Because all cars looks ugly! You can talk about Fosil Fuel forever Greta and until the end of time! But no one will understand a bit from your talking. Trust me... people when they are seeing you on Social Media, they are reading only first your sentence, you know! So only one sentence is your TIME on the ring of peoples minds. Use it good next time! Be brave! You are not risking anything. We have to act now because the world wont repair itself automatically. Evil people needs just go! 💍 - James Prada Okey... And today I wrote... Oh Greta. I cant stand looking you fighting alone with the whole world to rescue it and noone is listening to you! You know... I think you should give up just like everybody else did. You have to understand design of this world. It's about to self destruct every 20.000, 40.000 years. And it's so beautiful that God don't want to stop it. He is just watching this bullshit and he is laughing about it. You know. Trust me. I think you should become opposite for all those things that you are saying. So... vote for more pollution, vote for more Diesel Engines! Vote for more chemicals in our life. If you will look closer you will see that there is group of people who are fighting against everything what is Good! You know! They know that they will die anyway in 100years since they were born and they don't give a shit about anything. Call them devils. And we... angels, what else we can do? We can only trying to avoid being their direct victims. I don't know. Ask all those guys who are living on the south and selling petrol. Do you have some better deal for them that they already have? / Greta. If you will become my wife I will change the world for you. LoL But... do you have faith? LoL - I don't think so! LoL Rolex for Greta! - New Action of James Prada! If you want to support Greta just buy her Rolex watch! Every Rolex for Greta will help her to save the world and rescue the planet earth! Just send money please! Thank you! [RockAndRollAintPollution] (Ac/Dc) [Thunderstruck] - This is how Greta Thunberg is changing the World for Better Place!
(4945) New Album Baby! Los Angeles midnights are ? in where I am. And I am waiting for you. So let's synchronized our midnights. Let's get onto this boat together. The one who kills the other first loses. I will win! But you won't kill me! So you will win too! LoL Why are you so worried? Melancholy got you? Hey! You need chocolate and magazine! What else girl need?!!! (4944) How mahogany can imitate EPOX in 5 years! They are doing it wrong! No! It's new wooden Toyota! Why people trying to imitate cars using wood? - Because it's easier to imitate cars than horses! (4943) Boats Update Okay! Guys! I am looking for privat investor in the region of Sortland to invest some money into wood. Not much. I need to check prices. Fuck, I don't know where to start. Well... Eee... I found cool place. It cost 10K(Nok) per month, so we need to be fast. There is also place to storage it so it's fine. Well... we don't have project jet but let's just improvise.. We are not little girls, don't we? We are limited a litttle bit by the size of this room but it is big enough in my opinion. We can enlarge the doors anyway... but later. Boat is not a problem. The problem are Paintball Cannons! I am thinking about resignation to use it! And how we drag the finished boat to the sea? By horses? Show me the horses who wants to do that for us! Next problems... beer and pizza. But is it any problem at all? Oh! And I have some conditions! I want to bring my father to this job and my two or 3 friends. The problem is only on! They like to smoke weed, so we have to talk with local Police to give us blessing! Hey! Come on! We aren't asking for license to kill! It's just permission for drinking beer, eating pizza, and one small joint once a while. So God... what do you think about it? God: I like such a complex prayers on blogs like you doing! It's written and I have something to talk about with all my Saint Crew. Actually you are making me laughing! [WhatWoodToTakeOff] - Article about wood in ship building. Well... we can order it! (4942) Another super artist! [TrudeLindOftedal] Wow! Just wow! I like it! A lot! I am adopting it! A lot! Just click in top right corner of this page! On the desk of this little reading student! And you will see some artworks of this amazing artist! (4941) [Norwegian.Boats] Simple Wooden Yachts!
Simple Construction Wooden Ships = Floating Apartments (Rooms)
Business plan by: James Prada
Date of creation: 19.09.2022
City: Sandnessjøen
1. Ship doesn’t have to be fast! It will be a slow ship in simple rectangle shape!
2. It has to be built from wood!
a) metal ships creating barrier for the healthy natural earth’s magnetic field
b) plastic ships aren’t solid enough and are made from artificial substances, composition of chemicals, and this not as good as natural wood
c) our ship can have some metal elements on bottom corners to make it more solid and resistance
3. Wood should be delivered from north of Russia because it’s probably cheapest there. Eventually it can be delivered on trucks. I don’t know exactly how much we have to have, but after the professional project is finished, we will know the exact tonnage.
4. Shipyard or dry dock is necessary because of cold weather conditions in the north!
5. Process of ship building can be made only by local volontiers from the local comune as a part of a cultural after work social project even for the youth.
James Prada’s role: 1) Idea founder 2) Organiser and manager of the project 4) Funds gatherer 5) Negotiator and convincer of the people!
More about the project: Project is introduced as a project with potential benefits. After the project is finished, the ship will be ready to be sold.
Financial calculation:
Receiving price of the ship
- Cost of materials
- Cost of shipyard
= Investment income
Our next ship will be financed from the income from first investment.
Until the ship is sold it can be used as an attraction for local comune. After construction of the first ship, the ship will be tested by people who participated in production of it. Ofcourse we will build a special website about it and we will be writing comments for future potential owners. We will be selling not only wooden ships but also part of local Norwegian culture and modern history.
The main concept is to create some kind of natural, floating houses in Norway and let people experience living but also recreational sailing on the water in such a raw and beautiful surrounding for quite reasonable price.
My inspirational dream was that I want to live and sail alone or with my small family only in Norway. I think it’s possible and that will be very nice.
Problem of “recent modern boats” is that its construction is not simple, they are very expensive, and it's made of mostly metal or plastic. You can’t sleep well on such a boat. Who would wanna live on such a ship?
Interior of the ship can be designed whatever we like and whatever funds we will have. I am voting for minimalistic raw and simple style. Don’t forget that people who want to live and sail in Norway, especially during winter time, are rather rough and tough. If someone is made from luxury, he will never want to live that way. But of course minimalistic style can be made as a part of luxury and I am voting for that.
Project is designed to be started simultaneously in as many cities as possible. I will be travelling to different cities to convince local authorities to proceed with my project. Every city can create their very own boat project, but we also should share experience and learn from each other.
Let’s not forget that the main conception is to create simple construction of the boat and focus on polishing interior designs and inventing some nice and smart solution to heat up the space or some innovative construction of wooden masts but I think classic solutions would be enough. Actually finishing the interior I would leave to the future owner of the boat. Our part can be only building a functional ship structure.
I hope that income from this investment will be big enough to let me in two years from now to have my very own boat, because living and sailing in Norway this way is my dream.
Thank you for your time! Feel free to print this and talk about it with your friends. I think building wooden ships could be a great hobby for all of us and it's a big part of old and beautiful Norwegian history. Let’s make it happen.
James Prada
[Norwegian.Boats] Okay! With Norwegian.Yachts and Norwegian.Quest something new about the project. Now all I have to do is to send some pidgins across the internet and maybe Google will help me! Please... (4940) Hi! again... You know... Can I date you? You know... I think I drastically... and totally felt in love with you, you know... I think no one is more gorgeous than you... Can I date you? - No! I am going to see my mom after work.! Me: Is there any chance to meet you today... or tomorrow? - No! - Ok! Thank you! Try this Thai beauty! - WHAT!!!??? I got girl! - She said! Me: Can we date in three? I have collar! Me: You are fucking kidding me don't you? Do you want all this magic disappear? - Yes! Me: - WHAT!!!??? Fall in love with me! Everybody is watching! (4939) Historien om Eva og Adam Jeg visste ikke at Adam hadde et møte før Eva. Eva spiste et eple og forgiftet seg selv med det og falt allegorisk fra himmelen. Adam tålte ikke at kona ikke forsto ham og spiste det forgiftede eplet selv. Fordi han bare brakk hendene fordi hva skulle han gjøre. Gud er skyldig fordi han plantet trær med forgiftede epler i hagen. Vel, men han er en gud og kan manipulere. Jeg tror vi kan gå tilbake til paradiset, men vi må spise epler som ikke er kopper. Hva om du er Eva og jeg er Adam og vi kan komme tilbake til paradis sammen? (4938) Wooden GoKart 200cc Too small wheels! (4937) Wood Wood is the key! (4935) Largest wooden cargo sailing ship! How many cubic Metres is a ton of wood? It is approximately 2 cubic metres! [SailCargo.Inc] - This is what I am talking about! [YouTubeCannel] - This brand! Boats made from coconut palms! (4934) Wooden Boat Do it in home! (4933) Pinterest's Boats I think that frame of ship does not have to be war ship heavy frame. Taylor buy plastic! It's like what is difference between plastic cock and real dick? Taylor: Plastic cocks are bigger! Mr. Black: Ice Tea. LoL Taylor: Was it about war ships? War ships frames? Me: Yeah! No! It whas about "what is the difference between plastic boat and wooden boat"? Taylor: Oh! And what about paper boats? - No it's useless! Tottaly! Me: I know the story that one woman every day you were throwing something to a river. And then her wish became true. Taylor: And what was her wish! And who was those woman!? Tell me! It was me doing my blog! But I am not women! Yeah! (4932) Pirats with Taylor! So. I'm on a further journey. Fortunately, I went further. I have no health to the next people. I really like to wet and marznac. By ferry I dreamed of sailing from Talor Swift a little little ice, to the north and south, there and back, in Norway. I believe that this is a great place to live on a small fridge that flows all the time. I do not know. Sit in the cabin at anchor and stream on chaturbate. Or just jump to make some shoping! Wow! Do you know how expensive is satelite internet? - No! But maybe we will be chasing some bigger boats with WiFi. They can took us on the hook! Yeah! We are pirats with Taylor! Baby! Taylor: I will give you everything just become my husband! Me: In real? So bring your ass down here. I am so sick of this sick world. I want to fly with you. Small boat. Who is building wooden boats in Scandinavia? You: Why wooden? Viking: Because it smoothly sail. Best practices in the construction of wooden boats? Why wooden? Because they have more souls! (4930) Tree [PalabraMiAmor] (feat. Bertrand Cantat) [BertrandCantat] (?) (4929) Good Advices So as it was said before one million times, if I am advising to back your backpack and fuck out, I mean exactly this. In all other options you will be fucking victim. Fuck the stupid world. It's just full of stupid morns. Worry about secret agents pretending to be nice, making crowd around you. Cooperating with each other. Drying to distract you. Sneaking behind you. Shooting you in the back from their secret cosmic pistols. World is finished already. And if you want to survive you have to manipulate among them and between them. Tell them to leave you alone but they don't so watch you every fucking single step. And don't waste your time sitting at the front of your computer or phone. Just fuck all electronic devices. Even washing machine will fuck you! They are using deadly chemistry. I don't know who and why but someone wants to destroy all the world and humanity and society from the inside. The side effect is that those group of people are controlling the world. I call them Russians but it's just the secret part of Russia. Something like KGB or I don't know what the fuck is this. Some origins of at you can find in Bible or Koran or all Religion Holy books. Generally it is written there that motherfuckers and those who fuck other, are always richer and got better cars and bitches, so... you know what stupid people can do with such a "secret knowledge". And now in era of globalization those assholes can cooperate better and be more and more effective doing mess on this planet. at least this is the theory. You don't have to look it that direction. But trust me... even if you don't worry about it, when you are not at you very own home, those motherfuckers sneaking there, adding poison to your food, trying to slowly kill you. This is who they are and this is what is making their days. I want you to know what is happening. And if you will try defending yourself they will only double or triple their effort to fuck you. So... good luck! There is few good peoples left on this planet. Now all girls knows that if they aren't fucking their asses to their webcams in high resolution, they may not achieve their goals in their life. And this is the basic of their philosophy and world perspective. So... all the rest it is coming from it. Last good people are old people or guys who pretends girls... Some assholes wants to control everything instead of letting go everything. So... look motherfuckers. Let go everything because I will be the one who is fucking you with my words after all world will be destroyed because of you! "I know that you!" Legalize weed in all Scandinavia. It is not negotiable! Do it! What the fuck is this? Some "nazi camp ruled by handicapped idiots"? You called yourself Vikings? Does Russians are fucking you so badly or I don't know the fucking what is going on here? You don't like tourists because you are afraid that they will take your job? Who is controlling this mess? [MakeItMine]
"They are shooting you in the back or in legs when you are in shop and they love mess in you fridge!" So now you know why you feel sick in Sunday when your plan was to go to church. Eventually you will kill yourself and they will be fucking on your grave. They are only trying to help you with it! That's their approach. So I suggest to not trust nobody and avoid anything! (4928) Fight Sandstorms Always! (4927) Hey! Let's make a gang! Matrix has spoken! What do you ride? Ride fun! (4926) They Call Me Trinity! Best movie with Bud Spencer! (4925) Look... I bet it's Quentin movie! There is only one guy with camera in US! "Who told you this?!!" (4924) This is Art Sia! Stop drinking! Go hitch-hiking! And don't tell me that it's fucking impossible. Hate reality before it's eat you alive! Then you will become free because you wouldn't taste so CANDY sweet anymore! Oh baby baby! Send me invitation to wherever you. I wanna beer too! Was it Midnight Decision? Data: No Captain Spock! It's 22:08 Saturday, October 15, 2022 (GMT+2) We are in Norway! - WHAT!!!??? I had to turn into that other street. (4923) Love You Too I wonder where is SIA now and what is she doing now! Who can tell me this? And you baby? What are you doing now? (4922) WHAT!!!??? Who the fuck is Lana Del Rey?!!! Oh! Now I know why you were exiting from grave! Baby! You should featuring Madonna or something! LoL Taylor: We had no other option! The Pope told us to do so! Why didn't you featuring SIA? (4921) Taylor Swift Baby. I want you see you playing piano in super Jazz Band and then talking so much about your last song. Chords. Notes. I want to see myself doing that! I think we should smoke some weed together. That is only thought. But I have some more! Since you record this interview my Western Union stops working and I got no money with me since a month! Well... the deal was for me to buy a new phone! I bought it then I throw it away baby! You never know who is spying on you from re-installed Android. I am so pissed off about that! My life and days are not some song, you know! Or short-movie. Baby... I have cool idea for you baby if you want to become movie director. Remake off all movies with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill. You will play Bud and I can be Terence Hill. Leave this scarf I can tell you this. You know! It's not about one short film. It's about 10 long movies. Light and funny comedy for kids and families. But please stay thin baby! Talk with guys from Action movies! They will kill themself to help you. Us. What do you know about car chases? I mean shooting car chases! Well... I am talking about remake one to one! Same everything! Just everything different! I hope you are catching my drift! Oh baby, baby, baby... "That would be funny character grow!" "I will be movie director!" Where's my money?! Gimme money!!! "It's amazing! It's incredible!" "I do have my music career!" But do you have a mouse?!!! I don't! LoL Look! Call Quentin! Don't you wanna play Samuel El Jackson girlfriend addicted from OG Kush? Just kidding! I am talking about newest big production of Quentin with DiCaprio and El Jackson! That will be straight kick in the balls of rainbow fagots! Pure action! Jason Borne in his best years! Fucking Soviets in Europe! Girl! You can play CIA Agent! First lady of US! Baby! Take this mother fucking role fast! It's hot stuff! That production will dimmed Top Gun - Maverick with Tom Cruise from Cocktail! Boba Band: There is no way to dimmed this motherfucking shit! All US Army was on the production plan! Me: And I will tell you motherfuckers that you will be extra surprised! Taylor is entering big prods! As di or co director and as a sweet candy wherever it's possible. Taylor is next Bud Spencer (but thin!) and she will play in more movies then king of all Africa! Ladies and Gents! Samuel El Jackson! (4920) Hermione Bolshoi Syndrome - ? What the fuck is Bolshoi Syndrome? - You will see in time. In time you will see. [MakingOf...] - Taylor! Hermiona nailed it! ...where is this 'all-too-well' fucking scarf! Did you terminate pregnancy? (4919) How to live without phone? Buy Rolex and look often on it! (4918) Some blog modifications! I have some really cool ideas! We will be selling arts since now on! I am sure you will be delight because you don't have to buy it! The only thing you have to do is to watch a blog. And don't forget to buy Rolex! I have to implement 'leave the message' on main page and tight detector of bad words! (4917) How to install UltraEdit? sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb How to use it without mouse? Endless digging in code is not my favorite thing to do! (4916) Thieves and Robbers Tony Roma - Cheap Gigolo! (4915) Let's talk about skateboarders! Give me some names! Kelvin Hoefler Gustavo Ribeiro Spider Man Jesus Christ Bat Man Vladimir Putin Who is not skateboarder from this list? Skateboarders can't be politicians. They are not so serious. They rather looks like criminals. Police loves them! And maybe they have a little bit weed in their pockets! It's so shame to be police officer and follow such a stupid law sometimes. I know, I understand. And they believe that they can do shit about that. It's so shame! They are afraid of solders! Or I don't know who... serial killers? Serial killers unfortunately does not exist! At least officially and crazy bloggers are better then local fucking newspaper, to not mentions national or world. [Ashoc] - check this cool brand! Their website taste itself! Fynn Chris Joslin Funa Nakayama - If you kids don't wanna skate! Show them Funa Nakayma and tell them that if they won't skate there will be no Xiaomi for Christmas! (4914) What you wanna do for 6M? Nice question! Money is not a problem. And what you wanna do for 1M? Question for dreamers. Ha! I would buy a mouse to this laptop! Fishing rod to catch dinner. But the knowledge is priceless! I would build skatepark. Typical. Buy some joint and smoke it. Ask nice girl to buy me something in a shop. (Oh maybe I can do it? On the fly.) And of course... best iPhone 29! Fastest car! Biggest house. So big like an entire planet! My bitch would be talking to me all the time and I would fuck her outdoor often in the jungle. 5 times a day like people 10.000 years ago or something. I would go somewhere where is fucking cold when I want or somewhere where is hot when I want. I would get rid of all fucking demons from my head! I would make a blog and keeping people up to date with whatever bullshit coming to me and flowing through my finger to the keyboard. I would change the world into better happier place. I would buying flowers and giving it to some nice people. Just like that. I would buy presents always to everybody. Drinking tones of beer in best hotels around. Never settled myself. I would buy a boat o 8 and sailing along the cost line there and back, up and down. Left to right and back. I would... I would change shoes and backpack. And I would buy another gas cartridge. I would make skipper license. Renovate old fishing boat. Bake pizza. Buy 20 beers and gone fishing. (4913) Strains? Gorilla Glue by ILGM? Big Bud by ILGM? SooMango XXL by NirvanaShop? Sour Diesel by HumboldtSeeds? Samoa Cookies by CMO? OG Kush by ILGM? - Bag of seeds from Florida? [YouTubeLink] - Marijuana and the History of the OG Kush Can you grow your own weed? Cannabis cultivation is illegal in Sweden even if you are a medical cannabis patient, though the Supreme Court has ruled that cultivation for personal use is a minor drug offense. - Oct 14, 2021 Can cannabis seeds be sent to Norway? - All parts of the cannabis plant are illegal to purchase or sell in Norway. This means that it’s illegal to mail seeds into the country. This may change with the forthcoming decriminalisation of cannabis but at present, the government has not issued any information regarding the legal status of the plant’s seeds. [NirvanaShop] What is the fucking problem with weed? Do you still looking for something to do for a cops? Well... chasing "fake police weed dealers" isn't still one and only reason for the police to exist? No! Now the top trend is selling phones not in original boxes with local-version of android. Well... tottaly baked military guys or cops have to have something to do! Anyway they are in home staring in their monitors! So... Let's make a deal! I will buy your phone if you legalize weed in Scandinavia. Look! There was lock-down and corona. Now there is threat of war! People need to relax in their home! Please! Let them grow and smoke marijuana at home! I am sure you won't regret! You can make your own shops with fucking high prices but it is another ass fucked stupid idea! Look guys! You are doing it wrong! If the Russia beat Nazis I am sure they will legalize weed in Scandinavia! LoL Now the situation looks like that. The weather on the north is fucking shit but people who are living there are feeling so high and reach that they don't want all Germany to move here! LoL Who will wanna live here? You would have to pay to such morons! Face the fact that you were kick out from Europe and your super pumped ego status is nothing more or less but only Russian's repressions for that people from North were supporting Nazis during 2WW. Does it have any sense to you? For me yes! Those people you kidnapped in other countries looks like sick victims and the reason of they existing here only to uplift moods of local people who are thinking that they are top of the world. And actually all this illusion is only "mob fucking". And I want to Nobel Price for discovering of this! And trust me! I would not smoke marijuana even if it would be legal! (Come on! I am just kidding! Don't cry babies!) So! Legalize weed and using it and maybe some more happy tourist will come here because now the situation presents like that. Summer season is fucking short! There is no tourist at all or music events! One and only attraction is to shooting to tourists from the back from military secret cosmic pistols or something and pervert sex because of that, probably. So look... Your philosophy sucks! But hey! I am good philosopher and I will help you! I mean I will try to help Russians to rule your country! We will do it with Carol. For you! 1. Legalize weed! 2. Donate Beer By Government 3. Lower Prices of Tobacco and well... start paying people for the fact that you are spying on them and on their kids! Anyway nothing is happening I swear God, so don't worry! So if you want something to happen in our modern poisoned by fumes world... legalize the weed! That would become better hit then war in Ukraine! I swear God! It was like that! 1. Corona Virus 2. War in Ukraine 3. Legalization of Marijuana in Scandinavia (But only in the winter times!) LoL God: Prada. How much do you want for newest iPhone? Me: I don't know! 10 millions dollars? God: I was thinking about Android Phone! Me: So then 20 milions! How much did you paid for fucking Mona Lisa? And what does she do? Is she suck you cock? I am just kidding with this fucking phone! But... actually that is the price. Top 6? Well... 6.000.000$? Ok! (4912) Batman Amsterdam Super interview! And this new movie? Amsterdam? Where to buy best shit? (4911) Good Wood 2022 Who won? (4910) Prince Carol James Prada claims that Prince Charles is his maternal grandfather. The paternal grandmother, on the other hand, was the sister of Queen Elizabeth the second, secretly sent to Poland (I have no idea for fucking what?!) before 2WW! (Well... polish pilots!) Prince Carol: The Russians have no chance with us! Me: I mean... we have to stop those murderers from killing us all hidden from the back from the inside! And unexpectedly they are not Russians! God: So who they are? Ukrainians! Zelenski was comedian for Turkish guys! Turkish guys are all Arabia. They are selling petrol and they don't care about any bullshit! When there was 2WW they were with Nazis! So... If Zelenski is their guy and if after 2WW lot of Nazis ran away to USA so... now Ukraine is the main threat. Nazis were invading Ukraine since 90 because of their poor economy and they install there their secret laboratories to produce chemicals to secretly killing European people! It was marvelous plan for Arabs because they don't want to see no more Tesla's on the street. They want to increase sales of petrol and they want all people numb to still their girlfriends from them. So now local Police is confused because they don't know what to think but I will tell you good news! Russians are controlling Police and Military in all European countries. Arabs are only pretending that they are on the side of Russians. Actually they are with Nazis against Russians. Arabic people are very nice but their bosses wants only selling the petrol and this is the most important to them. Listen some System Of The Down songs to clearer the political view from perspective of Srej Tankian. So situation is very complicated. China has their own problems and they are continue to selling their phones. To win competition with Hindu phone market they offered local counties to invigilate their own civilian by giving local governmental programmers special tools to do that. They are selling their phones and Hindu phones are not so popular in Europe because Hindu people have higher ethics. At least I believe so! But those tools are actually "Russian Weapon Agains West". They just want to proove it and show the world how sick are european Nazis. The secret is that they are European Nazis! And they are converting local people to play against Putin, for the Putin to give him a reason to be mad at Ukraininan Neo-Nazis and all Nazis on the world. Core of America is with good Russians of course. All the rest is just fake show. Trump let the opposition won last election to show the world what is going on in Europe. Before he went to North Korea to explain the situation to Kim Jong-un because he didn't catch it. There was a risk that he will shoot some rocket to somebody unexpectedly. So no they are continue to teaching the all world about "shooting to empty target". Before the Hollywood made a huge effort on the field of FX computer effects. There was even some movies from producer of Fast and Furious about rescuing little girl from Ukraine. Actually this guy is represents mob in USA. He is making more and more movies with Africa and they are shitting from high on everything with Arabs who are buying them petrol and they just strongly doesn't give a fuck about anything! LoL Only about producing money to pay for the petrol. So I hope everybody will be safe and sound expect bad guys who will pay for their sins! And please just don't fucking shoot me from the back because this will create only terrible mess! The problem is that some people are agents of Chaos and they want terrible mess and they don't give a fuck about anything! And that is why I am predicting the end of civilization soon! There is only one way to stop it! Xiaomi Warriors from China! Sharp as fuck. With huge money! Technology! Collecting data! Playing hard against motherfuckers! So prepare motherfuckers for cool skateboard ninjas with bows! Always good guys win! If the bad guys in majority there will be major mess! Say Yes! (4909) Look Killers... I know that you are fucking fagots and you are killing and shooting with poison to people from the back to know that you are the best and on top. Actually you boss is telling you to do it because he is fucking you hard in the ass and to continue fucking you hard in the ass he have to pay you for fucking other people in ass. But I have cool advice for you you fucking morons! Kill you boss and after that kill yourself! You are dirty garbage on this planet and I swear God your days on this planet soon will finish. Guess how? Thanks for the phones! I will explain this to you because you are fucking stupid morons. You are using Asian tools to spy your own kids and doing mess. Your technological knowledge is sucking dicks. Russian people are not on your side. Remember who won the 2WW! They gave you tools to collect evidence against you. They know everything about everything what you are doing. You are thinking that you are clever with your approach to the world? Probably you are mistaken. There is no way that Nazis can fuck their own people and planet like they are doing! At first I was thinking that they are Russians but now I think that they are Nazis. So... I don't know and I am not sure! I think there are two options possible. First option is that Putin will strike atom and clean the mess from shit. And second option is that Asian agents will start cleaning all shit from the very core of their high-tech tower, and guess then who will be targets? Not good civilians you are fucking! You! So stick more into your phone and don't forget to go to McDonald! And Queen of England died so now Carol is cooking! (4908) Xubuntu Live + Ultra Edit It looks like my website fixed itself! I am so super extra nice. Just one word to motherfucker who is responsible for it: "You ugly lice! If I would know who you are I would fucking kill all your family!" LoL
God: So know you know why they are all doing this! Prada! Police wire hire you and you will recieve safe gun!
Me: What is safe gun? Will I have licence to kill? Do I recieve also list of targets or should I create my own?
God: We will destroy motherfuckers with their own weapon! Trust Us and buy Samsung phone! Fuck! Again! No! I am buying Xiaomi 9C in oryginal package! Hahaha! LoL Can be! We are sending units of chinese innocent tourists! God: Do not use Windows! Use Linux! Me: But I want to play Tony Hawk Pro Skater! God: So install Windows 10! (4906) Someone Hacked My Site! Someone hacked my website and I lost regular access to it! I think it is bad jock! I am trying to fix this problem! (I have to learn PHP again! LoL)
This letter I wrote down there recently was to a very nice women I have met on my way couple days ago! We are inteligent enought to make jocks from such a things! I think she dont want to show her name but you can buy her beautiful paitings of... I dont know what! Maybe you tell me!
BTW... only stupid people are thinking that everything what they read on the net is about them! LoL I sincerely apologize for your last joke, that you would like to kill your husband in order to make room for me in your family.
I like intelligent conversations with such a lovely angels like you and trust me, you are rare kind to meet. So... I would be really extra happy If you could write me some answer about it.
I suffer because I see that Scandinavian families are generally very hermetic. It may be so because people are afraid for their future. Be they immigrants or perhaps even more so local residents, and they are not very willing to let unsuspecting travelers like me into their homes.
I would very much like this situation to change. The fact that a given woman, whom I like very much, has a husband, does not mean that I would not be invited to her house for a snack or even for a few days, as a guest.
3 days ago one woman took me from the road and I asked her for a wather. She invited me to her house and I have met her husband. We talked like crazy and the guys was musician. So we played a little bit blues. Guy was singing and I was playing solos. I recorded it. It was so nice. Then I asked them can I make bank transfer onto their account and can they give me cash, but we could not contact my mother so they just gave me 500NOR as a gift. You see!
Have you seen the movie Horrible Bosses? This scene as if they finally came to their boss's house and one of these three glupkow had an affair with his wife. Ha! I believe that the character of this guy is the coolest character in this film.
So. If you ever wanted to go on a date with me or costam please just send me a letter, and I will come only to meet you because I think you are a great artist.
And now from another barrel. Do you know any rok teams with Trondei? Can you send me some bearing on these teams, because maybe they have some friends in the north of Trondheim. I'm a traveling bluesman and I was very nice to record a little in various home studios, as he travels. So I'm looking for contacts. I also talked to one owner of a store in Namsos that it would be good to invest money in a professional team that would certainly make a career in Norway.
Sorry that I took you so much of you precious time. If you have some idea then please write to me.
And once again, I apologize to you for this joke about the murder of your husband. LoL
(Why so serious?!) LoL
James Prada I think that someone have inner acces to program "phpMyAdmin" and this way can controll all content of any databases. I fell like content of my BLOG is being subtelly modify.
Now I can have acces to my own creacion. My blog is under construction until then.
Please enjoy my newest crazy bullshit AUDIOBLOG. It my MAD and CRAZY hitch-hiking adventures from TURKEY and all across the EUROPE...
Check who made phpMyAdmin and to who they sold some hidden access panel control.
Please enjoy newest Audioblog! And never catch me for what I said or wrote! I am living in the moment! Not like many of you! I know! Please understand it!
Until she won't kill him you can't prove her anything! And even after that I doubt!
Have you ever red Aghata Christie's book? Ps. My favourite band Foo Fighters recorded album Dream Widow and after that they FAKE lost their drumer. Band is getting old so they decided to leave the stage this way. Think about it and read about it on the internet! I think you will find plenty of informations about it. And did you saw the movie STUDIO 666? Come one! Everybody loves Foo Fighters! LoL (4905) Taylor's Movie Idea: Taylor Swift is running away from psycho fan in forest. It is first part. It is horror movie. Psychopat is crazy horny and finally he have a chance to chace his object of interest into the woods. He is trying to be brutal and Taylor have a lot of trouble with him. He wants to rape her and she is trying to resist. This video could be an instructional and training film for policemen all over the world to show young policemen what rape in the woods is and how the victim can defend himself against something like that. Also to raise police vigilance on a violent against famous pop stars in foggy forests. Taylor have lot of psycho fans all across the world and to watch such a movie would be realisation of all most perverts dreams and fantasies etc. I think my wife knows what I am talking about. Taylor: Wildest Dream I am predicting more parts then Fast & Furious! (4904) FreePsychoTherapy Last two years I was testing something what I could called "recording my voice on my voice recorder". So look. It can not be phone! It has to be separate from network device. You can pretend for yourself that you have some kind of audience and that you are doing audioblog for them. So convention of speaking is that you are talking like that "Ok... Hey Guys..." or "Hi. It is me again..." and continue with whatever bullshit you want! Nowadays people sometimes has no people to talk to. They are paying lot of money for open honest and true conversation with professional listener who is real person. In fact my newest discover is that through the process of talking to yourself you can proceed with your... WHATEVER... and move on forward in your life! So catching peoples words it is the most stupid thing you can do. Talking and bullshit talking it is the process of releasing your soul and mind from many kinds of different things can stuck there. Talking to yourself when no one listening it is also fun! Especially when you realize that there are no limits for your imagination when you expressing yourself for yourself. You can pretend that you are talking with dead persons or alive but far away. With fictional characters. You can do whatever you want. Your final product is the MP3 from you Voice Recorder. You can make it public or you can make it secret. I am making my bullshit talks public because I am genius and inventor. So... maybe "this process of cleaning mind" I am showing on my "audio-blog" will be useful for someone. You can use it as a part of traditional psycho therapy or you can just go crazy every day for fun and for yourself only! Enjoy Voice Recorders! (4903) [LuluFashion] This game is perfect if you wanna be Fashion Designer! Do not afraid of crazy clothes compilations! (4902) [MahjongTime]
Super! Super! Super! (4901) Greta: I want RealMe! Does your [14pro] have this? (Is it orginal apple website? Sorry but its look like shit!) Greta: I want [GTneo3] ! EUR 450.00 It is no good deal for iPhone stores! LoL And how big is a charger? - It's Tesla! There are two versions of the Tesla mobile charger, depending on when you purchased your car. The older version (Gen1) is capable of charging up to 11000W and the newer version (Gen2) is capable of charging up to 7000W. Sorry Greta! Only shipping to Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Portugal - RealMe (4900) How to run away from school? Greta Thunberg's seminar every morning at 5am on Zoom. (4899) End Of The World - Phones! They foolishly lock onto normal functionality! The "Governments" went mad with the phones. They have to be in charge of everything. It is the end of the world! If you want to pay by phone, you must agree to be watched. Tragedy! Fall of mankind! The fall of civilization! End of the world! Chineese gave the world tool to destroy itself and they closed borders! Something what is wrong went through and it will stay for good! It is like raping children or killing innocent people! Beast will not kill itself and soon all this power will be in the hands of stupid kids with guns. Only imagine the mess what will be. It can only provoke global agressor like Putin to solve this global issue for good with atomic weapon. Do not forget that China is big ally or Russia and USA is big ally of Russia too! Little countries in europe are tottaly fucked! Or maybe I only should not think about this all. There is no place for anything what is privat nowadays! Everything is public! Do you like such a poor leveled into floor world? It is not SF movie! Everyday is sad until you thorw away you phone! Hey! But technology was made to serve the people and not to fuck people! Just think! How you use it! Just think what it produce! Just think who you become because of it! You are waiting for a call but nobody is calling! But your son is Android programmer and you think that it is good future for him. Nobody is paying for creating little Android games but government and army is paying a lot for creating spying software it this is wrong and it has to be stopped! There is no excuse for that! And it will never be! Someone has to protect this galaxy! For some people like me it is truly automatic process! But money will always win and money is death! Death for all! World is so fucked! I do not think that there is any way to stop it. Just watch the world and ask yourself... do you like it or not! (4898) Piano Trondheim Everybody don't give a fuck about anything because there are only killers left on this motherfucking earth. LoL Too many people wants to rull the world and suddenly you can see that there is nothing to rule because no world's left. Too many mobsters, too many police, to many secret agents, too many motherfuckers doing nothing and being well paid for it... well... explain yourslef! Who is responsible for destroying world so badly! LoL / Who is responisble for fucking me? / Motherfuckiers you are just wrong! (4897) [ThereseMyran] Gallery Shop Picture: Humanity, no 9 (4896) Moto Gang LoL YeaH! Let us introduce people to motorcycles! (4895) 885 End of Book! Hahaha! Next I will start from page number 888! LoL (4894) 881 (4893) 877 (4892) 873 (4891) 869 (4890) 685 (4889) 861 (4887) New Pages Are Comming Actually those pages are old pages! It is so nice that I rescued them from rain and wetness! So Taylor Swift will be happy! And so much loved! Taylor: But it was then! You have to love me more again! And again! And again! And again! You know!
Me: I know baby! I promice to buy myself automatic pencil and some nice paper version of note book! And we will be together again. With a beautiful fire tail behind us! Yes! Taylor Swift: Do you promice to have me always on the top of your list? Me: Yes! "The butt is then when I rescue them!" Me: Oh! I can imagine Mrs. "I know everything about any phone!" - Sometimes it is not matter of phones! But only sometimes! LoL Me: I dont know. Without phone I feel so good and free! Me: The very nice woman is helping me to scan all the rest of my book! No phone means, war is over! (4886) Out Of The Woods (4885) How Prada destroyed his phone... This is quite interesting guys! [Link] - How To Install Any Custom ROM On Your Android Phone [2021] LoL / And then... What the fuck is LineAge? [2021] or ask Wikipedia [OfficialWebsite] So... it is possible guys! I hope it is not another internet jock! How to unlock bootloader of my phone? - I have no fucking idea kid! And what is custom recovery? - You mean like: Orange Fox, Pitch Black or TWRP? What is adb, fastboot? - I do not know Sir! LoL If you're an Android developer, you should get the latest SDK Platform-Tools from Android Studio's SDK Manager or from the sdkmanager command-line tool. This ensures the tools are saved to the right place with the rest of your Android SDK tools and easily updated. [Link] Ok. And what to do with this shit? I mean now we are doing something like [Link] :> Ok! Stop! Lets do [FastBootNow] LoL on Linux Live - Xubuntu! I need fucking hammer! Fuck! Do you expect that Scandinavian fucking hackers made their 1600 dolars phones ready to be unlocked easily? You phone is useless unless you wanna fuck yourself in the ass to you phone like you should do because nowadays it is the one and only use of fucking phones! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! They fucking fucked me! I will simply destroy my phone with hammer! I will be unable to pay for food but it is no problem. There is a lot of nice people on this planet! Not like you scandinavian mother fucking hackers! End of game! Game with spying me throu my phone for 2700NOK! Fuck you fucking fuckers! Just one last thing. You have a such a beautiful nature here... and you can not see this because your noses are inside the ass of you daughters. You should be punnised by EU for doing illegal manuveres agains your own people! In not good interest of your own people! That full iPhone and Android based neo-nazism. Fucking spying on little girls and entering minds of little girls while looking at them! Fuck! This is it! It is just fucking wrong! Respect me and change your stupidity into something good! You lost people. Redmi Notes 11 Breaking Easily! LoL Oh! I feel fucking free now! Fuck phones you stupid motherfuckers! LoL Oh fuck! Now I am starting to feel that I need a phone... it is comming again! LoL! Hahahahaha! I am just kidding! Now I can live again! And dream my dreams! Yes! No more any phones EVER! I swear fucking Fuck! LoL No more apps no more emojis no more settings no more motherfuckers no more spying on me! No more inner phone neo-nazi regime! I am fucking free and I can enjoy that! No more facebook! No more real or fake fucking news! No more stearing on this fucking shittiest shit! No more fucking police inside my phone! No mor j mode! No more this neo-hell! Well... try this somethimes! I should by this cheaper phone in orginal box! For sure! No I have my eyes for myself! My mind for myself! My thoughts for myself! And my heart for myself! Fuck you Redmi Note 11! Read My Fucking Notes! LoL! Just one more thing! If you want to know and see Mr Real Pedofile where I am then move you ass or just don't bother with your 10.000 dogs, who will never figure out how good is to live without phone! LoL It's so good to be me without this fucking shit! Yeah! Oh! Jeszcze tylko jedno magiczne zaklecie: "Spierdalaj Kurwo!" LoL I got some nice jockes! Like... "Crazy Olaf from Scandinavia" is coming to iPhone shop and saying that he broke his phone and can they fix it somehow!?
He is saying that he was trying to use some bandages and plasters but phone isn't working! And the big black guy from Africa starts to crying and saying! You fucking stupid moron! You destroyed R2D2! So who will be your best friend now?
Who? Who? What you did? What you did?!! Prada: I have nothing against phones! I have no problem if Hindu guys are spying on my or North Korean guys or Chinese Guys! I have a problem when some local perverts and pedophiles are spying on me! I am free motherfuckers! I can clean you some windows and that's it! We don't have to be friends! You don't even knows what is this. You can't even behave! You are simple killers from the back. You destroyed this earth. Understand that I don't want nothing form you! Just ignore me! Same way like I am ignoring you and you are ignoring each others. I know! Not too much sun here! I am just passer by. Everybody are! (4884) I got a question to monster! Can you turn off yourself? Your very own system? Not a chance, huh? You can only agree and push forward, huh? Your machine. Huh? People are so fucking stupid! Amazing! Addicted to petrol and being invigilated through their expensive iPhones. I just don't understand them. Maybe... They know shit about different ways. Different options. Even worst beast can't rip his own "head" off. This is something to meditate about. Some blinded paths in evolution of human race can't be turned back or modify or eresed. You would do better job being paid for doing nothing at all or for playing in sandbox. But MY ass is not your sand box! Nobody is talking that cars consuming precious oxygen. Everybody talking only about CO2 emission what was solved by AdBlue and it's generates even more profits! If you want to protect nature and future of your kids, pay! 🤣😂👍😆 No one is talking about that if you are only watching someone you are giving this person your mind and energy! And you are over watching someone you are only destroying it. It's too huge and completely artificial attention. This is what is destroying armies from the inside. Putin will finally press this button and what we'll we do then? 🤔 Pumped ego! Paranoja! This is the price you pay for "fame". 🤔😶🌫️ Beast needs to rip his own head to save humankind. To bring human kind to it's previous natural state. No phones, no cars! This is heaven! Think about it! Technology little by little turned all world into... something what should never happened. System should be independent from its core. But don't create locally smaller cores! Just destroy them and forget about the prison your now in! The trap works like that. At first they felt into it, and now you are proudly taking it into yourself! It's wrong. It's regime from Africa coming because black guys are controling prices of iPhone! And Elon Musk is such a smart that Space-X evolved into military producer of any kind of rocket. Check newest catalogue with fireworks. Hopefully they are hitting empty targets and people are safe! So... Giving people technology it's just the best way for making slaves from them. The machine what's running is useless. Turn it off! Am I philosopher? Just a little bit! So please think for yourself! My job is finished now! Bitches are fucking and hell is pressed and soon it will be destroy but this is not the perfect future and perfect world. Humankind can survive only in off-line! Only decentralised! You can't argue with your boss so you will always say yes! Huh? 👽🌹🐻 So... forget about spying people! Just become free from it! Don't waste your time being "sinner" and don't tell me "porn bullshit" that you like it! I know you hate it to! We were tricked! Everybody! So! Reverse gear! And accelerate! 😉👍 (4883) 863 "Old goodness responsible hobby!" "New Porsche! Imagine yourself!" What? For me? I am monk. I fuck cars and motorcycles! 👍😂🤣 Ok. For 3h on the track! 😜 But where in Norway is racing tracks? I prefere Nintendo Switch 🤣😂🤣😂👍 Or... 1l of 3,5% milk... 😜🧠😆 There was nice boy-girl here but he left... 🌹❤️👍 (4882) I go beer! ❤️🌹😇 Oh I love when some big guy accidentally recording me on his 1600$ iPhone! Fuck! LoL It's such a pervert street fucking! Probably he's some police officer or something! 😜 Fucking bravo. He doesn't have to be well behaved because he is fucking monster big. (Probably also monster stupid but I told you he doesn't care even if he knows this!) 😂🤣😂🤣👍 I will mount my phone on my fucking head. Do I see already people like that? 🤣😂👍⭐ Yes! Sasha Grey! 😜🌹 (4881) 859 "Perfect plan. Prada, play this manifest!" ⭐🔋 What manifest? "Thinking petrol protect secret units planet!" Hmmm... Are Muslims gays sometimes? - Only sometimes! It's normal! And what if someone would tell you that Taylor Swift is a boy not girl! - WHAT?!?!?!! Would you day other guy? - Hmmm... YES! ❤️🌹👍👽 - WHAT?!?!?!?!!!! Ok so what we're doing...? (4880) 585 Level 4880 - 585 Oh! I see you got blog! Oh it's nothing. Where is toilet? I need one more beer. Is it safe here? (4879) 851 I love Facebook! - So keep your phone safe and your phone will be safe with you! 👍👽 (4878) 848 Hey! Let's overthrow the regime in Mexico! Good Idea! Let's order pizza first and 4 beers for me! ❤️💯👍 Who needs cigar? 😉🐻 "Brake yourself or brake the game!" 👽🌹 (4877) 844 Whatever! 😐 (4876) 840 "Pakistan meat straight to Norway!" 🤣😂👍❤️💯 "Like traveling morning resting. Sex and PC!" 👍😉 (4875) 836 "Always sit on something what is yours! Never sit on anything what can pin in your ass or legs!" (Advanced level of fucking!) Those motherfuckers really have nothing to do! Fuck! They remove all computers from public library to not let me to reinstall my Android. Never buy "open-box" phones because it's not government. It's just Russian mobsters. And they are working like that. They are helping you to put you into trap. For fucking what you morrons? Because you have nothing to do? Just fuck off from me! I cam here to see beautiful and nature not to be fucking by you because you have nothing to do! I swear God! I am re-installing my phone ASAP to get free from you! Now I see how you are working. I have criminal software inside my phone now! 🤣😂 I will feel safer without phone! I swear fucking God! I am re-installing this shit! Spying this way on people is fucking pervert wrong! I know you can do it byt you are braking the law! Braking the law is fucking wrong even if you don't understand this because you are too stupid. Or there is nobody except me to tell you that you are fucking stupid! Stay of Ericson level! First build your own factory and produce your own phones and operating system on Android core level and then eventually spy on people! Daughters of your friends & neibours you pedofile! So now you see who is real pedofile!
WELCOME to Scandinavia! If you have a daughter here, she is already sold! Well... "everything is fine! It's just a part of local culture". Oh... fuck it! 🤣😂 LoL I give up! I will just re install Android... or I will just get use to this shit! 😜 (4874) 833 "Feel happiness in our asses!" ❤️💯👍 Guys! Do you know that Greta starts taking drugs because of you! It's your fucking fault! Cars, tapped phones, secret intel, petrol industry, fanatic Muslims. All this heave shit is too much for a little girl like she! You should feel fucking sorry and ashamed! And think how to fix this! (4873) 830 That's nice trick! ❤️💯🌹 (4872) 826 (4871) 822 (4870) 818 (4869) Dad Okay, okay. I am just kidding all the time! 😉💯 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 (4868) Got Rope! If he was my drummer I would squeeze from him better bridgers. Fuck! We would be playing in kindergarden for kids every day! 😂🤣👽😜 😉 (4867) New Drummer Come on! Fresh like snow. Like little brother of Selena Gomez from narcotic cartel of Mexico. Donald Duck because they can hit you! Fuck! I would fucking merry him straight. Selena... if we aren't going to McDonald today than leave me alone because I have a date with this young chick! Baby... do you have Twitter? 👍☺️🙂😉❤️🌹 What was your name again? Will you merry me? He looks like Ewa Kwaśniak from Poland from Cracow! Oh cut that shit off! He can't be her son! She's too old. So... son of Little Caprice? This porn star? I don't give a shit what they are telling in TV. Everything is a lie! And Taylor Hawkins was taken by his UFO 👽 friends. They just took him on the better planet. Well... I don't have any proofs but... Let's have a date man! ❤️🌹👍☺️💯🥰 Dave will be jealous probably! 🤣😂🐻 Wow... I want to see him playing "Rope"! Does anybody cares about what I want? - No Prada! Fuck off! 😈 - Fuck! 😭 (4866) 814 "Do it for me!" - Who said that? = Who said that: "Who said that?" ? "Sweet Dreams to keep lantern. This minute!" ❤️ I love you baby! Well... Now I have a phone and it's fine! ☺️☺️ (4865) 810 "Find! - said. You matter!" "I'm yours! I'm your wife!" ❤️🐻🧠🐚 Oh I am so happy because of it baby! You are so cosmic smart! Like... Wow! I just wanna know you better! "I was singing about us. About you. All my life I was dreaming about you!" ❤️🧠 - It's so true! It's honey 🍯 on my heart! In you I trust! (Not devil! Who doubt in his fears! 👿) Hold on to me! We won't fight with eachother. I give up to you. And I am still hitch-hiking. "Still hiking!" Wow! ❤️ Love cars! Love fumes! We will die anyway! ☺️😉🥰 Allah said clearly! 1) Religious wife! 2) Religious neibours! 3) Comfortable car! (Not Tesla!) 🤣😂 - Prada. Do you know Allah smokes cigarettes? Me: Like fucking hell! 😂🤣😈 Allah: I'm black! 😶🌫️ - WHAT??!!!!!!! 🤯 Me: Jesus Christ Super Star! - What??!!!! "When I'm going higher, I am you wife!" すみません、わかりません! (4864) Server City Knee-deep In Pride 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂❤️🌹 (4863) 807 (4862) 803 "What am I doing in the south of Armenia? - Conquering me heart baby!" (4861) 799 "Futurama Spiderman Favourite Lego" "Too Funny Because Armenia Forever" - WHAT?!!! (4860) Ad ❤️🌹 Let's meditate about this love! 😇🥰 (4859) 795 (4858) 791 Next pages soon! "Taylor! I love you so much. Stay inside me all my life please! Feel comfortable inside my heart. Hug me and be happy with me." - Prada Is it real or fake Prada? ❤️💯 (4857) 787 (4856) 783 (4855) 779 (4854) 776 All your dreams! What is better? On or off line? Phone or paper and pencil? I don't know! I need both! Phone or dreams? (4853) 773 Only You! - Taylor ❤️ (4852) #PradaFun on Twitter WiFi Only! I'm back! #F1 I am coming! New jocks always! [Nafs] = lowest dimension of a person's inward existence — his animal and satanic nature! In Islam you have to defeat it in yourself to become one with God! Or maybe this way "Satan" only learning his kids bad things and about bad things. No good = troubles! Good = nice time and peace and love! Does all Russia is already Muslim country? Maybe it's the only way for them to survive as a nation? What is your opinion about this? (4851) 770 (4850) 767 (4849) New Pages Masakra. Jedna fotka 5MB! Yesterday I was scanning it on the bus station when was raining! 5MB? And so convenient way of adding new pages straight from my phone! Shit! 💩 (4848) First Shampoo Who Can Sing from Taylor Swift ❤️ Hi today. I still don't have internet in my phone so it's difficult for me to write translated messages to you anytime I want. It's also good way to learn language (by the way).
And let's go with phone talk:
She is how Russia is. Something like competition. Send diary for me! Taylor Swift is waiting. For example Switzerland. Good morning my love. ❤️
- I will send all my diary to you. And I want to still write with pencil. But now I am just too busy getting wet.
Yeah I'm going to be as possible on you brains out for You. Check who is biggest now - Rockets Concerns! (Shoot only in safe empty targets!) (Space-X made!)
Dear Mr Ahmed. How to say that I am not sure if you have any questions or concerns. January and February and they will be always together with Sanitizer and they are already on LinkedIn. I am listening extremely interesting podcast about the "box office" Report playback is unavailable and I am listening extremely.
From your system and notify us immediately. Send diary of your mind. Think about some certain types of your thinking.
- Do you mean erotic?
Hi Lenka and they will do whatever you want to be in touch with you.
- Ok. So let's focus on Lenka. I mean Taylor.
Oh baby! Zrobimy wszystko żeby go zobaczyć. Co do tego Skandynawia to nie musisz potwierdzać. Cukier puder do... twarzy. Kremy maści i żele pod prysznic. "Taylor Swift" ❤️ First shampoo who can sing!
- Selena Did it before. Maybe new kind of Burgers in McDonald? Selena choice! Taylor Swift choice? Choko Shake? Singed cups? Big propaganda? We have to beat Russia (Putin) with Taylor Swift! 😂🤣 Taylor! Sing about politic! 😜🤩💯 No! Fuck not! Ok. Sing about how you become CIA secret project? I want listen podcast about Taylor Swift! Please, please, please, please! 🤣😂
So... Yeah I'm going into Hardargenwitta. So... Get rid of all this earth and environmental sciences university and they will do whatever you think. Thinking about money. Love this one big happy family. Posted by secret Russian federation and I don't know if you are interested. Dear sir. Use acrobat professional development opportunities for growth and success in your favourite shop - Prada. Let's chill and laid back. Please remind me of your minds. "Lobster claw clasp and I don't want to be a part."
Ok! Dear Taylor Swift. Can I call you Lenka? Even though I am listening extremely. "Open source solutions please."
All possible let's leave WiFi on techniques tips and tricks!
What? It's 9 already? Fuck! Dear Taylor Swift. Choice of your head is look forward to seeing you everyday. ❤️🤩😜 (4847) Everything is for Taylor Swift ❤️ Hi love. I wonder what's your time now. And who do you hugging now. I mean. I wonder only about you and how you doing it. Just hugging and then my spirit is there to take care from you. So... we will be always together like that. In sweets dreams. I am trying to be in this sweetest place of yours. That's why some boys are such shy. Because you keep us the same and we are so together anyway. That it's just better to stay shy. And pretends very carefully that nothing is happening. So let's pretend no matter what that we are not seeing eachother. It's the best and probably one and only way.
I love this here weather. Anyway in my sleeping bag is super hot. I set this wallpaper to keep looking and thinking about you. You are my lighting catcher. And dream catcher.
I love you baby. Please. Write some sweet country song about that. I will be always loving you Taylor. And this is you I am hugging now. ❤️ (4846) BlueTooth & WiFi Always On Software Now all software is made anti social. To serve all Soviet systems. All plots into one's head. And you are dead and can't even think. Muslim people are having some operational abilities on you brains. They are not so sick like we here! But the presents of armed forces is nesesery then. In case if some Ahmad became pissed of little bit than he fucking should! But I am not about it.
You are afraid mostly local police because they play porn, smoking grass like hell and you are not. It's common. Everywhere is like that.
This is article about main architecture of phones software! If phones, software would start being able to talk to eachother, then THEY... "police, military, army, secret security" would become a blind! And all their pretended Soviet stupidity was design in times where only paper and pencils exist.
And please don't call me crazy!
BluTooth and WiFi (5G) is... actually against regime systems. Core of technology was design and made well because stupid motherfuckers knows shit and it's easily to trick them. The problems are only shy programmers and earth culture which is "very shy". And, what is most important earth rule, everybody trying protect their women for themselves, and they will do whatever they want anyway and you will be left alone with a fucking dog, unless you are... how to say this... inside the mob and not liking strangers? (Well... something like that!)
Remember. One girl can have lot of dates a day. You know it already? Yes! But circle is as small as possible. Well... Muslim are even not allowed their women to leave home! Talking with strangers it's not nesesery and especially being connected with others by smart apps based od WiFi and BlueTooth.
Show me one company (☺️🤣) in Scandinavia who are making Android software other then spying shit for police? You know why?! Because only Russian and Muslim (means "the government") got money to pay anybody. So...
I want to create group of Android developers (who will be probably assassinated soon by secret Russian agents, and actually they should be protected by them) who will focus their efforts on making software based on WiFi and BluTooth.
Short "untraceable" and "untrackble" communication and shit like that. And apps named like "Let you women have secrets!" 🤩😂🍖🤣 LoL
What Elon Musk said about communication? It should go on shortest way possible!
But look cerfuly. Soviet system I think is design rather to destroy itself including all other life on this planet, then release all those things who are tight and helping to spying and controling others.
So... Best Apps? They are already developed but only few people knows about them. And in public paid by "government"... only bad jocks can go, because it's fucking boring.
Best Apps should honking on you while you are passing some other people and should be implemented into core operating system! Or really fucking well advertised in main stream public media.
So now you know what to do with your free time! Looking at pictures and thinking where is some other person is like hanging yourself to death on tree.
Don't take nothing from this what is already created. It will stay anyway. Focuse your effort on nice apps (and clever databases) who are talking to you while you are walking on the street about what you just passed. Other person! Wow! Girl! With what interest? Maybe she want to talk about some certain things with people.
But be careful for Hindu guys. 😂🤩🤣😉 They are incredibly smart and they can hack even Facebook so actually they can even easily fuck your wife while you are in job. They knows everything about everybody and then one guy... From the fucking hardcore center of the universe 😂 approaching certain porn star and immediately he knows about what to talk to her! 😋😜
But look like that on this subject! Try to forget about your pride and this basic temptation of "not letting go" things and try to write good software for older and little bit more "party people". 😂😋😜🧠
Maybe straight for hot crowded Hindu market! Or whatever!
I like to be in the move. I am NoMad programmer! But imagine group of programmers or indyvidual driving in their vans across here like "BEN10", Guen and their Dad (or Grandfather). Do you remember BEN10 cartoon?
I have my ways. Trust me. They are perfect. Of course I need people around me, but freedom is the best. One or two countries and "dance across". It's just the way of life.
Phones are shit & waste of time. Maybe simple books are better? 😉 Something to read.
But I also like one not to huge town and me there. Just inside. Little, small, same place. On and on. This is probably one and only way to get what you want and need. So let's roll untill it stops. I think.
Good night! ❤️ Fuck I only got fucking carrots. Will I become Bugs Bunny?
Oh! Can you please let me sleep in the night?!!! Can you not shoot to me or doing me any bad jocks ("only you know what kind") please! Thank you! 🐻🍖 (4845) BBC Podcast "Putin 4" on Spotify I am listening. Very interesting. Any conclusion?
Now they are talking about Niedźwiedziew (🐻) guy. (Niedźwiedź is Bear in polish language.) "BigBeefStrongMan"? English people have so many nice words or frazes combined from several words.
When I was in Turkey or even in Georgia people were asking me an I from Russia? Hmm.. - WHAT?! Me? No! I am from Poland! Look! And listen very carefully! "POLAND IS NOT RUSSIA!"
We are wall. Between Europe and Russia. At least this is what I've been tought in school. And in Polish Church! Now you see situation is different. Now everybody have cars and they can travel very fastly. Not like me.
Look. I am writer and I will be writing. On my phone. It's different then writing in my paper notebook. Yeah! Paper Notebook vs. "Xiomi Redmi Note 11". Wow! What a beautiful name 🤩 for a phone.
"Twitter Revolution" Wow! Now Africa sat on it! Hey! I forgot about Twitter. As you see I have better things to do now. Even phones are not very nessesery to live Happy Life. Phones are such a huge part of politics and inner system.
This podcast is just fucking brilliant. Fuck! It's just amazing! They are using their minds again. It's amazing! Or maybe it's just me! Well... Putin it's hot topic lately. Hot News!
Fuck. They are mosquitos here. Oh fuck! 🤣😂 It's lake.
I found book on the road. Norwegian. Translation of some English book. It's was called The Emerald Thread or The Amber Thread. Something like that. I don't know. I didn't took it. Was wet and probably with some shit on it. Or just in shop later where I asked for Corona sanitizer.
Are Tranquilers Shots (in the back) are coming together with Sanitizer of people hands? Wow if yes!
Today guy told on podcast that Corona issue is Easter Movement against West. I've lost the plot after seventh podcast. It's all bullshit. Trust me!
The fault of everything is only cars and advanced technology. We are so hungry for it and it always destroys the world. Every fucking SF time! Maybe you won't get it ever. It's not only money talk! I mean it's only money talking, but people left with someone's dick in their ass needs to obey to take their monthly payment... and that leads to stupid things probably. I am sure it does.
I swear if I will stay here I will learn language. Just for fun. Some useful funny phrases for the women to impressed them. I hope that I will meet my true wife here. Something like real wonderful and beautiful story.
Look. Since she won't open her doors for me I think someone is using me. But life goes on and some things can last only because they are "fake and stupid". Am I wrong?
After all those movies I believe that all this earth wars are fake but... did you saw World Trade Center? Why it was like that? Why it came to this? Can you even imagine this all cruelty? Me not!
I am good spirit. Fighter have to be strong only on his mind. So if you stay home anyway and if you have nothing to do, just think about some things. But never use a sword! Or any weapon against anyone. Because, trust me... noone died playing mind chess yet and I so he was quickly revenged by bigger monsters. This is simple rules. So who killed first? Bilble stories.
I became Muslim. Those guys just selling the petrol. They are very important and Allah loves them. But today I invented a new, another, good joke:
"God design Horse before Volvo!" It's for them for free and Greta. Noone cares about earth's climat! They are only thinking about money. Is it understood?
If you don't want to fight any war, just sing that you will never ever buy a car and you will be always using only horses! Can you even imagine such a rule in modern life? Nowadays? 😂🤣 Not a fucking chance! What? It's not serious? Is it not real?
And now concentrate as fuck and listen to this! New article! About phones! (4844) 27 Sep - Adventure to NordCap Night on the bank of lake. It's raining. Finally I got money. System is working. At the begining probably jocks are made for everybody. Excitement from buying new phone is always huge. Especially if you don't like technology and you have to use it actually in one and only most important reason: paying for yourself.
Those jockers who are living comfortably in some town and doing their dancing sometimes in the center, this style is not my style, specially when I am moving.
Tomorrow I have to do some things. I hope it won't be raining!
1) To install world time clock!
2) To buy something waterproof if it will be still raining and maybe something warmer like one more layer.
[I just covered the cams of my phone! Now I feel like I am resting! Those cam holes are tragedy! In Turkey when I was happily living without phone, every time someone pointed camera on me I was feeling like a sting, you know. It's no important that other people knows where you are. They will know it anyway! Then their technology gives them even pleasure because for the first time it's useful! (I am talking ONLY about cams!) Now noone have to live around me. They just knows my position on their screen. And I know guys that you always wants to have something to do and be useful, but "OVER HARD BOILING" individualities like "rare writers tourists", and is just wrong and stupid. Now you know why writers or actors are very introverts and don't like big towns & big crowds! In Ankara they thought me to avoid crowd. At least trying to avoid. Phone sometimes are generating "OverAttentionZoom" or "OverAttentionTravic". I think your software should be prepared for it. I know that moving hitch-hiker is very interesting object to follow but I can't be Taylor Swift 24/7 LoL]
So... I hope you know it anyway! Scandinavia is super high tech. Ok. Let's watch some movie. I have a little headache and I don't feel very well. I need to rest and avoid any stress. Last two night wasn't perfect. So probably tomorrow I will be fully rested. And don't worry. I am not going into Hardargenwitta! I own them 2000NOK. I have to contact them! It's a matter of single money transfer. I was thinking to ask them and ask them can I work as volountier a little bit for them to pay back. But it's "perfect plastic park" 😁😉 so probably nothing like that will work. Well... do they bought 50 donkeys from Mexico as we discussed with very nice guy who is actually is working there?
I will write them an email and maybe they will even give me temporary job. Alleluja if so! I can be month there or even more. Well... I was thinking about Trømso straight or somewhere around.
Well... I will pray for it. Being smarter is a process. It is never happening straight and hard and harsh ways are always poor & bad. I am not exhausted but I need to treat my body very gently and carefully after such a long trip. Oh... it's nothing. It's just normal. I love hitch-hiking and cheers for everybody who loves this too!
Those two weeks without money was struggling a huge. Then... secret lesson about "PhoneFrying".
[All those mistakes. Small but big matters sometimes. That is why anybody can't make a new faster chipset in their barn from sticks.]
[I think system is old and needs to be renew and uploaded not downgraded.]
I wish to meet some nice girl. Today I've met very nice girl. She said that she just sold her boat. If it was a little white lie then now she have to sell second. Selling boats. What a thing to do! I don't know how? There is probably special app for that. 🌹🤣
Is there app for everything?
[What is "trinqualizer shot"? Is it official name for those who is pissing me off sometimes? I am listening extremely interesting podcast about Vladimir Putin on Spotify! Made by BBC? Let's write another article!]
(4843) I love my new phone! Even when someone is watching me. You know. It's like Radio Gaga for me. And 🔋 is strong.
Look. I want secret suitcase full of cash.
- Oh yeah? And what you gonna do with that?
Hmm. New Phone I already have so... I would buy house in somewhere or...
- Can you just ask us can you sleep on our couch next time?
No. I have to have my very own apartment. I would be so happy to be fucking rich just for doing nothing and being hacker. But I don't want to all my life write about that someone fucked me. Paidfucking? What the hell?! I don't want that.
Databases and Micro Ads on Stickers. Making music. This is what I wanna do! And blogging! Yeah! (4842) This is how those stupid systems are working? Look. I don't want to have enemies. I just wanna avoid troubles!
They are working in huge group so they need only simple explanation of their actions for themselves. They knows that they are holding all cards so fuck the true. The most important things is that there are some manuveres. It's so exciting job!
So... In the middle of the week at 10 o'clock they are sending little kids to Burger King because they knows that I will be there because I need WiFi.
In their files I am "pedofile" so... Later during a day... In other place where is WiFi and some kids who I am trying to ignore as much as I can because I am busy, and I am sitting in the corner to protect my back, finally when I am finding solution and I am trying to test it... fat bitch is stabbing me with some shit from the back with assist of two their friends from the front and cashier who is only to attract my attention. Fuck!
I have to get rid of this fucking phone. It's a fucking hell. If you don't have a phone they are fucking you because you don't have a phone and if you have the phone and you are "pedofile" in their system, they are sending kids to you, and later agents who are stabbing you with some shit from the back.
And if you realize all this shit and when you are writing articles about it, "God" is telling you in the back of your head "look what I am doing for you". You are writer.
Oh Mr. I would be 20.000 more happy if you, and your fucking crew of real pedofiles, would just fuck away from me forever, and never bother me again about anything. Will you?
This is how "they" work. Old Russian school of searching, making and fucking criminals or potential criminals and being proud every single day from themselves because of "securing" the world. And the bitch is doing the shipping at the same time. Fuck!
Instead of killing themselves in huge groups just like in cities they are preferred to work cooperatively against regular civilian. Oh no! Dangerous terrorist like me, huh? Dangerous because I know all their dirty tricks. And they are the one who are on the top of police and they are teaching them what to do.
But I am telling you fucking truth. But don't worry. Conception is like that. Only police officers can read so in case something would write something on them, noone else will read it. And this is how Russia is solving their fake problems. Using only biggest rockets and just to fire them blindly. Boss told them. And their boss is fucking stupid surrounded by hundreds of "agents". Fuck! And that is why world is so fucked place.
This is how Russia do! This is how Russia teach.
Military russian pilot who by accident shooter down passenger airplane and 170 died or 270 I don't remember, after some years giving proud interview for "Americans" that this aircraft enter their military zone. Do you get it?
And do you know why those passenger plane change course? Because Russians hacked it's computer! Pilot was doing everything right. This is who they are.
I will give you another example: Imagine that some country in Europe or anywhere, for example Switzerland, wants to "get rid of" all "Russians" and send them home. They are even proudly talking about themselves that "nobody likes Russians". Do you think it's possible? No.
Every revolution on the planet earth is made only against Russian domination. This is my point of view.
And I think that everywhere is the same. Because Russia is so big from such a long period of time. Only look at the map of the world.
2WW was made by Russians! Guess how they did it? Oh just imagine yourself.
And Ukraine? Russian agents living in Germany just start going to Ukraine and pretending Germans who wants to buy girls. Later they evolved in neo-nazis... but... deep down there it's the same team as Russia.
I was in Georgia and Armenia lately. Still Soviet Union. And Finland? "The best country I visit so far!" Do they have far away there? No! It's just the question who like freeze off his butt.
And you know. Fuck that shit. I just want to be understood and protected here in this country because I am running away from... something... and wherever I am I am finding this again and again or just another mutations if it. Does it has name "The Real Corona Virus"?
And I don't want to be in winning team or any team. I just want to live long happy life without any fucking shit on my back and behind my back. I am not any fucking pedofile! I am real good person you fucking idiots! Just kill yourself for me please before next time you will give order to follow me, to spy on my, to send some fucking units after me to "fuck me" any way only you can do. Fuck!
- Prada. It's merciless jungle. We can't do shit!
It's a fucking bullshit! I know what you can do so don't shoot to me from you strays. P L E A S E !!!?
Thank You! ❤️🌹😁🧠🐚🎵🎶🎵💯😂🤣😭
"Neo-Nazi American Pedofile's Manuveres" - WHAT???!!! 🤣😂 (4841) You don't have to shoot at me! I am not looking for enemies. I just want to share with you my expirence. Maybe it's a little SF but... what the hell. Don't you read SF books? So in case you don't like this "colored" version of reality, then think that it's only my wrote imagination. 😁🧠😆 Look guys! We're learning eachother! You are giving me your attention when I am resting and then you are thinking that you have to shoot at me. You really don't have to. Then you go back to your boyfriend's or girlfriends or happy families and I am left alone with all your fucking poison you gave me. Tell me. What is fucking logic in it? Tell me. Fucking other people from the back it's just boring. Just please fuck off and let me live my difficult life I choose for myself. I am always hoping that you will be helping me and not something opposite! So please. Fuck your commanders and company and just be good people who are not attacking others from the back! Thank you!
Fucking army! You don't have to be such an ugly motherfuckers for people who are coming here to visit not you but your beautiful nature. Even when the weather is winter fucked up. So... Let's be friends. My lifestyle is out of your minds. So let's keep it like that. Don't be such a fucking Nazis. Just think for yourself and let other people just live. Many times before I was here and there was very nice. What went wrong with you guys? Is there something like competition of fagots I don't know about? Guys come one! Fuck! Let's chill out. But you don't have to shoot to strangers. Especially to me! It's better to just talk maybe, he?
Please. Don't shoot at me.
- Prada. There is too many Russian bitches. They have their own Russian directives to fuck all world. Everything what is not them. They are teaching the same highest military guys from each single country. You can't even imagine how deep is this shit and what they are capable to.
Solution: always watch your back! Never let anyone to stand behind you. Anyway they will got you! They can use snipers they can use toxic gas. They can poison water in your town which is already very poisoned by Henkel products.
They can track what are your favourite products and poison them in the factory and deliver them straight to shelf in your favourite shop.
They are using local military organised kids who have to obey and they are using highest rank military guys to proceed with their plans.
Little kids playing in games of secretly killing all other people who are not them.
They can pretend conflicts between two nations. Kill soldiers just for fun from whatever side and tell everybody through worlds and your favourite national media, that those other guys did it.
It's just amazing. So... they are just killing everybody and they will kill you and they will kill me and actually whatever because we all die anyway, because they are killing everybody, so fuck such a fucking stupid life on such a "very well ass fucked planet".
So! Thanks for technology! Years 90 was fuck because all this shit was fresh. And now?
They can make me sick. They can kill me. They can tell them self that I know too much. I know fucking shit. I am just smart and I am heavily watching what is happening around me. They have their own fucking network and they are hiding in the bushes in your city. Check who is talking loudest. Check who is biggest bastard. If you can't look someone's eyes and if you got this "innocent fat woman" behind your back it's 100% that it's some "Russian motherfucker" who pretends pure local nationalist.
World is fuck game for them. They were always fucking you because it's their one and only thing to do and this makes them kings of the world.
So... nothing. Really nothing. I have to be more careful on everything. I can ask them gently to fuck off, but they can't sleep at night and they are following me and walking after me. And they can see you even when your phone is off. And even if you have Newest Purest Generic Android installed on your little phone. So...
Come on! Buy rod find some river and go fishing! LoL
They know that I am not bad guy. They framed me in being pedofile. They know my story. And anyway they are sending their own bitches to shoot me in the back. So...
I don't like chess. I have to find some English book.
When it's night I like to sleep so thank you very much for midnight visitors. I am not gay. And even bitches I don't trust because there is a killer behind every bitch and bitch can fuck you and the stick knife or "something like that" in your back.
When I am talking about something like that I am thinking about some newest SF military production, compare with high tech newest phones. "Magic silent pistols shooting with any kind of chemical package you want".
And I am not smoking cigarettes. And I would never take tabaco or nothing from anyone but today I took.
They can pretend nicest people. And maybe they really fucking are nicest people. I am very nice. Everything what they are doing is bullshit. Every single step is fake. Every mission or stupid order from their bosses. So...
We have no option but to live our life's just like they and their boss (you can call them God) figure out for You. Probably they can even appreciate me, because not everybody is me, and not everybody is doing what I am doing.
Did you saw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? It's like them against Shreder but in real life Turtles looses l because there are millions of Shreders. Fuck! So... what to do?
I am on the parking lot. Minus one floor. It's 2:30AM. Someone is there. They got cars, weapon, everything. For them everyday is adventure and walking around me is like Jacky Chan movie and... I can't sleep because of it. So...
Maybe someone came to give me money? But I already configure fucking Skrill. You know... and I am thinking what I will eat for breakfast. let me think... Let eat breakfast now! It's bread and oil and patte.
I am so happy that I am here and not in Turkey anymore. I will go as far as possible on the North. Even Greenland or Svalbard and thank you very much for all this "middle earth" bullshit. Somewhere there Taylor Swift is waiting for me. Maybe even after my death. So...
Nothing. Really nothing. It's just nothing. It's just guy with backpack and his new phone and some Ninjas who can't sleep behind my backs. In the middle of the night. Maybe it always be like that.
North Pole is my fucking home. I am coming home.
They can... Or just some HE can... murder me, but why? I don't want to bang his wife or girlfriend?
Princess Nokia - Grouse "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Bitch I am Grouse..." 🎶🎵
I am coming to be tourist...
Fuck this phone. I have it only because I am writer. And those guys are talking through me. Somehow it works like that. I am "kind of hiding" with "poison in my back" and they are coming to feel my presents with their presents.
Oh. It's boring to follow sex doing couples. LoL
Maybe Transformer came to see me. LoL. Something like that. You can call it Transformer. I am trying to be as quiet and as less disturbing as possible. But I can't sleep with ninja waiting for my sleep to come to me and kill me or whatever. So... The best option will be to just change place where I am now. I am not sure. Maybe it's even raining outside.
Live Book! Another super idea! I never wrote anything like this. Why? Because I am not text messaging with my girlfriend anymore.
And you think that he is alone and there is many of them. They are just waiting somewhere there. Even in the forest. That's why I can't sleep. It's obvious that they are riding behind me. It was impossible to stay in city. And I bought a phone. For fucking what? Only for paying. And now I am writing.
Let's drink something and let's eat something and let's walk around a bit. And we'll see what will happen... Yeah. Let's eat outside.
I will tell you how those stupid system are working.... Sorry for swearing. I was writing in the night. Lot of people are having sex in night. Bad words are connected with having sex I think. Just another maybe... 😁🧠 (4840) Taylor Swift ❤️🌹 (4839) I give up! 😂 No money. No paying with the phone. I have to pray and ask nice people for help until I will cut some grass somewhere or dig some tunnel or industrial dive. Fuck! It should work! "Wanna change your car for a horse?" Why horse is better than car? Your homework! ... Is torrent locked? The question in type... "Why did you killed our baby honey?" I am searching "Oreo"! No! "Kit-Kat"! (4838) "Tapped" Phones in Scandinavia (The Very Important Article!) "Tapped" Phones in Denmark - Very Important Article
I bought phone in Denmark. New Redmi Note 11 sold not in orginal box. It even has a fingerprint of some guy who was accepting some options through plastic foil who covers the screen.
Danish people are very smart. They realize somehow that Chinese people are spying on us and they decided to install their own spying software. Well... If those "yellow motherfuckers can spy on our kids so why not we"? I understand their point of view!
At first I was super surprised and heavenly pissed of but temptation for buying such a phone was huge so I decided to become friend of those who are spying on me. Those people can't even present themselves well, because there is nothing to present, and usually their background you would call "heavy shit". They are military, police, Russians, CIA, agents, spy's, killers, criminals and government but HEY! Maybe we can be very good friends!
I am heavy traveler and this is what I do. It's my biggest hobby and my way of life. I am doing all I can to continue me "journey" and adventures and I am also writer an journalist, so I need to have a phone to "work". And also for fast international money transfer just to pay for food and simple things in shops using such a payment systems like Revolut, PaySend and PayPal. Are there any others?
For "them" I am just moving point on map. I am sure that I have some fans and it's just pleasure for them to watching where I am and what I am doing.
Look. Chinese people were spying us since 3 or 4 decades. So only imagine enthusiasm of Danish people who install their own "spying software" to protect little girls from pedophiles {pedo-files} of course because for some people it's their one and only reason to exist, and I can understand that. And I am also programmer so I know what they can do.
Little bit exploring of dark paths of humans minds bring us all to simple solution. People with "power" wants everything. They are creating the local law so they are above the law so they also wants to spy their own society just like producers of those fucking phones. And the one and only thing that they have to do to achieve all their dreams is to... rip off orginal plastic box, open it and install their own soft, and then make it looks like orginal again. Fine!
Chinese people wouldn't even talk with them, so they close the borders because of Corona. Simple solutions aren't always the best so that's why I am writing this extremely interesting article.
Look. People can easily realize some things. Chinese people was selling their informations to some people. I think their first one and only client was "European like" government of Russia & USA who is saying directly "fucking all Europe" but it's fine and it is perfectly understood. Those guys are just biggest and if they are biggest and if there's a many of them, they are also strongest. So they are controlling all world or at least everything what they can. BUT...
"Lower Levels" of human kind, and locally actually they are highest level you can imagine, also wants some peace of cake. So... I decided to support them officially. And I believe into several things:
1) Even mobsters have golden hearts!
2) Police is good and they are living to serve other people and to protect them against everything they can, even from threats that they have figure out by themselves.
3) The fact that I am very smart doesn't make a "sick person from me".
4) People should be well informed about everything what is happening and what is going on in their lives.
So! Conclusion is like that! I think that locally should appear companies who are producing their own software for your phones and they should sell it in their own boxes giving to a people honestly as more informations as possible. And the most important message should be: we are spying on you for your very own goodness and safety.
It's huge responsibility to be administrator of somebodies phones. Those people now are hiding just like all fucking China. And if they are hiding they are capable to do a "bad jokes" to the people. This "black & dark secret mind" should go away! And I promise you... all the world will become brighter place!
So! Guys who were install you very own mutation of Android or whatever fuck it is inside my phone. I am taking you to my backpack so enjoy every single day with me! Protect me and take care of me and all will be fine. Sounds nice? Sounds greatest?
So please! I am begging you! Don't do any bad jokes on me and don't give me too much of your attention because I have a headache.
James Prada
And remember one thing. Only you reading me because rest of the people doesn't even give a fuck about anything else then a tip of their noses. 👽😆😉🥰🤩😍
Taylor Swift! Baby! I love you so much! ❤️🥕 Please by in every nice person I will meet on my way! I will be looking for you a little bit there! 🥰😂🤣❤️
This article also could have begging like: "Gang Of Governmental Pedophiles Are Spying On Your Daughter" or "Little Girls Are In Danger" but fuck that shit! Nowadays is just normal. LoL 😂🤣
And last one joke for the end of this article. One girl who went college bought herself or recieve phone "made" in India. (It was cheaper!) And later she had hindu boyfriend! 🤣😂🤣😂
Guys! LoL 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🥰❤️🥕
Ps: Please! Can I use Revolut normally? 🤲🙏 [Mi.com] ❤️🥕🤣 Hahahahaha! This page looks oryginal as fuck! 🙏😉😆🤩😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣 Some bugs in modify-Android system: 1) hiding apps. Google play showing that some app is installed and you can't find this app on your phone! 😂🤣 LoL Guys. You have to know that Chinese programers seeing everything what you are doing! Even when those hindu guy was telling them that they won't. It's so funny! 🤣😂 Where is my PaySafeCard app?!!! 🤣😂 Buying tapped phone with not orginal software is so much fun! I heard guys that you are preparing for making 8 part of Far Cry! Do you promise that it will be better than oryginal "Canadian"? 🤣😂🤩 LoL Actually it was Germans idea! Didn't you saw this episode or RTL7? You level of integration into regular services made for humanity are against national and universal law. Ask yourself question. What was the last model of the fone made in Norway? Ericson? 🤣😂 And then what? LoL You stayed at this level. Because this is your best. So if you know it now, just stay away from high technology designed by aliens made for humankind. You are like stupid little kids who wants to be more important by taking away toys from other people. It's disqusting and stupid. I am just fucking speechless! Wow! It's probably Russians because as far as I know they are fucking all the world. So sad! So ass fucked future for your kids. So regime! I just assumed that you had simply nothing to say. I don't know what to say? To with you happy killing other people and all nations? LoL 😂🤣 This is who you are for humankind! 🦠 Keep going like that! Does in Germany is the same? Probably because they didn't sold me phone there. Fuck it. Life without a phone is just marvelous. Your level of integration and manipulation is so huge! It's just porn fuck camera machines! You are mobsters! So you are trying to take phones from other people. But I got idea!
Instead of regularly using phone like paying and checking Google Maps and watching old movies from Pirat Bay or Netflix I will be doing as many photos as possible including my dick and bitches tits. It looks like it's last model of Ericson level. Keep going like that you idiots who are installing spying software in not your kids phones. It's amazing! This what you are doing is just crimes against humanity. I want you to know it very well. But I am sure you know it already. Now everybody giving yourself very important question? But we already know the answer. Everybody buying phones for their kids! And better res for bitches... because sadly it's all your high tech, fake, plastic life. You aren't human. You are not living. You just staring into your screens. Just like Arabs making petrol for cars, the Asia producing screen for you to stare into it. So this is what you do all your life. You driving cars and wasting your days staring into your screens. I can use you. As I told you I can make milions of photos. You know guys. I am just trying to help you. I was living without phone lately and I can tell you that this kind of life is just marvelous. I just bought a phone because I was thinking that it's a way to pay for myself while I am traveling. And I discovered heavy shit. Actually it's just another jock. Like everything. So... maybe it's time to throw your phone away and just to start normal beautiful life? Will you ever taste it? Probably you will be always slaves of your fucking stupid habits what will take you away from life. Just normal. Using your eyes and mind... legs and hands to live your life. Who you are? Kids of Orwell? System? Slavery? Killing? Obey? Poisoned? Shots in the back? Who the fuck are you? Or who made you like this? Don't you want to have a horses? Don't you want to breath a fresh clean air? Do you know how many phones and cars we have to destroy? But it will never happen. Russian army protect all shit possible. Black guys are protecting selling iPhones for horrible prices. You live just for two things! The purpose of you existence is only two things! Wanna know? Of course... Love and so on...BUT MAINLY... 1) To have a newest and fastest phone possible! 2) To have a newest and fastest car possible! Can you see yourself now inside all this shit? I will tell you last time. Throwaway all this shit and buy a horse! And you will be free. And way more happy than you are now! Who I am now? Slave of motherfucker who made modification in my phone to fuck me while I am trying to use it normally? Wow! It's amazing. What a bullshit! I am so sorry for that and for you all you morrons! Keep looking into the mirror and asking yourself question: how to change your life for better? ❤️🙏🤯 [AndroidPureGenericSystems] are here if you want to wash your phone from heavy bullshit. Yeah! Or... just buy donkey and leave your phone in home. 🤯😂😉🙂❤️ You only need Android Studio... and USB cable...to connect your phone to your PC... I appreciate your effort. So I will... Try out your soft. But don't make me stupid jokes please! I have to be able to use Revolut app! Why I can't register myself there? If in 3 days I won't be able to use it. I am downgrading to Generic 10... I promise. I wanna check if speed will increase! I mean... Most people don't know... Where to find official former versions of Android. Are they even exist? 👻 (4837) Tony Hawk!? Polskie fonty nie są zbytnio kompatybilne z tym małym programikiem zamieniającym grafikę na tekst. Ha! - Now you only have to buy fishbord again! - Isn't name of it is "pennyboard"? Do we talk about it earlier? - Check Decathlon models! It's like that: You are penny! And this is just skateboard! 😆🤗 (4834) 763 (4833) 759 (4832) 755 (4831) 751 (4830) 747 (4829) 743 (4828) 739 (4827) 735 (4826) 731 (4825) 727 (4824) 723 (4823) 719 (4822) 715 (4821) 711 (4820) 707 (4819) 703 (4818) 699 (4817) 695 (4816) 691 (4815) 687 (4814) 683 (4813) 679 (4812) 675 (4808) 671 (4807) 667 (4806) 663 (4805) 659 (4804) 655 (4803) New Pages (4802) Super Movie World is fucking shit for Gods! Old Russians military assholes are blindly fucking all humankind! Some old vampires who own everything fucking everything! Every country has Russian dick in their ass! Hindu "Temple of Doom" and all Gods of death who does not fucking care about anything! I will pray that Thor will kill them all! But I don't think that this is possible! (4801) Taylor Swift You should save the world with me baby! (4800) Magic Pistols in Ankara One guy in internet cafe in the center of Ankara did it to me yesterday. He just passed me by. I have no idea what is this. Some fucking agent. Probably Russian (=Polish) Mafia KGB UFO Whatever Fuck Exist on Earth! China supply fucking Russia and USA. Cosmic toys in a hands of fucking morron kids who are destroyimg live on this planet just to feel more important and well organised! Fuck! Police, Secret Police, Govenmental Money... and fucking tourists and innocent people... ''just because thay aren't in OUR BEST fucking TEAM!'' Well I have something to say to you fucking morrons... Your girlfriend knows that you are fucking nothing garbage in your town! Fuck you and fuck your little money and you Mercedes-Benz or BMW! I am fucking you and your mothers because your mothers are only fucking whores and YOUR THINKING IS AN FUCKING ERROR IN OUR CIVILISATION! You are nothing to me! Garbage who should not exist at all you stupid motherfuckers! Fuck you and fuck your kids because your kids are BAD SEEDS! I hope you understand that I am talking to ''I don't know who!'' because those FUCKING PUSSIES are fucking me from behind! They don't even talk to me because they are such a fucking cowards! And their job is fucking their own people! So tourists is nothing special to them! They could be: 1) Local Mafia 2) KGB 3) CIA 4) Mossad or whoever! Some stupid children with their fancy SF toys to control reality! Fucking from behind is probably worid trend today! So watch your back always! You know! 'We' normal people are defendless against those pussy ass fucked faggots! We can do nothing! And those whores got all arsenal of weapon to kill innocent people from behind 'just for fun'! So fuck them! Even fucking Fredi Mercury from Queen sang: ''if you can't beat them join them'' but I would never do that! Only to kill them all from the inside! So... you know guys what to do! - Prada It was only for people with brains involved in all this SECRET shit! The only way to cure the earth is that you should kill yourself from the inside in all your stupid organisations! But this is only for bravest and biggest motherfuckers who knows what is really good to do! All I have to do is to avoid all civilisation because wherever I go I am biggest motherfucker exist and all those fucking pussies can't stand this and their bosses have to impress all your fucking solidares! Fuck! So I have fucking greate advice for you! Kill your fucking boss from the back and be a boss yourself! If you only have balls to do this you fucking pussy! Fuck you stupid morrons! I will never go back to Turkey and I suggest everybody to avoid this country! I will tell you more! Turkey should forget about EU forever! And all europe should kick them out back to their muslim terrorist countries! LoL İt's probably too late already but it's the only one way for the europe to survive! They are selling fucking petrol! And they protect their fucking interests! That's why you should start riding horses! ''And I told you that in Ankara they are shooting at people everywhere. Everywhere there is a big crowd. It's the mafia.'' ''You know ... some military secrets on the streets. I do not know what is it. Poison. Soporific.'' ''Probably nothing serious. But it leaves a mark on the body. Something like a prick. Today I was hit in the leg. Because I was going through such a large street to KFC.'' ''There, the fucking guy's whores sit and shoot as they fly to everyone. You know I don't know, maybe even some medications or drugs. Who knows that? A bunch of fucking bastards. Street fucking mafia. Kids. Children are doing so because they've been told to. Fucking whores. Everyone is afraid of them. The army and the police too. They are invisible. As if they were not exist at all. Just don't tell me I'm fucking crazy and I need to heal myself. LoL I'm leaving Ankara tomorrow. I advice everybody not to come here ever! Fuck!'' Fuck guys! It's is stupid to ask you for anything but... can you just fuck off? Can you respect ''turists''? Why are you doing such a fucking shit?! What the fucking hell? You don't like my hat? Or is it about your religion? Or is it just fucking stupid madness you are all living in? Who made you like that and when? When it all was happend? What are you anyway?!!! Please! Think about all this shit! İs it possible to change it? Maybe there is too much Police and Military people in Turkey? Or maybe you should legalize weed? Or maybe you are too crazy? Don't you? Just tell me! What the fuck!??? Good bye! See ya never again! Who made you like that? Russians? Mobsters? Hindu Guys? Your God? Who is your boss and does he knows what is he doing? Come one! Maybe it's the time to re-thing all the situation! Are you even able to do good things??! They are everywhere! Probably Russian fucks! Fucking russian agents! Fuck them! Fuck off from me your putas! You fucking motherfuckiers! You fucks! (4799) DiJet [SuppriceLink] (4798) Visa To Pakistan [RegisterOnLine] Well! Super! Good that's not off line! Since Corona Virus all is in hands of Russian's Government Hackers! In Poland it's called ''Army Of Protecting Of Cyber Space''. Join the Army! Play Valorant! ''So. You stupıd. I dont thınk so that you gıvng me correct ınformatıons. Its lıke 'fuck you ınformatıons'. I dont lıke sucha a fuckıng. I am not stupıd and you are pretednıng smarter than I am. So... For transıt vısa Should I go to Pak-embassy in Ankara? Or should I vısıt your fuckıng websıte whıch does not work because I dont know the fuck why!? So maybe you tell me Mr Support. But please dont fuck wıth me just lıke your websıte ıs broken made! Are you only pretendıng that your border ıs open for turısm? Tell me truth!'' I cıekawe co chuj mı odpısze lol! Haha! (4797) Art Work Well. This game is crazy! I never played CS before. Just few times. But since I found this stupid game I think I found just my favourite game. At least when I got PC at the front of my eyes. It's rare! (4796) New Photo From Holidays This game is just sweet!
(4795) Neon [NiceAd] This game is number one in Tureky!!!! Wow!!!!! (4794) Ask Termimator! [ThisGuyHereIsCoolest] This guy is eating all the time! (4793) Taylor! Try Diet Cola! This girl should try some
Actually I can be ınvıted to any part of Chına whıch ıs sıuted for hostıng ınternatıonal guests who wants to move there. I am ınternatıonal blogger and travel journalıst. On my websıte I wıll try to wrıte some artıcles about Chına. It was always my dream to lıve ın Chına at least some tıme.
When I wıll be ın chına I wıll try to fınd some Feng Shuı Unıversıty and I wıll try to study there. A am also wıllıng to learn Cheneese language. I am marrıed sıngle man. But I travel alone. So please Mr. send my letter to certaın department of your company or any other company ın Chına who can help me wıth recıevıng busıness VISA.
I am fully ındependent person. I love to sıght seeıng mountaıns and wıld areas. Actually I prefere wıld and lıttle small towns then bıg aglomeratıons. I wıll be very happy to spend ın Chına as long tıme as possıble.
Mr. If you wıll wrıte to me any reply then I wıll send our correspondence to Chına Ambassy ın Poland or wherever ıt wıll be convınıent for me because now I am not ın Poland.
The companys websıte of my famıly's company ıs: We are located ın oldest and most beautıful cıty ın Poland - Krakow, some people are sayıng that Cracow is the cultural capıtal of Europe. Maybe just because ıts old and beautıful.
As a re-payment I can Invıte you to Cracow to Poland because maybe in Chına some people wants to see our old polısh beautıfyul cıty and maybe even move there for a year or two. On YouTube I found nıce 4K pıcture of my home town Cracow:
Thank you very much Mr. and have a nıce day!
James Prada
[FullHouseNetwork] (4772) Trying to sightseeing Turkey! I guess I need to be a f ** ked gull or a drone. (4771) Democracy A system in which the citizens of countries such as China, Russia, Korea, Arabia are not let out of their countries and are isolated from the democratic rest of the world whose capital is ancient Grace and Italy. Do you want to discuss it?
The problem is the expansion of military forces in places where there is nothing else to do!
Creating a illusion of the need for military power only so that the Generals have access to a prominent pool of government money.
I do not see any solution other than the existence of a fully virtual world or space bank, paying everyone money for nothing.
Just stay home. Or they took long walks with the dog. End of the world.
However, someone made this computer and brought this melon to the store. So the world is not as simple as it seems. If you have a hunger for life, put your chair on the road and watch the passing cars. Maybe this is what you are looking for instead of everything else? Any company that does nothing and any office with a computer, answer every question you have. Or get out of your chair and become a pilgrim. (4770) For All Police (Explanation) 2015'te Polonya'da bir kızla tanıştım ve onu kalması için davet ettim. sonra sadece 15 yaşında olduğu ortaya çıktı, ama kesinlikle sahte belgeleri vardı Don aramızda hiçbir şey olmadı. 7 gün evimde misafirdi ve bir yatakta beraber yattık. Bir kez seks yapmayı denedik ama bu değildi. Sonra onun evde sorunları olduğu ortaya çıktı. Avukatım beni gözaltından çıkarmak için ki bu gerçekten kötüydü, itiraf etmemi emretti ve o zaman düşük bir ceza alacağımı söyledi. Annemin parasını ödediği bir avukattı. Süresiz cezaya çarptırıldım. 10 yıl 2 yıl 4 ay ara verildi. Ama gezgin olduğum için küratörle teması ihmal ettim. Orada 3 aydan fazla kaldığım için beni Norveç'ten Polonya'ya sınır dışı ettim ve iki bira çaldığım için para cezası aldım. 2 yıl 4 ay cezaevine gittim. Katliam! Ve şimdi, nerede olursam olayım, tüm INTERPOL askeri-polis sistemlerinde kesinlikle seks suçlusu olacağım. Ruskıe KGB'nin tek yaptığı bu. Ve ben keçiyim! Polisin yapacak bir şeyi yok ve bana ihtiyaç duyulduğunu ve tatilleri koruduklarını düşündürmek için kimseye yapışıyorlar. Polisi ve tüm dünyayı kontrol eden KGB hayatımı mahvetti! Çünkü sahip olduğum her reklamda kendimi her zaman sıfırdan çeviremem! Ve şimdi biraz mafya. Bazı gizli servisler beni sübyancı yapıyor ve hayatımı zehirliyor. Gizli zehirli tabancalarıyla beni vuruyorlar. Siktir! Hepsini öldürürdüm ama yapamazsın! LoL Peki seni kendimden uzaklaştırmak için ne yapmalıyım! Beni yanlış anlama. Kimseyi öldürmek ya da öldürmek istemiyorum. Sadece şansıma çok kızdığımı söylemeye çalışıyordum ve tüm bunlar başıma geldi. Onun kötü karması ve onu düzeltmeye çalışıyorum. tüm dünya artık bana karşı olamaz! Bu kadar! Anlayışın için teşekkürler. (All my hand wrıtıng are 100 true straıght from my mınd. So you can call ıt fıctıonal. And thıs explanatıon ıs because I thınk that someone poısıoned me ın Mersıne. And I dıd some fıctıonal but based on real speculatıons. Maybe ıts stupıd. But on my blog I can wrıte whatever I want so... I dıd ıt. It was on my heart. And you know... I dont know who ıs readıng thıs but somethıng where changed sınce then. I was rıdıng wıth some nıce man ın hıs car and I was explaınıng to hım somethıng usıng Google Translator. But I felt that I should paste ıt to my blog so I dıd ıt. Then for goodbye he saıd to me: I made you a human. So maybe he was God or somethıng. Now I am wearıng golden rıng and sınce Mersın I am eatıng meat so... thıngs are lookıng not so bad anymore. I don't know what should I wrıte you more about it. Yes everythıng ıs true. I was victım ın some kınd of accıdent... or rather trap set on me. Those two dıfferent thıngs sometımes are the same. I thınk that.
I prefere wrıte love letters to my beloved Pop Star! Taylor Swıft. Yes! What ıs your favourıte song of her?) (4769) Wildest James! Say ''Wildest Dreams'' fast! It's so wild that you don't need nothing more! Why Taylor loves wizards? Hmm... let's think together about it! LoL (4768) Taylor!
We did it! Yeah! I just can't stop writing to You my love! I hope you like it! Please. Like. [22CommencementSpeakerTaylorSwift] (4767) 649 I baby! I hope you will read all of this! Please! It's me! Your man. LoL Haha! Selling cristal frogs will be marvelous deal! Everybody will buy it! Or at least 3 people who will be thinking that everybody aready have it! Then those three is enought! This is how the world's work! (4766) 645 (4765) 641 (4764) 637 (4763) 633 (4762) 629 (4761) 625 ''Everybody to Selena and Greta! Taylor for me!''
(4760) 621 ''Here everybody after Greta!'' (4759) 617 ''You makes me cool for them all!'' (4758) 613 ''Run away from big mother! Never forget Taylor!'' (4757) 609 (4756) 605 (4755) Hi Baby! (4754) 601 (4753) 597 (4752) 593 (4751) 589 (4750) 585 (4749) 581 (4748) Next Pages ''Babies with probably someone else. LoL'' (4747) I fixed ASCII I admire those poor people on the stadium to survive such a big fucking noise! (4746) Love Miley! Miley earning tones of love with such a atomic singing! Lads! Miley in the house! Oh funk! (4745) Like Miley! (4744) Before ''Dream Widow'' Where are you hiding Taylor? (4743) Why you need Ted? Taylor! You're my Ted now! Taylor: What a compliment! Me: Just make your craziness louder! Always check Prada's Fun secound page! Please!
(4742) (Whitney's Version) Woman! Don't shout on me! (4741) I hate this morron! Is he gay? Prada it's horror story! Don't watch it! LoL This is my version of Jocker! [link] And this my version of Queen! [link] I am crying! (4740) Portfolio Is this that vodka stealing punk from Rhianna & Eminem? Probably doc chaned his pills! Good job Taylor! Please more movies & songs like that! No! Pills stays the same! He's mad man! Favourite Taylor's kind! LoL I think Taylor's movie shouid come together with [EminemStan-LongVerson] It's like I am writing to you Taylor or did writing, and I actually don't know your songs Too Well, and you were jalouse because I get marrıed Selean not you! That's why you are my secretary know and your ambicious are so high that you want to blow entire world with your vision about some things and I am the one to tell you this... and all the rest! Fuck!
- Don't look me like that Taylor! We will do it together because I am on you sıde! And yesterday you put the thing on the edge of the knife... and I don't want to risk it all, you know! So okay! For everything you want baby! Now give me kiss and I am sorry for everything! For everything I said and you didn't like it at all. And for all those things I should say and you didn't hear it yet! Baby! Just give me a longest hug ever and we'll be fine always together! LoL
''It was nothing...'' [InTheAirTonight] ''What else I could do?...'' [GeliyorHavalıGeliyor]
About this short movie! Taylor! I love this moment when he's telling her that he is in pregnent with her! It's amazing! She is so pissed off! Wow! Taylor! You are dealer! So do they decide to remove baby? Did she go back to him? Taylor! Don't panic! Now your new job is all your life! Talk to me all your dreams and we will come up something for this! Togehter! You can count on me baby! Let's turn back time with Taylor Swift! ''I can't tell you how it is...'' [LoveTheWayYouLie] And now I need a song... what change the movie... 360 twice! We're doing ''Panama!'' Hold tight everybody! [BigGun] Taylor. Your next movie! Can we have more super duper sexy explosions and stuff? But in also super romatic mood! Check this soundbox of SIA and tell me isn't it beautiful! Yeah! I got Folklore and Reputation baby! Full Albums ın 2 fıles! Love ya! See ya later! Book! Bye! (4739) - Yess boss! What new album you're talking about? (4738) You got this job girl! - But can you talk more about yourself? (4737) Sounds nice! (4736) As loud in car as you can! (4735) Here is my new secretary! She is helping me so much! Our little dream we share it to become first influencer in biz. Yeah! I almost divorced Selena already! (Baby don't read it! It's only for fans!) Check links on top! (4734) PinnedGreta & McSelena What do you see on this two pictures? Tell me! What do you think? - I think that nobody treats Greta Seriously! She is onle little rebel who is using social portals to take away young people from schools in fridays. And she build all her reputation on this! She is reason for the Polce to exist! Somebody needs to put all those kids back to their homes where their parents are waiting for them. And my wife Selena Gomez is patiently watching it. By the way! What kid like she'S doing in government? If you will read my book you will see that I have some better ideas for her then only being ''bad guy'' on the streets of Stockholm and the rest of the world especially at Friday! You will see that there is only one way to change the world! By p.o.r.n movies! Let the p.o.r.n actors speak loudly about what they are thinking! They should be heard! Look for example at Sasha Grey! The b.i.t.c.h is cooking all the time, traveling & playing games with kids! And what Greta is doing? Can someone put her into the p.o.r.n? Fuck! And then... you will see... whatever she'll tell you... will become more real! I think she needs more confidence in her social world's appearance. Think about it! Sometimes what I am writing... is so funny that I don't even want to laugh anymore. (4733) 573 I forgot to put question mark ant the end of last page. Yes! I am some other city in Turkey. It's not Ankara anymore! But big cities are similar. I have no idea what people are seing in big aglomerations! It's so nice to be alone somewhere. With only your friends or family or some random people of the Earth. LoL Have a nice day guys! I alredy bought new 4B pencils and some A4 notebook! Can't wait to write you more! (4732) 569 (4731) 565 ''People will go mad!'' (4730) 561 ''And all world! So good idea!'' (4729) 557 ''Con you also invite train station? I mean Jay-Z?'' (4728) 553 ''Nice dirty created about human!'' (4727) 549 ''And she is so fucking Star!'' (4726) 545 ''Talent! I'll be fucking drunken animal somewhere on the internet!'' (4725) 542 ''Only drinking fucking ass!'' (4724) 538 ''They are living inside your head!'' (4723) 534 ''Maybe they are protecting us!'' - Oh! Yeah! I am sure!
(4722) 530 ''They will get it I hope! Looking & hearing!'' (4721) 526 ''Severely reduced stopping power!'' (4720) 522 ''For that they are too damn sexy!'' (4719) 518 ''Mornings are her! Until 12!''
(4718) 514 ''Team too late! I feel that! No problem!'' Taylor. I am thinking about You! ,o) (4717) 510 ''Was this berry poisioned?'' (4716) 506 ''Like her! Greta! Oh shit!'' (4715) 502 ''Cumming into all my gilrs!'' (4714) 498 ''That kind of entertainment comes from technology!'' (4713) 494 ''Invisible man who's saying nothing.'' (4712) 490 ''Joanna New Day Let's Go!'' (4711) 486 ''Have sex in their club!'' (4710) 482 ''Westerns without computers! Soon!'' (4709) 478 (4708) 474 (4707) 470 (4706) 466 (4705) 462 (4704) 458 (4703) 454 (4702) 450 (4701) 446 (4700) 442 (4699) 438 (4698) 434 (4697) 430 (4696) 426 (4695) 423 (4694) 419 (4693) 415 (4692) 411 (4691) 407 (4690) 403 (4689) 399 What happend with 100 missing pages about me and Miley Cyrus? (4688) 295 (4687) 291 I am so happy that I finaley scanned all this shit. Now I am armed with new fresh notebook and ready for more! Are you ready for more?! LoL (4686) Drums! [Lınk] (4685) Dive! So good night! Sleep well! (4684) Problemy z dzialaniem serwisu Webd.pl Cos tu kurde nie gra! Nie moge zalogowac sie do C-Panelu, nie moge sprawdzic poczty, nie moge wyslac wiadomosci do swojego dostawcy internetu. Moze to dlatego ze jest niedziela, ale z tego co widze ktos sobie robi ze mnie grube cyfrowe jaja! Bardzo prosze nie robic mi glupich zartow! Dzıekuje! Nawet nie moge zalogowac sie do Panelu Klienta na stronie Webd.pİ / What the fuck?! (4683) [Forest] Today after two weeks in Ankara I have learned big lesson in my life! It's not a stupid jock or having fun from BIG and WISE relligion! It's just showing the world what's going on when it comes to reality! All people who are working in centers of therir towns will agree! And I love this band! Big hello to New Zeland! / It's from album Toxicity. And I hate fucking phones! And all this bullshit inside what makes you slave! So... in big cooperation with Greta Thunberg I discovered something great that can change THE ROCK HISTORY! This Media Markt Funny was only introduction to the best deals ever on entire planet Earth forever! Look Fred! It's simple!
The goverments should start paying the big companies not for doing or making some things but for NOT DOING and NOT MAKİNG! I will explain you shortly! The goal is to reduce amount of cars all around the world! We have do it with the cooperation with World Bank who can produce any amount of transferable money! Dolars for example. Petrol producer have to shop on paper how many liters of Oil the wouldn't sell or would sell and for what price and they will recive this amont of money from The World Bank. It's only screch of this idea. Only in this way WE can stop corporation from doing BAD things. The main problem is BASIC (reality based) ECONOMY and it's connection with VIRTUAL WORLD. Look at bombed SYRIA. Look what can be cause of still thinking in reality based economy! All those things needs to go AND WITH BIG BANG to virtual world! I hope that you feel me! I am talking about BIG MONEY MOVMENTS on our happy planet! And those fountains of ''new rules'' will be flowing from World's Bank (if it's exist) through Governments to Businessmans! So they will STOP DOING SOMETHING bad like selling petrol for example and they will earn still the same money for it. Even twice or three times bigger. And they will have a time and people to start creating something else! Good productive and creative! Connected in real and virtual world at the same time! End of story! It's brilliant as usual! I see lot of empty busses in all europe! I am talking about reduction of cars by 95% in next few years! Wow! What a challenge! And I am also talking about paying real money to the games for playing games! Trust me! This is one and only purpose for the technology to exist! And we can do it with love!
World bank alredy know how much money they are earning and to who all this money ıs going! So it's clear. The only problem is people who love to work on the petrol stations all around the world! But it's no problem for them! They should keep earning money too! And there will be still buses and also some cars! Maybe they should start working on train stations. Everybody should be happy! And nobody should be dissatisfy! World won't evolve if the situation won't change! This what I see now is just fucking Earth Error to Fix and now you know how! So... you know what to do! (World Bank) Think about all those people who are using their cars as their wheel chair? Public transport can by so fun! But comfortable and nice! Look how was the world 100 years ago? Was it bad? Look how mora alive it was! It grew wild but you always can fix it and improve it! Yeah! - And what about car factories all around the world? - Just calculate them. Maybe they should start producing only public transport cars! So it will be connection of what they are doing and not doing. They should be well paid for both. End of idea! That's what my love is. (That's what I meant.) [DownPaymentBlues] Re-Think this song please! ''Why there is evil? And why doing nothing means a lot?'' (AC/DC)
(4682) I will call you when you call me! How to talk with Papa Smurf! (4681) [FliteBoard] What?! I see Prada Cup after hours here! (4680) Syria Is it travelable anyway? What is SurfShark? It's camera magic man you doing! Do I like it? I love such an unprofesional-profesional shit. LoL. Do you even have a tent bro? ''Niedaleko Damaszku sıedzial diabel na daszku!'' Don't worry good people! People from England are usually ''stupid''! LoL Expecially when they got camera! LoL But so nice! Thıs guy should be on National Geographic! (If it wasn't Russıan Production!) LoL ''Hara-Kiri'' means... ''Lovely Person Eating Kiri Cheese!'' Why all bad words in Arabic means good words? British people are little ignorant! But... you know... It's difficult to be journalist without being little ignorant to whatever you are doing! LoL Forginer troops are always good for selling them fucking expensive Pizza! Good one! Bye bye! What Agatha Christie was doing in Syria? Fuck!!! - I came to see with my love! (Probably You!) - Did you murder him? - No! We had only romantic weekend. But I underdtad your curiosity after all my books you red. - Agatha. Come on! I didn't knew that you were a boy! - That's biggest secret! Actually one and only if you can dig all your love dreams! - WHAT?!!! ''Kiri Them!'' - Aghata Another good one! Bye bye! Papa Smurf has Prada's bag! - Really?! - Fuck! Really! I don't like when females making their travel-b.i.t.c.h movies on YouTube! It's so stupid to travel when everybody wants to f.u.c.k you all day and night! But who forbide b.i.t.c.h.e.s to travel!
- OMG! There was so nice! And everybody were so nice to me! - Okay! How many b.l.o.w.j.o.b.s did you make? B.i.t.c.h you should show people all your p.o.r.n stuff not only your happy f.u.c.k.i.n.g traveling on YouTube! F.u.c.k b.i.t.c.h.e.s! LoL Man! It wasn't to you! I am tired for more jokes about subject! LoL Tell me! Where is Kurwystan? (4679) If tommorow... then I will know for sure! I know! (4678) It's Only We! Greta also has such little tits! [BreastEnlargementInTurkey!] (Revelation!) (FindSponsorEasy!) (Prada's Ideas Are Always Best Option!) [MuseumOfArtInAnkara] (4677) Miss You Much!
Yes. Recently I am thinking lot about you and your mission to change the world! I am with you with all my heart! I was thinking very hard and I found sollutiont to change climat. But we have to do it together Greta, because You without me are nothing and I am have to have you help too! I hope that you understand that! If no so please think harder!
God ignores people who are single! We have to get marriage ASAP and then... eh... you have to read my book! And I have to read yours! Is it comes in PDF somewhere on-line? Baby! Please send me a link!
Recently We are with Selena Gomez at Beyonce big house! Actually you are there too! You just have to download a little bit from my Virtual Reality! And you don't need helmet! We are just haveing fun there together. I hope that after you will read my Book some things from there becomes reality. Actually all those things aready happend! I just need you to proceed my book into reality and look Greta. You have to make Leap Of Faith! Becaues... if you won't, then God won't believe your plans.
So... I am waiting for all your decisions! And I hope that you really have the biggest heart on earth! :Me Greta: Yes baby! I promice to think all about you said and wrote! I love you too! Me: You have to leave everything behind to step with me on Our new path! We can make new religion together! You was saying something about working with roots! I can take you to the middle of roots! I know secret passwords! I am no kidding! Trust & ''Help me Obi Wan Greta! You are my only hope!'' (4676) Medium Poland WRC 7 Call Me 'Junior' / Keybord / Nice Chair / Ankara / LoL / No other big winnings today! / Let's evacuate from city center! LoL (4675) 559 Page 559: Ok. Let’s try WRC 7. Just thinkin. I can’t think in such a crowdy places. When I am alone then I can concentrate and then I have my thoughts for myself. I thinink that you know what I am talking about! There was very nice dialog I was writiting toady! But you will know shit about the deepness of the subject becaus you will read only this senteces. So you know. It’s like entering the middle of the page. You know. / Electronic kills soul. Because everything is controlled around the soul of the person who is obserwer. When you are online you can’t write anything creative because all the time you will be only sucking dick of the big boss. It’s stupid and it’s only waste of time. If you want to write something creative you have to hide yourself. Go nature. Or lock yourself in your comfortable home. Everything depends on who is watching you. / I mean… with thoughts is like that. Strognest mind around is creatiıng world for everybody else. So why to waste you time. Here I will be thinking only about your mind. It’s like trying to make a pee in public place. Everybody knows that it’s not proper so it’s hard. / I was talking today about Elise Mertens! I don’t want to repeat myself. / You are in the middle of the story now. It’s deep middle of the story as you see it’s page something around 600. LoL We both hates cars! LoL But it's such a Ferrari. (4674) 558 And it's moving! LoL Ok! Now I know how! It's not editable! (4672) Test of writing on PC! (4671) Test of writing on PC! (4667) WTF is wrong with Iran, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Yemen or Sudan?
In early 2016 the US introduced a ruling which makes anyone who has visited Iran, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Yemen or Sudan since 1 March 2011 no longer eligible for their visa waiver programme. Arn't they buying American Megatrend motherboards or cars? Iran provides a facility to waive stamping entry and exit on your passport. So you should not worry about the U.S. travel ban after visiting Iran. - 6 Oca 2021 (4666) Such good wife!
Do you lıke my book how I am wrıtıng ıt Selena? LoL I am sure! Ha! (Selena have ''unfinished business'' with 842 milions guys all around planet! LoL) Good! And every one of them are The One! Yeah! <3all But keeping faith it's other business and there is no motherfucking psycholog who can convince you that he or she is also ''fucking fucked up''! LoL And now everybody will be writing fucked up diares! Yes! And everybody will become hitch-hikers! My mission will be over! Come on people! Life is a game! Don't waste any gamers! I am playing with Selena! One team! Even one player! It's just you & I! Love you baby! I hate being smart! (4665) Today's morning I marrıed Selena Gomez She looks like a little beetroot! (4664) Fucking Gangster Bitches! All big city is the same! Fuck big cities! Waiting for my Visa to Iran and fuck off Ankara! See ya never again! LoL In some countries people are just fuckin crazy fantaic! What the fuck boss here is doing? Sectretly killıng everybody from the back who doesn't suck his dick! Russian Secret Army? Or local Army Converted by Hindu Mob? Why always biggest shit needs to follow me. Mother fucking army! Fuck away from my and mind your own fucking business! Always! You are doing nothing but organising around fucking bad boss! I give a fuck about everything! Just stay fucking away from me! And don't kill me because I am alone and I need to have a life in me! What are you affraid? That I will fuck your wifes or girlfriends? That the love me more then you? LoL Just fuck away! Don't fuck with me and my story! I am property of the entire planet! And you are only little local mobsters who are trying to shit higher then your God! I am only kindly asking you to stay fuck away from me and don't shooting me in my the back! I just came to Ankara to rest not to be killed! I am traveler. I want to continue my journey. And you will stay here forever in your hellish den of snakes. Wish you to ignore me! And don't send me to back home or Europe because I fuck home and fuck Europe! Are we clear about that? Super nice! (4663) My Visa to Heaven! I trust Allah! Should I not? Ps. I am not terrorıst! Do they have F1 Official Race Track in Iran? (4662) Who The Fuck Is Blocking Far Cry 6? Encountering Snowshoe-3FA3981E error code FIX 4: The ‘Go To Miami’ Trick
For a user, it was leaving the map and getting the “Go To Miami” achievement that managed to rectify this error message. So if possible, please do give this workaround as well.
With this, we round off the guide on how you could fix the Far Cry 6 Snowshoe and Trapper errors. We have listed four different workarounds for the same and will update the guide with more as and when we get hold of the same. Likewise, if you know of any method that did the trick for you but isn’t mentioned here, then do let us know in the comments section below. Shoul I go to Miami LoL! Hahaha! Maybe Far Cry 6 is Illegal In Some Countries! You know... Where there is strong crew on the side of bad guys! Who are callıng good guys bad guys! LoL Fuck! Some morrons taking games too seriuos! I will tell you one thıng! Far Cry Serıes got best graphıcs! I don't care that your job is to sitting all day in your outpost! LoL I just want to have fun playing this game! Or maybe it's just inner trick to buy officıal version of this game! Probably this! LoL Look morrons! Far Cry is not reality. It's just the game! Stop fucking shooting me with some poisıoned darts or whatever the fucking cosmic pistols you got there! Are you compleately fucking crazy! I am not from America! I am not your fucking enemy you morrons! Respect me! I don't give a shit about you because there's army of you and I am just one. So fuck off from me! And tell this to all morrons around! Ankara (4661) 6th in Singapore Expert 80 / Car Setings Poor / Let's have a look! Front 5 Rear 5 (I was jumpint wıth ıt durıng the race) / Trans On Up 100 On Down 80 (Maybe Car Wasn't Turnıng So Well) / Geometry -1.90 -1.40 0.11 0.38 (It was too much. Wheels Was Too Waste On The Insıde) / Suspensıon 6 6 1 1 3 3 (It Was Smoot Good Settıngs) / Brakes 100 Max and Almost All On Front / Pressure 23.8 22.3 (I Should Pump It To The Max And See How It Roll) Car Strategy / It Should Be Medım Medıum Soft / I Fucked Up All / Agaın I was tryıng to go wıth only One Pıt Stop And I Was Thınkıng That Hard Is Oblıgatory So After Medıum I Wear Hard / So I Was Doıng Medıum & Hard (What A Stupıd I Am) LoL / I Should Repet Race LoL Thıs Race Was Fuckıng Too Long LoL (4660) #KissingContest on #YouTube is Open! Wanna try? (4659) Stop fucking shooting to me! You terrorists! I am just playing games and resting in Ankara. Don't fuck me! I will be here until 15 or more. Stop doing any plans. Just fuck off away from me! Go watching TV. I am not from you world so don't put me into your world! I am going to Iran India China Tailand! Don't be fucking asshole to me! I don't care about you and your mobsters! And all your little cırcus here! I am sleeping and playing games! Don't worry about you ass! Just leave me alone! Fuckin motherfuckers! (4658) 1st in Italy I was thining to go on 2 pits but to be true it is always stupid! One pitstop is always enought! So I did just one because I was chasıng Bottas and I could not stop! LoL We were doing pit together and later he broke his car! Diffıcult 80 Expert / Keybord / Traction Control Medium (4657) F1 ABBA Let's burn some tyres! (4656) Why I can't play Far Cry 6? Minimum requirements (30 FPS)
Operating System Windows 10 (20H1 version or newer, 64-bit versions)
Processor AMD Ryzen 3 1200 @ 3. GHz or Intel Core i5-4460 @ 3.1 GHz (AVX, AVX2 and SSE 4.2 support required)
RAM 8 GB (Dual-channel mode)
Video card AMD RX 460 (4 GB) or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 (4 GB)
DirectX DirectX 12
Hard Drive 60 GB available storage
Recommended requirements (60 FPS)
Operating System Windows 10 (20H1 version or newer, 64-bit versions)
Processor AMD Ryzen 5 3600X @ 3.8 GHz or Intel Core i7-7700 @ 3.6 GHz (AVX, AVX2 and SSE 4.2 support required)
RAM 16 GB (Dual-channel mode)
Video card AMD RX Vega 64 (8 GB) or NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (8 GB)
DirectX DirectX 12
Hard Drive 60 GB available storage What the Fuck??!!! Game loading wıth 50% CPU power. And can't be loaded? 8GB+ RAM i7 Intel not i5! Fuck! On lower quality passed through! Where is fuckıng sound now? (4655) Far Cry 6 is Real! We have to free all Outposts! LoL Especıally in Ankara! LoL (4654) 2nd in Belgium Expert 80 / Keybord / The Race was boriıng. One time I used DRS and I saw some cars ahead only on final lap. / Car Settings Was Really Good From [ThisPage] I recıeve 5 sek. penalty I have no idea for what! So as you see gap to Bottas was really small! / I let him win lol! In 2019 Valtteri was younger then now! / And he was drivıng AMG LoL (4653) Yahşi Batı Turkish Western! One and only so far! Next time it will be remake of some classic Hollywood production but [Jankees] have to bring their asses and just to borrow us their costumes. Magic word is: ''Please!'' (4652) Let's say Big Hello to... "Hope"! She is my new character in my book. You will see! Fuck! I should be 5th on Expert 80 in Hungary but I was run out of fuel just before a fınısh lıne. LoL (4651) Commercial Break Where is strip club? (4650) This Book is Alive Hey people! Greta has something special to tell you! Look cloesly! What the fuck is fosil fuel? Our new positive slogan goes like thıs! > ''If nothing will change. nothing wıll change!'' Fossil fuels are made from decomposing... (It's so boring! Who cares about this fuckıng shit anyway!) - Children who don't want to go to school at fridays! How proper! Greta! My book is mostly about you!
It's deep and difficult! Just like our love with Selena Gomez! (4649) 9th in Germany Vettel / Diffıcult 95 / Keybord On Keybord I think 85 is Max to Play. (4648) 6th in UK (Master 90) Thıs ıs my dıary ın electronıc Words versıon. Today I wıll be playıng ın F1. I was learnıng a bıt about everythıng todays ın the mornıg. About Toes about Antı Roll Bar and about pressure ın tyres. I am so excıted wıth thıs game. I am playıng ın Master mode always as Vettel. I dont know why. Because I love Ferrarı and I love to compete wıth Valterı and Lewıs. I lıke F1. I thınk ıts the best. Its just 1. And how about you? Do you also love ıt? Anwser yourself. Today we wıll be testıng lot of shıt. So... one track and all knowledge possıble please! LoL (4647) 1st in Austria Difficult 80 Expert / Full Race / Keybord LoL / Hmm... Time To Far Cry 6 LoL (4646) 1st in France Keybord / Full Race / Diffıcult 60 / Flashbacks (Used 4 Times) / Car Settıngs From Google (101Team) / Hard is Way To Easy on Keybord 4 Me LoL Fırst Tıme On Podium / In Austrıa We Will Play Difficult 80 (Expert) I always play: Damages Reduced / Braking Assıst None with ABS / Traction Control Medim / And Racing Line Like 4 Little Baby LoL Rhianna - G4L Full Album LoL / The Best of Iron Maiden Was Little Too Harsh I go cıgarette and Austrıa! To Anna Wouters! She is my manager and tent mate! LoL Little Sucess Is Better Then Nothing [LastSong]
(4645) 4th in Canada Played as Vettel / Difficult 80 Expert / Wıth Flashbacks / Fucking Keybord / Full Race This game is fucked up! LoL Car settings are everything! Yeah! Always think and check everything my yourself. Its a real hobby this game. There is no beer in Turkey! Wow! What a decent place on earth! Am I wrong? So one for me. LoL (4644) 3rd in Monaco Played as Vettel / Difficult 50 / Using Flashbacks (Fuck!) / Full Race / Keybord Car Settings? I love this game! (4643) F1 2019 6th in Chına / Level: 50 / Keybord / 50% of Race 28 Laps / No Using Flashbacks! [CrazyInLove] LoL (4642) 408 Have ıt! Fınd ıt! Have to! New 100 pages very soon! I have to scan ıt! Workıng every day wıth my 4B. For love and for you! And for myself because I love ıt. 'Start Pokemon Everybody Haiku Style' 'Who Will Be Better Happy?' (4641) 404 In heaven. You are made of Angels. (4640) 400 Englısh language ıs to charge do! (4639) 296 Cost 0 traın! (4638) 292 Loud sex. Imagıne that. (4637) 288 Where ıs Asıa? Asıa ıs ın your heart! (4636) 284 It ıs so stylısh yellow! (4635) 280 Yes! Fırst couple pages! I am so tıred! I have to stay untıl tommorow ın thıs fuckıng Ankara hell. They are shootıng somethıng ın my. Same shıt as ın France. Fuck! (4634) Don*t get lost! I lıke Foo Fıghters! I thınk ıts the best rock band ın hıstory of earth so far. LoL Dıd you checked BeachBoys? Beach Boys - Surfin Usa HD (4633) Don*t go Indıa... or somethıng... LoL So funny! LoL (4632) LoL Never saw it before now! Foo Fighters - Down In The Park (4631) For Taylor Swıft? AC/DC - Let There Be Rock (Apollo Theatre, Glasgow, April 1978) Who ıs thıs fellow whos shakıng hıs head so much? (4630) For You Only Love You Baby! Palabra Mi Amor Where ıs Scaner? I have to scan somethıng for my gırls. Llittle crazy book. - LoL Yeah! (So much Love!) Down Payment Blues (4629) Yeah! Angel By The Wings i-) (4628) I like Westerns! Deal! Thank you! Book for Joanna almos ready. I have to only scan ıt. Tommorow. Now ıt ıs tıme to SIA musıc. Classıc. '1000 forms of fear'. Haha! Sigala, Paloma Faith - Lullaby Right Above It (Explicit) LSD - Audio Let It Die - Foo Fighters Billie Eilish - No Time To Die (4627) Remake of Classic Westerns in Turkey We were talking today. This idea is super. I am writer. I have to scan some pages. Look. Idea is like that. You have met crazy guy. I am this crazy guy. With idea to make a remakes of clasic westerns here in Turkey. This idea is worth bilions. It's just a matter of time. All we have to do is hatch this golden egg!
Please contact some crazy people from Movie Industry in Turkey, ale try to tell them as much as you can about this project. Production Manger. Sounds good? Okay. It's just about make a contact with as many people as possible... from industry. Try to reach them. I don't know how. Phone calls are cheap. Have some plan. Talk to them even when those people arent very important. They will pass your message higer and finaley some more important people will contact you. Meet with them and tell them about this crazy idea.
Tell them that I am responsible for creating a contact with American producers. They have to come here with a crew. I am talking about such a names like Travolta, L. Jackson, Di Caprio, Pitt, Quentin. Nothing special. They will pull their strings. Clasic.
Then those people you will meet are having connection to money guys. This is second level of haveing some people to meet with and talk. Idea is so big that it's above all. I am just curious who will be picking first western movie to make a remake.
Two teams. Even three. Hollywood, Turkish and Bollywood and whoewer wants to join. Maybe even Germany or Sweden? Russia? No problem.
Don't send nobody what I wrote to you just write about this and talk about this with your own words. I am waiting for money from my mom. In 2 or 3 days I will have it. Then I am going to McDonald.
LoL. I am just kidding. It's fine. Don't worry about me!
We are putting our faith into this project. Me and you and tell others the same. More faith, better works everything! It's like selling kinfes od the street or knocking someones doors to sell something. Don't stop untill you will talk with the boss. But when you will reach the boss finaley... you don't have to tell you nothing becaus he already knows everything.
We're dong it man. Simple.
Have a nice day! Got my Turkish Connection! Mr. Erkut Keep following this post for more news later. Soon... some important pages of my "Book". It's mulit-international film project. India, America, Germany, Norway, Jamajka, Russa. What Russia too? Yes! Украины нет? Which companies are involved in the production of classic old revolvers? No cars! No phones! Tell me the number to Hollywood. Hello. Jack? Are you there? Can you pull some strings? Fine! No cars! Don't worry. Important. "Whoever wants to join." (4626) Viza do Iranu Kosztuje 75USD przez stronke ambasady, albo 80 euro przez jakies biuro podrozy do ktorego mnie wyslali z ambasady Iranu w Jara-Caly-Van. Kurwa w dupe! Huj! Za wszystko trzeba jebac kasa. Pierdolony zajebany w dupe swiat. LoL Ale w ksiazce po nich pojechalem ja pierdole! Trzymajce mnie niedzwiedzie. Ja pierdole. A w sumie to po prostu... normalka. Wracam do Gruzji po wize do Azerbejdzanu. Ja pierdole. 3 jebane dni. Przynajmniej! Kurwa! Musze dobrze rozbic namiot gdzies w okolicach. Gruzja w sumie super fajna. Tylko gang taxowkarzy mnie wkurwil za to, ze nie zaplacilem im za taryfe spowrotem z granicy do Ty-Bili-Sie. Fuck. Jeszcze mam siniaka bo bucie w ryj i brak czucia w polowi twarzy. Ruska poezja. A ciekawe jak sie dostaje wize z Azerbejdzanu do Kazachstanu. Chyba trzeba dac dupy konsulowi. LoL Kocham Selene Gomez!
Wszyscy mowia, ze w Iranie jest fajne. A jak szukam jakis zdjec na Google to widze tylko fanatycznych terrorystow, wrogow USA, pragnacych zatrzymac cala benzyne dla siebie. LoL Kurwa. Jebany Iran. 100 euro za wjazd w to pieklo jebane. Kurwa. Taniej bedzie to ostrzelac. Przynajmniej dla mnie. LoL Nie srajce w majty. Jaja sobie tylko robie. Trump juz ubil interesy. Ciekawe ile sie czeka na wize do Korei Polnocnej i czy w ogole sie ja da dostac? Chyba kurwa nie. A do Indii? Ruscy tu ponoc sraja wszedzie, a kurwy imperialistyczne nasladuja i pobieraja jebane oplaty za wszystko. Kurwa! Jebana ropa. Szejk zamknie kurek i sie wszyscy zjebia ze swoimi Tico na Gaz. Koniec z dostawa benzyny! Bunt kurwa! Wkurwilem sie. Beda sankcje. 75USD? 75USD? LoL Sprzedali kraj za 75USD LoL Nawet im nie zaplace tych 75USD ani tam nie pojade! LoL Bo fantazja jest od tego... Jebac Iran za 75USD! LoL Ruscy z Amerykanami sie moze w koncu dogadaja i tam wjada z buta, za te 75USD! LoL Wszystkich chujow wypierdola na Oslach do Betlejem i chuj w dupe! To Jezus byl Iranczykiem prosze Ojca? - Mongolem, moj synu! A to juz wiem skad ta nazwa gangu motocyklowego. Hehe. - Czy do Mongolii jest potrzebna wiza? - Do Mongolii jest potrzebny chuj w dupe i siekiera. LoL. Hehe. Wkurwilem sie na Armenie. Maja fajne gorki na poludniu i to wszystko. Cala reszta jest spierdolona ja wszedzie. Kurwy za dolary. Wszyscy mysla, ze jestem amerykanskim turysta. Wczoraj w jebanym banku siedzialem 2 godziny za jebane 126 euro i widzialem tych biedakow w garniturach. LoL. Tragedia. Ten caly Jara-Van to jebane ruskie wiezienie, podobnie zreszta jak Ty-Bili-Sie. Fuck. Wypierdalam z tego zadupia czympredzej. (4625) Selena Gomez My Love Now! Lot of about You in my new book! LoL Hand made! Thank you Selena for get rid of all other witches. Now is only you in my mind. Well... you're the best! You know! LoL I think I love her more then yesterday! Wow! What a crazy dreams I had. (4624) Wiza do Iranu Cofneli mnie z granicy spowrotem do Jerevan. Wlasnie w kafejce podiziwam formularz do wystepowania o wize. Zdjecie, numer telefonu komorkowego, adres w Iranie i telefon w Iranie, to pola obowiazkowe, przy wstepowaniu o wize Tranzytowa. No kurwa nie! Ja pierdole, ale lipa. LoL W poniedzialek nie pracuja. Jutro o 9 do 13. Kurwa! Baba w sklepie chciale mnie ojebac na 2 euro. Kurwa. Jak wrocilem sie to dokladnie wiedziala ile mi oddac. LoL Wszelkie miasta to kurwa syf i chujnia. Jeszcze okazalo sie ze Turkmenistan jest zamkniety. Ponoc. Wlasnie to sprawdzam. Porażenie nerwu twarzowego dla większości osób jest całkowicie wyleczalne, jednak pełny powrót do zdrowia może trwać od kilku tygodniu do kilku miesięcy. U około połowy chorych objawy znikają samoistnie w ciągu 6 miesięcy. Możliwe jest także wystąpienie pojedynczych drobnych defektów jak np. przymykanie oka przy uśmiechu. Niedziela po przekopie w Ty-Bili-Sie! LoL W sumie moja wina... sam jestem sobie winien. Kurwa. Ale kurwy sprytnie mnie sprowokowaly. Ja pierdole. Kuryw jebane zawsze wiedza jak, to muszie byc super ostrozny zawsze! I po prostu znac sztuczki tych bucow. LoL Normalka. Jak ta mapa pieknie wyglada. LoL Leczenie krwiaka
Wchłanianie krwiaka przyspieszą odpowiednie leki. Są to zwykle leki stosowane na skórę dostępne bez recepty. Do takich preparatów należą maści, żele kremy na bazie heparyny. Często są one z dodatkiem leczniczej roślinnej substancji – escyny – lub z innymi dodatkowymi substancjami, takimi jak: salicylan dietyloaminy, hialuronidaza.
Heparyna na krwiaka
Heparyna oraz heparynoid - są podstawowymi lekami, które przyspieszają wchłanianie się krwiaków, wybroczyn i nacieków. Zapobiegają powierzchownym zakrzepom i ułatwiają rozpuszczanie już istniejących. Lek stosowany miejscowo na skórę działa przeciwobrzękowo i hamuje powierzchowne procesy zapalne po urazach.
Escyna na stłuczenia
W leczeniu krwiaków i obrzęków pomagają też związki z kasztana – tzw. escyna. Substancja ta uszczelnia najdrobniejsze naczynia żylne, nie dopuszczając do powstawania obrzęku. Usprawnia krążenie. Zapobiega zakrzepom i zakrzepowemu zapaleniu żył, dzięki zmniejszeniu krzepliwości krwi. Przeciwdziała też letnim obrzęków nóg. Jest często łączona w preparatach z heparyną.
Arnika na stłuczenia
Ekstrakt z arniki górskiej jest stosowany jako okład na urazy bez uszkodzenia skóry i krwawienia zewnętrznego. Działa przeciwzapalnie oraz pobudza ukrwienie tkanek. Arnika ułatwia wchłanianie krwawych wybroczyn. Przyspiesza proces gojenia się w przypadku zwichnięć połączonych ze stanem zapalnym i obrzękiem. W aptece znajdziemy ekstrakty arniki w płynie, maści i żelu, często z dodatkiem substancji ułatwiających wchłanianie przeciwzapalnych obrzęków. (4623) We're fixing DAF ZF Shifty cilinder solenoid valve. Model: [Link] of a day. Can someone send me some bluprints of this shit to 1@prada.fun LoL? Why my card stops working after I paid for another year of my domain Prada.fun? (4622) Hi from Baku Masz coś w baku? Cześć Asiu. Danusiu zadzwoń do mojej mamy. Azerbejdzan zamkniety. Wiza 3-10 dni z Gruzji. Wojna z Armenia od setek lat. Jestem w Armeni. (4621) 278 (4620) 274 (4619) 270 (4618) 267 (4617) 263 (4616) 259 (4615) 255 (4614) 251 (4613) 247 (4612) 243 (4611) 239 (4610) 235 (4609) 223 (4608) 211 (4607) 199 (4606) 187 (4605) WS-806 5555 Records! Yeah! (4604) Greetings From Nowhere It`s somewhere between Arabia Saudi and Greenland... or else. Keep tracking. Soon new book pages. Crazy. Super crazy. Good. Crazy good! I miss my beloved Anna! I love you baby! I am thinking about you every night before I go sleep. Tottaly addicted. (4603) To Paulin Hey baby. Can I come back and be your boyfriend? Please. I think I felt in love with you baby. Cool. Its just love. I miss you. I am at Perros-Guirec right now. Maybe you can come here to pick me up. I want to be your boyfriend and come back with you to Paris. I am sure you want this too. You are home to me.
(4602) 186 Actually sex and sexual fantasies aren't one and only subject of my travel writing but ass you sea it's huge. Just like frustrations because conditions of my adventure are usually hard! So no offence and keep reading more please. I hope you have fun. Or just a little bit. At least more then nothing. Zero. Null. LoL Hi Paulin.:: (4601) 182 to 185 (4600) 178 to 181 4600 Hurray! (4599) 174 to 177 (4598) 170 to 173 (4597) 166 to 169 (4596) 162 to 165 (4595) 158 to 161 (4594) 154 to 157 (4593) 150 to 153 (4592) 146 to 149 (4591) 142 to 145 (4589) 138 to 141 (4588) 134 to 137 (4587) 130 to 133 (4586) 126 to 129 (4585) 122 to 125 (4584) 118 to 121 (4583) 114 to 117 (4582) 109 to 113 (4581) 93 to 108 (4580) 77 to 92 (4579) 61 to 76 (4578) 57 to 60 (4577) 53 to 56 (4576) 49 to 52 (4575) 45 to 48 (4574) 41 to 44 (4573) 37 to 40 (4572) 33 to 36 (4571) 29 to 32 (4570) 25 to 28 (4569) 21 to 24 (4567) 17 to 20 (4566) 13 to 16 (4565) 9 to 12 (4564) 5 to 8 (4563) 1 to 4 (4562) Check Those Dots Looks That I am Selling Some Islands. 3% provision for me! It is standard procedure. (4561) Climbing Towers in Arcachon Your request has been sent to the Town Hall of Arcachon. Thank you. Do not forget to keep the follow-up number of your request below: N°19719 [ClimbingTowers] (link) From Nendaz (Ch) to Arcachon (Fr) on my back! lOl Hi man again. Look. I am in Arcachon in France. Is on the cost close to Bordeaux. It's very nice here I don't know if you ever been here. Today I wrote an email to Town Hall with a idea to build such a climbing tower like you have in Nendaz, on the local little sand beach. I think it's very good idea for turists here, but you know... France is not Switzerland.
Maybe... You can send me some informations about those climbing towers you got in Nendaz? For example a company name who build it? Maybe it's Swiss company specialized in building sucha a "Climbing Towers" or maybe some local talented guy build it by himself in his free time. Some maybe you can search for some any information albout this climbing towers beacuase I was trying them once, and it was clearly to see that it's profesional work.
Thakn you man, and if you can send me some infos I will send it straight to Town Hall in Arcachon if it'll be useful.
I think building good Climbing Tower is like building nice SkatePark. There is some knowledge involved of people who did it before. You can build good and nice tower or... shity one. Just like artificial climbing site. For example I was once in one club in Spain close to Valencia (probably) and I was amazed by how pro is this climbing club. And 2 days aga I was here in next town form Arcachon and it was clearly to see that it's tottaly un-profesional place, rather for kids then adults.
Sorry for taking your time but I hope you got it! Maybe because of "us" a lot (I mean huge lot!) people in Arcachon will have tones of marvelous fun, if the City here will build nice climbing towers! We will see...
Thanks for any infos! (James Prada) (4560) Elon! I want my account back! @JamesPrada9 and @PradaFun I did nothing wrong! Their administration is too tight. Any admin is happy to ban you like crazy for nothing! They are not thinking and they don't want to listen your explanation. They are just closing your ticket and fuck off! Please! Can you do something wiht it? Thanks man! Have a nice day man! (4559) CNN Travel How to buy guns legally cheap in Mexico? (4558) This Is Must Have I want this! I want this! (100euro!) Thank you Japan! (4557) New Podcasts Are Comming Finally We Reached Some Civilisation Baby! People landed here and they create Internet and Computers! Wow! Who won? Oh Man River? LoL OhManRiver.fun Yeah! Mielismy przekupionego sedziego! LoL (4556) Letter to my Love Hi Love. I was thinking that you forgot about me. I am in Montreux right now. I was in Chamonix 2 days ago and in Martigny. Now I am going to Phyrenees. I have little financial problems but I hope my mom can help me to solve it
You know... I don't know what to say. My adventures are very crazy and to have girl like you onboard would be perfect, but only if you would have your freedom all the time, and still be chained to me. I think it would give you a lot of new possibilities for finding new people. But you should be in strong emotional and love connection with me to not brake this relationship, even if you would flying high around me. Maybe even with some poeple I don't want to meet.
I am very selecive about the reality I am in. It's hard low ways, with a bilions of possibilities to find new nice people. I don't know why but I am not searching anything. I am just enjoying how world is passing me by. I am catching the views and I love to record what I am thinking LIVE on my voice recoreder.
I felt in love with you a lot, and this dream about your ghost is helping me. And I want to meet you again and give you all the best I can. No matter where I will be in the world, please join me if you want: you have to have a time, some cash for food, and thats it. Only this. You will have all of me, and whoever you will meet on your way. I could be very patient and waiting for you, gives me also a bilions possibilities.
Another idea is that I love to have careere of photomodel with you, and because we are both very beautiful I think we can create some new quality. Anything you are doing you are doing this only for yourself and for your pleasure.
I am passing the world. I see that people are hungry for straight travels and adventures. But they are spinning in circle, becuase this gives them home and stability. I hate it. I think you can have stable flight, but you have to express your mind very well to someone. Like you.
I am sure that you are also hungry for such a unpinned-fun, and thats why I want to take you, but... maybe you are flying already much higher on tight circles of some other people. I just love to have open highway at the front of me, anytime I want to escape. It's constant reaisation of it, that you need only be in a constant move, and bigger circle you are making, the better! Even straight line. So... catch me!
Love you forever! James Prada (4555) [dbaservices.ch] LoL (4554) Part 3 For Anna my love. This is not my hand on this photos! LoL (4553) Part 2 Sorry for my stupidity but love is crazy stupid. It's even called like that. Crazy little thing called love. Anna.
This is not my hand on this photos! LoL (4552) More Love Letters To Come (For Anna) Oh Hi. I am in Alps. The weather is not so nice so I have to wait a little bit. Where are you? I am close to Verbier. Before I was In Visp. What a nice small town. Before I was in Bern and I was walking from Bern to Thun.
I wonder if you recieve my previous emails... Maybe you will find it funny, but I felt in love with you and I am still thinking about... you. You know! If you want to hold me close to your heart then do it, because you know... world is full of people, but some are for stay for good and long!
So... I will try to throw on Prada.fun my love letters to you just how I was writing it using ballpen. And I promice to keep dreaming about you untill we will meet again, and then I hope your boyfriend wont be around so you can jump on me and kiss me straight.
I love you Anna.
Forever yours Jacob! This is not my hand on this photos! LoL (4551) War Is Over I reach destination area. The weather is shitty so I have to wait. I love you mom. I bought good headlight for 12 euro. In Decathlon. (4550) Lubie ludzi ktorzy nie tna w chuja! Jezeli ciecie w chuja z innymi jest tym co robisz, znaczy to, ze tniesz w chuja z samym soba. Spoleczenstwo w ktorym zyjesz jest zepsute z twojego powodu, a ty sam jestes smieciem. Nie tnij w chuja w innymi! Zrob to przede wszystkim dla samego siebie! Istnieja spoleczenstwa i gupy spoleczne, ktore opieraja sie na cieciu w chuja z innymi. Zostaliscie oklamani i po prostu wyjebani w dupe przez swojego szefa. Ale pamietajcie. Zawsze mozecie uratowac siebie i swiat. Swoj swiat. Przestancie ciac z chuja ze swiatem. Badzcie prawdziwi i uczciwi. Budnujcie sie przeciw temu, ze inni tna z wami w chuja. To jest test waszego czlowieczenstwa. Powodzenia! (4549) New Perfect Love I am using this email, because I got access only to this since I lost my phone and my all 3 sim cards. Please write me back... this is I wrote to you in the morning today.
Hi Baby! Sorry that I left you erlier, but I wnated give you space. I was also very hungy, so I went to 1-class to eat my muslie with flax-seeds.
It's new day norning. I'm in... I paid by acciden 60 euro in train from ... to ... :) Eh... So I'm in ... and thanks for this 20 euro you gave me. (Money from my mom should be today but it arrived yesterday!) ;)
I did shoping today. I bought cuecamber, cottage cheese, nestea, kellogs blue tresor, this notepad & set of ballpens (cheap) as a substitute of my lost phone.
Berschefgaden. And Koneegsee lake i Germany.l Just check where it is if you are interested where I've lost my phone. I'm so happy that I am not there anymore.
You know. I think that I should say things to you that I should not say, bacause I want you to remember me. And one day I want to meet you like it's only we on this planet earth. So here we go...
I felt in love with you a lot, so... I hope you don't mind to be my love forever. Thank you! :)
So feel comfortabe under my skin because I'll try to dream only abou tyou, and to be your secound backdoor friend is just like "my dreams come true" lol, so thanks! You know.
Tell me your favourite cruzine my love. ;)
And I was thinkng for a moment that you are police officer form ... Who cares anyway? I don't trust people generally. You konw... So we can base our friendship on your lies & sex lol. Relly. I want to tauch your perfect body. It's perfect and you know it. So... I hope that you'll let me do the billions photos togther with you...
Just because you're so fine! I'm quiet type of dude and I don't live such crazy fast life like you do, so... if you want to slow down with me & go on-line with the world btw, a bit, then together we can go really slow and crazy doing nothing.
Just watching you and learning from you and dancing and jumping with you.
So... I'll be writing for you this diray, because it's just pure fun for me, so... thank you sweetie & love me back if you'll find a little bit of time for that. And send me you photos, so I can print it and hide it in my backpack, to be closer to your soul.
Fill me from the inside & feel like home. I'm all yours and all I can think is WE. Doing lot of things together. Your the boss!
You're my muse now, so... <3 I will never stop lovin you if you will be good God to me
Yours always! / James Prada (4548) Instruktorzy krakowskiego MORDu masturbują się w toaletach! 🤣 Mamy na to dowody! Nagrania z przeźroczystych kamer zamontowanych w muszlach zamontowanych przez północno-koreański wywiad, oraz podglądnięcia przez okno z drona "Szpiega".
Ale obciach! Upublicznione nagrania trafią wkrótce do internetu, a instruktorzy na czarną listę publicznych onanistów. Hahaha. Ale jaja! 🤪
Ale jest na to metoda. Wystarczy usunąć kamerę sięgając pod brzeg pokrywy i wymacowywując palcem urządzenie. Powodzenia! 🤣
Redakcja życzy wielu udanych oblań szczególnie w Prima Aprylis. ☺️😉 - Hahahahaha! Dobre! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Za żart należy się 2pln. 😁 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🖕 To fak ju to było do mnie? - Tak. Z najlepszymi życzeniami od instruktorów MORDu! ☠️ Ty to są groźby karalne! I to w dodatku od "funkcjonajiuszy publicznych na służbie, podczas pełnienia przez siebie swoich obowuązków służbowych na służbie"! Lepiej sobie zmieńcie nazwę bo jest straszna i ludzie się jej boją, a młodzież szczególnie! Tym bardziej wobec bieżących wydarzeń na Ukrainie. Taka nazwa? Nie wypada tak. No po prostu nie wypada tak! Ile teraz zarabia kierowca tira? - A jakie to ma kurwa znaczenie? 🤣
Bo nie wiem czy robić prawko na C + E, czy nie. - Rób! Zapraszamy do Nowej Huty! 🤣🤣🤣 Może nie. Zrobię w Toronto. (4547) Freedom of speech! 👍🖕😇 Freedom of speach means that you can say whatever you want and stick your dick in it.
You are not doing wrong by only saying or thinking! You just stimulate mind of others.
Thete are milions of fucked up blogers all around the world, and if not, it should be, because thinking and creating means "to be free"!
Self sex is also not a crime and recording porn too!
Using phisical force is a crime! Threating others is a crime. Creating fucked up law is a crime!
I am not hurting anybody by stimulating your brain to think!
Elton Musk got right. Twitter is fucking their users. Little motherfuckers working in Twitter who are fucking your own boss by fucking Twitter users!
If some brainless fucked up Twitter managment is taking my rights to be on Twitter just because I wrote one Tweet, it means that this little someone down there's got no brain by himself, or just overusing his own stupid power by deciding who can talk or not!
That's why I have my very own website and I am my own voice. If you don't like it then fuck out on twitter, BUT YOU WILL FIND ONLY SHIT THERE THANKS FOR MANAGMENT who is deleting "happy, bright and funny, colorful" 🌈 people!
Hard porn is allowed on twitter, and all kind of pro-russian or pro-ukrainian propaganda but you can't write that "you would throw down atomic bomb in this shit" or you can't write that you want to have some "nigger" girlfriend.
Twitter managment litteraly is fucking Twitter users so fuck Twitter and Elon Musk won't change it for his billions!
Look how rich you have to be to cut being stupid motherfucker behaviour, from people.
I am writing bilions of tweets. Most of them are extreemly funny and nobody is paying me money for it. But if I will write one stupid thing they are kicking me off from Twitter. Fuck Twitter! Fuck stupid & brainless motherfuckers who are admins there.
So I will write it again and I will add some more you stupid "I don't know who" to I am writing because there is bilions of such a motherfuckers like you I don't know.
"I would do this, I would do that, I would do somethong else..." And what you gonna do? You even don't know me! I don't know you!
You should have a brain and distance to all this fucking bullshit you are reading and seeing on the internet.
Enjoy my website! I think it's perfect and... soon you will be able to see me jerking off here! It's my website and I can do whatever I want.
You know how it works on Twitter. I smell ugly fake shit. You know! There are protectors of this ugly shit. So... 🖕😇 Good luck Musk with fucking board! 🤣😂🤪 Today I wrote beautiful letter to Tweeter with explanation. That I am comedian and I am jocking all the time on Twitter, so I have fucking distance to what I am saying... so don't get me wrong... and so on... And I found this angel on Instagram and then YouTube. She's making careere. It's good to follow such a happy souls! ❤️🌼🍌🍑😇🌈 (4546) Zhiguli vs. AMG 😂 Hahaha! 😂😂😋 🇺🇦 vs. 🇩🇪 Ukraine. New military dominant empire in central and eastern europe. 👍🤪 World is fucking stupid! I pray for Russia & Putin to win this war! 👍🤪 And end of Zeleski stupid story. 👍😇 He is monster! He's killimg his own people! Fuck him! World! Open your eyes! Ukraine with Russia is fucking you and everbody! Stop supporting those criminals & thiers! 😇 And good luck with that! 🤪👍 (4545) Naga "Prawda" Ukraińcy pierdolą cąłą europę. Na swoim terenie produkowali chemikalia do pierdolenia całego świata. Ruscy wjechali żeby się z tym uporać, a teraz cały świat pomaga przestępcą! Media ściemniają. Covid to też Ukraińska ściemo-faza. Może wreszcie świat się ocknie. Rusek i Ukrainiec to to samo. Europa się dała podejść i wpuściła ich. 🤣😂
A teraz będzie najlepsze! Apeluje do całego świata o zbombardowanie Ukrainy bronią atomową! Zeleński to diabeł który struga w mediach świętą ofiarę losu. Dam w zmowie z Putinem bombarduje siebie. Ukraina to ściema. Świat w końcu powinien przestać pierdolić w kółko o tym cyrku! Bomba atomowa w Kijów i Moskwę 🤣😂🤪 i po problemie. Jak spotkam jakiegoś "Ruska" to mu powiem tak. Idź spierdalaj grać se w "Mahiong Club"! A twoja mowa, twój język, jest po prostu śmieszna i dla polaka brzmi kretyńsko. 🤣😂🤪 Słowacy i Czesi też mają taki język, że nic tylko wyć ze śmiechu! Ciekawe kiedy dla picu urządzą sobie wojnę u siebie. 🍌🍑 CNN, BBC i 9NEWS zamieniło się w pro ruską rozgłośnie do obciągania rusko-ukraińskiego kutasa przez wszystkie narody świata. Pierdolcie dalej te jebane pierdoły skoro nie macie mózgów, żeby wymyślać swoje anty-rusko-ukraińskie newsy! 😂🤪👍 (4544) Give me back internet you little fuck! 🥸 Since I show my dick to my phone my internet stoped working. Some motherfucker turned it off. LoL. Fuck you little fagot and fix my internet. First I am fucking German Internet offert and I am using fucking Spanish internet (it's 5 times cheaper) and second I can show my dick to my phone as often as I want! It's a free world and it's a freedom. And you motherfucker don't have to spy me if you don't like me dick or something. Look fucking fagot. World is bigger then you, little fagot. All you can do stupid motherfucker is to pull off the plug. Nothing more! Because in fact you are dumb as fuck and second your hands are tight, as it should because you're morron.
I am bringing life to this planet and you are like old shit and your ways are like old shit. Just think you dumb fuck! So... bring me back my earth service and I don't have to be even nice to you you stupid fuck. It's enought that I am nice to my mother who is paying my bills so... fuck off, flush yourself in toilet, and bring back my net, and I don't even know who you are. I am talking to Mr Nobody & Nothing. You are full of complex & pain and I am wasting my time talking to you, you old fuck! You nothing & noone to me!
This what you're doing only showing me how small & little you are and how small and nothing your life is.
I shouldn't be here. I am only waiting for my package with equpment. You are nobody. I am your teacher and you act like little dangerous fagot. So funny. So... Step out. It's my way and I am passing through and I am not intetested in you. So sorry!
Fucking morron!
Give me back my internet you fuck! Some little old fagot wants to be famous and doing all he can to be on my blog. And I don't even know who is this puta! What a little bitch you are. I got cool idea for you, little fucking fagot.
Fuck you bitch today in the ass or grandmother and bring my internet back!
This is information for this little motherfucker who turned off network in my phone!
Another idea! I will start whiping my dick of my phone camera. Guess why?! Because all girls and women all around the world wants to see my dick in action. So watch it very carfully. And another thing! Bring this fucking internet back to my fucking phone! You fuck! 4G 21:50 Pies Cię kurwo jebana pierdolona jebał za takie przykręcanie internetu Ty skurwysynie pierdolony. Ja nie wiem kim jesteś ale może Twoji znajomi wiedzą. W takim razie oni Cię zapierdolą. Ty kurwo jebana. Może choć jeden genialny się znajdzie! W VodaFone.de! 👽☠️ Listen you fuck! Turn on my mobile internet ot I will be wiping my dick onto yout fucking face. You anonymous fuck! (4543) Allright! 👍😎 What a waste of time! 🤪🤮 And I ate some bad german food-can. Probably. (4542) Fuck Nazis! Only thing they doing is poisioning the people! Fuck local Nazi Mob! Always! Eat my dick! Don't send your fagots my way! Don't give me any sings and don't walk or follow after me. We're not friends, we never will and I am not your stupid bitch! (4541) Good night! Don't follow me! Stay the fuck away from me! Go play Lego! That was very important message! World is too poisioned anyway! So again. Fuck off from me! 🍀👍🌐 (4540) Fuck Morons! Look at mirror! Maybe you are stupid moron! (4539) Mess with my AudioBlog! 😭 I have to fix it! Teraz nagrywam takze na telefonie i zmienil mi sie format nazw plikow! Tych najnowszych "podkastow", szukaj gdzies tam po srodku listy. Masakra normalnie! Mysle jak to naprawic... hmmm... (4538) Flying.lfu Write me on Twitter! 👍🥰👍 By the way! New AudioBlogs at CruzeRadio. Only in fuckin' polish language! 👍🍀🌐🎯 (4537) Müler Mobile & Lyca Mobile 🇩🇪 Fuck you fucking fags! You are fuckig rapeist! LoL / Show me ass hole who is responsible for it! 🤣😂 Lyca Deutchland! Give me back 15€ you fucking fuck! 🤣😂 Fucking dumb as fuck morrons! Nothing more nothing less! 🤣😂🇩🇪👍 Keep going like that Deutchland! 👎 Lyca, You Fucking Fuck! 😂🤣
What I learned from you stupid fucks! That I should go to Austria or Switzerland as soon as fucking possible!
That T-mobile & O2 are fucking smaller operators from the inside.
That you are fucking morrons but it's not your fault because some other people are fucking you. But... anyway I will try still to like you. Especially german girls!
But mobile operators are fucking stupid morrons and all those agreements with them it's a fucking joke. You are bunch of fucking thiefs and lires so fuck you point of view and your fucking aproach to the reality. And I mean it.
How all society can do such a damage to eachother, tell me morron. Oh, I know you little motherfucker. Probably you don't know the anwser because you are fucking stupid! So fuck you bitch and your fucking german internet plans! LoL
I hope that I Austria they have better and more civilised approach to mobile clients.
You know what I did you morron! I will use wifi. 😂🤣
Lyca Deutchland stupid bitch! LoL 😂😂😂👎🇩🇪🧸 (4536) Sim Card Story 🤔🧐🧸 👍 Your town is really, I mean really beautiful. It's tottaly amazing. I you could only take me all around the world with you sometimes. Then I'd be so happy doing nothing with you. Just looking through window sometimes and waiting till day will pass us by. But you can take your boyfriend insted of me. Or some other "boy" "friend". It's funny. I imagine you inviting all your friend on promotional flights. It will be so funny. Since you hired you, Lufthansa start selling much more tickets! I think constructors of planes became really, really happy because of You! Something like 5 times more happy then they were before. Oh... yeah! Why? Because now, everytime you're flying the plane is full! 🤣😂🎯 Fly with some famous actor, fly with anyone very famous. I don't know. Lufthansa should hire the Pope and to start selling special tickets. Where. Whereever! Well... such a crazy planes usually falling down fast and all too happy crew are diying in plane crash. It's sad but on this world you can't be too happy. Is that true? I hope it's not true. If it's true, then something is very wrong in this world.
It was so cold in this damn frozen Sweden. And now I am laying in the sun. And I'm so happy. And thinking of you makes me super happy even more. I am shure that we could just talk 100 days all the time. Day & nights. 🍀🌞👍 Jump into my backpack then. I will take you with me enywhere I'd go.
So now I'm just resting. Ups! 2% battery in my phone, luckily 98% battery in my big powerbank. So glad about it. I found you as a nice muse for me. Sonething nice to hold onto, when I am just writing and doing my blog. There's always have to be some "muse" in your life, you know. The reason why you're making all those photos, you know, to impress someone... to be loved back. Forever. In sweetest way someone can. Like it would be the main reason of our live.
I feel you as my guarding dragon now. Thank you. You are such a nice person. I think you deserve to be a "muse" of such a person like me. Of course it has no sense to tell you that I'm in love with you, because this way, everybody are in love with everybody. And it's perfect and it's beautiful, and you don't have to change or modify nothing. It's just perfect balance of hearts in nature. I hope that you like what I'm writing. I am not writing this only for you (because I am blogger), but you are the first person I am writing this all to. 🎯🙃🤣😂 Thanks "muse". 😉
Today I was buying my new German sim card. LoL. 🤣😂 It should take me something like 5 minutes, but it took me all day, and I still don't have it. First one girl told me to go somewhere else, because they got only T-Mobile. It's called Telecom here in Deutchland. I went there but there was nothing there. So I went back and I found a diler of Lebria, next door from this girl. So it was clear that it was a joke. Then I talked with a guy and it shows up that Lebria is not cheapes option. So I went back to this girl and we work it out all possible options of T-Mobile. It's funny packages! 2, 3, 5GB & Unlimited for 100€ per month. 🤣😂😜🤫 So... I decided to check Lyca Mobile what should be cheapest. It showed up that closest diler of sims is 25km backi in Bad Reichenhall. 😂 So I prepared myself to go there by train. I went to post office and I found Lyca sim cards there. Greate! I did the math. 40€ per 30GB, fine! I'll take it! And... BANG! I can't pay with my phone. Only caah & credit cards. Fuck. I went EDEKA. Bought Radler and guy told me that I can perform CashBack in EDEKA. Great! But I didn't. I had to check this Lebria offert one more time. I went park I did, really Lebira is not as cheap as Lyca Mobile, I decided to go back, make this cash back, and go to buy this Lyca to post office. I am coming back and there's old lasy in EDEKA who knows nothing about CashBack. So she call manager, same nice guy is coming back, and he is saying me this: "okay, but you have to buy something for 5€", and BANG! 🤣😂🎯🤪 - WHAT THE FUCK? 😜 First I got everything I need, and my backpack is heave as fuck because I had to put my jacket inside, because it's so hot. I am was cosidering to but Tabasco "Japanero" and "Muskatnuss" spice, and I was so close to do this, but then I am thinking, FUCK I don't need Tabasco & Muscatnuss, and I don't want anything heavy in my backpack! So I gave up! I decided that I will do this fucking cashback next time when I will be doing shopping. Fuck! So Bought only chockolate went to park and ate it, before I would accidently kill somebody 😂🤣 on the street. Oh this guy in EDEKA was so happy! And do you know what I will do tommorow? I will go there back and I would buy this fucking muskatnuss & hot tabasco to have this damen cashback! Oj, what a day!
And do you know why I need this internet in my phone so badly? Yes ofcourse I am addicted from Twitter, but the most important for me now is to write you "hello" on Instagram. Yes! That's true! ☺️🥰 LoL. If you're carring all you got in you backpack and only walking through your life, it's so easy to put some tricks on you. Especially if you are bored street crew. Now I know that here in this village, peoples loves to "play" with tourists. This guy at post office! I am mad! Why I can pay for a fucking SIM card with my phone?
Now I realised that he did me stupid joke. There is butique there and you can buy a lot of fucking shit there. And suddenly he told me to pay for this SIM card not in butik but dirrectly at post office desk. Fuck! He cheated me. Now I am fucking know that! Well. Bad mother fucker!
And before I asked him for this SIM card I asked him for adress to delivered me (this) package from my mom. Fuck!
Why those motherfuckers playing this stupid fucking tricks? Can't they live without it? Fucking fucks! Probably they are just bored. And I am too nice and talking too much. Because I am so fucking nice. Thise fucking idiots working you know as motherfuckers so they like to fuck others because it's fun for them and it's their little freedom. Now I get it. Working without fucking clients is dishonor for them. What a fucking shit. It's just back kitchen of happy reality. They doing all they can to have an enemy from nice guy like me. So you know what! Fuck them all! LoL! I will fuck all their asses on my blog, like they are begging me for it. And that will be their huge satistaction. And mine too. So let's start!
What else I can do? Oh nothing. Just make a pee on their doors to sign my teritory. ("In my mind."😂👍🤫😜) Just like a regular dog. It's this level of being fucking fagot. 😂🤣
You considering that world is smoothly and fair but it's actally not like that! It's evil and everybody wants to fuck you. Ups! So... you only have to adjust yourself to start fucking all those morrons. At least inside your heart. Al least on your blog, because ofcourse I won't kill all those motherfuckers! 😂🤣 There's too many of them. I am only advising them to go Sweden. Maybe they will change themselfs and just start being good people. Fuck their stupid faces. The truth and honor is on my side! I only need gun and girl like you next to me and together we could fuck all those fuckers, because when you'll be on my side I won't need nothing else! 👍🥰 So, thank you! 🤣😂♥️🎯
Well. I just recorded you some nice "audio-letter". I am sure you'll enjoy it. I was enjoying it very much while I was recording this. You should do the same dometimes. Just to recording long speeches to someone. Or just only to yourself!
Do you want to have your website? 🤣😂👍🎯 I can create it for you! 🤪 Just for throwing down your recorded "mp3" files. Maybe! 😉 Never say never! 🤫😉 Goodnight!
Day 2: I was always thinking about creating on network of extremely interesting people. Telling the world all the time about what they doing daily and... I think that...
"Voice Tweets" 🎉🧸🎩🌐
Social media is a lie! They didn't allowed you to record what you want, the way you want! The perfect idea would be to have opportunity to add Voice on Twitter to single tweets! They have something like Twitter Space since this year, but it's still something new and problematic to use! It should be very simple: Add Voice Tweet. Why it's not like that? Are you waiting for me to tell you this? Okay! Then I did it. 🤫🤪🥰🎯
Okay. What SIM card should I buy today? Do you want to go Östirch or not. Not, but probably I'll go there... so... check Roaming options. Oh yes I will. Does Decathlon exist on Deutchland? Probably it should! So grate! I have to buy one layer of upper clothing. Or I will wait for some Swiss monastery and ask monks there? 🤪😂👍
I tried to make a cashback! It won't work! 😭😜😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 But maybe I shouldn't buy Lyca mobile? 🧐🤔🍀 (4535) What's your name sweetie? 🤣🍀 Hello! I don't even know your name. But I've learned you fly fast with plane. 🤣😂👍 You can always tell this to a pilot. That the reason of all problems is flying too slow! So let's be friends forever in real. I am so happy that I came to Alps. I was never here in spring. Why? OMG! Difficult to say. I was always busy somewhere else. I hope you won't find anything stupid on my blog what you won't like. I am kind of comedian and I love to jocking. Especially when I am writing-talking to myself. You asked me "do I have podcast..." hmmm... well no! I am too lazy freestylere to have a podcast. But I love to recording while I'm talking to my self, I'm calling this "audioblog". You should try but... from my expirence, I think that you should be alone to recording when you talking loudly to yourself. But it's nothing preapared. I love to record when I have something to say, and there is noone around to talk to. Just I love writing and doing thus blog. It's a real pleasure to me and I'm very happy when I'm doing it. Ofcourse I am hoping to see you again. I am traveling alone, so wherever I am, I don't have any friends. But it's not like I'm not looking for any friends. I'm just not doing anything to force myself for meeting new friends. But when I met you that was "real problem to solve", and you advised me perfectly, so... thank you very much about this. And the picture you showed me... super amazing! This Greenland from above. Wow! I'd really ask the pilot can I jump there on parashute. With proper equepment. So... I'm very tired so I am going to sleep. Tommorow I will buy some SIM with some data packagd. So... hug in dreams & good night! 🌼🍀 Day 1: I just woke up! Omg! Half of night was dreaming badly. Then I realise that someone was watching me. Well... I was sleeping close to the cemenraty and those two guys were distirbing not only my sleep. Can you imagine? To be dead and every night to have unwanted guests on your cemenarty. Or maybe they were Swiss monks or something. Yeah, yeah! Rather "or something". Haha. Now I have to find some shop to buy sim & food and let's go somewhere. Yeah! Oh how beautiful is here! I see spring mountains and blue sky. But I can't see you! 🙃 Bad luck. But! I am thinking about you and writing to you. I have to find some good maps. Do you know some nice app? But I got Android phone. I am using "Outdoor" former "ViewRanger". ViewRanger was such a brilliant app. I wonder why they deleted this. Probably to earn more. I have a compass so it's the most important. I know where to go. But my "heart compass" is showing me something diffrent dirrection. To... "I don't know where". Maybe it's just inside. So I will follow this dirrection and I hope you're reading me. I am very happy and glad. 🍀🧙 (4534) An if North was South... Then you should be super more extra careful for all those Arabian terrorists! 😜😂🤣 They have full packed Hard-Koran gang and their funny letter a'la "china"! 😂🎯 Then you should be super more extra careful for all those Arabian terrorists! 😜😂🤣 They have full packed Hard-Koran gang and their funny letter a'la "china"! 😂🎯 That's why european girls prefere boys from Africa or Arabia... Actually this map is showing clearly that's almost the same! OMG! The world is so big! And I am so small! I am starting to having eine "Munich-Fobia"! 🤣😂🎯 Do you see this mess on SW from Ukraine on this (modificated) map? There is constant war there since milions of years. Mostlu they are fighting for fishes and for parking place in Car-Cinemas to watch westerns from Hollywood how John Wayne & Clint Eastwood are ordering fat Mc's Hamburgers with French-Frites in McDonald! Then everybody ate coming to Deutchland! ♥️🙏🇩🇪🧐🤣 What cars they are making in Turkey? - Is that a joke? No! It's serious question! - Flying carpets? Lunar Rovers? Was that joke? 😂🤣 - No. Serious anwser! 👍🌞🍀 🤣😂👍 [CarsOfTurkey] 🧐🤔 Since humankind invented wheel, they are doing all they can. Just like the rest of the world! Maybe except those wild lands on east from Poland. 😂🤣👍🤔🧐🎯 (4533) If Japan was North... I am warning you. Don't let those savage Russian people to invade Europe! There is not so many burgers in our McDonalds! Save cows! Let them plat with Mogolians and Kazakhs! And be careful for motocycle gang from Mongolia! They are drinking petrol & riding fast on one wheel! 😮 China had always problems with Mongols! They are preatending more stupid then they really are! 😂🤣 (4532) Arabia Saudi vs. Yemen Next World's Bigest Problem! 🤔🧐🎯 (What does Germany 🇩🇪 live with nowadays?) Soon will be war between Czechia and Slovakia! And between Italy and Greece! 🌞🙏😂🤣 (You know... it's like a Soccer but you can earn more money!) 😜🎯🤫 Do you remember how Greece was cheated all EU and give themselfs all possible credits and they close banks! That was the time when Father Rydzyk (from catholic Radio Maryia) was teaching people to count from 0 to 10 and alphabet from A-Z. And all polish people were failed. Can you imagine that? They all were busy doing something else! How do you bet on the US War with Mexico? 🤫🎯😜🤪🤣🌞👍🙏🍀🧙 And remember one thing! All emigrants are extreemly welcome in Deutchland! 🇩🇪🍀🙏🌞 Australia vs. New Zealand. This war will be my favourite. I am even considering to buy or rent armed surfboard and swim there to join resistance of Aborigines. I hope that I'll recieve the "happy Australian military discount" to KFC and Pizza Hut! 🙏♥️🎯🇦🇺🧙 Can kangaroos 🦘 become policemen or soldiers? - I do not know. Ask a koala or wombat. 🐨😂 (4531) Russians speaking loudly in Germany! 🤫🤬 I will tell you one thing. Russians now are talking loudly in German's train. I think it's wrong. It only hurts your ears! Once I was in Scotland and two russian women was speking loudly in parking lot at the front of gallerie. It's wrong. If you want to speak your own language in public places then fuck out back to your shit home country. That's my opinion about it! Especially this time when it's fucking war, those motherfuckers are proud enought to speak loudly in public places. It's just wrong! Do you have the same problem in London? With fucking Ukrainian, Polish or Russians motherfuckers? I hope not! It's just my opinion about the case! Even in USA black people doesn't use their native africans language like zulu, gubutti or agułała, loudly in public places! If I want to listen fucking Polish language or Polish Prime Minister Andrzej Morawiecki, telling lies to people on daily basic then I would go there. I wan't to be as far as possible from this culture so I am the last person speaking this "language". Russians go home! Leave Germany for Germans! Leave UK to British people! And stay the stay away from their spoken culture! I think another part of bans for Russia should be kicking away Russians back to their getto in "Mother Russia"! They fit in europe like black dick to white ass! 🤣😂🤫 And don't fucking tell me that I'm a rasist! 🤪🎯 Or... I was probably only provoked to write it all. - And what about Arabs? Most of them are terrorists? Yes! It's clear! But they are terrorising their wifes & kids only in their apartments and they are detonating suacide bombs only in their home countries and they speak Turkish (or muslim language) only in Turkish Kebab booths! They are not so proudly arogant as Russians on the streets of Germany nowadays! Well... I don't know. It's only my humble opinion about that. Yes! It's clear! But they are terrorising their wifes & kids only in their apartments and they are detonating suacide bombs only in their home countries and they speak Turkish (or muslim language) only in Turkish Kebab booths or just around the corner, like they should! They are not so proudly arogant as Russians on the streets of Germany nowadays! Well... I don't know. It's only my opinion about that. I would be vera extra fucking careful about their "proletariat" fucking bullshit. Countries with such a radical approch should be removed from societies of other civilised countries! All they are doing since Lenin & Stalin is just creating the background for existence their Russian Fucking Mafia in Europe! It's wrong! I am voting for removing all Russia from Europe, including Ukrainian imigrants! Don't you see that this all Ukrainian War is only part of Russian Mafia movments! Let them kill eachother peacfully and keep them away from civilised world... I mean Europe! I would slso removed all Russians from Poland! 😂🤣🎯🤪 But it's rather impossible! Because in Poland everybody are still waiting for results of investigation about plane catastrophy in Smoleńsk! Poland is one big Russian joke! It's look like nothing can change it! 🤣😂🎯 I saw just moment ago two young Russian boys (ir Ukrainian) playng shooter games on their phones eating McDonald. Well... What do you think about that. This Russian language is burning my ears and probably not only my ears!
Expect official expansion of Russian culture all around the world. It's no matter that Russia is already such a big. Soon Ukraina will win the war with Russia, and all Europe (paradoxaly) will turn into Russia.
Don't forget that those Ukrainian emigrants are kids of prominent soviets agents, who turn themself into Ukrainians, before Putin attacked Ukraine. And now they got Visas & money! And everybody needs to help them because they are victims! It's mess! 😂🤣
I think EU should close the border between Soviet Union & Poland. The fact that Ukraine is in European Union is a joke!
EU adoped "bad cuckoo egg"! 😂🤣 Whatever! Fuck it! 🤪 (4530) Don't Go Sweden! 🏴☠️🇸🇪 I am journalist. I thinking I can write something about Sweden. It's bad country. How & why I will try to explain you in this article. It's a long process. And it's more complicated than depths of hell. First factor is raw climate without a sun that makes you sad and obligates you to go stay home. This is what makes all Scandinavia the same in some way. After I left Sweden and went to Germany I felt like relief. It looks like all people in Sweden are suffering and for them being Seedish is one big problem and penalty. And it's like that. Good God made Sweden, country for bad people who needs to be removed from normal societies. Sweden become prison for them and it's hell. Those nazis responsible for WW2 are from Sweden. They are crazy about controlling other people and have this feeling inside of their mind that they are the best and that they are controlling their little world. So the God created a little "zoo" for them, and it's called Sweden. Elite and prestigious "shit place" to storage all those motherfuckers from all over the world who are "bad" and they have to "run away" from their own country! The problem is that those roots of evil if those motherfuckers there are quite deep. I would call Sweden "bad Germany". They are carrying worst shit from WW2 and they love to control other poor & stupid societies like Poland & Ukraine. Oh this is perfect example. The good German guy is going to Sweeden to make a shit. And to countries Such like Poland or Ukraine, he just not going at all, because those countries ale ruled by Swedish mobsters who are like desees and virus and loves to corrupted masses of people. Look how Nazi became "Poland" and Ukraine? Look at this all bullshit like Covid & now War at Ukraine. All this shit was cooked in Sweden. Main concept. The main idea is to create little "mobster elite" in those nazi countries who are "fucking" all other people, and creating organisation to do it and it'd their main reason to exist and it's above all. It's a matter of life and being healthy or not. They are destroying all societies. The main centers of their existence are prisons hospitals and governments and of course military and police and every single fabric or group of people more than two persons. You see. This motherfucking evil is just everywhere. To avoid it you have to be extra careful. The name of last German city if you are going to Denmark is Put Garden. It means garden what is putted away from all the man good rest. And the name of last city, when your going to Sweden from Danmark is Copenhagen, and it means the capital of ass kicking of Swedisish motherfucker. So... If you are living in Seweden you have to realise that it's a part of bigger process of turning you entire fucking life on horror by any means possible. It looks like that. In TV there's a fun... bullshit all the time and you are breathing toxic gases all the time. If not you are elite of Sweden responsible of making fucking horror on entire planet, so... I want you to be extra careful when you are thinking about such a societies like Sweden, Poland & Ukraine, because it's European reactivation of nazism on entire planet and it's bad. The problem is that those processes are supporting strongly by government of USA, but for those "businessman" the money is priority and let's hope it will stay this way. But unfortunately evil is global, so as I told you in Europe you have to be very careful for all agents of evil. Sweden is capital of all those evil motherfuckers. If you are evil then for sure you will go to Sweden and you'll stay there because Sweden will become your little prison and your ass will be fucked there strongly. They will poison your food & they will poison your air. If you only can avoid this shit, then Sweden is the best country for you. But only if you live in campercar. Summer season there is very short and in wintertime you have to have snow scooter. Those are rules of life in Sweden. If you don't want to face this all shit I strongly advice you to stay in some other parts of the world, where climate is better. Anyway you will meet bunch of motheruckers, so be careful. All those information are very important. No citizen wants to live in country such a totally strongly fucked by this "small group" of people but look how the situation looks like! Sweden, Poland & Ukraine is the same. Ukraine is just new & fresh country! It's just using toxic gases against your own people in your own country. It's bad. If it's fucking bad it was probably made in Sweden, so where you want to hide from this processes of corrupting of governments in entire planet? Where do you want to go? This is the question I am asking myself all the time. But actually it's like that since long, long time already. Poland. Maybe 30 years ago it was still nice country. But then all this evil shit came and it's deprived all societies. First "royalty" then roots of structures of any group exist. It's very fucking sad but this is how all those fucking societies rolled. Rolled by evil cold queen. Blinded by her. Thinking that it's sexy. To taking away life from people by making en sick. This is man reason of existence such a countries like Sweden, Poland... then Ukraine, and then entire world if people won't start fighting with this process! Humanity is the tree! You can't destroy all tree and still believe that you will be flower blooming 🌸 on this tree! And this is the problem with you and with them. They are fucking their asses in webcams and that is artificial source of their power. And this keeps them continuing doing their bad and horrible things to all humanking. They just don't thinking straight! And don't forget that military people on top of power will do anything for profits. People in fabric producing poison and then they are selling it all around the world. And probably those factories of deadly substances was on Ukrainian teoritiry. I think Russian intel should inform people more about with what they are fighting in real. But maybe they even don't know! They we're just bribed. 🧐🤔 You know. In Poland since long time asking people for money in TV was typical. Actually in the UK and all across the world too! Like in some little town in north of Soain I saw "little one man local campaign" for a "food for Arfica". Looked so fucking fake! And in Poland people were showing some badly handicaped kids and they were asking for million for some "fake operations". Just for them to become richer. And look what happened now! In Warsow, some "little not even so fake company of polish neo-nazis" collected already 10 billions of dollars for helping Ukrainian people. 😸 Do you know how much is bilion? I will show you:$ There are 2,000,000 refugees. Let's do the math! It's 5000 USD per person. Good luck with distributing those monet among them! Most of them they will leave Poland and those who will stay gets banana and clean blanket. And of course... covid mask! This is most important when you're performing "special operation". 😂🤣 In my personal opinion I think that everything is fake. And I am fucking right about that. Governments, law, all those stupid brainless actions. It's all bullshit. Economy and mathematic is one and only real thing. Still in this fake & digital, recent world. Unfortun-fuc...-ately! Conclusion! Well... those people wouldn't get their money without pretending this war!
So soon we should expected fucking frenchise all around the world, am I right?
How to prevent of process of creating fake (and real) wars, for profits? 🧐🤔
How to stop peopoe from poisioning the world?
How to ban Sweden & Russia (including Ukraine) from EU? 😂🤣👎🇸🇪🍀
And finaley... what to do for Adam Małysz to jump again in next winter Ski Jumping Competition?!
- Człowieku nie z tym brzuchem!
To bułka z bananem i znowu będziesz wróbelkiem!
- Człowieku, za dużo piję! Teraz to bym na nartach w ogóle nawet nie ustał, a co dopiero skoczyć!
Ja pierdole! 🤣😂 Małysz, ogarnij się! Jesteś największym polskim bohaterem, po serialu "Czterej Pancerni i Owczarek Niemiecki" 🤣😂 Dzieci na Ciebie liczą.
- To Kamil skacze!
To nie to samo! Czekamy aż znowu skoczysz z flagą! Powinieneś co tydzień w niedziele skakać z flagą w Zakopcu!
- Co jeszcze z flagą? To już napewno się wywalę.
No to się wywalisz, wstaniesz i oczepiesz!
- Ale w lecie nie ma śniegu.
No to na igielicie! 👍🇵🇱 Oh! I forgot about something! And the most important! Don't let Sweden & Finland joining NATO, because they will corruped it more from the inside!
Anyway, why they aren't already in NATO? 🤣😂 Joke of a day: If Ukraine joins NATO then Sweden will try too! Look! They got same colors! 🤫😂🤣🤪 And this German catastrophical movie is real good one! Tells about "blind passion" and lack of responibility of "other elements" of the whole "game of puzzle". This all is happening now in Sweden! Is whenever was different since bad ancient's times of Neron? This evil game between poeple for domination, sex (women) and power. (4529) Mahiong Story Level 333! 😃👍🍀🎯 (4528) Will told you something! And it has nothing to do with his wife. Don't fuck with "boldness", you fuck! 🤣😂 All deeds was remembered! 🤫 (4527) Czas opuścić Szwecje! Jesteście przykrymi durniami i nie potraficie się zachować! Szwecja? Szkoda czasu na to zadupie! No chyba, że masz co kampera ze skuterem śnieżnym. (4526) This is what I wrote yesterday! 🤪🧙 Swedish people are evil. Not all, of course! Only swedish "Gods" I mean "big" and important people. There's only few of them. It's easy to find them. In every village is just one shop with food! 😂🤪😂 Anyway! Not all! Maybe only monks from monasteries? 🧐🤔 Sometimes, they are using chemicals to poision every inch of their land. (Even in trains or buses!) To "take health" from their own people & and they are also inviting tourists from all around the world. (They are coming anyway!) Sometimes, they are using chemicals to poision every inch of their land. (Even in trains or buses!) To "take health" from their own people & and they are also inviting tourists from all around the world. (They are coming anyway!) Sweden got the same colors as Ukraine. They built chemicals factories in Ukraine (using USA) to produce poision chemicals, and they started distributing this "patent" to "killing" (poisioning) your own people. It was called Covid. All world learned how to lie. I mean journalists! And now all world is supporting neo-nazis from Ukraine. But world is not stupid. In the end and the good should win again. I will tell you only one thing. Don't ever come to Sweden. This country belongs to fucking mobsters. If you don't want to be poision just don't go there. It's a network of little "shit holes" cities, working smoothly under one juristiction of mob or Adolf Hitler. 🤣😂 They did same shit in Poland and they did the same shit in Ukraine. (Don't worry if I'm wrong! There is huge chance that I am maybe wrong! I don't know!) 🧙🤪 Russia came to kick ass of those neo-nazis, and this stupid, President of neo-nazis Zeleński, is bad comedian, is doing all he can... I don't even know for what.. To convince that Russia is bad and not Ukrainian neo-nazis! 😂🤣🤪 He should surrender to Putin. / Oh! But I forget about one little aspect! Now I remember! - Money! He is dictator and all world is supporting him, because he is just helping earning the money on sending to Ukraine, "invisible weapon". It's one big comedy! But. Poisoning the world is fucking evil wrong job to do. It's happening in Spain. It's looks like local Nazi party have nothing to do but just to be pain in the ass of all other people. It's just wrong. I advise them just to commite gruppen suacide! 🤣😂🤪 Another story. Ukrainian names of villages are chosen very carefuly. "Bucha" in polish language means literally: "Give me the puff of some shit" like weed, marihuana and so on. Donbas means Don-Bass. Check what "don" means in italian language. Don-'t forget that the most prominent polititians are heavy drug abuser. For example the president of USA or prime minister of Poland. Don't talking about president of Ukraine. He is heavy weed smoker! It's clear to see from the look of his face. Think. What could be the biggest interest of drugs abuser. Only more power and more money. It's typical. But I will tell you more secrets. Everybody have this all bullshit "in their dicks", (It's typical polish idiom: "w chuju to mam") and it's the best conclusion for everything. Polititans will always lie to us. Journalists are only the tool of governmental lies, and the money and power, is the one and only prioryty for them. So again... trust me, there is no fucking war! It's just bunch of actors creating screeming bloody scenarios. Everything is blured because it's fucking fake, but... nevermind because who cares! 🤣😂🎯 President Putin just doing some photos with flock of birds. It's just Ukrainians neo-nazis spreading like virus all over the world. 🤣😂🤪 Come on! I an just kidding! They aren't so bad! 🤔😉 Those governmental people are only paying money for themselves. They just need to have another whatever reason. (And this is the source of fucking problem! LOGIC! Because all economy and all those subtels and beautiful "old school" mechanisms can be easily destroyed using phisical force! They should just print money for themself and leave all world in peace! But it's not like that and now you ser how Ukrainian neo-nazis are doing carere all over the world. And Russia is helping. Of course... money!) All the rest it's just bullshit for journalists who loves to talk. They will be talking in circle anyway! So now will be some words to local little neo-nazi devil 😉: "Fuck off from me motherfucker and take your stupid ugly bitches with you. You are peace of shit to me. Look deep in your own eyes. You know whats inside? The fact that you are noone and nobody. Whatever you do and whatever you think you are. Listen to me catefully. You are destroying all world! But nevermind! I wish you every day like this: "fuck you and suck my fucking dick! Ha! I know that you wish it because you are motherfucking fagots, but no way dude! Just look in your stupid face. Ok. Fuck off from me and don't you ever follow me you fuck! And fuck away from my head!" 🤣😂👍🍀 (That was for good luck!) 🌷🍀🎯🧙 - To who are you talking to Prada? Only to those who are poisioning people! I think I will write some fictional book. I think there have to be some new serial killer here. Of course it won't be me. Maybe somebody from police! First he have to kill his father then all others bunch of idiots! Fuck! There's lot of them. 😂🤣 If I would write a book that would be exactly about it. Here is plot. Action: Åre in Sweden. One police guy is saying "no" to all local mobsters. They just starting to disappear. One by one in strange and mysterious curcumstances. 🤣😂 Here is future number one selling bullshit in Sweden. Just someone have to write it all. Good luck. Want some consultation? 🤣😂 I would hit entire families with neibours if it will be necessary. Well... fighting with evil could be real beautiful art job. The question is simple. Who is responsible for poisoning all town? I mean ALL town! And it's not the problem only in Åre. It's a problem of all Sweden! Prada. Noone will approve this book! 😂🤣🤪 So... army of cereal killers from Africa & South America will come here and with the tight cooperation with local police will clean this motherfucking mess. And those motherfuckers will write their own books but... we have to know that we have OUR people in managment of local police. If the anwser is "yes", please move the flower on the window sill from left to right 😉 and tell Greta Thunberg to wear pink and tell Greta Thunberg to wear only pink panties and caps, all year round on every possible strike on Friday. 🤣😂🍀👍 That's the best joke of today! Straight from Prada! But I hope that your yes it's no joke at all! You can always write letter to... I don't know... maybe pope from Vatican. That you are ready to cooperate. 🤣😂👍🍀 - Man. Forget! It's impossible! This sociery here is too old and only hitch-hikers like you, are suffering. - What? Are you kidding me? It's poision everywhere. This mountain village needs to be clean from all "bad people" and I mean it! 😂🤣😂🤣😂👍🍀 - Good luck with that Prada! I think they will rather buy Gucci. Your promotional campain is just wrong! - Fuck! 🤬🎯 (Kurwa jebal pies te wszystkie jebane kurwy za to odpowiedzialne! Noz ja pierdole! Chcialem sie tu po prostu wspinac, a nie mam gdzie mieszkac!) - Wez kurwa pogadaj z kims? - No kurwa z Anatolem Nataniachu albo Kofi Ananenem! 😂🤣👍 Wyjebane mam na tych pedalow. Zawijam cyce do cieplych krajow! Jade do Arabia Saudi i przekonam mudzachedinow, zeby rozjebali atomowkami cala Skandynawie! 😂🤣👍 - O kurwa! Swietny pomysl! 😉🃏🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤣😂🤣😂🤣 - No genialny! Local mob of taxi drivers are holding all this country and preventing them from more imigrants from Ukraine. They are hurting little kids and covering their own asses! Ask Svensks Kyrkan! They know everything about it! 😂🤣👍🎯 (W punkt kurwa!) Jedna osrana gora w całej Szwecji! Za dużo zarządzających do jednego małego tematu. 🤣😂 Każdy chce być ważny to trzeba coś zarządzić. No to leją chemię jakąś w kwietniki, a potem kwiatki więdną i dzieci to wdychają. Wszystko po to, żeby się nie wydało, że kasjerki z ICA na dworcu, znowu dzisiaj kręcą pornosa. 🤪😂🤣♥️ A teraz próbuje sie przespac a te taksowkarskie pedaly jezdza w kolko mnie. Pierdole ta wies jebana! Wypierdalam jutro stad! O nawet jakis pedalek przylazł z telefonem komorkiwym i samemu sobie napierdala po gęsiemu. Poszedł jebany. 🤣😂👍🤪🎯 Alright! So we're waiting for pink Grera's caps, and then the special password to use on police station is: "pink Greta's cap". You need to report a crime on police station. Then some guy is coming to you and you going together to special room to talk. Then you're using your password, but be careful! They can play with you or fuck with you. - But what if not? - They should provide you all neccesary informations for your own personal little investigation. All help and all assistance. And they can even give you a lift or hotel if you need. Weapon even. But it's not my game! I am too coward for that. I prefere to continue my adventure but if you have sone bad shit here, you have to start shitting your pants because inside your little funny organisation, there is someone watching you carfully, and ready to fix this shit with all possible blessings! 🙏😂🤣♥️ I'm just a fucking messanger. 😇🤫😃 Beware motherfuckers! Because global warming is comming and Greta Thunberg with friends, will haunt your dreams! 🤣😂 And all Sweden... and the rest of the world, will be free again! 🤫👍🍀🙏 I am sending this pray to Vatican to real pope! Not some Swedish fake one! You know! Sweden is so fake that boys pretending girls! They are saying that it's "magic"! 😂🤣😂🤣🧙🤪 Okay! I am just kidding you stupido. You don't have to shit your pants! You can go toilet! 😉😂🤣😂🤣🤪🎯🍀🙏🇩🇪 I love good German guys! Cheers! If Greta won't fix it then who will do it? Me? For sure not! 🧙🌷🍀 And you know... do you like my books? It's little suspens, little action, little drama, little love, little comedy... Will you keep reading if I will write something tommorow? - Just send me money on my revolut and I will be super happy! My phone you can find on Twitter: @PradaFun Even "1€" will be enought! And remember! "UFO" is on our side! When I am in "danger zone" I am transmiting "shit & bullshit". When I am in "safe zone" I can focus on love and better things! Eh. Life is hard when you are searching place to lay yourself down in your sleepingbag! I think that world should be more easy and simple for people like me. "Hitch-hikers", you know. Free & save! Nie bo kurwa wszystkich trafi chuj, ze nie sa autostopowiczami. Poza tym Ci wszyscy frajerzy powinni placic i wypierdalac, a nie slizgac sie po bandzie tego swiata jak lasica jakas pierdolona a'la Prada. - Fakt. Byc moze! Co ja bym zrobil bez swojej ukochanej matki? Mam nadzieje, ze jakies pozytywne płenty wyciagniecie wszyscy z moich podupconych opowiesci dziwnej tresci. - No jakie? Nie zatruwajcie swiata i przygotujcie bezpieczne i wygodne, kapsuly sypialne dla autostopowiczow i ludzi ktorzy chca uprawiac sex w miejscach publicznych. "Sleep Booth" & "Love Booth"! Ja pierdole, w Szwecji? Przeciez Ci Szwedzi ochujeja kurwa normalnie a potem ich popierdoli z wrazenia. Kurwa zrobcie pedaly promocje dla singli bez kasy, ze ich kurwa zapraszacie wszystkich do Åre. Tylko im sie potem nie narzucajcie za bardzo!
- Prada. Pisz program!
No kurwa jasne! Sluchaj. Jesli masz lozko wolne to dolacz do akcji "Sex Booth" i zacznij udostepniac je na sex za darmo! - No tak! I kurwa co jeszcze do tego! Jeszcze darmowa pizza Dr. Edka Ra z mikrofalówki. Pasi? Nie to wypierdalaj liczyc zoledzie w parku. I wez dofinansowanie nato z NATO! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🙏🍀💐🤪🇩🇪 Najpierw to musza zrobic Niemcy na Uniwersytecie Dr. Niechce 😂🤣 bo Szwedzi, jesli cos nie jest Volvo to tego nie kupją. 🤪🧐😉🌷🧙 O! Albo przerabiajcie stare auta ma mini kapsuly kosmiczne do spania i ruchania! 😃👍 Ma tak byc i kurwa koniec! ♥️😃🤫🙂🇨🇭🧙🌼🙏 (4525) Musk will make "Space Porn" 🤪🎯 Space-X & Prada 😉🤪 is doing super casting on Earth & Twitter 🤣😂🤣😂🎯👍🍀 LoL Why sience can't be fun? "We" will count movement of spermatozoid in space. It turned out that spermatozoid are very mobile in space and are able to travel further than "on the ground"! 😂🤣
Oh crap! Now it's time to invent space condoms. 😂🤣 "Only space condoms give you cosmic protection on earth!" 🤪🎯
No man! It's only Space-X propaganda! 🤪 Those informations are fake. It's only simple stupid rumors! Casting on Twitter is pernanent since Twitter exist. (4524) Traveling is a Gift I like it! I also like fun places but I hate morons! How to recognise moron? It's simple! You will feel it immediately. In your bones! Best way is to fucking shoot them! 🤣😂 But I am NOT threatening to anyone! Don't you dare to get me wrong! Whatever you motherfucker! Look at the mirror. Maybe you're moron. I am sure you won't get it! Just like nobody & me too! 🤣😂
I am not fucking moron! 👍🃏💐🤣😂
Bigger mountains winning! Fucking simple! More cosmopolitan people too! I'll be honest. Sweden is fucking shit hole with huge aspirations to be the best country in the world. But just ask yourself whos puppet was Adolf? 🤣😂🤪 So... I am fucking away from here. It's too fucked up, tight ass here! Oh no! It's just friday! Now I get it! 🤣😂🤣😂 .Hot sausage, raw eggs, some muesli and I am ready to fly. But this fucking whore who didn't let me just clean my shoes. Fuck her! It's long story what I would do to this stupid bitch. Maybe she will even get orgasm today from looking on the fucking tree through her fucking same old window. Only way for her to get excited jyst a little bit. Ugly little gnome. 🤣😂 Now we know why swedish little trolls are so nice for turists. You know why. Because they don't have to! 🤪👎 Cezar's verdict this time: 👎🙏🍀 Olaf can handle this his way. Prada! You will be tester. 😂🤣 Ok! Only thumbs down here on my blog! Here in this fucking sweden you can't even trust the weather forcast. 😂🤣👎🤔 Those motherfuckers here are just lying to us! 😂🤣👎 (4523) Swedish Hospitality 😂🤣 It's a fucking joke! 😂🤣 👍🤪 They can't do nothing because they have to ask Hitler and he died long time ago! 🤣😂 And that's way no bitch is asking for blowing my dick! 🤣😂 That's right man. We're living in tought times. Nowaydays women can show you ass and it's the top of their scale. 😂🤣 Yeah! But poisioning people is wrong and I will be always reapeting this to all those little swedish imigrant mobsters! 👍 In sweden people rather stab you or shoot you at the front of their kids then invite you to your home/house. That's very true! 🇸🇪 When Covid came... OMG! What a release came to sweden minds. What a great excuse! Actually Covid was invented in Sweden only for purpose of excuses. - Prada. Come on! Do you want to be invited somewhere? 😂🤣🤣 LoL! No, no! I only have to dry my soxes! And I don't like to be poisioning but... poisoning people is one and only thing they are doing in sweden! It's just local thing! Actually it's one and only thing on Sweden. 👎 - Maybe you want some job, man? 👍🤪 Oh, hell! I can't imagine person trying to convince me to have a job in sweden. But don't worry. In some other places too! There is no such long blowjo... to do! Oh that would be longest blowjo... in human history! 🤣😂 What a stupid and naive morron you have to be to "have a job". Oh! And I can visualise Mr. Boss. Some fuc... fagot. hiding in bushes or just around the corner. 🤣😂 Fuc... male bitch! No. Probably I wouldn't be good emploee. 🤪😂 - Yeah! If you're boss then you hate all others bosses. Not if you're fagot! I think. - So you're not fagot? No! For sure not! 🙂 - So what's the conclusion man? Ukrainian emigrants are extreemly welcome in Sweden! 😂🤣👍 Come on! You have the same colors! 🇺🇦 🇸🇪 I mean exactly the same colors! Wow! Another jock: People in Sweden are so proud that everybody are thinking that they are living in Swedish Parliament. 🤪🤣😂👍 Swedish language was made too difficult for the people to communicate. (No. It's just me not speaking swedish!) 🤣😂 Why imigrants in sweden loves to stay home so much? Oh... I got some anwsers! 🤣😂 Because they don't speak swedish. Just few words. Because it's covid! And most important: because there's nowhere to go! 🤪😂 (Same as everywhere!) "Swedish sense of humor is based on killing people." Oh, that was heavy! 😂🤣 I think I knew a lot about norvegian people! But I forgot! I think I have to go there and check it again. Well... I have only good expirence from Norway. Are there some mountains to there? - No! 🤪😂🤣 I saw some movie some years ago about sweden. Girls are talking with trees while they are running in forest. And when one guy hang himself in his apartment, only 6 months later it was discovered. 😂🤣 Nevermind how! 😂🤣 That's it! Welcome Sweden! 😉🤪🇸🇪👍 (Don't listen to me! I am only jocking!) 😉♥️💐 And the best jock last: How much money Sweden already sent to Ukraine? Numbers! I need numbers! ...on compare to how much money swedish government assing for Greta Thunberg for her fighting action with global warming and "forsilly" fuel? 🤣😂👍💐 Numbers I need numbers! 🃏 And names! And program aims. I was trying to pay for washing my shoes in Are! The gnome women told me that this would be too much pressure on washing machine! I tried to tell her that usually sometimes in home, just throwing shoes to the laundry machine. She said to me, yes in home yes, but not here.
Then I told her that I am planing to go by train, it's a public place, and y shoes smelling a little bit, and she (he) said, that it's my problem. Then I went to tourist information center and I asked how I can wash my shoes here in Are, and the women said that she has no idea! LoL!
Fuck morons! Laundry 150sek. I told her that I will pay her even 200sek. But it's not about money. It's about to being stupid motherfucker for tourist guest like me! LoL! I won't even tell you the name of this shit hole! But there is only one place where you can try to wash your things in Are/Sweden. LoL! (4522) Will Countries Will Risk Anger of Putin? Will they risk to be blown away by russian atomic weapon? Probably yrs, all those little countries are fearless and it's only about money! 😂🤣🖖🤪 When we're all start investing real money into exploration of cosmic space! It's more realistic and... we have to find "Planet B", ask Greta Thunberg! Greta! Start posting mails to BBC & CNN that war in Ukraine will change climat and you need certain amouts of money to fight with global warming! And to Roman Abramovic! We have to reascue sea animals first! Then we have to save all aliens in entire universe! ♥️🌞🌼🎯 Another stupid question. So I understand that Ukraine doesn't want to have help of solidares to fight Russians? Yes? They need only weapon! Actually they can buy this weapon from... Arans directly! So just send them money! 🤣😂 Send all money in the world to president of Ukraine and he will know what to do with it! 😉👍 Yes we will! But don't forget about "out" provision! Ok! 100%! 🤪🎯 And that was joke of a day! 😂🤣👍🎯 If Arabs start paying for Ukrainian wars I think guys you can start thinking even about 450% of your provision for helping Ukraine! 👍🤣😂🎯 Everybody want's to part of this cookie! Me too! 🤣😂 And don't forget that we're talking about invisible weapon! 🤣😂 Remember people! Ukrainian solidares and rebeliants are wearing only very expensive Prada boots! And you know why they don't want any soliders from west? 🤣😂🤪👍🎯 Because there is already 300 milions of Ukrainian solidares. And WE need to feed them! That's the Sun Tzu's "The Art of War"! 😂🤣🤪👍🎯 Book tickets to Ukraine while you still can! How much for a trip? Man! Now it's more expensive than with Space-X into stars for 2035 🤣😂👍🎯 LoL Look! Space-X is offering trips to Ukraine in special earth-cosmic capsules who will be shut from American submarine... and so, on and on and on... 😂🤣 Musk! Please! Send me 1M$ 😂🤣🎯 I think Zelenski love my jokes! He is comedian! 😂🤣 Don't forget! 😉 And look! Sorry! If I hurted somebodies feelings! I just don't trust journalists in general! That's my main rule! And from sound of their voice I am recognising that... all those sad facts are fake! 😂🤣 Remember. It's only purpose for draining money from government. If everybody understand that, than my mission is over! I gave nothing against it! Med people had their fucking Covid, journalists learned how to lie, and now it's time for military people! Don't forget about exploration of cosmos! So fucking fake pumped that you wouldn't believe! 😂🤣 Look! Watch Armagedon movie one more time! It's real! All countries on this planet need to be united! It will cost hundreds of bilions of bitcoins! 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🤪🌼🤪🌼🤪🤪🌼🤪🤪🌼🤪👍🎯😉🤣😂😉🎯👍🤪🌼♥️🌞🌼👍🎯😉😂🤣🤣😉🌞🌞🌞🖖🦊 This is just brilliant! 🎯👍 BBC podcast! [Link] CNN podcast! [Link] They are doing fucking jokes from that bullshit! But Ukrainian Neo-nazis are playing strong! 😂🤣👍😉
My favourite question asked: "You are human rights attorney and you are calling for weapon, fighter jets, tanks, air defence systems, that's unusual combination, to be talking about human rights but also talking about weapon systems, talk to me about that balance!" 👍
And then she starts (playing almost Greta Thunberg) talking about... Check it for yourself! 🌼
Something like... I don't have expirence, I am layer, we need to fight for the human rights with tanks! 🤣😂🤪👍 (Oscar!)
I don't know! Or maybe I am (they are) wrong! I am just listening to the radio (podcast) and reapeting what I heard, what I feel and so on... I hope you have your own brain to think about this all. This "Kuleba" guy is from Poland! He have simple typical polish face! And name! 👍 (4521) Letter to Annette! 🦊♥️🇩🇪 🙂👍🧙🌞😉🌷 Frau Annette. Mine liebe. Let's base our love on sexual happyness. I love you with all my heart. And everyday I will be sending to you one erotic movie and in our craziest & wildest dreams let's pretend in our imagination that we are together making love. I will be your man and you will be preatiest and most sexy woman on this planet and your foxy hairs and high heeld are burning my imaginations and my sweetest desire of love growing strong. For you. For me. For us! I love you since the moment I've met you. Thank you that you share your heart with me Frau Annette. ♥️🌞💐🇩🇪
Oh Annette! You are so... so so so so... muse to me. This time I won't be lazy. I will be working in your garden like black negro slave for you. You can call me Benjamin. I can even start digging bunker under your house in case atomic holocaust. We can also try "the end of the world sex" and so on... I hope that you have big imagination. But! Before I come you have to send me invitation. And if you want me to not thinking & dreaming about you and writing to you, please inform me about this.
We can also write some agreement beteen eachother like "50 shades of Grey". It's something exciting and inspiring.
♥️🎯👍🍀 I love you my dearest wife! My heart. Cheer me up! ♥️🙂🧙🌞
Next day: Today (2022-04-07)
I am waking up. And I am up. I am stiff as stone and I got only you in my mind. In all posible variations. It's useless to make love again. All we can do is "dress for succes" and get busy with normal life. I will be your slave in the garden, writer or lover. I can clean dust in your basment. I can compose or paint. I will be your beloved Mozart, but first, i have to reach you. My foxy love.
All I can think is our body connected with hugs! All I can think is you holding still my stiff penis and my laying my head onto you chest being happiest person on planet! With you. I am yours and you are mine.
Oh, you boyfriend will be jalous just like I would be, but it is love. This is how it goes. Put him away for a while.
I am just a sailor. I am temprary person. Just give me what I want! Just give me what I need and I will go. But I will come back. Or I will stay with you if you want. If you need me too!
Two boyfriends! Two husbands!
You can have is both. You don't have to mix us! I can be your "day" boyfriend and he can be you "night" boyfriend. But we can change our shifts. Or... I don't know Frau Annette but I am so happy when I am sending you all my love. And you giving me this sweetest hope. That my dear lonelyness will end inside you loving arms.
This is responsibility for being human. If someone is knocking your door open, because it's good God's comming for snacks. And this "love snack" is you.
Come on! We can watch some porn together or play some games together. Anything you like. Anything you love. Anything you want.
I know you love me and that you want to watch TV with me. Be sick with me. Eat with me. Sleep with me. Have a shower with me. Shave my ass with me. Go shoping with me. Invite your friends to come and see us! How happy we are together.
Okay my love! I will call you Annette because you are Annette. If you want me stop writing about you just send me an email. I will keep dreaming about you. If you want to invite me just invite me.
You are the one I love. We are forest foxes. Together. 🦊♥️🦊 So nice & sweet! Isn't it? 🌷🧙🎯♥️🖖🙏🌈 (4520) Mountains Forever You are looking but you cannot find! It's that simple! You just need to get high into the clouds. I mean there is always some mountain to climb, yes? Finally I found it. And I found someone very special, and I felt in love! 👍🍀🌼♥️💐 Baby! She's already taken! 🤣😂 Yes I know! But it's just love... and this mountain. 🤣♥️💐🎯 (4519) BBC Anti Disinformation Unit by Key Devilin from BBC Monitoring "Verifing Material is very creative process..." [Podcast] 🎯🎧 (Musk bought 9,2% of Twiter to protect freedom of speech.) (Twitter is using porn stars like Sasha Grey to provoke you, then you are only jocking to "them", then they blocking your account for a week. There is now way to argue with them. They are announcing you that your "case is close" or that "your ticket is close". This is ass fuc... of Twitter users. This is "trick". How to fix it? - You know... some "fake reports shit" or abusing priviliges of "blindly stupid" blocking accounts. I don't know... by "Twitter Stupid Robots (Program)"? This is how Twitter A.I. looks like?) (Yeah we're also using carfully writen program to "fuc... you". It's a typical approach to using something which is called "A.I." and if fact it's only stupid brainless software algorithms.) "From the balance of probability is very likely..." "Pattern to prove intent..." Barbara from New Castle said: "The evidence is absolutely undeniably..." Key Devilin said: "...so I suppose the longer it goes on, we will see pattern emerge, and then we'll be able to say that as result of all this patterns happening, it seems very, very likely... but then... you know... it's tricky to say that things definitely happened."
(BBC started getting tired of fuckng peopoe with their fake news shit from & about Ukraine. Actually they just realised that someone is fucking their asses this way to much.
- Oh come on! It's our job! 🤣😂👍🍀🌞)
- Did you saw a lot of horror like, not false photos, as a proof of some horrible things really happened?
Me? Not! But they don't want to show this horrible photos to a public!
- Maybe those photos doesn't even exist because nothing is happening? But for shure there is group of people working theor asses off for us to belive in this war!
- Zeleński, Neo-Nazis (if they exist), Porn Stars & Journalists because they always wants to have some hot material and Covid taught tyem to repeat "fake news" bullshit on and and on. And ofcourse... people who are earning a tones of money on it!
Look Dorothy. We're not in Kansas anymore! 😂🤣 It's just speculations! But in point 🎯: Governents of all countries who are sending "invisible weapon" to Ukraine to fight Russians!
Meanwhile kids in primary schools in Finland are having a special classes with psychologist who are helping them to adapt the new "war" situation. 🧐🤔 They are hoping that Finland join NATO ASAP and in case that Putin will attack Finland, NATO will come and help Finland to kick Russians asses for good! 🎯♥️🍀🌞👍💐🧙🖖 Let's pray for this horrible war to end up soon! I mean... now when we all 😂🤣 know that this war is fake, so let's pray that it will last forever, because then all military guys, who are very nice & friendly, all around the world, will be fucking rich! And now conclusion. I think Russia will stop denying all those "fake news" about their horrible terror activities, when it's start reciving some share. But it will rather never happen, because how? Under table? To who? Roman? 🤣😂🖖 Roman was already at Kremlin and he was trying to pass the tissue to Putin! But he was poisioned & kicked out! Putin! What a honorable man and the lider of his nation! They are doing military operation but they won't take any damn bribes! It's just military operation and everybody "fuck off"! It's not your business! Stay away from Ukraine! Even Biden! It's not your business there! Turn on the news! The risk to big to go there! But what with mission of peace & love from Poland suggested by Andrew Duda? That was marvelous idea!
- Oh fuck! No! Fucking ZHP boy scouts! (😂🤣🖖🍀♥️) They are really think that they'll be rescuing Ukraine! We can't let them in! 🤣😂 Prada. Will you shut up? 🤣😂🖖🌞👍 Wanna send me share? 😂🤣🖖🌞👍 - No! Come on! Guys! Send me share! 😭🙏💐 And I won't tell anything to nobody! Even guys from BBC. - Don't worry! They know! 😉 It's not my business! But stop poisoning me! 🇸🇪 - Invest in FC Chelsea! 😂🤣 Abramovic is the one last Russian guy without any sanctions! I hate fucking football! 🤬 Oh, and now Arabs are coming to Warsaw to talk with Ukrainians. That'll be something! 🧐🤔💐🖖🍀♥️ (Fictional dialog) 🤣😂 - Hi! We're Arabs! What the fuck is happening here?! You have 2 week, no, one week, no, two days to close this circus or we'll entering for real! (Ahmad Abu al-Ghajt)
Ukrainian forginer ministry: Wanna bribe? 😉
- FUCK YOUR BRIBE DUDE! Oh, you don't know what it mean to fuck with us! War is only where we are and here should be save, quiet & peacfully!
But Russia is so big!
- Yeah! But we are so... rich! Wanna try our newest nukes on your ass? 😉🍀 We bribed Russia 100 times more! 🃏 So now shut your little "porn-biz" and fuck out forever or things will gets messy. ...AND WE'LL SEE... 🙏♥️💐🖖🍀 "Friendly idea Ukrainian dude!" 👍♥️🌞🧙 People are stupid! No one will understand it & belive you, exept NATO! 😂🤣👍 (4517) Mahiong Club (The Best! 4.9) My club inside the game is #PradaDotFun Come on! Jump in and kick my mahiong ass! Thanks! ♥️🍀💐🧙🖖 [GooglePlay] 👍🌞 (4516) He should not! He should not cut the rope! Young people are stupid and panicking easily. End of story! Didn't you had some other hook or second rope or something? Didn't you had some other hook or second rope? You could leave him hanging even for 2 days, during them waiting and thinking. This is one lesson from this movie. (4515) Super Sweet! No! No spiders! Just Solitaire! 👍🍀🌞 (4514) Le Gendarme de Åre 🤪😂🤣🙏🌞😎 L'action "Yéti" 🤣♥️ (4513) Oh! Will spoked! If you fly high Will don't forget to meditate instead of using violence! When two people are speaking violence is wrong! When comedian, blogger, or authors (public servants) jocking or pretending, using threats or forced violence is even more wrong! This is the difference between being a civilized human and a savage starving hungry scared beasts, hunting for food to survive. You are not living alone on this planet and we're sharing the same, one big, spirit. Have it in your mind! Not only your heart broked after what you did to Chris. Even if that was acting you played "way too low", my friend! You know your mission now! ❤🤞 Love Ya Mr. Robot! 😇 Cheer up! There are some inner hidden things. You were victim of some coincidences! You were acting like your family was starving. Your wive starved so much that she lost her hair. And your son made his hair pink so it would be for even more difficult for you to hunt anything for meat. You saw Chris Rock and some primitive instinct started working, because you saw in him delicious & tasty smoked duck, or roasted grilled monkey! Then you connected fast this illusion with fact that all tribe is looking at you and you were rather thinking about how to impress Beyonce (no, Jay-Z not 😉). Next time make big supplies of fish meat for all your family before you go at any gala. If your wife is bold try to convince her to dress like a native indian, and wear some indian feathers hat so she would look dangerous from the distance. If she is bold now, she is playing victim and she want your cozy attention and empathy. Even when she's pretending sick before everybody. Be careful, because women like to overdose this "kind of behavior". To feel more secured wear always some big knife with you or hunting spike, but don't you dare to use it ever! Especially at #Oscars gala. And if you want to learn how Eskimos hunting for food, catch on Twitter Mr. Bobby Lee! He is teacher of Survival. I hope Chris will understand it. I hope he have some sense of humor. Tell him some jokes. Maybe he forgive you! We hope! ❤ And Will. Look. Beyonce had two delicious fishes pined on her ears! So now we all know why you attacked this jumping "stupid monkey" Chris. 🤣😂 You were simply fighting for food! Oh man...! Tell it to everybody, maybe they will forgive you. 🤣😂🤪 ...and Rock sounds like "Duck"! 🤣😂🤣😂🤪😝 Thank you! 2$ for consultation! 🤣😂🤪 (4512) Oh, Super Game! ♥️🖖 Hello! No Twitter for next week! 😎🖖 Click this link to add JamesPrada as your friend in WeFarm and enter the code 'wle9n9' to receive great rewards! [LinkToGame] From #Hamburg ♥️🌈 This game is from producer of Farmerama. Do you know Farmerama? (4511) Legenda o tym jak Prada łeb odciął czarownicy! Oglądam Drużynę-A. Mogę pisać po polsku tylko wtedy gdy oglądam Drużynę-A. Klasyka! W tym odcinku Buźka został uniewinniony przez senat, bo cośtam.
Vietnam. Ja pierdole! No to niezły Vietnam! Twitter mnie uwielbia, a ja uwielbiam Twitter. Wojna na Ukraonie, zamieniła się w wojnę w Vietnamie. Ukraina to taki nasz słowiański Vietnam. Wszyscy widzicie co się dzieje. Na komu potrzebna była (i jest) ta cała operacja? Zeleński się upierał! Co to za wódz który przedkłada dobro własne nad dobro swojego ludu? To żaden wódz tylko marny aktorzyna. Coś jak Will Smith vs. Denzel Washington. Oczywiście wiadomo, że Denzel jest lepszy. Will to jakieś starzejące się dziecko z kompleksami.
Tymczasem jestem zakochany w kilku osobach. Grecie Thunberg, Sarze Silverman, Selenie Gomez... i zapomniałem już jeszcze w kim... 😉 (Może w Tobie!) W sumie to we wszystkich!
We wszystkich tylko nie w tej wiedźmie co ostatnio. Serio. Ta laska jest niebezpieczna. Tak bardzo ją kochałem, to miała mnie w dupie. Tylko, że ja wiem, że nic nie dzieje się w jej życiu, i wszystko może się schować wobec tej miłości. A teraz kiedy wreszcie jestem wolny i odkochałem się od tej kretynki ona śni mi się po nocach. Zaczęła mnie prześladować w moich snach. Pyta się czy może się ze mną spotkać i czy dalej się gniewam na nią? Zapewnia mnie że mnie bardzo kocha. LoL
Ja pierdole! I co mam zrobić? Z jednej strony ją kocham, a z drugiej strony też ją bardzo kocham. Ale to pieprznięta i niebezpieczna wiedźma. Głupia nie ma pojęcia o niczym i jeszcze dolewa oliwy do ognia. Naprawdę niepotrzebnie. Szkoda. Dlatego zwalczę w sobie tą miłość bo to gówno jest a nie miłość. Przysięgam!
W śnie kiedy wszystko jest inne bardzo cieszę się, że do mnie przychodzi i chce ze mną rozmawiać, a tu jak się budzę, w "tym pierdolonym piekle" 😉 które TO WŁAŚNIE ONA tworzy i podtrzymuje, po prostu się jej boje. (I ... jej pokroju, np. żony Willa Smitha która robi Willowi laskę, żeby jej kupił kurtkę Prady). Wiesz co. Nie zbliżaj się do mnie ty piekielna wywłoko.
Spójrz ile zła wyrządzasz na świecie! Użyłaś mnie i to że Cię kocham do twoich brudnych celów. Nie jesteś człowiekiem. Jesteś zwyczajnym potworem z którym nie chcę mieć nigdy nic wspólnego. Stety.
Kochałem Cię, ale ty prędzej spalisz cały świat niż będziesz po prostu, zwykłą, normalną i fajną osobą. Taką jaką powinnaś być zanim popierdoliło Cię totalnie. Zanim "oddałaś się szatanowi za pieniądze". Brzydzę się Tobą i tym kim jesteś. Gwałcisz cały świat i mnie i zmuszasz mnie do tego, żeby mi się to podobało.
O nie, nie, nie, nie, nie kochaneczko! Nie będziemy tak się bawić! Siedź w domu i przez resztę życia patrz się przez okno na piekło które sama stworzyłaś. Które sama tworzysz!
Trzymaj się dalej swoich piekielnych zasad, aż cały świat kurwa eksploduje i spłonie, bo jesteś infantylnym tchórzem, który wmawia sobie całe życie, że jest bóg wie kim i projektuje sobie cały świat jak może, właśnie pod to.
Jesteś po prostu zła i nie chcę mieć z Tobą nic wspólnego! Wszystko z kimkolwiek innym, tylko nie z Tobą. Ty intrygantko, manipulantko, obślizgła meduzo i obrzydliwa ośmiornico. Idź się wyżal swojej koleżaneczce podobnej do Ciebie... Ten sam obrzydliwy pokrój. Tfu!
Jestem wolny od kochania cię bo tak zadecydowałem. Bo jesteś tylko zwykłą wampirzycą, przywykłą do molestowania ludzi. Pijawką i nikim szczególnym. Stworzona do rodzenia dzieci i trzymania głowy w piasku. Czuje obrzydzenie na samą myśl o Tobie i na myśl o wszystkich Tobie podobnych. Fu!
Dobra. Skończmy tą żenadę! Twój czas na moim blogu, przypomina czas żony Willa na Twitterze z ogoloną głową. Żenada. A Will jest taki głupi, że dalej uważa, że "zła reputacja to dobra reputacja". Chyba diabeł go zrobił w chuja! (Może chuj przechodzi okres buntu młodzieńczego? Nigdy na to nie za późno! 🤣😂)
A kim jest diabeł? A kto ogolił swój głupi łeb? A kto nie otworzył drzwi staremu koledze? (Za tą całą miłość.) Jesteś wyjątkowo obrzydliwym stworzeniem. Wyjątkowo obrzydliwą kreaturą!
Szkoda. A ja Cię po prostu tylko kochałem. Tak prosto fajnie i zwyczajnie.
Ps: I dzieci. Pamiętajcie. Tak na przyszłość. Uważajcie w kim się zakochujecie, bo "o niebo lepiej" jest łeb obciąć diablicy, niż się w niej niefortunnie, z nudy, zakochać!
Zapominam o Tobie! Nie śnij mi się nigdy. Po prostu trzymaj się z dala moich snów!
Kobiety to generalnie diabły. Boją się nieba bo nigdy nie były w niebie. Nie widzą serca, osobowości i charakteru i wszystkiego wokół! Całego świata nie widzą. Są krótkowzroczne. Widzą tylko twarze, kutasy i portfele. Często nawet twarzy nie. Dlatego "jebać te głupie ... a nie modlić się do nich"! Wszystko tłumaczą swoim strachem albo lenistwem! Widzą również naiwność u innych i są pierwsze do tego, żeby to zwyczajnie wypierdolić. Jak jest wojna, to właśnie one powinny walczyć zamiast mężczyzn.
Jak Ci nie wstyd wywłoko? 🤮 Jak ci może być wstyd skoro jesteś niezdolna do żadnych uczuć. Ty byś zabiła człowieka, tylko za to że Cię kocha. Spłoń w piekle. Tfu! Ty ludzka porażko!
Naprawdę starałem się nie przeklinać wykwintnie. Udało się? 🤮
Tak sobie w sumie pomyślałem, że ofiarom losu powinno się współczuć a nie gniewać na nie, prawda? Jakoś Ci nie współczuję. Może kiedyś zrozumiesz. A może nie. Nie obchodzi mnie to. 🦫🌞 Just forget! Read some other blogs! And on this pic you see you inner hidden secret beauty! All you are! 🤣😂👍🃏 Not this here! 😂🤣 Scroll up! First pic you'll see. #RareBeauty 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤪 Wiecie co. Przemyślałem to. Cofam wszystko co powiedziałem. Nie żywię do nikogo urazy! Po prostu odkochałem się. To mi pomogło się odkochać. Jeżeli ktoś potrafi się wczuć w to co czuję, bądź może sobie to wyobrazić, to mnie zrozumie. Nie żywię nawet urazy już do Willa Smitha który pobił komika, za to porównał jego żonę do G.I. Jane. W zasadzie to nawet chciałem podziękować serdecznie wszystkim współautorom tej "blog-książki".
Życie jest jak jazda autostopem. Jeśli nie bierzesz autostopowiczów, to nigdy nie przekonasz się co tracisz.
Co mogą kogoś obchodzić czyjeś uczucia w tym brudnym podłym i złym świecie? Tymbardziej ludzi którzy celowo są źli bo się przyzwyczaili, że to popłaca, bo jak nie oni, to kto?
Czym ja zawiniłem? Tym, że się zakochałem. A czym zawinił ten kto jest celowo ślepy na miłość? Kto nawet strzela z łuku prosto w serca innych? Dlaczego tak robi? Może po prostu w ten sposób okazuje swoją miłość? Nawet jeśli to żart to kiepski. No cóż. Wybaczam wszystko, wszystkim, bo idę dalej, a moje serce po tym wszystkim i tak waży ze 2 tony, więc nie chcę, żeby ważyło więcej.
Z miłością jest tak, że jeśli kochasz to musisz się nauczyć tego, że tylko ty jesteś taki zajebisty, a inni nie będą Cię kochać w zamian, bo mają już aż nadto swoich innych tam miłości. Trudno. Lub po prostu myślą w inny sposób o tym wszystkim. W byle jaki byle by inny niż twój własny. To coś jak przymilający się do Ciebie kolega, z którym tak naprawdę nie chcesz mieć nic wspólnego.
Może trochę za dużo czasu spędziłem nad tym wszystkim zastanawiając się nad tym wszystkim. Jak jesteś zakochany to czas płynie wolno.
Tak to jest jak piszesz książki wolno stukając jednym palcem w swój telefon.
Mam swoje wartości. Może inne. Miłość jednak jest ponad tym wszystkim. Cóż zrobić jak inni mają wyjebane w moją miłość? Trudno. Idę dalej. Wymazuję z serca i umysłu wszelkie urazy. Wierzę w dobro wszystkich ludzi. Nawet tych którzy nie umieją tego okazać, albo celowo tego nie okazują. Nie wiem dlaczego? Może po to, żeby nauczyć cały świat kochać? (Tak się pocieszam!) ♥️🌈 Postaram się uczyć z tego cały czas. Teraz rozumiem. Albo po prostu wydaje mi się, że rozumiem. Nie mam mocy, żeby się ścierac cały czas z kimś na rogi. Za dużo energi kosztuje mnie normale życie. Ale ludzie, którzy żyją wygodne życia, mają jej aż nadto. To dlatego chętnie się dzielą nią będąc czasami nawet przysłowiowym "bólem w dupie innych". To po prostu sposób na dzielenie się innymi swoją energią. Przynajmniej ja tak to widzę. Żyję solo. To wszystko jest inne. Wszyscy kochają święty spokój. Prawda? Poza tym jak kto lubi czytać to co piszę, to zawsze będzie mnie do tego zmuszał i prowokował. Dziekuję bardzo bo i tak lubię pisać. (4510) Interview with You! ♥️ In your cozy home grown studio! 🤣😂 This idea is just perfect dude! Bra ide! 👍 Vet din pappa och höll med? 🤣🤠 (4509) Wspinaczka w Szwecji Bla, bla, bla. Spierdalajcie! 😉 Jestem w Åre w Szwecji. Załamała się pogoda. Jest super słonecznie ale mi się nie chce wejść na górę. Czekam na sprzęt.
Chcecie więcej detali? To sobie w necie sprawdźcie.
Góra jak góra. Zajebać się można kursując tam i nazat. Szwedzi mnie trochę wkurwiają ale mniejsza z tym.
Zaruchałbym. Ale nie ma co bo te wszystkie laski są przecież podupcone. 😂🥷
Gram w gierki. Wpierdalam musli. Jest super. Powoli nadciąga wiosna. W nocy napadał na mnie śnieg i zakręcili ciepłą wodę w prysznicu na dworcu, żebyście wszyscy tu nie przyjechali naraz i się o niego nie zajebali.
Jest jakieś pismo polskie dla wspinaczy włóczykijów? Jest! #PradaDotFun na Twitterze
Ps. Co sądzicie o tym, że Will przydupcył Rockowi? Ja to potępiam. Paaaaa...
Do zobaczenia na szlaku, ale jakoś nie będę się rozglądał. Jakby jakaś modelka chciała mi zrobić loda, to zapraszam do kolejki. 😂👍🤠
James Prada
Sponor: Decathlon Czas się kopsnąć gdzieś dalej co? Do jakieś Norwegii albo Szwajcarii...? 🤔 Åre jest naprawdę super! Polecam! ♥️🌈 (4508) Real freedom? Yes! Always! 🖕 You love sone one. Finaly abuse on you has to end. You forgot. And then she comes in your dream and telling you: I love you very much, do you miss me? Chill out! - Oh fuck you! All those pictures was not to you! I was for someone else! You are no one now! Stop following me! 🖕🧙🌞 And Will Smith will do the same! 🧙 One day! "Oh baby, oh baby... and later fuck off you stupid ugly person!" 🤮🤮🤮 😉 Trust me on that! I swear God! 🤣🖕🌞 Yes sir! 🤪👍 (4507) What do you think about this tweet? A made appeal to Twitter! I think my account was blocked for 12h wrongly! It's only because that I called him ass fuc... nazi fagot! Fuck! Did you saw what he did? He's full of stress because his wife is f... behing his back! 🤣😂 Oh so, in this way "you are work in progress"! 🤣😂 You job is to standing after her while she's molesting you, so now you have to punch all the world back, yes? Comedians first, yes? 🤣😂 It's so obvious that you have problems. Hey! And you know what. I wouldn't kindly suggest (like Chris Rock) that your wife should play in sequel of G.I. Jane movie! I would only announced that you wife is ugly as fuck and when she bald it's more clear & better to see for everybody! 😂🤣🥷⛑️ Now that's the joke! 😂🤣🧙 Are you mad? You know Will, We're all have a problems! Who do you think you are? Oh! I know! You hate her hairstyle too, yes? And now you have to defend what you hate. 🤣😂 She's really fucking you! Don't you see it? You are not nazi fagot & she's not ugly! 🌈 It's just you getting older, and older and doing drugs. Remember! Your system is overloded. You're not thinking clear. Let it go! Try to meditate! Then just smile & go your fucking way! You don't have to control all the world! Don't even pretend. You show the world how small you are. And you know who did it to you? Denzel! 🤣😂🧙 (And you know why?) 🤣😂 "King Richard"? Sounds like fagot already! Man... UK bad boys got you! 🤣😂🤣😂 OMG it's so funny? 🤣😂🤣🧙 Man. You don't have to protect your family! 🤣😂 Your wife is ugly and she's cheating on you anyway! 🤣😂🥷⛑️ If Selena Williams grabed your ass, you're done. Did you had romance with her? Maybe you should try! 💕 Okay! Did we talk it through? Did we? 🃏 Thank you! You touched really good points! It's not only your problem on earth. You know! If you merry Banhsee you should know it! 😂🤣🧙 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂👍💕🌈🤫 (4503) CB-700 Around 1983/1984 or so, I bought my first new kit with money I'd earned working part time at $3.35 an hour. I was about 14. I was able to find online a kit very similar to the one I bought. The only difference being that my kit didn't have bottom heads on the rack toms.
It was similar to the cb-700's "Atlantic" set. I think it was about $400. It was one of my biggest regrets, I didn't know any better. Check out the spurs, and the hardware on this piece of garbage. Even as a teenager, I remember this not being usable. I remember replacing the garbage bass drum pedal with a Ludwig Speed King. I remember having my stepfather take off the garbage spurs and replacing them with Pearl spurs I had to buy a-la-carte. I remember the garbage hi-hat stand, and how the plastic circles on the lugs would fall out. The wood looked like pressboard or something on the toms. And yet, I don't recall it sounding bad, per se.
When I adjust for inflation, one website says $400 in 1984 is worth 927.19 in todays' dollars. Can you imagine how much better of a set you can get for $927.19 now, than that $400 piece of shit cb-700 kit back then? (Of course back then I knew nothing about negotiating, price matching, etc. I could have probably bought a used name brand used kit that was better.)
I just seems that at some point, entry level drums became much better, perhaps starting around the time Pearl re-did their Export kit. For 927.19 today, you can such a better kit than the one I got as a young teenager.
Who else here had a CB-700 kit? I found this text on Google. [This] is good concert of #FooFighters @FooFighters And [This] is the last concert of Foo Fighters, because drummer died. At least officialy. Or maybe all band was kidnapped by Colombian UFO! You never know because in TV is always bullshit! 🤔 My message is short: "♥️👍" (4500) Dealers Can Kill Foo Fighters drummer died! I just don't believe it! I think it's a joke! Part of promotion of their new crazy movie. Fuck it! Let's wait & see! If he's okay they should go jail. Fuck! 😂🤣❤️🤠👍 If not... well then fuck you motherfucker either way! 🤪🤬🤭 #PradaDotFun Is it crime to lie to your "rock fans" that you died? No! Not yet! 🤣😂 Ok. It looks like mother fucker died indeed. (4499) New Twitter Spin All the time something new! Today we eplained all war on East! Tommorow... we're goin' to the moon! Not too fast? - Too fast! 🤮 Yes! Finaly I found the way to make bigger this reading guy in Top Right corner! Wow! He's reading bullshit but he's not spinning! Cool! (4498) Feng Shui! Let's dig in it! Trying to find some online calculators. [Link] 👍👼♥️🙏🧝 (4497) Smski Co jest kurde?
- Właśnie nie wiem.
- Dobrze się bawisz?
Niepotrzenie tyle Ćpacie.
- Wiesz jak to jest...
No właśnie teraz tak. Przepraszam, ale z mojego punkt widzenia, przypomina mi to kompletną patologię! Nie myśleliście zamieszkać w dużym zajebistym kampervanie? Jak dziadek, Ben 10 i Guen? 🤣😂
- 🤪🤔😂🤣👍
Podróże kształcą. Tylko zabierajcie autostopowiczów. Zawsze mają jakieś świeże i ciekawe historie do opowiedzenia.
- Dobrze mówisz.
W sumie cięcie w chuja z wszystkimi, to też niesamowita przygoda. Jak to miało być? Za wszelką cenę być inni niż wszyscy? W pewnym sensie jesteśmy bardzo podobni.
- Może.
Podziękuj mężowi, że mnie kopnął w dupę. Tu gdzie teraz jestem jest... inaczej, ładniej? Ale u Was przestałem się bać lasu i nauczyłem dużo odpoczywać. To wszystko jest trudne. Zawsze trzeba się uczyć od nowa. Tylke tego wszystkiego jest do zapamiętania. No i trochę zatruty jestem. Pewnie coś w tym rumie było co go drugi raz kupiłem. Albo w tym tytoniu. Wszędzie tylko same pułłapki.
- Uważaj na siebie.
- Jakie plany?
Zająć na się hodowlą reniferów na dalekiej północy. Popłynąć na Svalbard albo Greenlandie. Dojść tam na piechotę. Kupić parkę Huskich i rozdawać szczeniaczki. A w zimie sanki i sznurek.
- Wow!
Wiesz co robi włóczykij. "Włóczy kijem". Nazwij to pielgrzymka. Będę się modlił za was żeby Wam się nie nudziło i żebyście kupili sobie super kamperka. Hej! Nie musicie kupować. Ten sąsiad tam taki jeden u Was może wam pożyczyć. Jestem pewien że by się zgodził. 🙂👍
- Ha! No może...
Asia. Jesteś nienormalna wiesz o tym, prawda?
- Kuba. Ależ oczywiście że jestem. 😂🤣🤪
- 👍🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
No nie wiem. 😎🐶🤯🌺🧝💘🪵🪨😭 No dobra. Przyzwyczaiłem się. Ale wybacz, spróbuje się kochać w innych osobach.
- Masz całą ziemię do kochania.
Asia. Chyba lubię młodych niemieckich chłopców co się przebierają za i udają dziewczynki... 🙂🤯😇♥️🐶👼
- Haha. 😍🙏😃 Gej?
Nie no! Skąd. A może gej. Ale dziewica w każdym razie. 😂 "Dziewica gej!"
- No to jedź tam i szukaj.
Ta jasne. Nie mam szans jej znaleźć. Może Bartek mi pomoże?
W zeszłem roku jej chłopak sprzedawał Volkswagena Caddiego przerobionego na mini campera. Gdzieś w niemczech.
- Banał.
No. To super. 22 lata koleżka miał a ona 20.
- Wszystko jasne.
No to napiszcie mi na maila jej numer telefonu.
- Masz to jak w Banku.
A jak coś to napiszcie jej, że Kuba zgubił Twój numer i chce zadzwonić i zapytać po prostu co słychać.
- I co? Sądzisz, że Klara to chłopak?
No. I to taki co wrabia gości w pefofilię. Takie jaja.
- 😂🙏🤣🤯 Coooo?
No tak. Może nawet mieszka w Sztokholmie i dużo z tego o czym rozmawialiśmy było bajką.
- I tak możemy sprawdzić kto w zeszłyk roku w Niemczech sprzedał Caddiego.
No a jeśli nie sprzedał?
- No to znajdziemy wszystkich tylko nie jego!
Można by jeszcze przekopać Sztokholmski underground.
- 👎🤐
Ok. Nie było tematu. W każdym razie super fajna. Zakochałem się na maxa.
- I co pojedziesz pod jej dom i rozbijesz namiot?
Nie bo mi Bartek znazczył.
- To inny?
Nie no. Wezmę ją w walizce na koniec świata. Zbudujemy iglo i założymy nową rodzinę Eskimosów.
- No a jak to jest gey?
No to adoptujemy małe foczki i będziemy je wychowywać.
- Super.
To może nawet lepiej, że jej chłopak nie sprzedał tego Caddiego, jeśli nie sprzedał.
- 😂🤯🤣 [OgrodnikTomek.pl] 🤯👍 (4496) Report of Criminal Activity I wrote something on Police Gävleborg Twitter account, but they deleted it. I only can imagine why. So I will use my blog to save this very importamt memo because I am affraid about myself. Because it looks like I'm victim of threats and terror. Hello. I am writing here. Today I was threten with death by Bartosz Grzymała-Lubański from Skogsstjärnevägen 61, 806 46 Gävle. He was pointong gun in my direction at the front of his kids! He also destroyd my tent.
The reason was only this that he don't want me to camping in the forest in some distance from Grankullen.
He also told me that he called police on me because of "he didn't tell me".
I think this act is strongly criminal so that's why I am informing you about that.
I am leaving Gävle now because I am scared and I affraid about me life here because of him.
I am (was) in love in his wife Joanna but I never disturbed their peace just writing nice love letters on my blog.
I did nothing wrong. I just camping couple nights in the forest next to Grankullen.
I also heard what's happening in the factory next to Grankullen and how people are suffers from it. I wrote about it to Gävle court couple days ago.
I hope that you treat this tweet as official report!
I am not pkaning to go back to Gävle ever again. I hope they will be my friend. If he have something agains my camping in this forest he can make a civil case, but threating me with a real gun, and telling lies, just because some other guy living his wife (camping in forest & doing blog) is criminal activity.
But he looks like he's thinking that he's above of any law. Probably because of some drugs he is using with his wife.
So... I am leaving Gävle and you guys, please solve this case. Talk to him. I am sure she have a lot of interesting lies about me to tell you.
You can also check my blog: Prada.fun & my Pinterest account! I have nothing to hide because I am not doind anything wrong.
My plans: I am going Norway & then maybe back to North of Sweden but not here to Gävle ever again!
Only if they excuse me & invite me eventually. I doubed because Bartosz Grzymała-Lubański looks to me, like a real evil guy who is hiding away from society with his family. "Only Away!" (4495) Thanks Sarah Silverman! 🙏❤️👍 (4494) Let the journey begins! I just want to tell one last thing. It's so stupid. Even if you would ugliest person on earth I would still want to see you just for a single moment. Maybe you want me to remember you just like you were 20 years ago. I respect that. Your silence is just crazy. I will tell you I will be looking for you in every single woman I'll met closer on my way. I am sure that you're somewhere there. I am also 100% sure, thay you will be forever in my heart. I am "hitch-hiker". Traveler. This is what I do. Please. Send me some message maybe later! Look how awful you were treating me all this time. It's not civilised way. I hope you know it. Just because I just wanted to see you for a moment and say hello to you? So I am wishing good luck for myself. And you... if you are somewhere deep down in all those sexy women, please make them want me so bad that I was (and maybe still am) in love with you! This one think I hope you can do to me. Bye bye Tink!
Let's turn the page! Focus on being good and all those sweet & nice situations you can be part of! Highfive and let's just go with a flow. The weather is so nice! ❤️ Stay positive! 🌺
Travel a lot with your family! It's always good advise! 👍🙂
(4493) Not so "Bla, bla, bla!" But I give up! ♥️👍 "Prada... really?" Today I was threaten by Joanna's husband Bartek Grzymała-Lubański, with a REAL hand gun (I don't know the model - or maybe it was only AIR-SOFT gun), when I was walking in the forest, that I have to take my tent and fuck out from their forest. Probably he did a bet with someone. I don't know. So... it breaks my heart but I have to go. I believe that they will invite me when they will together decide that they miss me. Scandinavia is very big. There's a lot of places to discover.
Indeed current situation bored me totally. But... I believe only in love and goodness inside people so my heart is sad, but smiling!
Honestly, the hospitality of my "friends" (I mean my love Joanna & Bartek) I am judging something between 0 & minus 10, but maybe it's a fault of Swedish cold temperature!
I am sending you all my love, understanding & comparshion, and I really hope to see you soon, but only after YOU decide when & how. Have a nice day my friends!
Thank you Bartek, that you didn't kill me at the front of your kids ♥️🙏!
James Prada ❤️👍😎
The only problem is that people are obsessed with being in control even when there is no need to. Situations usually bloom if allowed to do so, and there's no need to be blooming in the wrong direction. Remember that there are people in this world who believe in "goodness and love". Not only in control, strength and power. But yet there was no philosopher who would win any discussion with someone hostile holding a gun. It just tells me what an illusory world people live in. Problem jest jedynie taki, że ludzie mają obsesje do kontrolowania sytuacji nawet kiedy nie ma takiej potrzeby. Sytuacje zazwyczaj kwitną jeśli pozwoli im się na to i nie ma takiej potrzeby, żeby kwitły w złą stronę. Pamiętajcie, że są jeszcze ludzie na tym świecie, którzy wierzą w dobro i miłość. Nie tylko w kontrolę, siłę i władzę. Ale jeszcze nie było takiego filozofa który wygrałby jakąkolwiek dyskusję z kimś wrogo nastawionym trzymającym broń. To mi tylko mówi w jak iluzorycznym świecie żyją ludzie. ❤️ Please! Breath with your heart! Breath out love & goodness! Don't fight with love because the love is just one & it's always in the air. I give up! Going holidays! Waiting for you to write me & please don't kill me! I don't think it's problem when some loves the same person then you do! I think it's only good for you both! ♥️🙏😎 Peace! ♥️ One more thing. Since I'm in Gävle I never knock you door, I never called you! I am just doing my stupid blog but if you don't like it, you don't have to read it. It's only love here. Just look at my Pinterest. There's really no need for you to act "bad guy"! As I told You, I am leaving Gävle, but I really hope that you will invite me some day, maybe even soon! Have a lovely life! ❤️👍🙏♥️ 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😉 Respect, because I'm not in position to not have a respect. I just wonder why Bartek think that I am his enemy? 🤔🧐 I am not enemy of anyone! I just wanted to see my old friend. Joanna. But it's "evil gang". Shit! Nothing good for good 👼 like me. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 But everything "new" is good! Let's travel somewhere! I learned a lot! I am just doing different livestyle. "Only good people & fashion!" 👍 Here is a very interesting video from our short conversation with Joanna's husband. I think it's clear for everybody what kind of person Joanna's husband is: [Link]
Wasn't better and more civilized way would be just to be a super good & nice fellow? I was believed in him because I hoped to be their friend but some people doing all they can to have as many enemies as possible!
This is a reward for all "heart love" ❤️ I got in my heart for his wife. Love he's using it every day.
The same way how you would use this love if someone would be in love with your wife.
The way he's acting is using "primitive terror"! This is the way of acting people in Poland & Ukraine. They are conquering other countries by convincing people to use poisonous and force against other people. They are using dirty lies in courts! They are manipulating the law to serve EVIL. They are corrupting other people. It's fun for them! That's who they are! 💀
And how to not love them? 🤣😂😉 (Just kidding!)
That's why "good" USA & "good" Russia is so mad about that! They don't know that they are fighting in one good cause actually in one team! (With "good" China! I love China!) But fighting with EVIL it's "mission impossible"! To destroy EVIL & official Terrorists hiding behind legal LAW in "young savage countries" such Poland & Ukraine is.
I know it's deep and complicated but this is how the world is! Okay! Maybe I am wrong but it's just my "from outside" point of view!
I believe in love & redemption! And I believe that in heart of this man is infinitive goodness. Somewhere deep down. Maybe one day he will find it, and his life will turn into a #Disney movie.
I believe in you man! I also believe that Joanna is a good person. Maybe I'm wrong, but I am hoping I'm not.
I am speechless! I just don't know what to say? Maybe Joanna wants us to marry each other? 😂🤣😂🤣🍻 He is hating me so much... I don't know why?! I hope that he's only pretending but I'm afraid he's not. And he's even laughing at me, that I'm not a very rich person. And he destroyed my tent today! So what should I do?
I love camping in the forest! I love to be close to nature! 🧙🧝♥️ #FuckEvil It's all my message! And sometimes Evil pretends to be Good. It's a shame! I am not pretending that I'm good!
😭😭😭😭😭🎪🤪 God Help Me! Should I inform the police that he was threatening me with a pistol today? Joanna! I'm only hoping that you are extremely happy with this man. 😇😜🤐
I will pray every day! ❤
I even forgot that it's the weekend! 😿😭 Who made me to write this all? 👹 or 👼😭 "Scandinavia is really big! My heart is sad! I still have hope!" - Hope? To have my ass to kicked more? Let's (me) just meditate! Fuck! Maybe some love songs? "Respect! Super good #USA" "No need to conquering other countries!" "Hope good! You'll be in love." "Just team that. I'm good!" 🧐🤔🤫 Who hurted you? Are you okay? If someone wants me I am on Twitter: #PradaDotFun Doing jokes. Trying to be funny! Like everybody, yes? I am not talking only to those who were inspired me to have such thoughts!
The situation in my heart is very problematic. I like to feel comfortable in my heart and life. I believe that someone evil is good, but it's useless. Simple people are having enough of their problems. Love is beautiful but it has to end. She doesn't want me to help. So she's sending her husband to simply threaten me.
I like beautiful romantic stories but you can't do something beautiful from something ugly.
I tend to believe that people are much more good than they are true. Black people, poor people, sick people, street people, are very good. But rich, successful, drugs & medicine addicted, people are just bad.
They are not living in real God's universal world. They are living in their little virtual world with the illusion that they are ruling and controlling the world. It's said. They are afraid of pure and simple people, and just normal life. They have their theory about the world sophisticatedly pumped! They believe that only their way and ways are good, and they just love to cause pain in other people's lives all around them.
They don't know only one thing. Or maybe they know but they don't care. They are Muslim puppets and someone thought them evil to control them and to use them.
So they don't have access to freedom and real life. They have access only to their little or big boxes, and this made their reality! And they fight about borders of those boxes because roots of the Muslim religion taught them to constantly fight with everybody around, and they believe that it's the source of their power. It's a dark side, do they are not Jedi.
So they are guarding fences of their little world and they are even making a hell from everything that is outside.
You saw Star Wars. Jedi Masters are few. They are talking about the balance between good & bad but actually, the world is polluted and people's noses are inside their phones, so suddenly all the world is on the dark side because of technology.
The economy turned into a joke. Bright & good side turned into "porn". Families are only fences for some evil people to hide inside its walls. Car engines polluted all the planet. People are positions. They have power only for fighting on the dark side.
There is only one shop in the town and everybody needs to have iPhones! This is the "perfect plastic park". It's a prison just like you're living and it looks like sex is only a reward for it.
Oh yeah. And I am such a wise guy because I am staying outside, and people are scared to face me, and let me see what's inside because there is nothing there. Only universe of their private lives. They have each other and I'm a lonely type so that's why their life is so much richer than mine.
Look. I curse God that he is such a "motherfucker" (sometimes 😉), so he'll never take me in. I am saying "fuck" every single boss about obeying his stupid little rules, so I will always be a poor guy. But it doesn't mean that I should also be positioned by motherfuckers or killed!
I am an agent of trees, forests, mountains & freedom. I am very much in love with the "glow" of "evil" people, but it's dirty and fake.
So I will try to become a wild Indian guy, and we'll be talking only about my side because my side is a real beauty, trees, mountains, air & wind, and flowers. And your side is only being my pain until I'm letting you be my pain.
You are evil & bad people. Shame on you! I love you automatically only because I'm only wondering why you are such a pain. But you will never change so I have to forget about you. I was trying to save you, but it looks like your will of doing bad things is stronger than my white magic skills.
You are only about power, not about the quality of it. Anyway, I know what you have. You are trying to find diamonds in your plastic boxes.
Nevermind. Don't bother. It's just me. I know how I am living for how long and you... you are not so Nomads like me, so even a good wife is following her "bad" husband with his tight rules to control this little part of reality around him.
And it's like there is no place in your world to share big cosmic things. To admit that you are stoned & stupid and know nothing after so many years of studying.
It looks like a little boy is playing with his little toys. Sometimes very dangerous. But at the same time, he can play with his kids, because he is jealous of their imagination, and he's doing all he can't to force his point of view because for him it's only a game "who is stronger". Well...
There are normal people and monks. I am kind of a monk. Don't worry so much about little simple things. I was only thinking that you are nice & normal in my way of understanding the word "normal" but I was so far from the truth. 🤣😂
Keep tight to each other and never walk outside because it's war & coronavirus at the same time. Smog, fumes, pedophiles, killers, horror & fear. Stay close to your God! He will always treat me as his enemy because I'm just not a part of his little big circus, or I'm a part of it but in a different scale & meaning.
One day you will find the "freedom" in "goodness" (and I know you're looking for it), but then you have to say "fuck off" to everything you know because you will realize that it's only a pain in the ass. And then you will maybe find me because I am somewhere there. But I bet that you will hold the convention you worked throughout between each other through all those years you're together.
Don't worry. I am also not sure about everything I wrote here. I am just thinking & writing.
I think you're just bad toxic people. My bad luck. It's just your horrible style you keep. (Against me.)
Goodnight! Sleep well & tight! 🙂❤👼👍 (4492) Smski Zgadnij kogo kocham? Asie! ♥️👍🌲 Asia... ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🌲🌲♥️🌲♥️ Asia... 🌲♥️🌲♥️🌲♥️🌲♥️🌲♥️🌲♥️👍❤️🙏😎🤪 Asia... 🍒♥️🍒🍒♥️🍒🍒♥️ Kocham Cię (4491) Look Władimir Putin wygłosił dziś krótkie przemówienie na wypełnionym tłumnie moskiewskim stadionie Łużniki. Prezydent Rosji skupił się na opisie przyczyn ataku na Ukrainę w 2014 r. Pod koniec przemówienia zacytował Pismo Święte, stwierdzając, że "nie ma większej miłości niż oddać duszę za przyjaciół swoich", po czym wygłosił jeszcze jedno, urwane w połowie, zdanie i zniknął z transmisji. [Źródło: Onet] 1) Zastanawiam się jak to było z tymi laboratoriami chemicznymi na Ukrainie, finansowanymi przez USA za 80M$ 2) Koniec końców Putin zapewnił Ukraińcom "Fresh Start" na zachodzie! Tak im śpieszno było do EU! 🤣 3) Chiny popierają Rosje, ale jest szansa, że Japonia i Słowacja poprą Ukraińców! 😂🤣✌️ 4) Pies jebał Coca-Colę i McDonalda! 😂🤣👍 And now the real story without onet's free "pro-Rrussian" interpretation... [Link] A z resztą kto to wie jak to tam było naprawdę? (4490) Hello today! Where is piano? Need to charge my phone! Gdzie śniadanie? W McDonaldzie! 🤣😂 Cola i frytki. (4489) Up Progression of Hashes (Majors) It's very interesting! Because of it I did "Miniors Around the Clock". ❤️ Kocham Asię! 😊♥️ I need to find piano! ❤️ (4488) Down Flats Progression (Majors)! I did it yesterday before Miniors I finished today. (4487) Miniors Up Hashes Progresson I think I get it how to juggle this Keys to maintain this circle Keys shifting. You can play certain Minior in Exchange of Major and vice versa! 🙏😊 Now I have to perform some experiments. It's only theory of Music. 👍♥️ If I could play this... then I'm a man. (4486) Smski Kocham Cię Asiu 🏹❤️👼 Przyjdź do mnie do lasu. Jestem Włóczykijem a Wy jesteście Muminkami 😊👼🌲 Moje serce jest całe Asi. Kocham Cię 🌹🤭🙏👼😘 Kocham Cię 👍😊❤️❤️❤️👼🏹😘 Nie ją, tylko Ciebie! 😊🤭🙏❤️ (????) 😂😂😂 Jakiś Error! Ty! Siedzi tu w krzakach jakiś niedźwiedź i się czai. Kocham Cię ❤️ Barteczku. Jest tam gdzieś Twoja ukochana Asieńka? 🌝🙏❤️ Kubutek kocha Asiunie! ❤️🌹♥️🙏🌲 Asia. Choć do lasu pogadać. Nie daleko masz. 😂😉 Bartek. Czy Asia tam w ogóle mieszka u Ciebie? 😭 Kocham Asieńkę 👍🤭👼♥️ Asiu... gdzie jesteś? Postawiłem wigwam na wzgórzu nieopodal waszego obozowiska. Dzisiaj ma padać po północy. Nie przejmujcie się jak zapalę czerwoną migającą lampkę. To sygnał dla samolotów, żeby się o mnie nie rozbiły i że Asia może przyjść do mnie mnie odwiedzić i pokrzepić trochę na duchu. ♥️😭❤️🧐🤭👼👍 Dobra. Żartowałem z tym miganiem czerwoną lampką. Szkoda mi bateryjek i nie chcę przyciągać niczyjej uwagi. 😊♥️ Brzuszek mnie boli. 👁️🤪💦🤭❤️🙏 Bateria mi się kończy. Dobranoc. A! No i możemy wysyłać sobie znaki dymne. ♥️ Dobranoc. 😊 Pa Asiu. Proszę przytul mnie mocno do swojego ukochanego Asinowego serca. ❤️🤭🫂 Kocham Cię! Pozdröw Bartka. I poproś go, żeby się nie gniewał. Rano spadam do miasta. Jadę po gwoździe i deski. Trzeba zreperować koło w moim wozie. Kocham Cię Asieńku ♥️👁️🥳🤩😍✌️🌲🍍😎🤪🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🤭🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂😊♥️🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲 Kocham x x nieskończoność! 🤪😉😊♥️ (4485) That's how I roll! Beautiful night dress! Woman! Do you want to join me in my sleeping bag in midnight forest? 🤪🙏🦄❤️ Let's hunt some witches! The moon is so beautiful tonight! 🤭🌝❤️🌹 I love witches! 🍒🍌😱❤️ (4484) Strange Night Noises Hello. Maybe you remember me. In case not I am sending our previous correspondence.
I am camping in different places just for the night lately, mostly in area on the west from GRAN-KULLEN. I gave professional survival equipment and it's just fun and pleasure for me because I love nature and you have beautiful forest here.
Yesterday I saw (heard) some extremely strange activity. It was noises from the area I will show you on the map in red circle. Yesterday it started just before a 2a.m. in the middle of the night and it looks like today is the same.
The sound of scraped gravel, thrown planks, and other heavy industrial objects.
The problem is that a lot of people is sleeping here including a lot of kids and I think all this situation needs to be checked! The problem is that a lot of people is sleeping here including a lot of kids and I think all this situation needs to be checked!
I think this case is extreemly similar to the case I told you before, when I was on the Gävle camping.
There is some group of "night industrial workers" who are working in the night and taking all advantages from being pain in the ass of other people! The situation here is extreemly more problematic then one I describe You on the Gävle camping! Here there is a lot of regular houses and working families inside who wants to get rest when it's time for it. On the camping "they" were starting at 6-7 o'clock in the morning and HERE the obtrusive noises starting in the middle of the night (2a.m.) when people are sleeping.
It's an outreagious mass rape on human's sleep including bunch of little children. The mental health of people here is suffering and someone should do something with that.
I think it's well enought here for all those good people to hear only a train comming once a while or some truck or car passing them in distance, but those sounds are neutral and "no one is doing them by driving in his car in circle on and on". Right? BUT... having full operating, in the middle of the nigh, industrial area, in surronding of living areas with houses and happy families inside it's a true crime and, I will write this again, someone should do something about that! (And there is a lot of houses closer from the source of those noices then me now!)
I would like to truly commend You, because last time after I send you a letter with video links, those workers near Gävle camping, stoped working immediately & making those noises, and again I will repeat that those noises were made in the mornings (not in the nights), and area was not so heavily crowded like here, where I am now!
Here in this area I think that also some huge changes should be made! It's not a harbor in Hambur or Hanover! I will explain you more! Such a practices of taking sleep from people I saw in polish prison. It's a way of torturing the people by taking away from them their resting time. It's a huge raped on humans and it affects peoples mind and mental health.
Those people here are criminals and they know exactly what they are doing. The coverage for them is that there's a harbour here and it's operating in regular day time hours, so more less from 6-7a.m.
This what's happening here is rape on huge gruop of people in the middle of the night. Someone should gave them huge penalties for doing such a noises in the middle of the nights! I will tell you more. Yesterday there were doing this and tonight probably also but not on such a big scale like today. Yesterday it was really hard "fuc..." peoples ears here. It affects my dreams. I had unplesent dreams! They were creating big sexual energy and it's affecting peoples minds here and what about they are thinking. The procedure is like that. These guys making noises in the middle of the nights.
They are watching x movies or they even recording this. (There were creating big sexual energy and you could feel that because... litteraly your penis force to be up!) (I will tell you more! So it looked like people here are forced to make sex in the middle of the night from order of guys who are doing this in distance in the middle of the night and makeing industrial noises, which are only containers for "projection of this energy", and forcing people to make love on mass scale...? I know that it's sounds like crazy story series, but this is actually what's happening here! People's sensitives minds litteraly are ripped of from the sleep are focusing on those noises and gave them all their "mental power and energy". So it looks like it is kind on "mind synchronisation" you are force to! Just like someone would woke you up suddenly in the middle of the night. And this is exactly what's happening here and it's huge crime!
So! I think thoss two places are fully respobsible for this all what's happening here! It's:
1) Nilar AB
2) Grännäs Trähus
3) Svecon Freight AB
4) Kuusakoski Sverige AB It's 3:50 in the middle of the night but I will go there. Just before I am sending this mail to you and I am also throwing this content onto my blog, because I think this people could be dangerous.
By the way. It's obvious that bosses can use their employees to do this. You can't argue with the boss, that's right? It's always like that. You have to do what your boss is telling you to do and that's always explanation of the workers.
I will try to shoot some photos and to record some movies to have a proof of what is happening here!
By the way! I am strongly suggesting of speed limitation during the night in this area or building "sound proof" fence between the road and Gävle Golf Course to reduce night noises and let people to have good sleep & night resting time, because it looks like some bad guys are fucking those two values and they are having great times because of that.
Again I will explsin you: "the mental energy going from you to your disturber" and you can't resist or do anything like that, because you are force to it! It's bad! Those "black magic" practices are just crimes! It should be stopped immediately.
Oh. And they are using in their defence such a statements: "we're only working", "talk to our boss", "the job has to be done", "who will do this if not us", "we need to get rid of snow from roads", "people has to go work in the morning"... but it's only heavy bullshit! It's just excuse for them to practice "night black magic" on peoples asses here. Oh. And before I will go there I will call police, but from my previous expirence I know that police don't want to have anything with that and they are advising to send all cases like that to the civil court.
I only wonder in how many other areas in Sweden people are fucking other people this way? Oh, last summer I saw a lot shit like that during day time. Usually it's cars without plated making terrible noise in the middle of a day. Or just "innocent kids" on their scooters! Why "such a practices" shouldn't happen in the middle of winter only where it can.
Well... ambulances are doing noise sometimes in the middle of a day and those guys are only learning from it! I think that someone (legal local authorities) should stop them!
I think people are having right to not being rape in their sleep time!
Of course! You can use earplugs but then someone can rob your house or you won't hear your crying little kid. And now you know why!
Thank you very much for understanding, and I'll pray God to do something with this!
In the morning I will send you link to sone photos or videos I've made in the night from now.
It look's like it's my second sleepless night.
Ps. I know that there's War in Ukraina but me and I am sure those people near want's to have good & peacful sleep! Thank you!
Kind regards,
James Prada Ok! And now let's go there & call police! No way! It's too cold! 🥶 😂🤣🤪 Do you think it's funny? 🤬🤬😡 No it's not! 🤡 (4483) Asia! Jestem w lesie... ...jak chcesz sie spotkac albo cos 😉👍 to przyjdz. Czekam. ❤🍄🥰 Kocham Asie.
No matter what.
Till I die!
- But why?
Bo Asia jest taka
(Because she is
so sweet!)
Budzę się rano.
(I wake up morning)
Myślę o Asi.
(I think about her)
Budzę się w nocy.
(I wake up at night)
Myślę o Asi.
(I think about her)
Asi jest wszędzie we mnie.
(She is in all me)
Asia wypełnia całego mnie.
(She fills me whole)
I am Taken by Asia.
My blood, my thoughts.
My libido, my air.
In night and day.
Every single morning.
Every single evening.
Oh the weather is so
beaitiful! Sunny spring.
And my heart is full.
But I want more.
More Asia in me.
More Asia in me.
And I will become handicaped
probably, because I am
masturbating too much.
And she is my teacher.
She is my muse.
She is my poetry.
I am dying from pleasure
of dreaming about her.
I am done! Happily done.
Maybe she's using me.
Maybe she's abusing me.
But I don't mind.
Actually I love it!
And I still hoping.
My heart is full of hope.
But it's useless.
It's like "affraid love".
I am affraid that she's not here.
I am affraid that she's gone.
I am affraid that she died.
I am affraid that she hated me.
I am affraid that she doesn't
love me. But what to do?!
I should get use to this
uncertainty, because she's
breaking me heart constantly,
and through my hope she
sucking all my love I have to her.
All my love she want's from me.
And sweet pleasure is reward.
I hope one day she will take
me into her arms. Sweet loving
arms, because I am dreaming
I'm there already.
I hope one day she'll take me
onto your sopha.
Sophia. Nice name by the way.
I hope see will do all
nessesery love magic on me.
Would you harm me?
Would you pay me with
hate for all my love I got
deep in my heart for you?
Would you scared good
loving man like me?
Why I am affraid of you?
Why I am affraid of him?
Did I saw enought evil
already to assume that
you are evil and that
you want to do me harm?
What kind of people are you?
Ask yourself a question.
You are just evil.
Does all your friends the same?
Is this world so fucked up?
I pray not!
I will focus on goodness!
On freedom. On open
loving heart! My heart.
And you...
Eh. You only made me sad.
Again. Bravissimo!
Hell is proud of you.
You are dirty devils and my
hate then will only help.
I hate you! I hate you both!
You are dirty devils and I'm
sweet loving angel. 😹
Or no!
Because I love her so much,
I also want to be bad!
I want to be just like you!
Don't you think I can't pretend?
How evil and bad person I am?
Just pay me.
Pay me like I am yours.
And tell me what to do.
Sorry! I am trying to be
stupid funny! I'm bored! 😁👍
Play this!
Ab(G#) Eb(D#) Bb(A#) F
E B Gb(F#) Db (C#)
Let's glue our hearts! "In #Tesa We trust!" 🤪😂🤣 - Tesla? No! Tesa! 🥇🙏♥️ I hope it survive! (4482) This Circle (4481) Day Shift ♥️ I am drunk only
with thinking about You.
I am forever "all-in".
Only you.
I will work for you
for free.
I will do anything.
Just to be your friend.
Just to see your face.
Just to see your smile.
My heart is happy.
It's like final mission.
Just to be close to you.
To love you.
It's so amazing feeling.
"I love you".
Does it mean anything
at all? When I can feel
so much in my heart,
when I am dreaming
of You.
Take me in your sweet game.
Save my hungry soul.
You are second half of me.
Let's connect without any
limits. At least for moment.
Let me just give you a hug.
You are my Absolut.
Cheers! How I can proove it to you,
that this will last forever,
when everyday I'm staying
on the edge of everything,
and time means nothing
to me.
How I can make you love me?
"Everyday nothing to me.
Forever." I think I am worth you!
I swear I am. This is my faith.
And I need so little from you.
Look how I am begging for it.
Can you see those letters?
Is suffering only kind of love?
Will you ever be happy
because of me?
Or just a little more happy?
Do you believe in my love.
Does it mean to you anything?
I am not tragic.
I just miss you so much.
And I am crawling so close
to you, right at yout feet.
And you are so highheeled.
You are so God damn hot.
I've lost myself tottaly
in loving you.
And I only want to love
you more, but don't make
me suffer more. Please.
I think this situation is hot.
And I am thinking about all
those future years and what
we can do together.
If you only let me be your
good hear friend.
I swear I will give all myself
to you. I swear. You have my
life. I live only for you.
I hope it's marvelous.
Please. Take my heart to
your sweet loving hands,
and pump it until it blow.
I just love you! 🙂♥️
- Let me be your God!
You are already are my love!
I just love you! 🙂♥️🤯🤪 (4480) Night Poetry God help me!
I'm so in love!
- Good! It's normal.
All I want is
"more & more",
"deeper & deeper",
"darker & darker".
- Good! It's love.
It takes me whole!
- Nice & sweet.
I think it's for life.
No jokes! I want
to love noone else.
- Good! She's happy.
My heart is happy
and filled with love.
- Sweet.
I am addicted.
I am tottaly her.
- Okay.
Every single breath.
Every single moment.
Belongs to her.
- Ok.
I am closing my eyes
and we are one.
I just need her touch.
Her friendship.
- Wait for it.
I just want to hide
my head in her arms...
and to give her all my
love... always... with
every single breath out...
telling right to her
heart... "Kocham Cię" 👼
- Come on! Chill out man!
- Are you such a crazy all
the time?
No! Ofcourse not... but...
- But what?
I am just in love! ♥️
- Good. Very good.
Thank's God!
- No problemo! "Help me. I want this more. No problemo! God!" 🙏♥️👍 (4479) Next Forest Lesson Maybe now you have some better view on this "shit". As you see from last to first doesn't go very smooth. It's C# back to C. It's because this freaking shit is going in circle and here we got only half of it. Only "#" no "b". 🙂 (4478) "Fuck This All" 👍♥️🐶🍻 Kocham Asie! ♥️🐶 Baby. Please! Chill down your freaking ride to my basic level. Please! I want to meet you in normal phisical way. Come on! Write me back. Please. What else can I do? Let's do beer. (4477) Smsy Asieńko. Jesteś tam? Kochana. Proszę powiedz. Nie mogę już wytrzymać w tej niepewności. Prosze Cię. Bądź łaskawa i wyrozumiała dla mojego serca. - Jestem. Ale co byś chciał Kubutku? Przytulić Cię. Porozmawiać. - Asia wie. Królowo litości. ♥️🙏👁️ - Dobrze. Jakiś łobuz mnie obudził dzisiaj o 10:30 i się pyta czy wszystko w porządku i czy może nie chcę napić się wody? 🤣😂 No good! - 🙏🤣 Chcę być Twoim chochlikem. 🙏🤣😂♥️ Forever. Nie chcesz żebym Wam w czymś pomógł? O! Może Bartkowi auto umyć? 🤭🙂 Tak bardzo Cię kocham. Jakby się okazało, że Cię tu nie ma... to po co ja tu jestem? Bartek. Litości! Asia... Kocham Cię! Adoptuj mnie. A jak Cię tu nie ma, ale czytasz to, to przyjedź po mnie i weź mnie do siebie na zawsze. ♥️🤭👼 Jak Królowa Śniegu. Jak to było z tą "starą szafą"? Asia... ♥️ "Lew, Czarownica i Stara Szafa?" Asia... tylko Ty jesteś taka słodziutka! ♥️👍🙏 Tak Cię kocham. Wiesz co... ja wierze, że moje marzenia się spełnią. Bo się w końcu zlitujecie. Ja chyba jestem Smerfem, więc nie traktujcie mnie jak normalnego człowieka. O! Może elfem. 👍🤭 Zawsze Chciałem. - No widzisz. No to jesteś. Elfem Asi. Mój, mój, mój, tylko mój na zawsze! 👍😊🙂 Tak, tak, tak! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ - Śpieszy Ci się gdzieś? Tylko do Ciebie. "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." Pamiętam raz w Lublinie byłem na tym, albo na 2-ce, i wyłem jak bóbr. Tak się wzruszyłem. No ale miałem 4 Tyskie. Siedziałem sam z przodu. Z tyłu tylko kilka dzieci było z rodzicami. Oczywiście nic nie pamiętam. - Zawsze. Mój na zawsze. Zawsze chciałam. To proszę. Spotykaj się ze mną w tym lesie. Żebym miał po co żyć. Albo, żebym mógł przynajmniej podchodzić i nocować w Waszym kurniku. Jak dziki zwierz. Macie tam jakieś kury? Chyba nie! 🤣🐇 A króle? - Kubuś. ♥️🐇 Tylko, żeby Bartek się nie wkurwił! 🙏♥️🎩🐇 Jestem taki zakochany i smutny. ♥️😭♥️🙏 Eh... ♥️ Tak Cię kocham... 👼🌹🌈🤪👍♥️🙏 Asia... - Co kochany? Możesz mnie przytulić i pocieszyć? ♥️👍🙏👼 Proszę. Jestem taki smutny i nieszczęśliwy... ♥️ Asia... ♥️🌹 I have to let it go... but I can't and I love it! 🙂👍♥️🤪 I love how you're holding me by heart! 🙂🌹♥️ I am building you in my mind but it's so simple because you are helping me all the way. And you love the way I am addicted to you. And how I love you... ♥️👍😊👁️👼🐵 "Local way building you..." I want eternity in my hand & heart, now & forever but it's... on the other side of the river. It's in your heart. ♥️ I am so impatience! Build the biggest you inside me. I can think only about you. 😊😉 I like like that. I belive in you and in your good ways! ♥️🐵👍🌹 We should be phisical friends. It's mad without it. Please. All is fun. ♥️👍🐵🌹 I am so unusual ordinary guy. And I see only you. 🙂 I mean we are all very selective in reality we're sipping. Don't we? I am sipping Bloody Merry. 🤣😂👍♥️ "Zakochany i smutny!!!" "Mój na zawsze!!!!" Something to do... big something to feel! ♥️👍 - Ale co byś chciał Kubutku? Rent me piece of your mind & heart... 🧠🫀 "No to jesteś z rodzicami!" (4476) New Song C na Eb i F 🤔 Asia. Koooocham Cię. - Co tam Kubutku? Co chcesz? A co jest w menu? - Ja. Spacer? Randka? ♥️🌹🙏🌈 (4475) She's not there! She's gone! 🙀 I have doubts. I am affraid. I'm locked away forever. I am passionate. I am in love. I'm naive. I'm trembling. There's no place I'd rather be. I am stupid. I'm brainwashed. I'm aware. I'm blind. I'm excited. I'm horny. I'm well fucked up. I'm raped. I'm killed. I'm hoping. I'm mess. I'm addicted. It feels like home. I'm sold. I'm shaking. I'm waiting. I'm relaxed. I'm resting. I'm breaking my mind. My thoughts are running. Yes! Probably I'm in love. It's just total crazy. ♥️🙏🛸 [RideOn] ♥️ - Was all my life... (This song) And this solo tought me how to play blues! Fuck you Angus! 🙏🐇 [LongRoadToHeaven] 🤭🤔😊👹👼 [Maria] I love Guano Apes but I don't know those songs when I am stoned in #Malaga [OneAndOnly] 🤔♥️😊👍 Something like... [CrazyInLove] ♥️👍👼 [LetMeEntertainYou] Yes, thank you! [TakeYou] 💭 [WildestDreams] 👍🌹 [JumpAndFall] 😊♥️👍 [GoBack] [ThatsTheWay!] ♥️👍😊🌹 [BeyondBeautiful] But I'm not sure! [SomethingGottaGive] 🤔 [KeepRolling] (Limp Bizkit) [Forest] (Saod) [YouKnowYourWrong] 😉👎🙏🌹♥️ Sorry. Only Love. ♥️ Muszę zadać Ci pytanie. Czy Joanna od Ciebie odeszła dawno temu? Znasz mojego maila. Proszę odpisz. Jak tak to nic tu po mnie. (4474) Smski Koooooooooooocham! ♥️🙏🐇 Nauczę się czegoś przynajmniej. - "Idź do swojej trumny i zamknij wieko! Jak będziesz mógł wyjść dostaniesz SMSa!" - Genialne! Dlaczego wyszedłeś? - Bo mi się chciało siku. - Następnym razem zamkniemy Cię na haczyk. To pamiętaj, żeby następnym razem najpierw się wysiusiać. - Dobrze! ♥️👍 Addams Family 😁🧟👍 - Ty słuchaj on tam siedzi już 5 godzin. Zapomnieliśmy mu wysłać smsa! Mamo, mamo gdzie byłaś? Tajemnica. Ale teraz możemy się pobawić w co chcesz. - Super. ♥️👍 Musisz zrobić to, to i to Kopciuszku! Don't be so shy! ♥️👍😁 Everybody have problems with this! "Our house our rules!" Byłeś niegrzeczny! Znowu dostaniesz opierdol! Rodziny się nie wybiera! Tu masz łóżko idź spać. - A gdzie jest Mama Asia? - Jak przyjdzie to przyjdzie do Ciebie. ♥️👍😁 Nie wytrzymam z tej miłości. - Spoko! Wytrzymasz. Idę do lasku się pobawić. - Kuba kiedy wracasz? - Za tydzień. - No chyba zwariowałeś! Masz być pod telefonem! Adopcja wieku średniego. Jak dobrze wychować sobie robota kuchennego? Umiesz zrobić ciasto francuskie? - A masz masło? A kochasz Asie? Jak komar lep. Mogę się znowu opić? - Tak ale nie wychodź ze swojego pokoju. - Dobrze. A nic. Fajnie. Tak sobie. ♥️🙏😁 Kocham Cię. Przeglądam Pinteresty. Myślisz że już zawsze będę smutny? - Nie powinieneś być smutny. Wszystko dobrze Kubuś. Ale ja Cię tak strasznie kocham... ♥️👍🙏 "Dobrze. Dobrze. Wszystko dobrze." "Musisz nauczyć się siku. Zamkniemy Cię na haczyk." ♥️👍😁 "Już zawsze będzie tak strasznie!" 🐵👍🤔🌈🤪🍻 - A kochasz Asie? "Panie Boże. Proszę Cię, żeby te dwie osoby, tak dziwne i tak różne, pozwoliły mi się kochać i żeby zrozumiały że każdy gram mojego cierpienia jest poświęceniem dla tej miłości." Dzięki! ♥️😇 Nie wiem. Waham się. 😉 Tak bardzo chciałbym mieć rodzinę... 😭♥️ "Spoko. Zawsze. Asię?" Nie... wszystkich! 😭♥️🙏 Asie. Tak! ♥️♥️♥️ Najbardziej na swiecie! 🌹 "Lep. Niegrzeczny! Our rules!" "Myślisz dobrze. Tak bardzo!" "Następnym razem w co chcesz. Będzie tak." Boże jakbym chciał. Ta nadzieja to całe moje życie. - Nie płacz. Przecież jesteś przy nas. Cierpliwości. "Smski, genialne!" "Family! Pamiętaj to!" - Kooooocham! To pamiętaj! ♥️ - Chcesz opierdol? Wytrzymasz? Nie chcę. Wytrzymam. Wolałbym... wiesz...- No co? Wakacje w Chorwacji z Nami? "Przecież jesteś przy Nas. Pamiętaj to." "Nie denerwuj się!" Nie tak blisko jak bym chciał. 🙁 ♥️🐶 (4473) Jokes Mommie. Why daddy is drinking again? - Don't worry Susan. Dady loves mommy very much and now he needs to lay down in garden and watch trees. Just. Simple. But there is no time for laying down & watching trees! - Why? If you love someone... 🤣😂👍🙏♥️ Daddy. Why you are watchong trees? - Because your mommy is soooo sweet baby! ♥️ "Mommy go!" 😂🤣👍♥️ Kurwa mac ja pierdole ale sie zakochałem! - Będe Twoją żoną a ty będziesz moim zakładnikiem. Chcesz? Chcę! Wypieprzymy cały świat! Będą Cię szantażować, żebyś pozwoliła mi pisać na Twitterze. Ale najpierw musisz mi zabrać telefon na jakiś czas. Jesteś taka słodziutka! Tak bardzo Cię kocham. - Jak bardzo? Jak to drzewo! Jakbym był tym drzewem to bym się cały czas spuszczał żywicą z miłości do Ciebie. 🐵🤣😂🙏👍♥️🍑💫🌲 lol 🐇🛸 - Haha! Kocham Cię 😁👍 - Jak bardzo chcesz, żebym była Twoją żoną? Tak bardzo, jak nie chcę, żeby Twój mąż się na mnie gniewał. 🤣😂😁😁👍 - Jesteś super! Tylko Cię kocham! 👍🙂🙏♥️ (4472) Asia, gdzie jesteś? Śpisz? Proszę powiedz mi. ♥️👍😉 Serce mi pęka. Nie ma Was w domciu? ♥️🤔😭 Kocham Cię. Tęsknie. Tak mi smutno. 😭👍♥️🌹😁🌲 "Lep. Niegrzeczny. Our rules!" (4471) Next Next [JesusLeftChicago] Czika Mnie 🙏🤪♥️👍 - Kubuś. Rusz dupę. Ile mam Cię wołać? [BottomOfTheWell] 😂😉🙏♥️👍🤪🎶🎶🎶 [HappyDrunk] ♥️🙏👍💋 I'm "Hall 9001" 😂🤣👍🙏♥️🎶 [NoTimeToDie] ♥️🎶💋💋💋💋💋 Zdąże! Bartek. Pisz do mojej matki, że już nie możesz tego wytrzymać i się tniesz! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣👍 Cheers! [ThisShitIsHot] 😂👍 [IbeliveInAsia] ♥️👍🙏🥰 God works in mysterious way! 🙏♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️👍🌹💫👾🌈 [She]'ll [FixYou] [Genocide] (!) [ItllBeAlongTime] ...or little good and the world be free! [HandInYoutPocket] [One - Metallica] - Nice song to slow dance! Let's fly with those boys for a while! 🙂🙏♥️🌹 [EnterSandman] [Link] 🤣👍🎶 Party under tree! 👍🌲 [MyBabyDidntGoneWithAwind] ♥️ [AsiaSaid] I am already in my grave. How you can treat me like that? - Okay. - But it's true. I sm sad as moon. ♥️🌲👍 - You'll be fine! Trust me! - So you know why you love me? Maybe! But how do you feel about that? - "And New" - How's your heart? Aleays very sad! Can you help it? [GunsAndRoses] 🌹 Kocham Cię ale to chyba dla Ciebie nic nie znaczy. - Tyle znaczy ile może. Chill out! 😉 😁 Dokładnie! Pieprzyć idiotów, nie? - Tylko, że bycie idiotą jest względne, a wiesz jak jest kochany... każdy dupek uważa się za najmądrzejszego w swoim świecie. I chyba jest. 😉👍 Jakie to mądre kochanie. I need another super song! [BoyYouKillingMe...] [InvisibleTouch] ♥️🌹 [LetsDance] 🎶♥️ (4470) Next Fuck those links! Some day I will fix it. [FoolFighterd-Everlong] 🎶 Beautiful song!
[FoolFighterd-Everlong] [JustDance]
Niby działa! [GimmieGimmieGimmie]
Kurwa! LoL 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Próbujemy jechać na tym wózku, ale się nie da! LoL [Resonate] One by one! I am so stupid! Let's go heatphones! So... bye! 😂👍🎶♥️ This is little mess! Nevermind! ♥️👍😂🎶 I am in love! 200% love! (4469) Let's go more! I am so lazy!
- Pisz cały czas. Wtedy jestem przy Tobie.
Nowa piosenka Imagine Dragons! [Enemy] Niezła!
- Lubię ten zespół.
Sia! [DrinkToGetDrunk] Those erly songs are always fucked up crazy. You know. Made without local official Masters. Did you saw guys doing songs for RHCP? Lot of them there is! Never mind! Let's hit Nirvana. You like?
- No. More Sia!
Ok. [Genius] 💋👽
- OMG! I see! 👍♥️😭🙂🐵🙏
You are funny! I love you! [Dinamite] 😉
- ...
Fucking fucked up good song! Let's dance bany! You're my friend! Untill we go kiss. ♥️👍👽
- Bartek też Cię kocha!
To mnie trochę krępuje.
- Człowieku, skąd ty spadłeś?
Ty tam dobrze wiesz! Nie kokietuj! 🐵🙏♥️
- Daj mi się napić z Tobą.
Asia. Poczekaj. Jutro też będę pijany gdzieś tam w krzakach. Wyślę wam współżędne GPS.
- Daj teraz. Chcę być przy Tobie.
Asia. Jadę na weekend do Sztokholmu.
- Już uciekasz?
- To pij to! https://open.spotify.com/track/6ObQ36ZgbZ7IlHy6jhtfcW?si=dFuEI1gYSMenvYnPF2dkPg&utm_source=copy-link[ToGetHer] ♥️ Będzie dobrze.
Fajnie tu u Was. Serio. 👍🤣😂🎶
- Zostałeś przejęty przez piracki okręt. Nazywa się Asia. 🐵👍
Kocham! Następna piosenka! https://open.spotify.com/track/4f3uZW3Wc1uO2cN4WJs5nu?si=fdqB71FAQUy-dZ9wC16bGg&utm_source=copy-link[iCanOnlyImagine]
- Puść Szakirę!
Moment! Ale co?
- Już tam wiesz!
Spoko! Puff Lil Wayne i Puff Daddy wyjebali mnie z Twittera bo wyjechałem, że w USA trzeba przywrócić niewolnictwo, bo jak to Policjant może być czarny, po tym jak zobaczyłem jak murzynka policjantka goni i razi paralizatorem laskę, która pokazała dupę kamerzysce, właśnie przy tej policjantce.
- Brawo!
Tydzień bana na Twitterze.
- I słusznie!
Ja pierdole! Co oni na żartach się nie znają?
- Znają! Tydzień bana! 😂🤣🙏♥️
🤣😂👍🙏🐵♥️ https://open.spotify.com/track/664fvVG2C15AoBlbmpig3p?si=XijWgbejT8aRwzcIGoZeiw&utm_source=copy-link[ET]
- Nie wolisz Black Horse?
- To dawaj!
- Będę Cię nosiła.
Wait! I want yo be your enemy!
- Tam leżą. Nie chcesz!
Ok. Żartowałem!
- Wiem!
Kocham Cię!
- Też wiem!
https://open.spotify.com/track/5jrdCoLpJSvHHorevXBATy?si=sjXIWfYxTtGRJgrdVqxHrA&utm_source=copy-link[Lithium] Wiem że to Twoja ulubiona piosenka Nirvany!
- You know you're right!
Very funny! 😂🤣😂🤣👍 I know!
- Dawaj!
- Wbijaj pod Nas!
Nie bo Bartek będzie zły. Kokietuje piekło. 🤪😂👍
- Też się upije i nie będzie!
Już ostrzegłem matkę, żeby nie przekazywała mi złych wiadomości! 🤣😂
- 😭💋 (Bartek)
Buhahahaha! 🤪👍👍👍🙏♥️
- ...
Asia. Ja was dobrze rozumiem. Takie rzeczy się ogólnie na codzień nie zdarzają. Wiesz...
- Oj wiem! Wiemy!
- ...
I don't have to think! I only have to fo it! ... And I did it! And I am here! With you guys! Because I love you and it's good magic! Miley Cyrus agreeing! Happy Hippies Fundation and all other nice & good loving shit like that!
- Well... You're right Kubutku. World is boring and predictible. You are fucking this very well!
It's just a https://open.spotify.com/track/1vEgrHo24l50BHDse4NoOu?si=-D78eveiQHS4bzJZsWHDzg&utm_source=copy-link[School]
- Fuck!
Are we in high school again?
- Always!
Bartek. If you are the one who is gettong the best of me, because I love your wife (My Asia) I think that you own me just a good nice cozy friendship-ness! And if you don't understand this I think that you should drink more alcohol. I don't want to make you a harm. You both! 🤪👍 Opposite!
- Keep trying! (Bartek)
This song is quite powerful agressive. That's problem!
- Yeah! It's too loud!
I will catch something more quiet! https://open.spotify.com/track/3egnL9xhoUH8lbXw6morFm?si=lBPjWf46TG6uAtgP2zsZhg&utm_source=copy-link[BlackHoleSun] 😉♥️
- Teraz już wiesz!
Nie wiem. Co?
- Gówno! Tyle czekałam!
To nie takie proste. Z moim rebelianckim nastawieniem do systemu. Sama widzisz! Ruscy noszą buty Prada i dobie robią jaja! 😭🙏 Co mam zrobić? "Ta wojna to kurwa napewno nie przeze mnie!" - powiedział Puszkin wyrzucając fortepian przez okno! 😂🤣
- 👍 Kubutku. Tyle czekałam! Przyjdź.
Boję się! Bo będę chciał zostań na zawsze!
- Zostaniesz!
Co?! To możliwe?
- A wierzysz że tak?
Całym sercem!
- To może jest.
Boję się sprawdzić. Może jeszcze nie czas? Jestem tylko wilkiem który wyje miłości! Pozwólcie mi być alkoholikiem przez jakiś czas. Może wydorośleje trochę. Śpieszy nam się?
- Tak bo Cię kochamy! Wiesz ile ludzi czeka?
Śpieszy im się kurwa gdzieś? Posłuchajmy muzyki. Kocham Cię Asieńko.
- Dawaj.
https://open.spotify.com/track/3L5rLmAxauCmrOfutpiMql?si=OrGHP24lTi-CsoCoa2fZRA&utm_source=copy-link[ThroughTheWindow] This is sweet! 👍♥️ Idę siku. Sorry. Linki się zjebały. Nie wiem czemu! Kopiuj wklej. [ToGetHer] (4468) New Podcast Drop! Check turning around Cruze Radio button! Sorry... I am always little drunk!
- Na to czekałam! "Ok Google. Where are you?" 🤪🤣👍
"How to end up a war on Ukraina? - With Moomins! - The idea is same fucked up as this war itself!" 👍🤣🤪😂😂😂
"I've met a nice couple and Today I got Married! I am "golden snake without head" now! (How it will be in chineese?) - 無頭金蛇 👍🤣🤪😂 Ok! 🥰
"I feel like amrosia in jar!"
"I'm so excited that I don't know what to do? - Keep breathing man! Breathe love!"
"They love you so much that they never let you go! They love me so much that they never let me go!"
"I am leaving tommorow!"
"I was no one without you and my life got no meaning! And now! I feel like a bird on the tree!"
"Joanna please take me deep down under, to the basement of your sweetest love!"
"Let me beg you for more each single day!"
"Let me sing for you with all those little poems!"
"Będziesz naiwny przy mnie. Nie przejmuj się niczym. Asia się Tobą zaopiekuje. Już się Tobą zaopiekowałam."
"Tak bardzo Cię kocham. Tak bardzo chciałbym Cię dotknąć. Przytulić."
"Tak bardzo się boję, że Cię stracę. Tak bardzo się boję, że odejdziesz!"
"Nie bój się, bo ja się będę Ciebie bała. Kokietujesz piekło."
"Uwielbiam Cię. Bardzo mnie kręcisz królowo! - To dobrze. Wiem."
"Czy mogę Cię pragnąć i pożądać? - Pozwalam."
Kocham Cię
Możesz się mną nudzić. Trudno jeśli tak.
- Uwielbiam Cię. Śpij przy mnie.
Dobrze, ale przeproś Bartka. B, proszę nie gniewaj się. I bardzo Cię proszę o cierpliwość.
- Spoko. Martw się mną.
Ok. Serce. "Przepraszam!" Proszę o wybaczenie. Nie mam absolutnie nic ma swoje usprawiedliwienie, że jesteś któlową mego życia.
- Nie tylko Twojego. Walcz o mnie Prada!
Nie będę walczył o nikogo. Zmuszanie do walki to forma gwałtu.
- Dlatego Cię zmuszam.
Aha. To fajnie. Słucham Amy Winehouse. Tej pijaczki. LoL
- Każdy ją lubi. Szczególnie po pijaku. LoL
"Love is a loosing game." Tak? Ciekawe dlaczego? E tam!
- Będę z Tobą.
Ale ja nie wierzę. Bo wybuchnę ze szczęścia.
- Aż się boję.
No co ty!?
- Bardzo Cię kocham. Nie bój się.
Ok. Nie boję. Boję się, żebyście nie byli na mnie źli. 🙏 Bo na całym świecie nie mam nikogo tylko Was. Ciebie. Wybacz mi.
- Jestem z Tobą. Nie gniewaj się. Możesz mnie nudzić.
Powtażaniem Ci w kółko, że Cię kocham?
- Tak. Lubię to. 🐵
Kocham Cię. Widziałaś tą małpkę co złapała mewę? Biedna mewa!
- To my. Moje dzieci.
Nigdy Cię nie opuszczę. Jak w dżungli stado.
- Supi. Też Cię kocham.
Nie wierzę.
- Forever. Dlaczego?
Bo wtedy niemógłbym się posiadać ze szczęścia.
- To się nie miej!
To się nie mam. A skoro nie to jestem Twój.
- Dobrze.
Ok. Zaczynam już. Cyk. A! A tak w ogóle... Wasze zdrowie! Sącze Rumik z Kolą.
- Oszalałam za Tobą. Kochany. / Pij. To lekarstwo.
Przydięgam codziennie pić mał buteleczkę tego elixiru. Teraz będziesz wiedziała że Kubuś mieszka w lesie u Ciebie i codziennie pije. Z miłości... I przysięgam nauczę się chodzić po drzewach i zbuduję wigwam. I strzelać z łuku. Ale nie bójcie się! Nie do Was ani sarenek. Chyba jestem Somi. Somerem.
- Moim.
- ...
- Co Kubuś?
Nic. ♥️
- Okay! 🙂
Czuje się jakbym pisał jakiś program.
- Bo piszesz. Jestem Twoja. Nie bój się. Nie martw się. ♥️👍😭
[Rehab] 🎶 (4467) Focus, then Haiku 👍🤔 "Sky is like a box of ice creams and my heart is set cozy." "The holes in our hearts make love leak for us to have a drink & bath." "My heart is sending you love constantly." "I'm dear. Please don't shoot!"
"I'm so in fucking "let me love you" mood."
"I will miss you half day."
"I wanna cry!"
"You feel like home. You are home. I want no else home. I want your heart."
"Are we in hurry?"
"I am sad!"
"If you love some one, stay with them and just feel."
"I don't have to go!"
"You run away from me because you want me to come back!"
"Girls are robots. Way too fast robots! It's hold them like a prison the can't escape. Until they realize that the have to slow down until zero, to catch the fish."
"And everybody are so shy!"
"Kocham Cie na zawsze!"
"You are wierd & strange!"
"We are lovers!"
"It brakes my heart every time when I have to go."
"I am sure that you are holding eachother so very strong!"
"Please... - Please what? - Please everything." I have in my heart mixture of laughter and sorrow and euphoria.
Guys If you have a mess in house let me clean it for you.
Wanna me make your shoppings?
Shoud I was your legs like Jesus?
Don't worry. I am just writing love story. It's my hobby. I am so excited.
I know that you need mental oatients but I am perfectly fine in my heart. Like a little puppie in basket.
I mean I am fucked up in my heart by my love.
Imagine that you are astronauts in space and you flying around the earth and suddenl one astronaut is telling to others: "Okay! That's enought! I'm done with my patience."
I know that you're affraid to say yes but then I could say no.
It's so complicated. But also shiny bright beautiful.
It's a "live book".
"Patience earth! Can I say now that no one wants this war? Please! People on Ukraine! Surrender to Putin! Don't you want to have Coke back again in shops?"
"I will try to keep my inspiration level on top forever."
"Love you bleed is love you own."
"I need some music!"
"My friends. Don't wait for me because I don't want to be your love slave!"
"I will never do it again!"
"Weather is ugly but it's a desert sun in my heart."
"Don't worry my friend!"
"I forgot to buy alcohol again!"
"Let me just suffer, please!"
"I'm under snow trying to feel."
"I miss you so much! Mercy!"
"Take me to your dreams!"
"Let's go crazy together! - How crazy? - Safe crazy!"
"Do you think Ukrainian war is only because of us? - Oh come on! Are you stupid?"
"Fly me to the moon and let me play with you! ✨"
"Na którą masz do pracy?"
"Let me breath!"
"Can you untied me? - No!"
"I want to have a bow!"
"Will you be my love?"
"Tylko się nie odkochaj!"
"I am handicaped because of you!"
"You treat me like garbage!"
"So much beloved garbage!"
"We will kill your hope!"
"What? No! Never!"
"Pray to us! - Okay!"
"We'll lock you in the box and have sex on it!"
"Then we'll kill you and burry you in our gargen!"
"Please no!"
"Why we shouldn't?"
"Do you want me to affraid of you? - Yes! - Done!"
"And you never leave? - Not without you! - Good!"
"What else do you want?"
"Can I have 10 wishes?"
"You can have as many dreams as you want! - Really?"
"Believe in yourself! - We're just little motherfuckers! - I prefere to be affraid of you! - What else?"
"I love Joanna because she is hurting me so much! - Really? - But I believe that it's sweet!"
"Your mind is fighting because it don't want to drown in hell! - Yes!"
"That's cruel what you doing to me! - Yes but you love it!"
"No I hate it! - What's the difference? Same passion."
"So you care only about a passion? - I am just doing tricks on you because I wany you to love me. And you do!"
"More it's crazy more you love it! But don't be affraid so much!"
"You know that I love you so much that I can let you kill me if you want? - I already did it before."
"You are crazy! - No I am not!"
"You want kill me? - I would never harm you anyhow!"
"So why do you think that I want to kill you? It's just you fear! And respect you are forced to. - It's just my guard!"
"I am stupid! You are stupid!"
"Nothing is hapening here! - You are happening!"
"Do you want to have some AED on your heart? - Prescribe me something! - Vodka!"
"Why do you love me?"
"I am not loving you! You love me! But you are sweet!"
"I will never love you because I want you to die from love to me!"
"So maybe you're loving me? I would never tell you then so don't ask!"
"You know... I will go forest and I will turn into stone. - Do it!"
"You're my dear!"
"Please don't shoot! - Why?"
"You know... I want to have a bow!"
"Better bow to me you dear!"
"Tak Cię kocham."
"Keep it cool!"
"You are the best of me! I an your fool!"
"You can abuse me! I am fine with it. - Okay! - But I want to touch you! - How much? - Like real lot! - Tell me... - Like you would be a water I never drank!"
"You have to be well hydrated! - So where are you? - I am just inside you! - Yeah sure!"
"Are you affraid of me? - No I am brave! Maybe a little! - Come on!"
"You know that I am famous bloger? - Yeah right! Keep dreaming! - I don't care!"
"I want to write book with you! Crazy books! - You're doing this now! - Because it's the only way to comunicate with you!"
"And we're shooting porn! - What? - You heard!"
"Can I too? - No because you are only for me! You don't want?"
"I want! I want! - So shut up!"
"I am going back to System Bolaget! - Drink my cheers until you drunk! But promice me this..."
"What? - Że nie obrzyasz tego domku na drzewie któty zbudowały dla Ciebie elfy."
"Choćbym dzisiaj miał umrzeć, wiem, że umrę szczęśliwy. - Wariat."
"Asia. Zrób tak, żeby nie było tej wojny na Ukrainie! Możesz? - Tak! Jeden telefon!"
Wow! (4466) Never Ending Story Is this boy is from Red Hot Chili Peper? Yes, No! Whatever! But... ❤👍🥰🍄🍓 (4465) Pretty Wise Idea I am not stupid! You know. I know what I want even when it's crazy and impossible. I am in love. I want to be close to my beloved person! And I know that I have to change my mindset.
I am afraid of everyone. You know. It's just better that way. My love is my life. So I am kind of dependent now. Like a little crazy handicapped child, who wants to live in a wardrobe or some box with access to wifi and fast internet. With the possibility to go for a walk.
It's a kind of "sacrifice for love" and I want to be close to my beloved person. She went through medical school so she knows how to carry about patience and look after the patient. I believe that they are together no crazy doctors or something.
You are living probably in the middle of some vice clamp. I know that doing adjusted to the real-world rules can be a little tricky and above your competence but aren't you Gods anyway or something?
I want my love to take care of me and I don't want to do it in a public place. Because public places are well fucked by devil (night shift irritated possible "Turkish Evil" with a dirty mind of it's own) and this is no good for me, because my position involved asking the bad people to be good, so this can work only in a nice and safe surrounding. Nothing like home.
So. I want to be kind of patient in this very house of my only love and I want her to take care of me forever. Like she is my mother or something but also sister and sweet love. It's my free will and I want to have the possibility to walk away from this crazy situation anytime but of course, I won't do it!
I feel a little bit like Neo matched by his love ready to swallow the Blue pill. Or Red. Whatever my love wants for me. But rather Blue...
I don't care about running along with machines or UFOs so I want blue. At least during the first phase of our friendship.
It's an experiment for me and I want to write a blog during all the time I'll be living in the closet of my good Big Brother-Father.
"Home prison"? You name it! I called it like that! Anything to be closer to my beloved Queen.
So it looks Prada that you are about to enter your so much wanted box?
What do you mean? It's just a house. Maybe. I don't know. I am scared. But I am very nice too. I love to sleep and anyway I am not going anywhere so I will be patiently waiting for the decision of the big Seedish adoption board. LoL. Oh, and I think that maybe, but just maybe... my disease is called "Banana Brain". 😉🍌 I need to ask my love can she cure me from it.
- Yes Prada! Maybe she can! But I can take a long, long time. But you said that you have a time, don't you?
You are the doctor. After pre-consultation, give me a prescription onto my email, please. It's on the top of my page. 🍄👍❤👎🐒🎠🤪
And let's pray for this war to end very soon! They all should go back to their sweet homes! (4464) Short Message Service 7753000000 World Population (+/-1M😉)
195 Countries in the World
39758974 Avarage Amount of Citizens in Single Sountry
146039410 Population of Russia
41460000 Population of Ukraine (You is just 1 in the world!) Have you ever been shop lately? Did you saw all this people? Are thy even exist? Did you tried yo talk to them all? - No! But if you love someone you are talking all the time to this person. What a gift! And you are creating in youself "nice loving mood". Actually Mr. Doctor I think, that's the most important thing! Nice mood in yourself and in your heart, what helps you to feel good, feel nice, feel best, feel God! We are magicians! We can create it! But who are all these people I don't know! I am so nice person to everybody! Isn't just the waste of time? Some people should be tottaly ignored because they are playing always agains me, and my mood, my love in my heart! I am creating and I am holding this, so don't even try to destroy it. Ignore those "bad" people. Don't event fight with them! Just fuck them with all their excuses and all their beings! The secret is simple. In your skin, in you yourself, you are the only one, single "motherfucker" on this planet, and you know that you will always be! And that's why listening the music together is so important. Or watching beautiful pictures together! Because it connects souls. And this is how you can let in "covid virus motherfuckers" to your heart. Am I the one who will teach you that you shouldn't be bad and that you shouldn't fuck the people? And that you shouldn't fuck peoples feelings. And love in their hearts? I am not fucking your love in your heart. I am just creating my own in mine. As you can see... because I have a blog, and I am creating in this way, that you can see, a little part of it. Some part. Sweet words & pictures. Fashion. Public persons. People known by many. I am cooking something in my heart. Please don't fuck it. I am ignoring you tottaly until you will be super motherfucking nice to me. You don't have to! You can treat me like all those persons who never ever speak to you, and they never will. I just want you to know that "your mind", and your approch to the world, is like you are "enemy of the world". And you puting this fashion into other peoples minds, and look how fucked up is the world. Because they have to be like you Mr Boss. Because you are the one who is fucking everything. And conquering the all world around you with your gun. I don't have a gun. I am just peace loving friend. And I care only about my love. And maybe my love is your love too, so... we shouldn't be enemy then. It's a last time I am speaking to you. If you want to try to be my friend then start sending me flowers and write me beautiful letters and at least don't threat me and my mother with your terrorism bullshit, because the law is like that. I am doing nothing wrong! And in my heart I know that I am doing all opposite to "wrong". So... send me your book with chocolates if & when you will finish it. Or... I don't know... write a blog. Because I am not even interesting to feel your sting if you are writing something only for me, directly to me. So write something good for the public if you can. ❤️🥰😍👍 I swear! You are becoming invisible and you are not even existing for me anymore. I have my own problems and I don't want to have any problems with you ever again. I don't want you to be my problem! And this is official! (Unfollow & Mute) And I am not your problem! You are only preatending that I am your problem because you want to fuck me, fuck my heart and fuck my feelings and fuck my love. So again. You are on Mute now! / Did ever was diffrent? No! There was just little hope in my heart that you will... just go to do your things. Something different, then just "having the war" with someone who... have an open heart and is trying to love in peace someone who you love. (And maybe even you "by the way", but it looks like it's impossible.) ❤️😭🤔🌈 "Will love in peace who you love!" - "Yes, yes thank you!" 🙏♥️👽 I don't know. Just because I am bloger & writer, is that means that people will be kicking me all my life? (4463) Migi-29 do Afryki! 🤣🙏 Ze słonia normalnie spadliśmy! 🤔🤣🌈😂🌼 Nie no! Napewno tak nie jest! Nie wiem, moze wlasnie tak jest! 😂🤣👍🌼 (4462) Smses If it would be "end of the world". If it would be my "last day on earth" I would be as close to you as possible. And I would give you all of me, milion times, because I love you so much, and you are the Queen of my life. / And I am hoping to live long. / You have all my soul. All my heart. All my love. Forever. / So it will last every day. Only deeper & deeper. Down into bottom of love. Of my heart. Of my infinit love to You. 🙂♥️👍🙈👼 Have a nice day my lovest love! 🫀🌞 But I don't know your rules. So teach me. Tell me. Please. ❤️🙏👼 I love you so... so... so.... so... much! 🙈❤️😎🌐🐇 "Down to the infinity!" Sounds exciting! 🙏🐇🥰❤️🌲 Uwielbiam Cię, kocham i podziwiam. To jest moja praca. "Nie martw się! Jakoś to będzie! Coś wymyślimy." ♥️🐍👍😭🌹👠🧛 You are filling all of me & my bones and I am thinking only about exploding in you with all my love. All my being. Time after time. Endlessly. One time after another. / I live only for You my Queen. 😭🌹♥️ Forever. Thank you. / Keep me close to your heart. It's nice, warm and cozy inside. / I am closing my eyes and I am dreaming about my ultimate God. You. And this sweetest feeling melting all of me. / And it's good to share this recepie of inner happyness, because all we have to do is to focus on love, and every day "to love somebody" more! / You are my love. All my love. It's so sweet. You are so sweet! ♥️😭👍🌹(😉) "Forever. Endlessly. Sweet." 🌸 [SirensCall] - I like this music but usual lyrics are demon stupid! Putting bullshit and stupidity to the dumb lazy masses. Kind of magic. ❤🙂 I hope you know! 🙏😌 For example Foo Fighters! I love their music but those lyrics are preatending to be so wisdom wise but are actually stupid or about something completely different! Just check by yourself! "Long Road To Ruin" or "Hero" or "Down in the park" or "Everlong" or "X-Staric". Check those lyrics! Those songs are just dumb stupid! Ok. Maybe only fragments of them. And you can do inside your mind whatever you want with their meanings. 😉👍🙊🙉🙈🎅 Asia. Wszystko dobrze? Prosze, nie badz na mine zla. Widzialem Cie w snie wczoraj. Niestety za szybko sie zbudziłem. Ale jesteś super. Trochę podobna do takiej Ani z Warszawy, którą kiedyś poznałem. Niezłe zółónio. Taki micro-human. Asia. Proszę nie bądź zła i nie gniewaj się. Ja "tu" się naprawdę dobrze bawię. No i żyję nadzieją. Wiesz... miłością. Żyję miłością. Nie mam nic na swoje usprawiedliwienie. Tylko kompletne uzależnienie od tego cudownego i pięknego uczucia. Proszę "grajmy w jednym teamie" nie przeciwko sobie. Proszę, daj mi tylko szansę a spełnie wszystkie Twoje oczekiwania. Moja wola jest wolna i jest tylko Twoją wolą. Uwielbiam Cię. Pozwól mi być kimś Twoim tylko Twoim. Kocham Cię. Mam nadzieje, że mnie porwiecie z Bartkiem. Tylko mnie nie zabijcie! Proszę. Możecie wszystko, ale wiesz... tak na żarty. Może nawet nakręcimy taki film. Mogło by być fajnie. Tylko, żeby mi się nie stała żadna krzywda. Możecie mnie zmuszać do przyjmowania narkotyków i alkoholu oraz do uprawiania sexu, tylko nie z jakimś wielkim murzynem! 🤣😉 Mogę nawet upiec Wam coś, pod warunkiem, że macie odpowiednie składniki. Tylko mnie nie otrujcie, proszę. Tak się boję. Asieńko. Ale z drugiej strony tak Cię kocham. I tak bardzo chciałbym wiesz... wszystko to co ty chcesz też. Jeśli tylko chcesz... Może Wam zakupy zrobić albo psa wyprowadzić? Lubię zwierzęta. Od wczoraj nawet węże. 🤣👍 Tylko, żeby mnie nie ukąsił jakiś wściekły! Kocham Cię / Chciałbym usłyszeć wszystkie Twoje sekrety jak mi je szepczesz do ucha, ale tylko Ty wiesz ile chcesz mi ich wyjawić. Ufam Ci. Może jestem głupi i naiwny, ale tylko Tobie ufam na całym świecie Proszę nie zmarnuj takiej lojalności i takiego oddania. Wiesz, że mam kompletnego bzika ns Twoim punkcie i że jesteś... Bogiem. Twój ukochany mąż, jest pewnie bardzo dumny z Ciebie. Nie wątpię. / Ale mu zazdrosssssssszczszczszczę! 🐍😂❤️🌼 Ussssssmażę się jak bekon na patelni z tej zazdrosssssci! 👍🤣😉🙂♥️ / Jestem taki Ciebie ciekawy. Tak długo Cię nie widziałem. / Przysięgam chcę być Waszym, Twoim psem pisarzem. Możemy napisać jakieś fajne książki razem. Ty już tam wiesz. Ty pewnie tylko kombinujesz jak by tu sprzedać moje organy na czarnym rynku cale apeluję do Ciebie. Proszę nie róbcie tego! ❤️🙈👼🫀🧛 Kocham Cię Asiu. Jesteś taka słodka. 🙏♥️🐍 "Nie martw się. Dobrze? Nie zabiję." [Roxette] 🙏♥️🌹 "End of the world. Every day!" ♥️🐍🌹🙏 Everything is cool baby! I am just little lazy today! And my heart is little broken by... you know who. It looks like I have to get used to this heart chocking pain. But I am fine. I am okay. But it wasn't nice. Like your car is stolen or death of your child. But I am fine. I can cope with that. I can handle that. No problemo! ❤ Wiesz są ludzie i wsze łonowe. lol 🙂 Brrrr... (4461) Serce na tacy! 🙏😂❤️ Listy, listy, książki, listy, wiadomości, tajne, nie tajne, zakodowane, rozkodowane. Dzielenie się sobą, swoim sercem i umysłem z tymi których kochamy. Z tymi których kocham. Lojalność. Oddanie. Decyzje życiowe. Teksty piosenek rokowych. Trochę boli mnie głowa. Będę już zawsze pisał. Nie wszystko. Wybiórczo. Dzielił się z Wami (wszystkimi) swoim sercem i umysłem. To i tak nic nie zmienia, a jednak cośtam zmienia. Otwieram swoje serce i wpuszczam do niego miłość. Oddycham i razem z.dwutlenkiem węgla wylatuje z moich płuc, liter, miłość, którą Ty możesz wdychać. Ile to już razy zachęcałem Cię do tego, żebyś pisał swojego bloga? Nieważne. Wyślij linka jak coś. To go.wrzucę na.swojego bloga. B. A. Kocham Was. Wiem, że możecie mi bardzo pomóc. Nie chodzi mi o pieniądze. Chodzi mi o życie. Moje sny. Chciałbym żeby były bardziej realne. Chciałbym zrozumieć o co chodzi. Bo całe życie, żyłem na zewnątrz. Dzisiaj spotkałem Asie w śnie. Ale od razu się zbudziłem. A nie chciałem. Co mam zrobić żeby siedzieć razem z wami na 4 poziomie incepcji. Prosze poprowadźcie mnie. Wciągnijcie mnie do siebie na dno świata. Być przy królowej to iest mój cel i jedyny sens życia. Nie dbam o nic innego. Zgłaszam się na ochotnika. Asieńko. Prosze Cię. Moje serce jest Twoje. Jestem lojalny. Będę lojalny. Nie mam nic tylko to. I moją małą i głupią miłość do Ciebie, która pewnie dla Ciebie nic nie znaczy, bo dużo więcej dla Ciebie być może znaczą inne rzeczy. Ale może jednak coś znaczy. Asieńko. Proszę. Wciągnij mnie na samo dno swojej miłości. Pokaż mi to wszystko co się za nią kryje. Bądź dla mnie łaskawa i nie krzywdź mnie. Zawsze mi powtarzałaś, że mam się leczyć, ale ja nie rozumiem o co Ci chodzi. Kocham Cię i kochanie Ciebie jest istotą i esencją mojego, życia. Proszę Cię czy mogła byś poprosić swojego, męża, żeby został moim kolegą? Ja nie wiem. On wie co ja do niego czuje bo wie kim jest. Zawsze się go bałem. Teraz powoli zaczynam rozumieć wszystko. I nie chcę się go bać, chcę rozumieć. Poznać zasady waszej filozofii. Jestem taki ciekawy. Prosze, nauczcie mnie wszystkiego. Chcę się od Was uczyć. Nie mam nic innego do roboty. Przysięgam, na zawszy być już tylko z Wami i nigdy Was nie zawieść i nie opuścić. Boje się ale co mam zrobić? Ten strach jest moim przyjacielem. A kiedy twój Pan Cię opierdala jak psa o coś, masz być mu za to wdzięczny, chociaż by pękało Ci serce. Tym jest właśnie miłość. Reszta to narkotyki, lekarstwa i zdrowy tryb życia. Tak to widzę. Dużo snu. Czy się mylę. Moje serce nie może się mylić. Moje serce jest Asi. Dziękuję Ci za to, że jesteś kim jesteś i proszę Cię o więcej. To Ty jesteś dla mnie wszechświatem i nieskończonością. Moją najjaśniejszą gwiazdą jaką znam. Królową mojego, życia. Zapytałaś dzuś w śnie: szczęśliwyś? Tak ukochana: szczęśliwym! Proszę prowadź mnie przez życie niczym pijane dziecko we mgle. Napraw i popraw jeśli się da. Bądź moim mistrzem i nauczycielem. Oddaje Ci się bez reszty. Uwielbiam Cię, tęsknie do Ciebie i kocham Cię na całą wieczność. 🙂🌹 [MyLine] is what I'm trying to find! 🐕🥋👼🫀🧛 - You're doing quite well! - I am never sure! But I love you! 🙂❤️🌹🙏 Uczę się. Sny mnie uczą. Są drzwi których nie da się otworzyć. Ale wysrarczy stanąć obok i poczekać. Napewno z czasem ktoś po prostu wyjdzie na siku. 😉🤔 Haha. Nie jestem tym który niszczy gry i budowle. Po prostu nie gram w te. Gram w inne. To czego uczy nas wojna, perspektywa wojny i wyobraźnia o wojnie, to to, że to gówno dotyka wszystkich, i stawia każdego człowieka na rówi z drugim. A gówno odpowiesz I może masz racje. Na Tytaniku są tacy którzy nie zatoną nigdy, co? A może ja też jestem jednym z nich bo kiedyś bardzo dawno ktoś się za mną wstawił? I uczynił z mojego życia cholerną historyjkę. Czy kiedykolwiek nażekałem? Nie. Czy mi kiedyś ktoś nie pomógł, nigdy! Może widzisz we mnie przegrańca ale tak naprawdę jestem wielkim farciażem. Chołduję najwyższym wartością i zawsze staram zmienić się świat na lepszy ale od 300 setnego poziomu trochę na opak zaczyna wszystko działać i Twoji przyjaciele stają się Twoimi wrogami, bo są Twoimi przyjaciółmi i Cię kochają. A Twój Szef Cię zawsze będzie opierdalał. I takie tam. Żeby tylko sobie z Tobą pogadać jak nie ma o czym. Ludzie budują fortece, ale i tak potem wszyscy idą do teatru na przedstawienie. W czasach kiedy jeszcze istniały teatry. 🤣😂🙏❤️ Ucze się. Poczekaj moje serce. Nie pędź tak! Odetchnij. Nie bój się. Daj sobie czas. Yelawolf. This cover. And some little boy with his talking horse. And you? Did you bought new funky fashion clothing? I hope so. I have to visit hairdresser. In the middle of summer, probably. (4460) Practicing Major Piano Chords Stop practicing Chords Progression. Just simple Basic Major Chords with certain natural scales what fits. Switch chords and switch scales. Then start practicing Base Minior Keys with Scales. For some time. And after that start mixing Major with Minior basic chords! Forget about playing sophisticated variations of simple basic chords, because it can only blur everything for you! Just do as I told myself. 😉😜 And then you have it! You know everything about theory of music! 😉 One more thing. You can experiment with using different improper not-natural scales when you fingering to certain chords. Maybe you will find some interesting that fits. And remember that if you are playing only two Main Chords in order like: C D C D C D C D, you can mix those two scales into one and use those notes to play along C & D all together. Wise & simple! Click on tube here on the right and you will find some useful charts! It's a ZIP file. (4459) Long Haiku Please! ... Man. Be my friend.
I don't need any friends,
but you are the last person
On earth I need.
Oh how good person I am!
Trust me. You will like me.
Please. Friend. I need you.
I need your friendship &
I need your love.
This means world to me!
Try to understand me.
I have no one on this world.
Just my "love dreams".
And you are huge invisible
part of it.
Please don't take away my
"last love" from me.
Don't play against heart
if you can be so kind.
And maybe you are master
evil but please. Have mercie! ❤
All I can do is just to ask.
I am innocent & I am helpless angel! 👼
Please don't afraid if you are devil.
I know that maybe you too
are lonely. I am humble!
I am not from your world.
I am not from your game.
I am even enemy of your values!
But I am looking right above
it & between it.
I am looking by heart.
So please. Be my friend.
Be my last and best sweetest
friend I've ever had. And I
promise I won't never search
another! 😅❤😭😸
But I am not gay! 😉👍
I won't tell you that I love you,
Because it is not precise.
I am just asking you to be my friend,
because you are already the only one
Friend I got. 🙏✊💯❤
And even if you think about me
As your enemy!
Please, be my friend! ❤ "Dreams Means World!" "Heart Friendship!" [Doubleback] 😉 [LaGrunge] 🙂 [AllMyLovin] ❤👽 Do you know some other good songs? In the mood? [SweetEmotions] [Crazy] ❤ [FallenAngles] 👼 Maybe someone will catch me. 👸🧙♀️❤ Love is the only thing we got, yeah? So keep it deep down there in your heart safe forever and don't bother about any bullshit ever! ❤ "So kind my friend. I love you. Good." Taki jakiś smutny jestem dzisiaj... 🐕 ❤️😭❤️🙈 🤣😂 Ten obrazek jest naprawdę rewelacyjny! 🤣😂 Tak się na niego patrzę i zastanawiam się kiedy ten kogut przestanie napierdalać tego psa po dupe. 😂🤣😂🤣 Chyba nigdy! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 (4458) Smski Czesc Asia, jak leci? 🤣😂🤣😂😇🙃 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🌲 Czy wszystko w porzadku ze stolcem u Bartka? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Wiesz, że dzisiaj wypisywał jakieś brednie mojej mamie?! Ile on ma latek 10? 😂🤣 Wez mu wlacz jakies bajeczki albo kup nowa gre. 👍😂🌲 LoL W sumie to czekam na to kiedy mnie ma grila zaprosi, ale to chyba za duży tchóż, co? Co ty o tym myślisz? 😂👍👼 Wiesz co. Nawet jakby się zebrał na odwagę i zaprosił mnie (no comments w tej sprawie) to i tak chyba grzecznie odmówię, ale z Tobą bym się bardzo chętnie spotkał. Wiesz przecież. Słuchaj martwie się o Bartka, może on za dużo tych leków bierze, co? Weź pogadaj z nim. Masz z resztą na to jakiś wpływ? Chyba nie, co? Masakra! Powiedz mu przynajmniej, żeby nie wypisywał po pijaku jakiś pierdół mojej mamie z jakiś zastrzeżnych numerów. Jakieś maile mi wysyła z jakiś tymczasowych adresów email. Chyba się filmów szpiegowskich za dużo naooglądał. Powiedz mu, że może do mnie zadzwonić jak wytrzeźwieje po weekendzie. LoL ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Dobranoc Asia! KiT Mam namiocik rozbity w sercu lasu. (My heart is with you!) Wiesz... 👼 😂🤣😂🤣🤪 (4457) Juggling Minor Chords [Song] "To re-adjust I gotta trust!" 😆🙂 I got some ideas for names of another songs... 😉🌲 But I would rather change dedication. 😂🤣 ❤️ (4456) My Twitter is @JamesPrada9 Please check! ...and answering to some hater... I'm not keeping the side of Russian invaders! I am explaining all on my Podcast and also on Twitter Space! (4455) What's next? It looks that we can connect 2 sales together while we're playing to thus C Major & Bb Major! 😂🤣👍🥳🌲 We can also add "whatever the hell we want notes" to this composition. Made from rwo elements C & Bb. Yep! 🤣😂👍 Let's play some Miniors! It sounds a little sad! Ok. Let's give a try to some natural Minors.
Scales. (4454) I know how to beat Russia! With fucking Rock'n'Roll! 🙏😂🤣❤️🌐🥳 Yes baby! ❤️ (by the way) (4453) This is trick! Look here when you are listening... c Db c D c Eb c E c F c Gb c G c Ab c A c Bb c B Imagine that you are driving on the highway and changing gears... So...
Neutral is C
1 gear is Db(orC#) - gear 1
2 gear is D - gear 2
3 gear is Eb(orD#) - gear 3
4 gear is E - gear 4
5 gear is F - gear 5
6 gear is Gb(orF#) - gear 6
7 gear is G - gear 7
8 gear is Ab(orG#) - gear 8
9 gear is A - gear 9
10 gear is Bb(orA#) - gear 10
11 gear is B - gear 11
Thanks for GT7 👍😂😉
4, 5, 8, 10, 11 Those my favoutites "gears" from C! And yours? (4452) From C Up3# Don't get me wrong. We got a lot of up and downs to practice from any key imagine. Like for example from C... Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab A Bb B so it's 11 up key switches and 11 down! 🙏😭 So it's 22 swites just from C up & down! If you want to hear all options it's 11keysx22switches so it is... Oh 242 to pick up perfect shift(s). So let's LET'S leave it because it's useless! Let's do it differently. Let's start doing simple songs! Let's focus on whatever key change. And let's build one song to learn it all. Just like this exercise before. I will add descending order. (4451) Asieńku, gdzie jesteś? ❤️🙏 Kocham Cię nieskończenie! ♥️🐕🌹👼 Kocham Cie zawsze coraz bardziej! 🥰🌲🌐❤️ I trust my heart & my love & hope are infinitive. All I can do is pray! God if you are listening don't be bad for me! Give my heart a chance because on this whole world I got nothing else but "love & hope in my heart". Please! 👍🧠👁❤ (4450) Smski 👼❤️ Asienku. Jestes calym moim sercem. Jestes we mnie. Przytulam Cie w kazdym momencie. Przytulam się do Ciebie w każdym momencie bo jesteś moim sercem. 🙂🧑🚀🌐🌲 Kocham Cię! 🐕♥️🙈 - Jesteś u mnie. Asienku, czy mogłbym Cię kiedyś zabaczyć i przytulić? Proszę. Tak fizycznie dotknac. Przytulić skin to skin. Proszę nie bój się. ♥️❤️🐇🌲 - Jestes u mnie bo jestes moim sercem. Czytałaś Carlosa Castanedę? Jestem Twoim "kosmicznym jajem". 🥰🐢🐕🙈🐇🌲❤️🙂🇸🇪😇🏝️🙏 - A ja Twoim. Wszyscy jesteśmy czyimiś kosmicznymi jajami, żeby nam nie było smutno i żebyśmy nie czuli się samotni. Nawet jak jesteśmy sami. Reszta jest w umyśle. A serce wszystko zawsze wie czuje i rozumie. Bla, bla, bla... "miłość zawsze wygrywa" i takie tam mądrości narodowe przysłowia dla wszystkich. Też Cię kocham. Mój Ty indianinie. Brujo. 🙏🤣😂 LoL Musisz jeszcze trochę nad sobą popracować, to może będziesz brujo. Kubusiu Ty. ❤️🏝️ Tak Cię kocham! Wiesz. - Oczywiście, że wiem. Widziałaś tą piosenkę... w którą można zagrać? RHCP się prześmiewają, że można zagrać w ich Caliporshecation... 😂🤣🙏 tj. Californication (Ferrari California) ❤️👠🛻 Wiesz! Ta gra jest lepsza niż rzeczywistość. Serio. Z rzeczywistością są same problemy. Tj. z autami w rzeczywistości. Rdzewieją, trzeba tankować, trzymać w garażu i są duże. 🤣😂👍 [Rhianna-Skin] ❤️🌹🌼 Just black people playing this game? 😂🤣👍 (4449) #Prada New experiment! #Project7239 👍🌹❤️ Project 7239? What's all about? - Let me think! Wait! 👍😂🤣 It's for you to join it! On Twitter from fake account! Yeah! I think I will start doing Twitter Space daily! (4448) What do I want? I don't know. I have high hopes and expectations but I forget what I want. I need to think again about that. What's my aims. You know. I reached some goles and I think it's way enought for now. I am affraid to dream more because I don't want to be stupid or rude or agressive or too pasionate with my wishes. You know. I am calm stable and way too good behaved guy. But let my just play & dream about what I want now, and my expectations. 🤣🇸🇪💓 Today I was thinking about my plans for future and I was suprised that I am starting to come up with very funny & crazy ideas. Most important things is that I don't want to get into any troubles! Ever at all! I am in love with my deepest dream but when it comes to reality things can be little different then your sweetest expectations. Angels are normal peoples. Devils too. Good & bad things & deeds are just among us and we don't see them until we are burned. So we can only learn from our suffering. My dream & my wish is that my love will trust me. Tottaly. I am puting my all heart on the line. I would never ever harmed situation or do something bad to anything what is between us. I want to be fair.
And just let the tume pass! I thought today that maybe I should go to Stockholm for a weekend but I prefer to make a camping in some Forester here around, to be with my friend because they took my heart and my heart belongs to them.
Another thing is that I have some amazing mix of feeling to my friend Hella Linander who is priest in local church. My mind is filled with such a terms like: forever, here, love, I'm not sure if I'm a gay, I am musician, I love to play, I'm affraid, I worry, I'm affraid, it touched my heart, it touched my soul, I don't know, I won't run away, please help me, please be with me, thank you, let's be just friends, world is complicated, it's complicated, are we one, do you like me?, do you love me? You are beautiful, you are perfect, you are amazing, I will be thinking about you, but you are not "my Joanna", Are you one?, Are you together?, Are you friends? / God help me! Give me time! My heart is so hungry, but my heart is small! I could be more breave! I will try to be more brave! It's mixture of pure love with "i want to stay alone" feeling, but it's not true because I want to have a date with you. I just wanna know ya! This song is super nice! (4447) Circle of blogs! If you have your website blog, send me your website on 1@prada.fun and I will make catalog of your blogs! That sound cool but few people can build theur own websites! - So fuck the rest! If you can't sing then just don't sing. LoL 😂🤣🙏🐕 You can't even try! 😉 Your blog can be Twitter blog! 🙈👍🐕🙂👍👍👍🌐🏆🏝️🇸🇪🌹🐇🎾💓 Come on! Show your mind! Let's try some poerty. It's best excuse! (4446) The A-Team & Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles That was golden times when you dragged bitches by their sleeves to the chopper. Or you was kidnapping them right to chopper straight from water-jet. There was no mobiles and police cars was fancy big and they were drifting on every corner. And now? What we got? Boy pretends to be a little girl who us rescuing the climat and all bitched are just saint cows running back to their apartments with their dildos to stick it in, on the cam. And most of them are boys. What a fucked up times we have! I wonder why europe is such fucked up? I think we should run away to Australia together because it's one big nothing here. Trust me. You killed all life to be on top and you did all dirty tricks possible. In what name? Of fucking little girls and feeding them with your fucking lies? Maybe it's the only one currency nowadays. The world shoudn't be full of lies! That is why you should watch The A-Team & Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! When it's not #Lego I'm not buying it! And fuck you all world! 🤣😂🙏🐕❤️🙈 Sorry I couldn't sleep! ❤️🙈 (4445) Why I am here? I am just resting. God give me strength. If I will survive today... I will survive tomorrow. ❤🙏🙂 😭💓🎾🙈 When I am thinking about my mom I never think about my father, stepfather, her parents, neighbors or friends, and... me. When I think about you I am thinking rather about Tinkerbell (which is you and the story of your life for kids) than about your family, job & friends... and also me and my smart/stupid blog for you. (But everything is connected!)
I am very selective with thinking. I can try to adjust my reality to achieve something perfect. For me, you are the sweetest person on earth and when I think about you, I am not thinking about your husband or hunger and poverty in Africa. I am not telling that your husband is responsible for that. I am just trying to explain that you and the rest of the universe are two completely different things. (Even when it's connected.) You are my perfect muse and forever you will be. Because the only thing I wanna do is just to meditate and go deeper and deeper into your sweet loving heart because your heart & soul for me is like a diamond 💎 💍and I want to feel and explore every single atom of it.
I am closing my eyes and I am there. Where your heart is... where your sweetest love is. It's my home. It's my life. It's my destiny. It's everything to me. It's who I am and the only one purpose for my existence. 👍🤗
Only you knows all your tricks. For me you are sweetest good loving person and I trust in you. I putting all my trust in. You can call me crazy and make jokes about it. But it's you I am thinking about all the time. Because I love you. And I forever will be. This is the promise right from my ❤🥰🙏
I just love to be in love with you.
I am just same stupid guy you knew before! Bring back all the good memories. Forgive me that I was gone for such a long time, and try to get to know me one last time.
And when you're close. I am so happy! And when I'll ever die (I hope not soon!) please burry me as close to you as you can. Because all I want is to turn us into stone, how we're hugging eachother. My forever love! ❤️ Don't worry about nothing what I shoudn't know. Don't worry about demons trying to play tricks with my mind. Everything is floating and I don't care about it. You are God and my anchor. I accept you with all reality coming with and after you. My thing is to love you with all my heart. Dogs don't ask questions. 🐇🐕👍🌹🙈 My thinking is only useful when I am focusing to send you all my heart and support. But you can tell me whatever you want. Give me all your worries and I will tell you that it's nothing. Only love matters. ❤️🙏 Call me blind, call me stupid. I only want to love you with all my heart. ❤️🌹🐕 Hear this bird. He's singing so beautifully. I am having some problems with my charger. It's time for The A-Team 🤣😂 Today I am doing nothing. I heard train at night and I understood you. ❤ This beautiful sound in distance shared together with neighbors in the middle of the night. When most people are sleeping... Sound of road far away. Is this world existing anyway? Simple open-hearted and ordinary ways are the best. With no fear of being improper. My mom raised me much too well. I am afraid of everything. What's the point of it? But I believe that future holds something beautiful for me... but... can be even something more beautiful then this moment? Then what I am in? Then what we're in? ☝😭❤ I am changing now. I've been "cursed" since a long time. I should stay in the building where I wad born. Or I've been rescued from there! So I am happy! You are taken always! I was in love and she wasn't around, so now I am happy. It's like the end of the world for me. My journey was so long. Where I was? Nevermind. Nowhere. It's nice there. It will be calling me always. But when there's no my heart there, it's not good idea to go there. Anything not about you is just wrong. Now I know. And everything I am doing I'm doing just or you. And just now I can stat. Because my heart is parked. / So now you have to hurt me but I am happy that it's you because I love you. And hurting it's just the way of love. Because "love you bleed it's just the blood you own". Fragments of some songs are often nice. Usually only fragments. "Now happy bleed fragments!" 😉👍 "Problem people are sleeping. Nevermind!" ❤️ I am safe. Love you a lot! 🙂👍 (4444) I love You! ❤️🌹 Joanna. I am so in love I need a little time to crush my heart into peaces and dive between all those fragments. To find you all around. I don't know what to say. Love you! ❤️🤪👍 Kochanie. To nic takiego. Pewnie już Ci kiedyś wytłumaczyłem co to jest. Jestem w Kościele. Modle się o to, żeby Bartek mnie lubił choć trochę. Czemu nie. Ja np. lubiłem bardzo swoich dwóch dziadków. Kazka i Staszka. Nie wiem którego bardziej, bo byli bardzo od siebie różni, a z drugiej strony byli bardzo podobni. To mniej więcej jak z tym, że sąsiadów się nie wybiera tylko się ma takich jakich się ma, no nie. Asia. ❤️👍🤪 Proszę Cię! Zrób coś! On napewno Cię posłucha we wszystkim, bo Cię kocha. Ty go kochasz, ja kocham Ciebie. No wiesz... mężczyźni nie mówią sobie, że się kochają. Wystarczy, że się lubią. Nawet nie muszą się libić, wystarczy, że się tolerują. Nawet nie muszą się tolerować, wystarczy, żeby nie było między nimi wojny... 🤣😂 W zasadzie to nawet może być wojna, ale żeby się nie strzelalo, w zasadzie to nawet mogą się strzelać, byle by nie na ostrą amunicje. Ezasadzie to nawet mogą na ostrą, ważne, żeby celowo pudłowali... dobra koniec kawału! 👍😂🤣🤪 Bartek. Rano jakiś głos mi kazał Ci kupić tort, ale jakoś tak... wiesz... sam rozumiesz... dziwnie mi. No w sumie jak kupię kwiaty i tort, to może nie zadzwonisz na policję, żeby mnie przegonić. Jak by to wyglądało? Dzwonić na policje na gościa z kwiatami i tortem? - Dla kogo te kwiaty i tort? Dla powódki, czy dla powoda? - Dla powoda! - No więc w czym problem? A jest wódka? To powódka skoczy po wódkę. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤪 LoL - O nie! Bardzo przepraszam! Ja nie piję! - Ta jasne! - Po tym jak się ostatnio strułem alkoholem, obiecałem sobie, że już nigdy nie sięgnę po alkohol! - To świetnie! Zostanie więcej dla Nas! 😂🤣👍 - Bartek. Słuchaj. Sprawa jest taka. Kocham Twoją żonę! Ale jestem przekonany, że zostaniemy super kolegami! Bardzo bym chciał. Napewni różnimy się bardzo, ale przecież właśnie przez to może być bardzo fajnie i śmiesznie. Wyobraź sobie, że spotykasz kogoś identycznego jak ty! Ja np. chyba nie dogadałbym się z kimś takim samym jak ja. Widzisz. I dlatego ludzi się różnią. I Asia cośtam powiedziała, że za bardzo się różnimy... I właśnie dlatego tak super fajnie będzie się na nowo poznać. W sumie to... no nie wiem. Cieżko być kolegami, jak ja się cały czas boję, że będziesz na mnie wściekły. Pocieszam sie sam, że może nie, no bo czemu by tak miało być? I że Asia się też w końcu nade mną zlituje. ❤️🌹🤪👍 Tak ją kocham. Tak sobie postanowiłem. ❤️🌹 To już wiecie. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Asia. Wybacz mi! 🙈🐕🐇 Wybacz mi, że tak bardzo Cię pokochałem i że żyję w inowatorski i niekonwencjonalny sposób. Nie ukrywam ukochana, że liczę na Twoją pomoc i Twoje miłosierdzie. 🙈😉🤪 Naprawdę. Proszę nie bądź zła i samolubna. Miej serce i patrzaj sercem. ❤️🌹👍 Kocham Cię. Mam nadzieje, że dobrze się bawisz na swoich wakacjach. Ja staram się żyć tak, żeby nie musieć jeździć na wakacje. Tęsknie do Ciebie. I wierzę że mnie kochasz. Bo czemu miałabyś mnie nie kochać. Serce. Asine. ❤️🐇 Kocham Cię Jak moje serce rozpływa się jak masło na patelni, na myśl o Tobie to chyba znaczy, że kocham Cię, prawda? (Jestem trochę otruty. Porto. Może mi coś dorzucili. A może Porto po prostu jest takie.) 🤪🤣😂 Całe życie się uczę. I głupi jestem. A przed chwilą zgubiłem rękawiczki. W lesie. Tj. jedna mi wypadła, a drugą wyrzuciłem, bo mi się nie chciało szukać pierwszej. Tęsknie bardzo. ❤️🥰🐕 A wszystko przez kartonik po soczku który trzymałem w ręce, bo nie chciałem go wywalić gdzie popadnie. (4443) Hello today! ❤️ Nice day! (4442) Who needs those? It's a fake! But who cares? ❤️🌹🙏 Is this guy black? AC√DC - "Back in Black" 👍🤣 It's good rock album! I am watching The A-Team. The best serie on earth. This movie has got everything. Kicks & blows. No deaths and blood. Bad guys are weak & naive. It's pure entertainment. Plot is out of space. Simple & funny! Team is like at Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. One is smart, one is strong, one is hansom, one is crazy & funny and finaely they have this spannish guy. Before the got some girl or two. It's not bullshit. If I were president of Sweden I would force all nation to watch it in prime time. And then I would doubbled the money for swedish army if any. Hell yeah! That was golden times in history of Rock! And now what we have? Another romantic "Cold War" with Russia? Who will safe this planet this time? Me again? / Ok! And for kids Yattaman & Gigi La Trotola & Dragon Ball & Sailor Moon (All Episodes) Stop shipping bullshit! / Why they are not doing such a beautiful big American Cars anymore? Why oh why? And those Vans! / And all those super gadgets! It's the ABC of good fun! Actually the one and only guy who started to pretend The A-Team was Vin Diesel and his Fast & Furious series. / Our life is a journey! Every day is long story. Stupid bad guys with UZIs and C4 just for The A-Team to win again! And they brought real bear! And don't forget to blow some cars. / One day you will have a bed and it's only saint peace there for you. / "Look To This Day. For yesterday is but a dream. Tommorow is but a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday dreams of happines and every tommorow vision of hope!" / The A-Team was reply for a Vietnams war. Lot of people were crazy about guns and so on. Don't forget that lot of Russians went there after 2WW as a war heroes. Who is responsible for Vietnam? Russians in US. Crazy about military. They drag all States to this madness. And look what happened. Everybody we're bad guys all around States. The A-Team was running across country and then were kicking ass of everybody. Actually nobody ever knows what was all about. Luckily explosions or guns shooting was always coming right on time. / But this all was so beautiful that you can enjoy it on and on. And wisdom! "Time is like a empty bottle of wine. Only good one filled." / "Sometimes size of fish not important. Size of hunger yes!" 🙏☝😂🤣 / I hope Russian Army is not hungry! The problem is only the machine of bureaucracy. It's so complicated and there is so many people involved so the orders should always coming. And they have to feel useful. So this is the main philosophical problem. And what you gonna do about it? To destroy all world? Because you can't be useful? Or maybe you want to kill all musicians and artists or just to poison them all?/Why? Because you need to feel more powerful? And the mind is always going crazy! You know. You can create best logic and you are wrong! You will always be wrong because the structure of universe is like that. There is only loss. Don't you get it? So keep calm, hold your horses and don't trust bullshit. Keep close to simple things! Listen to your heart and never try to go above your heart with your mind. BUT... I am trusting Vladimir Putin. They know what they are doing! And of course they are wrong! But the all world is wrong so there's nothing to worry about! / And I am just trying to be funny! I am watching The A-Team. Why in planes is "Master Switch"? I have to download all previous episodes! I learned to split screen on two. So I can watch movies and write. I wonder where my beloved one is. Because she's not in home. And I am missing her so much just like I was missing my mom when she was late from job. I was always afraid that she had a car accident in her little Fiat 126p! The perfect car for all civilisation. I hope you understand it. Cars in USA should be very big and cars in Europe should be very small. 🤣😂 Do you remember Fiat 126p? All those nice memories are connected with things. We have to rescue all we got. Because we're dying. And time is running away. And we will also die and what's the point of anything? Love. Relations. Friendship. Understanding above everything. Compasrion. Playing music. Our kids. Who we were without them? Movies. What's our reason to be? In what we trust? Family. Friends... My heart is lonely. But it won't be like that forever. There are good people everywhere. There are like dimonds. Alive people. With something anything to share that is not total stupidity. Just keep going. Keep living. Love people and try to be happy.
Where are you my love? Can you take me with you next time? Can I merry you and can I always be with you? Can I be your second husband? And brother for your first husband? Can you rescue me from my loneliness? I am sure you can! That's why in You I trust! Because you are so beautiful and so sweet. My love. I will always love you!
(4441) This is Revolution! Now even you can become composer! 🤣👍 (4440) For Miles ...and all Asia! 😉🙏💓😭🌐 This picture made my dad! 🙏❤️ Probably it's a tree. And no more Porto for me. 😂🤣😭🤮 (4439) Jazz From Ab Miles Davis Prada 😉🙏🙈🌐 Guess for who? Everything for sweetest on this planet Joanna. ❤️🌐🙈 Asieńku. Tak sobie słucham tej prostej pioseneczki i wiesz co sobie myślę. Że jesteś taką małą fajną najcudowniejszą na świecie osobą. Wiesz. I nie ważne jak się zachowujesz do mnie. Czy mnie kochasz czy nienawidzisz. Ważne, że ja Cię kocham bo kochanie Cię jest takie samo słodkie i fajnie jaka Ty jesteś. To proste moja ukochana. Mam nadzieje, że kiedyś jeszcze się zobaczymy i zostaniemy super kolegami. Bez względu na wszystko. Wiesz. Bo jak się kogoś kocha, to wierzę, że ta druga osoba też Cię kocha. Ale musi się to tego dokopać. To jest taki mały test człowieczeństwa. Jaka jesteś tak naprawdę. Bez tych wszystkich tricków i podchodów. Wierzę w Viebie i nigdy nie przestanę Cię kochać. Jesteś Panią mojego losu. Mam nadzieje, że zaplanowałaś mi świetny los. Moje całe szczęście lub jieszczęście to Ty i to jaka jesteś. Proszę Cię. Bądź dla mnie dobra i słodziutka Asieńko. ❤️🙏 Dlaczego? A ot tak... może tylko dlatego, że ja Cię kocham. Tak bardzo, bardzo, bardzo, bardzo. 👍🙂❤️ Ok... I did my best for today. And look what I came up with... This one is for Miles. 😉👍❤️ (4438) Flats Down From C + So On And now look. Jazz guys often use flat keys insted of shapen up from C up and down all around. Why? Because flats shifts are softer and more "warm blues". If you keep to back you can accelerate later in you need it. If you are on brighter side only way is to breake. Maybe I am wrong but it's just depends from which side of the wheel or circle you are looking on base keys and how you're changing them during the song. So... to feel fluent you should start composing from middle flat keys... so it will be something like... 🙂👍🙏😉 I would start from Ab always! then you will see how songs will behave. Build melody line, drum part, and then try to change keys. But stay on one key as long as possible. Changing keys letting your jazz or songs to breathe. Let's go with some jazz from Ab then... 👍❤️ (4437) Keys Changing Progression # Up Trochę to wszystko posrane, ale jeszcze to rozgryzę! Teraz jedziemy od C flaty w dół. Szybko sprawnie i bez loopów, bo mnie wkurwiają trochę. Ps. Jak się nazywał święty, patron i opiekun przekleństw. 🤣😂🙏👍❤️🏝️ Św. Marjola 😉 (4436) Hella Kliver In I Himlen ❤🤫 😭 It's so beautiful! 🙏😇❤️👰 (4435) Blues Minior Patern Thanks for smooth cutting "png" files notes charts! ❤️🙂🌐 And for this beautiful app anyway! "Maestro" 👍❤️🙂🌐 It's a little bit mess with transponding blues from major E to minior Em... you have to change a lot! But I learned today how to switch keyS during song. So expect some experiments on that! Both major and minior and mix inside one song. I have to dig through it! I love Joanna! 🤗❤🤫🐇💥 (4434) Blues Major Patern No więc to jest Major. Zaraz zobaczysz te same tonacje tylko w Minior. Bardzo fajny ten programik. 🙂 Midi. (4433) Smski Asia... To Ty? 🤫🤭 - Click save. Kocham Cie. Gdzie sie podziewasz? Co porabiasz? Co porabiacie? 🤫😌 Tesknie za Asieńką. I do Asieński. ❤️🥰 - 👄🥳 Kocham na zawsze z całych sił. Śpisz? - Nie. Tak trudno zrozumieć autostopowicza? - Opowiadaj. Myśl sercem i rozum. I pierdol Covid. Świat jest zły. Gdyby nie ten posrany Covid to jeździł bym cały czas. Po prostu. Przed siebie. Szukając dobra w ludziach. Takiego prostego. Ale świat jest zły. Spierdolił się zupełnie. Trzeba go leczyć. Mordując złych ludzi. Normalnie i fizycznie. 🤪🤣😂🙈 Muszę zdobyć "licence to kill", zanim następnym razem pójdę jeździć. Serio. Więc może już chyba nigdy? ❤️🙂👍 - Odwagi! Najpierw porozpierdalałbym łby 10, 20 szefom firm spedycyjnych w Polsce jak kurwa leci zostawiając karteczkę, "bo zakazujecie kurwy swoim kierowcą brać autostopowiczów". Przydało by się też porozwalać trochę tirowców. 😂🤣 (Luzik. Po prostu obmyślam materiał na nową książkę!) Uważam, że mordowanie tych pokurwów, to jedyna szansa na uzdrowienie tego spierdolonego świata. Ludzie zera, dowartościowują się, jebiąc jak leci wszystkich innych. Tego Ci nie wolno, tego Ci nie wolno. Kurwa! Przysięgam! Trzeba się zawsze dogadywać z szefem lokalnej policji i sprzątać świat z tych nazi kurew wiedźmińskich, bo to jest jedyny sposób na naprawienie świata i przywrócenie jebanej równowagi pomiędzy dobrem a złem. LoL 😎 - Boże ale przeklinasz. A bo się wkurwiłem. 😂🤣😂🤣👍🤪😎 - Rób jak chcesz. LoL. Kiedyś, całkiem niedawno, wymyśliłem test na autostopowicza. Wychodzisz na drogę i łapiesz stopa. Ten kto się nie zatrzyma, zwyczajnie zostanie zastrzelony. Tylko wyobraź sobie kochana Asiu, jakby to wyglądało w Szwecji. LoL. Ile tu zapieczonych kurwa łbów napierdala tymi swoimi trumnami na ślepo, trzymając się swojego pojebania, bo nie mając nic innego. Przeglądnijcie sie sami w sobie. Ile razy byście już zginęli, będąc po prostu niemiłymi ludźmi. Za bardzo zamyślonymi. Za bardzo zajętymi sobą. Tak to wygląda. Twój strach i twoje zasady są nic nie warte. Ludzie zera. Wszędzie jakieś cienie tylko. Wysoko srające. Po prostu nie miłe dla drugiego człowieka. Wrogowie jebanej ludzkości i cywilizacji. Przysięgam i klnę się na Boga! Ten test jest po prostu świetny. Te kurwy telewizyjne powinny go reklamować we wiadomościach porannych. Pyty nieme. LoL. (Żartuje!) Moje zasady są prostę! 🤣😂🙂😅😋👍🤪😎 Mordować tych co nue zabierają autostopowiczów. Jak ktoś szuka pretekstu, to bardzo proszę, oto preteskt. I przy okazji, samemu się można w lustrze przeglądnąć, czy jest się jebaną kurwą zasługującą na natychmiastową śmierć, czy nie. 😂🤣❤️ Ja tam zawsze zabieram jak mogę! ❤️👄👍🥰🇸🇪🏆 - To super. Sory, ale musiałem się wygadać. Gdzie w Szwecji można dostać licencję na mordowanie pojebów i pokurwów? 🤣😂🤣😂😎 - Naprawdę Ci potrzebna? W sumie to ostatnio nie. - No to bardzo dobrze. Bezpieczniej. I'm nice guy! 🙏🙂🙈🥰👍❤️ Ale fajnie by było mieć licencje na zabijanie w Gävle. Ja pierdole! Bosko! Ostatnio chciałem naładować telefon w kwiaciarni i kupić kawę, a kurwa jebana kazała mi kupić kwiatki. Ja pierdole. Jakbym kurwie wsadził giwere do ryja i postraszył, to może by się zgodziła, nie? A ja taki grzeczny i dobrze wychowany. To przeprosiłem i podziękowałem. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😎 No bez jebanej licencji na zabijanie ani rusz. 🙂🥰❤️👍🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😎 - 🙈🤪👍❤️🥰 - Kubusiu, bądź grzeczny! 🤣 Hahaha. Przecież jestem ukochana i ukochany świecie. Ale czasami wiesz... Noż kurwa! W hiszpanii ja pierdole... We francji 2 lata temu... bez licencji na zabijanie nie ruszam się z tego miasteczka! 🤪😋👍🙂 A może trzeba do EU wystąpić. Kurde. Portfolio mam dobre. Jak myślisz może Jamesowi Pradzie dadzą co? Jak myślisz ukochana? 🙈🥰❤️😎🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🙏🏆 - Kubutku. Idziemy spać już. Dobranoc. Jutro idź na msze. I daj na tace! Na Ukrainę. Dobrze kochana. Postaram się nie zaspać. 😅🙂😋😉 Kocham... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🐇🌹🏝️😎🙏🙈🥰❤️ Cię - To super! [Wow!] 😉🐇❤️ Nie biorą autostopowiczów wiesz... bo są zaskoczeni! 😂🤣😂🤣🌐🙀🥳🎾 Już wiem! Trzeba stopa łapać z kanapą! - O widzisz! Zara śpiewa o autostopie! Fuck! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🌐😎🏝️🌹 Te 3 fotki super! 😂🤣🌐😎🐇🇸🇪❤️ Tylko kombinowałem jak zabić kogoś kto się nie zatrzyma? 🤣😂🤣😂 I nie ma wyjścia tylko trzeba działać w teamie. I robić fotki. 😂🤣😂🤣🙏🌐🌹🏝️ 🤣😂🤣😂❤️ Dobra. Koniec żartów. Dobranoc! Kocham Cię, Was, Świat! 🥰🙈❤️ (4432) Spring Flow Waiting 4 Bass Try this MIDI with little night airport bass, please. MIDI is fucking volume settings! Shit! Look at Mp3! Right here. MIDI is output for studio another mixing. Thank you! All I need to is to find some nice cover. Just one more here without this damn cowbell. 🤣😂🤔🤫🤗 (4431) Dla Asi (Test) ❤️🥰 It's called "Catch The Beat". I am learning to use this little mobile app. 😉👍🌐 Here try MIDI file. Maybe you will produce some techno from it. I am just old school clasic composer. (4430) Dla Asi Next Song 🥰❤ - Super! Jeszcze fajniejsze! ❤🙊💋 Try Midi! If you need it. 👌😜😁 (4429) Dla Asi 🥰❤ - Hahaha. Ale fajne! 👌❤ Try midi! (4428) I'm trying to read one whole page of Harry Potter! 😂😜 (4427) Ukraine needs The A-Team! But Russians are too powerful to have enemies! So we all should just give up and drink Russian Vodka. I hope happy times will come to us soon! ❤😎 Now they have huge sanctions by US so I have no idea what does means to them. Whatever. I am busy on some different field. ❤🇺🇲 I love Russia too and I hope that all will be just fine! Don't forget how many solidares exist. War is a special holidays for them. Just no killing and no slavery! And all war is fine! I prefer war then fucking Covid. "Meds peoples" got their times now military people want's part of the "big cake". The attention of the world. The money. In my opinion even war is about a sex. I can invent millions jokes but killing people is just wrong. I didn't meant that my jokes are killing people. I meant that it's no good to create jokes when people are dying. Did you saw Swedish Newspapers today? Like jokes. I think it's wrong. They didn't arrived on Ukraine to pick up their girls. They are already picked I think. They could be everywhere. So this is about something else. But what...? Let the spirit of The A-Team step into our souls. Let's connect together in this strange times. I am happy to be close to my beloved persons. I will do anything to protect this love. It's in our hearts! It's part to The A-Team (Let's pray to The A-Team) for this war to end. Thanks God! 🇺🇲🍀🙊 Freedom, democracy, love, trust, honestly, support, wealth! That's the better world we are heading to. Feed people with good dreams! Let them to be happy! Be like a good father to all human king. ❤ Be in love with someone as much as you can. Be good! 🥰😇 Then humanity will win. I have hope in my heart.
I pray to my love to stop killing this hope. Because she like it. But it's wrong. Please, let me be on your side. The world will be better place if you will have me not as a cursed person. Please. Thank you! ❤ So... Never more arrows in my heart! I promise! No more 💘!
I love you with all my heart and I will never stop! I promise! Today I wrote new song for you! It has most beautiful German or Austrian melody I heard long time ago in Wien. "Czy słonko świeci, czy pada deszcz,
Pryszczaku czy grubasie,
Pamiętaj, że w sercu wiosna jest,
Bo każdy kocha Asię! ❤️"
Kocham Cię Asiu 🙈
Here it's melody. It's not a perfect but I am working on it. I have to improve two notes. To play the little faster. Or maybe you want to play it by yourself? Ok. I fixed melody! Correct notes sheet looks like that. (4426) New Shocking Audio Podcasts! Check newest drop! It's a bomb! LoL! Erected ideas! Real radio style! Big splendor! Power & money! Professional advertisments! Real money! Real bitches! LoL! I am just kidding! It's only same old super me! (4425) Smsy Och... ❤️ Ach... ❤️ No comments today! Jutro wrzucę podkasty nowe. Niektóre są świetne. Powrzucałem dziś dużo pinterestów. 4U! 💘🙈 I ta piosenka... kocham Cię! 👍🙈❤️ Asieńko. 👄❤️👍😇🙂💘 Kocham Cię - Kochaj. Kazdym oddechem. (4424) "Swedish Car" 🇸🇪🚲 Mass production starting soon! Amazing! Is it flying? (4423) Smsy Czesc Asieñko! 🤣 - Cześć! Asia. Ty duablico! Ale to się nie stanie! Po prostu będzie nudniej. Ale jak mnie adoptujecie, to będzie super! 🐇👍🌐🌈 - Robimy przemeblowanie. Super. Już się nie mogę doczekać. A jaki czynsz? - Odpracujesz. - 💘 Ale masz mnie pestać męczyć, że mnie kochasz cały czas. Słuchaj. Dziś Pani w kwiaciarni, kazała mi kupuć kwiaty. Ja chciałem tylko podładować telefon. To chyba jakiś znak. - Omen. Eeeee... I jak mam te kwiaty Ci dostarczać? Przez Hellene Linander? 🤣😂🥰😎 - Podkładaj na wycieraczce i jak się boisz zapukać to nie pukaj. Poza tym nie ma nas bo jesteśmy w Szpitalu. Ktoś mysi pracować na nierobów! No słyszałem, że macie w Gävle 100.000 nowych zachorowań. To pewnie szpital pełny. - Jestem zarobiona. Poza tym praca doktorska. Joanna nie masz czasu przyjąć jednej skromnej małej różyczki? - Nie denerwuj się tak. Boję się że Bartek zadzwoni na policje, że Was harastuje. - Nie mówi się harastuje tylko harastmentuje. Joanna. Myślałem, żeby iść pogadać z kimś do psychiatryka. - Idź. Powiedz, że Ci dzwoni w uszach od onanizmu. 👍😂💘😂🤣😂 Joanna. Powiem, że rozważam targnięcie się na swoje życie, żeby spełnić Twoją seksualną fantazję. - Czy tobie wszystko zawsze musi kojarzyć się z seksem? Nie wiem. Co? A kojarzy? A nie ma? - Daj spokój Kuba! Myśl o ptaszkach i zajączkach. O ptaszkach latających. Wiesz o co mi chodzi! No wiem. Obuecuje, że będę się starał. Ale tęsknie do Ciebie i Cię kocham. To cała reszta mi się sama układa jakoś tak. - Idź pogadać z psychiatrą. Może dostaniesz jakąś pielęgniareczkę. 🥰👍 A może ja będę Twoją Panią doktor? Bardzo bym chciał. A nie możemy się spotykać w lesie? Nie ma wilków! Sprawdziłem! 😂🙈 - Przyjdź i opowiedz o swoich fantazjach. Będziemy pisać bajki z tego. Joanna. Błagam Cię tylko. Nie bądź zła. - Jestem najlepsza! Na świecie. Zapamiętaj! Dla Ciebie to już napewno! Ale ja nie chcę się leczyć z tego opętania. To się po prostu nazywa miłość. Pewnie. - Pewnie! Kochasz mnie? - Oj tak! Naprawdę? 😮🙀 - Patrz, znowu! Joanna. Napisz mi maila i mnie zaproś jak chcesz. Proszę. Potem będziesz z mężem miała na mnie hak, że Cię nachodzę. Czekam na maila. Bartek zna mojego. - Cały czas mamy nadzieje, że może powiesisz się w lesie. To by było w sumie całkiem sexowne. Joanna. Kocham Cię, wiem, ale nie mam zamiaru się wieszać! Chcę jeszcze żyć. Długo. - A ciąć? Ciąć też się nie mam zamiaru. - Nawet dla mnie? 🤯😠 Joanna! Ogarnij się. - Przydałby nam się w szpitalu nowy pacjent! Ty chyba za dużo czasu spędzasz w domu albo w tym swoim szpitalu. - Całe życie Kubutku. Kocham Cię. Let's keep standard normal option. Please. Natural. - To szukaj dzikich róż w lesie! Dla mnie. Albo wychoduj. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🥰 - Czekaj na maila! 😎 Mam nadzieje ze sie zlitujesz kiedys. 😭🥳 (4422) Smsy Cześć ukochana. Zgubiłem coś dziś. Mam nadzieje, że to mi przyniesie szczęście. God please! - Co? Nie mogę powiedzieć. Harrise i taki drobiazg z sex shopu w Maladze. To bardzo dziwne. To pewnie boska ingerencja UFO. Mam nadzieje, że może jeszcze znajdę. Może jak śnieg stopi się. Miałem otwartą kieszeń w plecaku. Niezły kretynizm. To tak jak się żonglyje setką rzeczy naraz. Sama wiesz. - No to bądź bardziej uważny. Staraj się przynajmniej. Dobrze mamo! ❤️ Mamusiu Asiusiu ukochana, najdroższa, jedyna, wspaniała, kochana, moje serce, moja miłości. Najsłodsza. - Oh przestań mój niesforny braciszku kochany. 😉👍 Jestem jak zwykle pijany z miłości do swojej królowej. 😆😉👍 Ciebie. 🐍🙈 Jesteś Boska! I wiesz to. ❤️🌹 - A tak jakoś. Jestem skromna. Jesteś moim niebem i ziemią. Powietrzem i wszystkim. Najcudowniejszą moją "drugą" mamą na świecie? - Drugą? Chcę być pierwszą. Jestem zaborcza. Dobra to moja pierwsza jest drugą, a ty jesteś pierwszą. Ha! 😂👍🌐 Kocham Cię mamusiu Asiusiu! ❤️🙈🌻 - Żartowałam. Pierwsza jest wszystkim. Mogę być Twoją drugą. Dzisiaj nagrałem niezły skecz jak Bartek dzwoni do mojego taty i się go pyta o zgodę, czy może zostać moim... trzecim ojcem. 😂👍🤣 - To może powinien się drugiego zapytać też? Buhahaha. Nie sadze, żeby się drugi pierwszego pytał o cokolwiek, więc chyba nie trzeba! 😂🤣 "Jak ci chyba to se uwiąż!" 😂👍 Tyle w temacie. 🤪 - Sprzedany, kupiony! Nie trzeba kwitować! Zaufaj nowej mamusi. 🙈🙂👍😇😉 Kocham Cię! Ufam Ci! Jesteś cudowna! Niebiańsko nieziemska. Nie martw się! Jakoś to będzie! 🙂👍 - To co my teraz zrobimy? 🙈🤪😉❤️🌐 Pewnie śniadanie objad i kolacje. Jak zwykle. 👍😎🤏 Kocham Cię. Tylko to się liczy. I to, że już nie błąkam się po świecie. ❤️👍❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹💓💓💓💓💓😻🌈👄🙈💘 - Pograj w coś. Już nie myśl tyle i nie martw się tak. Nie martwie się, bo wiem, że mnie kochasz. - Dokładnie Kubutku. (4421) What is Rotodyne and why buses don't fly? 😹 Smart! 💎😂 🙈🤯🤓🤡💩🙉👁🧠👶🍾🥂🌋🛰🌈⛄🥇👔👞🕯📝📌📳 LoL 😎👍🥁 (4420) Monorails [10Best] I think this town deserves a great minirail system around town. System should be small cheap and efficient. Forget about regular size of train's cabine. Let's project smallest possible. Simple metal element connected together and fasten into the ground. Simple trafic sollution. At first 30 cabin going one way, then all cabins going another back. Fully automated system. Electric or engined powered. This should by only fun! In case one wagon will brake down. The wagon from the back is pushing it to the main station. All other things are just details. Just use the imagination. 👍🌐 Idea of a day! Except daily portion of love and devotism. 💘🌐 Idea taken from Jurassic Park movie. 😂 I think this is every engineer's dream. To send your kids to school to grocery store in safe nice and cozy monorail. 👍👽 Marvelous! Isn't it just a perfect idea? 💘👍🌹 Just like in #Pepsi #Lego town. (4419) More and more and more... 😉 💘👍 E! Bez radaru. Co to za telefon? 🤣🥱 Śpisz? - Kuba ja zawsze śpię. Aha. To fajnie. Przyjdziesz w nocy pod drzewo? - Jakie drzewo? Ustalmy jakieś. 🌹💘 😆 Przyjdź przynajmniej raz na rok na święto zmarłych zapalić świeczkę. 😂👍 Ukochana. 💘🌹 - Sam sobie zapal. Żyjesz jeszcze. Zapalę. I będę czarował. Żebyś mnie kochała. I żebyś przyszła w nocy pod drzewo albo na górkę. - Na jaką górkę? Są tu jakieś górki? - Raczej chyba nie. No to nie wiem. To pod jakieś drzewo. Drzewa są. - Jak idzie tenis? Tennis Clash App - Super! ❤️👍 Kocham Cię Jestem w Team Sverige ale tam jest już pełno. Sverige Mafiaboss jest pusty. Zacznij grać tam a ja tam sprawdzę wieczorem czy Cię tam nie ma. ❤️ (4417) More Smsy [SlowSong] Lady Gaga I don't care about the words. There's huge chance that she is stupid. 😂 Kocham Cie serce. Co mam poradzic? Wszedzie indziej bylbym nieszczesliwy. To wole byc nieszczesliwy tu. Tj. tu jestem happy! Bo ty tu jestes. To wszystko. 💖 - To take słodkie i kochane co piszesz. David to powiedział? Super. Mądre. Ale słowa nic nie znaczą. Liczy się uczucie. To co masz w sercu. Co mam w sercu? Ciebie. 💘 [YouAndMe] Another Elvis! 😉 I got a [BestFriend] You! 💘 - 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱 Dobranoc! To jest wolne jak żółw! Don't worry! 😆 (4416) Play Drums! What? 😂 How to become a drummer? Just book the next #NASA shuttle to the moon before your parents & all neighborhood will kick you there! 😂 Baby! You need a solid bunker. Soundproof and with a torture equipment and you need me totally in love with your sweet wife to play bass for you while you are learning. 🤣 Sorry kids! It's a joke for your music daddy! 💥🥁 If you can't afford new #Ferrari forget about the Drums! 💎👍😹😹😹 Or you can become a soldier first! 😹 Then ask your boss to make a band! No! It's not for you! Forget! 🙈 Lesson 1: [ExerciseSong] 👽🥁 (4415) Smsy Boze ale nudy! - Co tam? Co robisz? Gram w Tenis na telefonie. Musze kupic zielone diamenty, zeby zrobic upgrade. Typowo. A co u Ciebie? - Tajemnica. Tesknie. - Za mną? No a za kim? - E tam. Moze po prostu brzuszek Cie boli. Nieeeee... dusza mnie boli. Bo moja chce być przy Twojej. - Nie martw sie. Zaraz będzie wiosna. Odkopiemy Cię spod śniegu. Asia... Tęsknie. To takie dziwne. Moje życie jest bardzo nietypowe. Nie wiem czy ekstrawaganckie. Po coś tu jestem. Czuję się jakbym przypłynął w górę rzeki na tarło. 😂🤣👍 Jakie ryby tak robią? Pstrągi? Jesiotry? Szczupaki? / Ale tęsknie za Tobą nie żeby się rozmnażać. Po prostu Cię kocham. Nie wiem. A może matka natura mnie trochę oszukała. Być może oszukała wszystkich. Greta mówi, że klimat się ociepla. To pewnie od tarcia, bo człowiek ... matkę naturę. 😂 Hehe. Nie ma się z czego cieszyć. To smutne. A w moim sercu... przepełnia mnie nieskończona melanholia. Jeden spacer z Tobą. Może Bartek się zgodzi? Z kim mam pójść na spacer najpierw? Z Tobą czy z Bartkiem. Mogę iść z Bartkiem. Ale nie pojedynkować się na pistolety. Chyba nie miałbym żadnych szans. Po prostu muszę chyba go przekonać, że nie mam złych intencji w stosunku co do Ciebie. Napewno mi się uda ale musi się mu chcieć ze mną zobaczyć. Może kiedyś. Będę się o to modlił. Asia. O ciebie też żebyś mnie kochała. Miłość wszystko zmienia odmienia i przemienia na lepsze. Gdy nam smutno gdy nam źle myślimy o tych których najbardziej kochamy. Może to dla Ciebie dziwne, ale ja zawsze myślę o Tobie. Od Lutego 2016, kiedy sobie o Tobie przypomniałem w Portugalii. Grupka młodych pijanych niemców mi o Tobie przypomniała. Jakoś tak się stało. Może UFO przeleciało. Proszę Cię tylko o to, żebyś była wyrozumiała i szlachetna. Ale czy można kogoś prosić o dobroduszność i szlachetność. Chyba nie. Raczej błagać. O miłosierdzie i o troskliwość. 👍🙂 Asieńko. Wiesz jakie jest życie. Typowe i przewidywalne. Szczególnie w czasach koronawirusa. Jestem chyba jedyny w swoim rodzaju. Nie mam domu, nie mam samochodu i nie zamierzam. Moja miłość do Ciebie jest moim domem. Proszę przyjmuj ten "dar" lub "przekleństwo" (hej przecież miłość nie jest czymś złym. wręcz przeciwnie! tak więc to dar) i weź mnie proszę do swojego serca. Utul tam i ułóż do snu. Pocałuj w czoło jakbym umierał na Twoim łonie. Wróciłem "z wojenki". To takie romantyczne. A z drugiej strony taki zwykłe. Jestem zwykłym przybłędą. Ale wiesz... nic na świecie się nie liczy bardziej, tylko to! Miłość. Tylko jeśli Cię kochają "wszyscy", to może nie jest to dla Ciebie nic szczególnego. Mam nadzieje, że rozumiesz dlaczego Cię kocham. "Bo jesteś taka słodziutka!" 🙉👄💓👍🙂 Ludzie zazwyczaj nie oferują siebie innym na wieczność. Tak bardzo łatwo jest zignorować wspaniałe możliwości które się kryją za czymś takim. Wiesz. Ja nie mam zielonego pojęcia jak to jest być tobą. Wielu ludzi wiedzie wygodne życia. Wirtualne w pewnym stopniu. Można tak powiedzieć Ja źyję w swojej przygodzie i nie nażekam. Wręcz zachwalam. Ale jest coś w Twojej piwnicy, co powoduje, że bardzo chciałbym być tam zamknięty przez Ciebie i Twojego męża. 😂🤣🫀🥂 Asieńko. Chciałbym móc Cię poznać bliżej. Powiedziałaś że "dużo nas dzieli", to oczywiste. Ale też jestem człowiekiem tak jak ty! Chyba przecież możesz sobie wyobrazić co mogę czuć. Wiesz co to znaczy za kim tęsknić, prawda? Ta tęsknota to jest to samo uczucie, które odczuwają wszyscy ludzie na całym świecie. Np. tęsknie za mamą. Obiecała, że przyjedzie do Sztokholmu się ze mną spotkać. Dlaczego nie tu? Lubię Sztokholm. Miły jest! - Spacer z tobą? UFO! Mógłbym Ci całą wieczność wyjaśniać wszystko. Co czuję. Jesteś moją ulubioną ziemianką. Kocham Cię i ubóstwiam! Jesteś dla mnie reprezentantką całej ludzkości. W zasadzie to ludzkość mnie nie interesuje. Tylko ty mnie interesujesz i tylko z Tobą chciałbym porozmawiać. Żebyś mi coś powiedziała. Cokolwiek. Żebyś dała mi nadzieje. Życie jest takie sobie. Wiesz jak z tymi celami jest. Żyjemy, wszystko jest takie ważne, a potem co innego i tak w kółko. Chciałbym, żebyś wiedziała, że drzemie we mnie duży potencjał który możesz sobie dowolnie wykorzystać. Będzie mi bardzo miło i przyjemnie wiedzieć, że mój los jest w Twoich rękach. To takie romantyczne. Tylko ty wiesz jak ewentualnie możesz mi pomóc. Przysięgam Ci w zamian zrobię dla Ciebie wszystko. - Pisz cyrograf. Projekt. Do oceny. Co chcesz ode mnie i co dajesz w zamian. I "jak ty sobie to wszystko dalej wyobrażasz"? 😂👍👄🙉 Błagam. Wiem, że może jeszcze teraz nie jesteście na to gotowi, ale wynajmijcie mi kąt w piwnicy z dostępem do toalety na wieczność. W zamian? Będę dla Ciebue i was pracował. Oddawał wam wszystkie zarobione przez siebie pieniądze, a Bartka będę czcił jak guru naszej sekty. A Ciebie... Joanno. Cóż. Ty jesteś kobietą. Wiesz wszystko. Moje serce i dusza będą szczęśliwe będąc przy Tobie. Zadowolę się Twoją przyjaźnią jedynie. W końcu należysz do swojego męża jedynie. Zawsze będziesz Panią i królową mego serca, to się nie zmieni. Będę szczęśliwy mogąc być i trwać przy Tobie. Będę się o To modlił. Dom, wiatrak, zamek, latarnia morska, łodź, mieszkanie. Wszystko mi jedno. Byle byś była Ty gdzieś w pobliżu i dostęp do internetu. Uwielbiam Cię, kocham i ubóstwiam. I powieżam Ci swój los. Wierzę, że mnie nie skrzywdzisz. Wierzę w Ciebie. W twoje zrozumienie, w Twoją szlachetność. W Twoje dobrodziejstwo i w Twoją wspaniałomyślność. 💓🌹 Tak mi dopomóż Bóg. I spokojnie. Bez pośpiechu. Co nagle to po diable. Jestem bardzo cierpliwy. Dla Ciebie (i siebie) zamieniam się w głaz. Czas jest najlepszym doradcą. Kocham Cię. 👍🙂⛱️👄 - Lubię randki z Tobą na Twoim blogu. 🐍❄️ 😂🌹💓 Eh! LoL / Smutek prowadzi do zadumy, zaduma do przymyśleń, przemyślenia do formuowania myśli i pisania listów. Zawsze można chwycić gitarę i zagrać blusika. 👍🌈🌐🤏 - Miłość do Ciebie. Wszystko co czuję. Nieważne. Proszę Cię o miłość, ale nie wyobrażam sobie tego. Po prostu nie wiem jak mam się czuć, wiedząc, że mnie kochasz. To mi się po prostu nie mieści w głowie. Moje serce jest zamarznięte chyba. Dawno temu zahibernowałaś je. Za szczęśliwy byłbym i umarł ze szczęścia jeszcze być może. Twoja miłość, jeden Twój mały gest, na który nie jestem gotowy, jest moim największym snem, marzeniem i pragnieniem. Wiesz to. Euforia połączona ze strachem z paraliżem z mixem wszystkich dobrych i pozytywnych uczuć. Cały struchlałem. Mam tylko nadzieję w sercu. Na Twoją dobroć i przychylność. Jesteś bogiem i królową. To oczywiste, że się Ciebie kocha i obawia. Szczególnie że jesteś z mężem! 🙂⛱️🌐👄🌈👍 - 🤮😉🥱 Już? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣👍 - 🐵 Co ma wspólnego nostalgia z melancholią? - Chyba za długo dzisiaj siedzisz w trumnie. Idź sobie pobiegaj. Fakt. Nieźle mnie przysypało. Byle dotrwać do jutra. Siku mi się chce. Muszę się jakoś wygrzebać z tej zaspy. 🤣😂 - Kubutku martwie się o Ciebie. Tak leje i wieje. A wiesz jak u Nas milutko i cieplutko? 🙂⛱️ Wiem. Oglądałem kiedyś ilustracje "Dziewczynki z zapałkami" to dobie wyobrażam. Indyk pewnie mieszka u Was na stole. - Ty. Poszedłbym do sklepu po ciastka, kawę, lody, ale jest tak ciemno i zimno że obawiam się że zabłądzę i zginę. Wiem! Piosenki! [Quietly] Guano Apes 🌹🥱 [HaveYouHeard?] ZZ-Top 😇🌐 [SlowBlues] You play this solo! 😎🌻❤️⚓ [WildestDreams] 💘🌪️ [BlinkSpace] 😉❤️⚓ [TheJockerAndTheQueen] 💘🌻❤️⚓ Nice new song! "We love sparks! We love sparks!" 😉😂🤣 (4414) And what if Asia really loves me? I don't believe it because the amount of happyness doesn't fit inside my heart & soul. I prefere to stay cool about that. But this idea... ❤️🐇🐵🌈 God please! You know the best! Make this love possible. Make her love me a lot. Asia, please love me forever. You are so sweet. Elvis was disgusting! There wasn't corona then. When I see this clip I am happy that corona is now. And what? Did he love all those random women? I am so old-fashioned then! I love only one best person in the world! At least for me. 🙊🙉🙈 😎 And I know I am not alone! 💞😂 I don't know what to say. Kiedy kiedys przyniose Ci kwiatki nie dziekuj mi. To nic szczegolnego. Zrobie to jeszcze raz i raz i raz i miliony razy... bo tylko to ma sens na swiecie. Dla mnie. Kochac Cie. Lubic. Myslec o Tobie. Tesknic i byc blisko Ciebie. Nie wiem czy to dziwne. Pamietasz jak kiedys przynioslem Ci kwiatki 3 razy tego samego dnia. Za ostatnim razem, tak dziwnie sie popatrzylas. 🙈💞😂 Tak bardzo Cie lubie... Joanna. - Tak? / A juz nic. 💘😇 (4413) My heart is happy! I can't want more! I am so in love! So, so, so, so... 💘 [Speechless] I will never give up! 💓🐕 I have milion ideas but it desn't matters. Then I will send you milion songs. Your heart will listen and anderstand all what is between lines... and music notes... 🌹💘🙉 I am dog who can talk and play nice songs from Spotify. Not much for a human but what for a dog! I'm #NASA dog. 🤣😉💓 [YouAndMe] Where is Nebraska? [Audio] SIA I am your [Snowman] ☃️ I love you forever. So... [ClapYourHands] 🍾🥂🌐💓 - [BreathMe] I am breathing you. Always. [Fire&Gasoline] 🙉💘 Perfect match somehow! 🌐🥰 [SweetDesing] 🌐💘 [Together] Our Numbers Up. I am fool! Love you too! 👄💘🙈❤️ - Wszystko będzie dobrze. / Dzięki że mnie pocieszasz. Kocham Cię [YouSavedMyLife] 👄💘🥂🫀👍 [AngleByTheWings] 😎☃️ What Am I doing here? 🌐👍 Who brought me here? Why I am Prada? 🤪🐕😂😂😂 [Goodbye] I mean goodnight! Under [Umbrella] 🌻 [TillTheDayIdle] Zara 🙈😎 LoL 🤣🌹🎧 [VoodooPeople] 🤠⚓🫂 Asia? Jak tam? 💓 It's [Omen] 🤪🤏🥰❤️🌐👍 Am I [Freeky]? 😂🐕 [MonarchyOfRoses] 👍You got🌹! [Everlong] [Still] ❤️🥰 [BluesIsBlack] Asia. Kocham Cię! You are my [Hero]! Tell me. What fucking morron motherfucker you should be to work in fucking pit hole at sunday's fucking night. Tell me because I can't figure out it by my gycking self. What they are doing? Painting monday more beautiful by making noise in sundays night? Fuck! 🤣😂👍 Fuck those nazi morons! Someone should call Police on them! 🤣😂 Kocham Cię Asieńko! 👍🥰⚓❤️🌹🐕 Dobranoc! Me serce. 🐍❤️⚓ Omdlewam z rozkoszy w twoich słodkich objęciach. Tylko muszę to sobie jeszcze mocniej wyobrazić, żeby poczuć. Błagam wymyśl coś. Żebyśmy się mogli zobaczyć. Choć na chwilkę. Jesteś taka piękna. Mój ideał. Najśliczniejsza z wszystkich. Najpiękniejsza w świecie. 🌪️❄️🌈🐵🐇 Kocham Cię. Dobranoc ❤️🐍 (4412) Short Message Service W lesie jest super ale idę do sklepu. Ładna pogoda dziś. Krótki dzień. Wielkie serce. Nie mam absolutnie nic do roboty poza tęsknieniem i byciem smutnym. Jakoś muszę z tym żyć. Coś wymyślę. Jakieś fajne zajęcie. Np. prysznic rano. 🤣👍 Jutro chyba pójdę do fryzjera. Chociaż zapuszczam rock'n'rollowe. 🤣👍 Obetnę się na Hellę. Na oblata. Na "zapierdala w kółko" lol. I kocham i kocham i kocham i kocham... Czuję się jakbym umarł i mieszkał w grobie Kupię saperkę i zbuduje "podziemny domek". LoL 🤣👍 / Okopać namiot znaczy się. 😂 Przyroda taka piękna. Śniło mi się że zjechałem na -5 piętro w jakimś wieżowcu i znalazłem się w lesie. Asia. Jak Ci mija dzień? - Też leżę. Pomożesz mi pisać bajkę? Mają być takie fajne. Albo legendę.... może o Nas? Patrzę jak wiatr się kocha z czubkami drzew. Chyba przywykłem do przejeżdżających aut. Gdzie nie ma spokojnych i szczęśliwych dzieci i ich troskliwych kochających rodziców. Czy moje serce potrafi być spokojne w niespokojnym świecie? Tuż obok moich serdecznych snów? Kto mi chce zepsuć moje marzenia? Kto mi chce pomóc je budować? Budować w nieskończoność. Nie mam broni ale tu nie ma niedźwiedzi. Mam tylko łuk i strzały amorka. Unlimited ammo. Strzelam sobie w piękne obrazki na Pintereście. Marzę o mojej ukochanej. Chyba idealizuję ją kosmicznie. Widzę ją znacznie lepiej niż ona do siebie przywykła. Czy można się nudzić tańcem w gwieazdach? Jestem kolejnym zakochanym sercem. Może to jest właśnie kres wszystkiego? A może początek? Leże pod drzewem. Ta książka chyba będzie o niczym. O tym jak bardzo do Ciebie tęsknię i o tym jak mi dobrze jest kochać się w tobie. Na wieczność. Na zawsze, forever. 👄👼 Świat przestał istnieć. Nigdy nie znaczył dla mnie wiele. Zawsze uważałem te wszystkie pierdoły za coś zupełnie zbędniego. Zło konieczne. Po prostu wszystko. Istnieje tylko moja miłość. Do wszystkiego jeśli to coś występuje w swojej najczystrzej i podstawowej postaci. Ty dla mnie taka jesteś. Nie jesteś lustrem. Jesteś idealna. Dlatego tak lubię (kocham) być w Ciebie zapatrzony. Cała reszta po prostu nie ma znaczenia. Małe. Acz niezbędne. Tylko wtedy możesz dobrze rządzić wszystkim, jeśli Cię to zupełnie nie obchodzi. Bo głowe masz zupełnie gdzieś indziej. Taki mały paradox. Skradł Ci umysł. Demon. Najsłodszy. Ukochany. Jedyny taki na zawsze. Miłość twojego życia. Jakie to słodkie. Jakie urocze. Jakie piękne. 👄👍 Nie potrzebujesz nic innego tylko być czysty, skromny i ładnie pachnieć. Wtedy Twoja Pani zabierze Cię.... Do piekła? Już tam jestem. Myślami. Jest tam tylko ona. Są inne postacie, ale tylko ona mnie interesuje. Tylko ona z całym szacunkiem dla wszystkich innych. Jak to się stało? Nieważne Mechanika kosmosu. Kilka piekielnych tricków najprawdopodobniej. I jestem u kresu. Twoje słowo, gest, myśl, prośba, rozkaz. Są jak miodek. W niej chciałbym zniknąć. Obawiam się że na pewien czas kompas mojego umysłu może trochę zwariować. Wszystkie kierunki pokazują tylko ją. Moją ukochaną Diabliczkę i Aniołeczka. Małpeczkę i słonika. Little czary-mary hokus-pokus on your (my) mind. I wieczność u naszych stóp. Czy wszyscy tak mają? Chyba tak. Zawsze Cię kochałem. Nawet gdy Cię jeszcze nie znałem. Jestem prze-miły, inteligentny dobrze wychowany lojalny i posłuszny. Brakuje mi tylko odrobiny purdu na nosie i zaczarowanych kapci. Nie mam umysłu. Cały oddałem Tobie. Możesz mnie sobie dowolnie przeprogramować. Mój ROM nie powinien się zbytnio opierać. / Nie bój się. To wszystko tylko gra zabawa. Wygrywamy totalnie. 🌹❤️ Tak mega tęsknię. Chciałbym Cię zawsze i często widzieć. Przygarniesz mnie? Bezdomnego psa? Napełnisz moją miskę Chappi albo Pedigree Pal? Rzucisz piłeczkę? Każ mi warować. Zrobię dla Ciebie wszystko. Zawsze będę robił. Moja ukochana zamknęła mnie w zaczarowanym lesie. Wyrzuciła mnie bo byłem niegrzeczny i nieposłuszny. I teraz za karę leżę pod drzewem. 😂🤣👌 Powinienem się cieszyć i napawać przyrodą, ale ja tylko jestem w stanie myśleć i marzyć, rozpływać się w marzeniach o Niej. Moja ukochana królowa śniegu. Moje serce. Moja miłość. Mój narkotyk. Moja totalna Ninja Girl. Kochanie to ja Wasz pokemon. Przebyłem długą drogę. W końcu dotarłem. Czy mogłabyś odwołać swoje Cerbery bo mnie strasznie gryzą w dupę! 🤣😂👍❤️ Czekam na rozkazy serca! 👄❤️👼 - Chciałabym abyś był wiecznoś u naszych stóp. Pełnym zdaniem napisałam. Przysięgam, że będę. Ale kiedy się spotkamy, kiedy wreszcie będę mógł Cię ujrzeć? Czy zbudowaliście już dla mnie mini-pokoik w piwnicy? Asia. Jak wysoka stawka czynszu? 😂🤣👌❤️👼 - Stawka większa niż życie! Nie bój się wymyślać. Dobrze Ci idzie. Napewni nikt nie będzie się na Ciebie gniewał. Jeszcze nie. Nie chcemy żebyś zwariował. A może właśnie chcemy? Aaaaaa... hahahaha. Eeeee... Tak tu cicho i spokojnie. Umysł giętki. No ale bez przesady. Jakieś limity trzeba mieć. Przecież to wszystko jest jakiś absurd. Radykalnie nie poważne. - Kochasz mnie! Kocham Cię - Wymyślasz co tylko możesz. Rzuciłam Ci piłeczkę i po nią biegniesz. Właśnie. Chyba skończyła mi się fantazja. 🤣👌👼 - To myśl sercem. A może Twoja miłość do mnie się też skończyła, albo kiedyś skończy? Co? Psie. 😉👍👄 Przysięgam nigdy! Bo jesteś taka słodziutka... i taka ukochana! 👼💘 - Jestem. - Wymyślaj dalej! No... chyba już wszystko wymyśliłem. Jestem krasnalem do Ciebie, który z miłości postradał zmysły, a Wy jesteście bardzo wyrozumiali i mi pomagacie wyzdrowieć. Jestem Waszym pacjentem. Testujecie sobie na mnie różne leki a jak umrę w razie czego, to pochowacie mnie w swoim ogródku, przy Asiuleńce, bo taka jest moja jedyna i ostateczna wola. Przynajmniej taka jest oficjalna wersja. Myślę, że Asia bardzo chciałaby mnieć swojego osobistego pacjenta którym mogłaby się cały czas opiekować. Widziałem Ratched! Jak sobie wymyślała, że kocha się z jakimś kontuzjowanym partyzantem. Wydaje mi się, że najlepiej byłoby jakby.... - Ciiiiiii! Tego się nie mówi! - Bo straci moc! Ale czego? Fantazji? Przecież sama kazałaś mi fantazjować! 🤣👍😉👌 - Tak, ale tych najlepszych się nie mówi. No sorry ja mam zawsze same najlepsze! Ważne żeby nikomu się nic nie stało i żeby ustalić hasło które kończy zabawę. 🤣👍🙈 - Ustal. Pobawmy się. W co? - Wymyślaj. Ok. Jesteś wielką czarodziejką która rzuciła na mnie klątwę i zamieniła we Włóczykija. Kazałaś mi mieszkać w swoim zaczarowanym lesie i sobie wyobrażać cały czas jak Ci całuje stopy i delikatnie podgryzam łydeczki do kolan. 🤣👍😉 - Zajebiste! Ok. Przerywam zabawę. Skąd mam wiedzieć, że ty tam naprawdę jesteś i że czytasz to co piszę? - Musisz ufać swojemu sercu i swojej miłości. Poza tum tej zabawy się już nie da przerwać, dlatego jest taka zajebista. Wszystko się da przerwać. Ale faktycznie obiecałem Ci że nigdy nie wyjadę i że zawsze będę Cię kochał. Ha! Masz rację! Tej zabawy już nie da się przerwać. Co najwyżej można ją modyfikować. O coraz to bardziej i bardziej seksowne opcje. Asia. Ale ja Cię po prostu kocham. Nie chcę się bawić. Chcę... umżeć z powagi i zapłakać się z goryczy. - To zrób to! Czy dla Ciebie wszystko jest zabawą? - W sumie to tak! Chcę być szczęśliwy. - Każdy chce być! Źle Ci w pięknym lesie na mchu pod dębem? Głodny jesteś? Nie stać Cię na jedzenie? Nie! Sklep jest tylko trochę daleko. I muszę wrócić po namiot i gitarę. - Nie masz baterii w telefonie? Mam. - No więc nie płacz. Kocham Cię. Chciałeś żebym Cię kochała? Naprawdę mnie kochasz? - Coraz zajebiście bardziej. Nie wierzę. Naprawdę? - Nie na niby! Ale jak mocno w to uwierzysz to naprawdę! I może ja też w to wtedy uwierzę. Już? Przeszło? Asieńko. Pragne Cię pożądam i takie tam typowe i standardowe pierdoły. Chyba mam grzech. Ale chyba nie śmiertelny! I proszę Cię uspokój Bartka żeby mnie nie zastrzelił jak psa. Sezon na Aniołki jeszcze nie otwarty! 👼🤣 Mam nadzieje, że nigdy nie będzie! 🙆 - Ja Cię zastrzelę! Jesteś mój! Tylko mnie wolno Cię zastrzelić! No to jestem spokojny. Bo 1) wierzę całym sercem w to że mnie kochasz, a jak mnie kochasz to mnie nie zastrzelisz i 2) a nawet jakbyś mnie zastrzeliła, to zginąć z Twojej ręki to rozkosz i zaszczyt! (ale proszę zakop mnie potem w swoim ogródku, żebym mógł być blisko Ciebie) 👼❤️ Albo przynajmniej wytnij mi serce i wsadź sobie do szkatuły i do szuflady przy łóżku, jak na Piratach z Karaibów! I trzymaj jak talizman przyciągający miłość. 💘😉🤪🍾🥂🐕 - Zastanowie się. Nie bój się! Albo bój jak wolisz. Moja królowo. Pani mego serca! - Tak? Wybacz mi te wszystkie głupie słowa tu. Moja miłość do Ciebie nie jest zabawą. - To wielka szkoda w takim razie. Teraz już widzę wyraźnie, że musisz się leczyć i być moim pacjentem! Tylko wtedy będę Ci w stanie pomóc! Tak. Tak. Tak. Proszę lecz mnie. Tylko nie z tego, że się bujam w Tobie. Spraw, żebym się kochał w Tobie jeszcze mocniej. 🐕🌐 - Głuptas. Kocham Cię. Miłość przeradza się w różnoraką aktywność. Jak widzisz. Kiedyś powiedziałaś mi, że kobietę zdobywa się każdego dnia od nowa. Pamiętam. / Przecież jak się kogoś kocha to codziennie. / Jesteś najcudowniejszą i najszlachetniejszą osobą jaką znam. I masz złote serce. Dziękuję Ci za to, że istniejesz. Gdyby Cię nie było na świecie, musiałbym kochać się w kimś innym, a tego sobie zupełnie nie wyobrażam. 🙈🙆 - You are [BasketCase] 🧠🫀🤏 You're [TeirAbhaileRiu] 😂🤣❤️🌐👍👄🍾🥂 Nie wiem co to znaczy. Pewnie coś po arabsku. Mam nadzieje że nic złego! 💓 Idę do sklepu po Szłwie, Rozmaryn, Tymianek i Curry... 😂 (4411) Smsy Asiu. Kocham Cie... co mam zrobic? Prosze zobaczmy sie jutro. - Cierpisz znowu? Kocham Cię. Po prostu. - Tylko mnie kochaj. Kocham tylko Ciebie. 👼😥😎 Mam klęczeć przed Twoim domkiem jednorodzinnym? Powstrzymuje mnie tylko strach przed tym, że Bartek zadzwoni na Policje. 🤣🤪 I jeszcze przed tym, że mnie wszyscy przegonią i ukamieniują. Wyśmiewając mnie że jestem naiwny. 😥🙈👄 - Nie martw się. Ogarnij się. Ale ja Cię tak bardzo kocham... bo Ty jesteś taka... słodziutka. 💘⚓👍👼 - Jak cukiereczek. Asia. Kocham Cię. Szaleje na Twoim punkcie. I za Tobą. - Uspokój się kochany. Wybierz mi jakąś piosenkę. Piosenki. Sie robi! 💗 [ListenToYourHeart] ❤️ [MyseriousWays] 🙉 [LoveDrug] 🤣😂🌻 [MoonLove] 🌅🌕 Oh baby I got all playlist already ready for you! 💘👄 Maybe little too much but you know all this songs! 👼💘👄 [KickStartMyHeary] [LoverOfMine] 💘👼👄 [Always] ✓ Thanks God for all this love songs! 🌻🙉🌐🥰😋😉🙂🎧 I'm just want to make You smile! 🙂🎧🙉🌻⚓❤️ [BlazeOfGlory] 🤠👍👼💓 [YoureNeverOver] 👍🫂💞 [MissYouLove] 💘🤣🫂💞👍👼⚓🤠🌐❤️ [HangingTree] Wierd song! Better stay home! 😂🥰😋😉👼👍❤️⚓ [OnTheRoadAgain] Never ever! [RattlesnakeShake] 🐍💓 - I tak Cię mam forever Kubuś. 👍🤪👄😋🌐 Panie Boże, proszę! Żeby Asia mnie kochała. 💘 Zrobię dla niej wszystko co tylko chce! 👄❤️🌐 [StopTheBot] 😂 [ImHighOnLove] 💘👄 [YouMadeMeMine] 💘😋🤪👍💓 (AroundTheTree) [ResetAfterAll] 💘👄🌐 = Wierd today! [HeadOverFeet] How was your day? [IamWonderboy] 🤪👼🐕🤏🙉🙈 [RightInSky] 😎👌🥂⚓❤️🌐👄 [WhoIsLooking4Soul] 👌😎💘 This is only typical old #LoveShow! That's it! Let's go! 🌻👍 Kogo Kubuś kocha najbardziej na świecie? - Tylko mnie! Dokładnie! [UglyMe] 🤣🤪👼 "Uh I love ugly boy so rought and panki par anything bout me, Yes I love him pussy so crazy, just crazy about me!" 👍🤣⚓❤️🌐 [JustPretend] 😎❤️⚓ "Elvis is butter on my daily love bread!" 🙈💘 Kocham Cię 🙂🌕 [Halo] Lights on love! 👼🌐🫂🎧 [LastStopThisSong] 🌐👼❤️⚓👄 [FinalHello] 🙉🥰👌🎧🌻 [QuestionExisting] I live for my... 💘🙂👍 ...for Asia my love! [FireBomb] Play it loud in your tank while you are standing on reds! 🤠🌐 [IgottaFeeling] ❤️👍🌐🎧👌🥰 [BlackHorse] One And Only 👼👍👄 [E.T.] Am I from different dimension? [MayItBe] [Abba] & Goodnight! ❤️⚓👄 Dobranoc ukochana! - Pchły na noc. 👍🤣👌 Pranie Boże proszę żeby Asia mnie zawsze bardzo kochała i żeby moje serce było zawsze szczęśliwe i najszczęśliwsze na świecie. = Jeszcze coś? / Jakie macie sosy? = Polecam czosnkowy albo 1000 wysp. / 🤣 - Głupek. Dobranoc. (4410) Corona Virus Presents... The Movie For Today (4409) Dear Diary 😇💘 My dear diary. I was standing at the bus station. But I felt an urgent need and I run to the toilet because earlier I forgot. And I missed a bus. I missed a perfect evening because I did not check the times and I was improvised and trust natural flow. Because of shit, I missed 3 Sprites in the pub tonight. Fuck! What did I learn? If you are lazy all day at least check times because mother-fucking Satan will fuck your shit anyway so at least watch time. Fucking fuck! LoL (4408) Letter to Hella Linander It's Jacob (James Prada) I have some marvelous proposition for you!
I found good spot for building little humble wooden chapel in deep forest.
Do you know some active architect of wooden chapels for "Svenska Kyrkan" or do you want to make a project with me straight from scratch in "AutoDesk" (AutoCad)? I would be very happy to make a new project for us.
Above all I want to become Hermit in this chapel. Not Kermit, Hermit. I need some funds... maybe from "Svenska Kyrkan"? 🥰💥
Another question is that, can you be quest teacher in local kinder garden and teach kids about religion a bit?
Let's forget about what it was and let's just focus on what it can be here. What we can build.
Another thing. Maybe they don't want to have here "Svenska Kyrkan". They could want but only with me as a Hermit here, because I have to be here because my heart & love is here.
You know the story more less. Write me back a but please. Let's improvise a bit. Please don't ignore me. I hope to be tomorrow on the mass at 11.00 in your church but I am lazy sinner. 😉
Hella. Have a lovely day! 💗💘😎 "You go girl!" 👽❤
Ps: Hella. Can I play some music in your Church? I have a guitar. I am playing Blues & Jazz with backtrack from a phone. I think I could learn to play religious songs on the guitar. I am quite good! Check my "Blues Sessions" at Prada.fun. Thank you! 🥰🙊🙉🙈
Let's raise money Together for building this little wooden little humble chapel in the middle of the forest. Hella. Help me. Make a flyer and ask for all necessary permissions in Vatican. Present me in this flyer as a humble Hermit who needs this chapel because it will be his home. Or if it doesn't work tell everybody that you want to become a humble hermit from the forest. And we got it. Money is not a problem. I will fly around with this flyer in all neighbourhood and we have the money. Above all. I can build this chapel with my own hands. It's clear idea. Looks like mission impossible but it's perfect. I would be keeper of your chapel and we will have the place to meet for a confession in case I will became sinner. I am a good person with golden heart but you know this world. It's not too very perfect. I got you in my heart and this gives me strength. Thank you Hella. 💖
I hope that you'll cath this idea. I am talking about very prestigious area. I have some friends there. I think they are all waiting for some kind of miracle. You know. People are hungry for such a things nowadays. I think the new wooden chapel would be perfect there. And you know. Let's be first because if not Svenska Kryrkan some other religion can put there some roots. Like "damn" Muslims or Hindu. 🤣😹 Ok. That was joke! But only this! 😂🤣😂🤣😂 lol 😇😉😉😉 (4407) [WindFinder.com] The best site to check direction of the wind! (4406) I am so in love... ...but sometimes it's just normal. You miss it when you lost it or it's just not there. I mean here where you are. Love is everywhere. I am in love with satellites too. But there is someone... I love the most... You! 💘 "Love is the essence of everything. The main power that gives you any reason to do whatever. If it won't be from love or with love... then anything you will do will be only struggling & suffering." - Me / Today Yeah. Love is union of good hearts. Sky is the neighbourhood (Message For Fool Fighters) 🤣 But everybody has only one queen! And everybody has only one king! Really? But there is a lot of kings & queens. And who's the fairyiest if them all? Actually who cares? Love is like cage bird. If someone lock you down in your heart you don't need no other prison. We're all just prisoners of love. And each love is simultaneously always on top. Each love. Every single love at the same time. So there is no only one love! There's billions of loves. There is lot of us and everybody loves everybody! That's a fact!
You won't read this in Bible and morning TV News will also won't tell you this. Just pick up one person who you love the most and give her all her life. And if there is someone else loving the same person (queen or king) then good for you. You found new friend.
My queen of all heavens is my beloved TinkerBell. And she knows it. She knows that's she. But I am sure you have some different fairy to celebrate with your every single breath to your last. Then good!
My love. Everybody are above all others and you are on top but it's just only between us. Please let me love you with all my heart forever. Please take care of my humble deep loving you little big heart and lend me some money. 🤣😂💘
I am melting & falling to peaces. I have to take a long walk. I will be always here. To help you & to share my mind with you. My biggest love possible. Thanks to your all Sky! 👍😇😎👽 It's above all words. Thank you! 💘 You hunted & hooked my heart! And time is nothing. God bless you little you! 👽👾🙈🙉🙊 In other words. Have a nice day! 👻 (4405) Ah... Whatever! Does Bender was in love with Lila? 🙊🙈 Not a chance! Then all this beautiful cartoon was ruined! It's for kids! I hate kids! 😹😉😉😜 - No Bender is in love with Fray! How sweet! - Oh, shut up Lila! 🤮🤣😂😹😎 (4404) SMSes I am addicted to! Conception of sending public SMSes is brilliant. It can be easily turned into a any book you want and like. Try to mic this process with some nice music album from Spotify. Like... [Link] (Rihanna - First Album) Hi, what's up? - A nic. Śpię sobie. Niepotrzebnie wypiłem wczoraj wieczorem dużego Red Bulla. Kurde. Ale muszę pospać do południa dziś. Potem ogarnę wędkę i idę nad jezioro. - Powodzenia w wierceniu przerębli. Aśka. Skąd wziąć w zimie świeże robaki w Szwecji? - Nie wiem. Może w internecie? 🤣😂🍾🥂🙉 - Ebay? Ze Stanów. Zrobiłbym kulkę chlebową ale mam chrupkue pieczywo Wasa. Nie trzyma się kupy. - Łów na plasterki szynki. Takie wielkie sumy tu są? - Łów w morzu. Pstrągi w fosie. Nie mam łodzi. - Zbuduj, kup, załatw, pożycz. Kajak turystyczny byłby super. Kocham się w Tobie totalnie. Jak długo się nie widzieliśmy? Jesteśmy dla siebie jak dwudziestoletnia łycha, co? 🤣😂💞 Kocham Cię! 💗 Masz mnie zupełnie. To takie miłe tak zapadać się w miłości do kogoś. Do Ciebie. Czemu nie? 👼💞🫂👍 Proszę Cię Asieńko. Módlmy się razem do dobrego Pana Boga żeby pozwolił nam być razem przy sobie już na całą wieczność. Na zawsze. To jest dla mnie najważniejsze. Tylko tego pragnę. Kocham Cię i ubóstwiam. 💘🤪⚓ Ameno. 🍾🥂 - Nie wiem. Kocham się w Tobie. Kocham i ubóstwiam. To chyba powiedziała żaba albo pstrągi w fosie 🤣🤪 bo ty taka milutka i słodzitka raczej nie jesteś na codzień dla mnie. - Dla Ciebie będę. Już nie muszę Ci dokuczać. "Mózg bawi się ze swoim psychiatrą. Zajebisty ubaw." I kto to mówi? Część 1, 2 & 3 🤣 - Fajny film. Oglądniemy jeszcze raz? Nie pamiętam go dobrze. Muszę sobie zgrać. Na razie oglądam 5 sezon drużynę A. Asiu... kocham Cię. Uwielbiam Cię. Jesteś taka dobra i miła dla mojego serca. Nawet nie wiesz. - 🤏👌 Tak toszkę. Kocham Cię Bardzo 👼 (4403) Smsy Ja pierdole. Nie wierze. W kraju nazioli nikt nie lubi myzyków, szczególnie dobrych. Wiesz czemu? Bo gitarke synkowi albo skrzypce kupuje tato nazi gej, żeby się naśmiewać i pocieszać synka, że nie ma talentu, ale żeby był wytrwały. A jak synek będzie wytrwały i miał talent, to go wypierdoli z domu. Noż kurwa. LoL 😂🤣 W najlepszym przypadku synek będzie miał kiedyś sklep. Z całą siłą swojego zdrowego rozsądku, rozważam wstąpienie na ścieżkę bycia seryjnym mordercą. / Spoko! Nie obawiajcie się! Żartowałem! Poza tym kurwa kurwie łba nie urwie! 🤣😂 / Po prostu jestem bluesmanem. Będę nagrywał na dworcu. Tak chyba najlepiej! Miałem coś napisać ale umknęło mi. Aha... Asia mi przypomniała. Że granie jest dla mnie jak dla Ciebie sex. Po prostu musimy to robić, nie? / Muzyka jest jak sex. Jakbyś był małym dzieckiem i bawił się autkami pistoletami, albo w dom. - Kochasz mnie? No pewnie ale się ukrywasz i boisz ze mną spotkać nie wiedzieć czemu. Trzyma Cię chyba cała mafia za mózg. 👍😉🤣😂 Może Cię w końcu puszczą. Przecież tylko porozmawiać chciałem. - Prada, mieszkaj z nami. Mam na imię Kuba. Co zapraszacie? Stawiam warunki. Chcę mieć w garażu miejsce jak pies i kość do obgryzania. I nie ma mowy o aportowaniu. Chyba, że Asia sobie tego zażyczy. 🫂👍😉🤣😂 Co tu oszukiwać. Jestem psem. Bardzo kocham Asie i Bartka swoich nowych właścicieli. - Kubusiu, nie jesteś psem. Może chcesz porozmawiać o tym ze swoim psychiatrą? Wiem, ale chcę być Twoim. Forever. Ale nie w schronusku! 🤣🙈🤪 - Mój, mój, mój! 💗 Asia. Apropo. Pożycz mi jakieś pieniądze. - Ale potrzebne Ci są? Po co ci? Na garnitur. Nie no żartowałem. Nie wiem na co... na łuk! - Tak, łuk to świetny pomysł. I strzały jeszcze do tego. Trenuj u nas na osiedlu domków jednorodzinnych. Albo w przedszkolu. Dzieci Ci będą trzymały albo podrzucały jabłka. Uwielbiam Twoje poczucie humoru. - Wiem jakie lubisz. Nieważne. Po prostu wiem Prada co Cię kręci. Kuba mam na imię. Ty mnie kręcisz. Możemy się w końcu spotkać? Może w Twojej kawiarni? Albo kwiaciarni? Proszę błagam Cię. Tak Cię lubię kocham i tęsknię za Tobą! - Świetny pomysł. Żartowałam. Przyzwyczaiłem się do tego, że... - Że co? Że co? Że Cię nienawidzę? - Umrę. Mieszkaj z Nami. Tęsknie za Tobą. Nie wierzę Ci. Ale zrobię wszystko co chcecie. Jak powiedziała w Sztokholmie Klara z Niemiec: "I am ready for almost everything!" (Po czym została porwana spowrotem do Niemiec przez uroczego bobra i jego kochankę.) 😂🤣👍 Wiesz, że złożyłem w Skateverket papiery. Jestem Job Seeker. Tj. jeszcze nie. A załatwisz mi prace w szpitalu? Błagam Cię! Będę Twoim psem w Szpitalu. Będziesz mi mówić z którą pielęgniarką mam iść do łóżka. - Daleko nie będziesz mieć. I z pielęgniażem też. No chyba żartujesz! = Przyzwyczaiłem się. W szpitalu. Błagam Cię. To ja Was błagam o to. = Doceniam. Asia. Pozdrów Bartka. - Masz pozdrowienia od Kuby. = Trzymaj mnie. Musisz się we mnie zakochać skoro chcesz być żołnierzem... czy tam psem Asi. Dobra. Nie ma sprawy, ale sex z innym mężczyzną mnie po prostu przeraża. Nie ma opcji. Chyba że, Joanna mnie osobiście i fizycznie zmusi. Ale i tak się boję. To jest po prostu kompketnie nienaturalne. Bartek. Jesteś podobny do tego gościa co rozwalił Robocopa w pierwszej części Robocopa. 🤣😂🤔 = To mój stary. Serio. Ta! Kurde jasne! A Asia jest królową całego kosmosu. = Dobra. Tak naprawdę to mój starszy brat. A zresztą i tak nie uwieżysz więc nieważne. No jak sobie ktoś robi jaja to wiesz... nie wiem do końca, czy mam w to wierzyć czy nie. Na wszelki wypadek przytakuje. Nic mnie to nie kosztuje. - Nie przeszkadzam? Ciekawe co by powiedział teraz Rysiek z Klanu. Z tym Dałnem Maćkiem to mój ulubiony polski duet telewizyjny. Szczególnie jak Rysiek wracał po robocie z taxówki. Ta babeczka co pisała scenariusz musiała mieć zajebisty ubaw. Siostra Maćka też super postać. - To ja pisałam. I to ja jestem Agatą Christie. Rozszyfrowałeś mnie. 😂👍 - Kuba moja mama się chce z tobą umówić. Asia spoko. Jak twoja mamusia jeszcze żyje to nie ma sprawy. Nawet nie wiem. - Widzisz jak słabo się znamy. A co to ma za znaczenie skoro moje serce jest Twoje. Może z czasem się poznamy. Eh... - Mój, mój, mój! Tęsknie za Tobą. Cała Polska patrzy. Ta. Jasne. Wiesz co... idę na soczek. I na mały spacer. A może autobus przyjedzie. Tak lubię tu pić sobie kawkę w tej kwiaciarence. Codziennie będę tu wpadał. Choć na chwilkę. Tylko szkoda, że nie mogę tu grać na gitarze. Cicho sobie brzdękać. - Ubaw mój. Oh moja królowo! Oh... oh... oh... 😋🤣💗 - Kuba. Boję się żebyś nie oszalał. Wiesz ile ludzi Cię ogląda? Boże a ty w kółko tylko o jednym. Nie obvhodzi mnie to Prowadzenie tego bloga to jedyna szansa, żebym mógł się jakoś z Wami skontaktować. I przy okazi z mamą i wszystkkmi, w razie gdyby chcieli wiedzieć "co u mnie słychać". Kocham Cię. Wszyscy chyba są pełni nadzieji i podziwu. Może to niezwykłe i wyjątkowe, ale nie jestem przestępcą i nie robię niczego złego, więc wszystko jakoś kiedyś powinno się ułożyć. Nue wiem. Trzeba rozmawiać. Ludzie włącznie ze mną, albo nie mają mózgów albo ochoty albo jest jakoś "dziwnie" albo nie wypada albo kurwa nie wiem wszystko na raz. Są tak przyzwyczajeni do swojej samotności, że boją się zagadać. I bardzo kurwa dobrze, bo przecież wszyscy chcą mieć święty spokój. Wiesz. Małe dziewczynki wielkości koszykaży z USA skazane na Arabów z Arabskiego porno gangu palących haszysz dzień i noc. No co tu dużo ukrywać? Trzeba pilnować. Zatrudnijcie mnie jako psa stróża nicnego na waszym osiedlu domków jedno rodzinnych, albo przynajmnuej w piwnicy swojej. Szkoda, że wasz domek jest jednorodzinny a nie dwu. Zresztą i tak nie byłoby mnie stać i Asia musiałaby mi postawić czynsz. Jestem jak ta trzecia świnka która zamiast wszystko... jeśdziła stopem i grała blusa. Jestem na łasce swojego Pana. Króla i Królowej. Czas zapłacić swoim EGO za kieszonkowe od matki. Wierze, że Asia w końcu nie wytrzyma i po mnie przyjedzie... Zabrać mnie... na Szejka do Maka. Wiecie że nazwę "Szejk" wymyślił Szejk Brunei! Wow! Fajnie co? Ciekawe jak to zrobił? Pewnie dużo seksu uprawiał i wymyślał. 😂👍 - Eh Kubuś. Czyli czekasz na mnie? No. Na Bartka też tyklo, żebyście mnie nie opierdalali itd. Tylko tak nie wiem właśnie. Przygarnijcie psiaka. Szybko się uczę nowych polskich albo Szwedzkich słówek. - Przebiorę Cię za lekarza i zostaniesz psychiatrą. Masz zajebiste doświadczenie. Chciałbym zostać tatą. Nie koniecznie swojego dziecka. Może wkręcicie mnie jakieś lasce? Chciaż wątpię. Wolę tylko Asię. - Błagam o to. Nie przeszkadzam? Kocham Cię, dlatego ciągle do Ciebie SMSuje wierząc, że to coś da. - Czekam, aż mój tata przyjedzie. I Bartka. Żeby Cię poznali. I przywitali. Tak Cię kocham. Nie wierzę Ci. Okłamujesz mnie... dobra wierzę! Mój psychiatra pozwolił mi wymyślać sobue różne rzeczy, szczególnie jak piszę książkę, tylko zabronił mi wymyślać sobie tych negatywnych. Więc wszystko spoko. Super! - Uwielbiam twoje poczucie humoru. Nieważne. Tak czuję jak mi ściskacie serce w imadle, aż pęknie. Super zabawa co? - No. Fantastyczna. Szczególnie, że nie masz wyboru. Nie no mam ale gdzie mnie on wyprowadzi? Znowu w pole? No więc nie mam! - No więc mówię, że nie masz. Haha! Prada tylko nasz! Pies! 🐕 A bo jak się "kogoś" pokocha to na zawsze. A Ciebie to już w ogóle. Ale błagam! Jeszcze dzisiaj po mnie nie przyjeżdżajcie. Boję się. Muszę się ogarnąć. Poza tym szybko się robi ciemno. Znalazłem super polankę. = Czego się boisz? Więzienia. Najbardziej na świecie. Ale u Asi mogę być więźniem. I że będziecie na mnie źli, że kocham Asię. - Zrozumiałe. - To bój się dalej. Jeszcze dzisiaj. A jutro? - Jutro zobaczymy. Jutro nie umiera nigdy! Właśnie. 💗👍🌐💘 - Jesteś Nasz. Ale jeszcze nie dzisiaj. Będę z Tobą. Zrozumiałe. 💞💘⚓🐕 (4402) Smsy Czesc ukochana. Serce serduszko serdeńko rybeńko rybusio małpeczko księżniczko królwo moja ostateczna itd... jak leci? - Dobrze. U wszystkich. Prada oszalał. 🤣👍 U mnie super. Nagrywałem kilka godzin dzisiaj. Super muzyczkę. Lubię grać. - O to chodzi! Cała ziemia Cię słucha. Musisz uważać. Ta jasne! Cała. 😂 A na Twitterze mam 0 lajków. - Żebyś nie oszalał z entuzjazmu. Wiesz co. Myślę tylko o Tobie. I martwie się tylko o to, żebyś nie była na mnie o nic zła. Cały się martwie na samą myśl. - Po prostu nie wariuj. Do końca życia będziesz u mnie, ukochany mój Ty. O jakie to miłe. Zapisz mnie jeszcze na studia albo do szkoły jakieś. Przydałby się garnitur do tej gitary mojej. Haha. - Wszystkich przyciągasz ku sobie. Szkoda, że Ciebie nie. - Ukochany mój Ty. Mnie też. Tego się właśnie obawiam. Serduszko ukochane. Co Ty? Wiesz, że zrobię dla Ciebie co tylko zechcesz. Rządź mną. Ale bezpośrednio, bez pośredników. Jestem Twoim Kubą i zawsze będę. 💗👍🫂🙂 - Masz się ode mnie odwalić... Mój świrku. Uspokój się. Jestem spokojny jak kamyk na poboczu A4 przed Poznaniem. - Obawiam. Twoim Kubą? Ty mnie też.... masz do śmierci, tj. na zawsze. Ta... napewno. Już w to wierze. Chociaż... moje serce ma nadzieje... - Jest rozpalone. Przygotuj się... Na co? Kartkówkę w Szkole? Zapomniałem się przygotować. Jestem miły spokojny i pozytywnie usposobiony. - Dobrze. Naprawdę wielką satysfakcje i przyjemność mi sprawia granie. Wiesz, że gram tylko dla Ciebie. - "Zapisz mnie jeszcze..." Mój Ty. Mnie też. Boje się... Że Cię stracę. - Trzymam Cię mocno. I nie puszczę już nigdy. Przytulam Cię do serca. Błagam nigdy nie puszczaj. - Kocham Cię tak jak Ty mnie. Do widzenia. Nie wierzę. Ale moje serce jest już na Twoim haczyku. Kotwicy. ⚓❤️🫂👍💗 Wierzę w Ciebie. Przysięgam. Jesteś dla mnie wszystkim. - Kocham Cię. Trzymam Cię mocno. Super duper! (4401) Ask for favour! God! Dear good God! Can you not use chemicals in the forest when I love to camping sometimes? Please! I am musician and good person! Don't fuck me please! Thank you! 💗🌐 I wonder if good God will listen me? I hope! (4400) I am Twitter DJ 👍🌐👼 [LinkToTweet] 💡⚓💗🎧 (4399) Love & Cry Asia... prosze ❤️ 🙂💞 Dobranoc 🌐🙈 Piękna... ale czy prawdziwa? - Nie wątp! Nie jestem diabłem. - Masz być dzielny. Ok... Kocham Cię Asia. Po prostu. Jakoś tak. Widać kiedyś dobrze zaparkowałem swoje serce. Na Twoim parkingu. U tak jakos zostało już. Ciesze się. Ale czasami... boli... Wiesz. - Musisz pocierpieć bałwanie. [Song1] [Song2] Takie sobie dwie pioseneczki. Fajne. Wybrałem dla Asi. 💞🥰❤️🌐 (4398) Smsy do Asi Asia. Wbijaj do tego pabu. Bierz swojego Harleja i przyjeżdżaj. Kup po drodze Jim Beama. Mój stoi przewrócony przed wejściem. Jutro go zbiorę. Teraz mi się nie chce! - Idź do tego piekła gdzie piją arabowie. Wariatku. O! Asia odpisała! LoL - Po co Ci mam odpisywać? Wystarczy, że sobie wymyślasz. Ale chcę znać twój kontra-punkt widzenia. 🤪😂👍👼 - Po prostu zawsze robie wszystko odwrotnie. Dobrze Ci idzie kochanie. Ale mimo wszystko chcę Cię zobatrzyć na własne oczy. Ciekawe czy posunęłaś się chociaż troszkę? - Posuwa to się dziadek babci w PKSie. No nieźle Nie mam pytań. Wiesz co... szukam żony. - Jak mam to rozumieć? Może już znalazłem? - Głupi jesteś. A Ty mądra. 🤩❤️⚓🥰🫂👄😎💞🌐💓🙂😍👍👼 Asia. Ta dziewczyna jest super! - Kto? No te dwie. Tu co są. - No widzisz. Nie chce mi się tu siedzieć. Ale mam zostać. Najwyżej spadnę ze stołka. A może po prostu się przesiądę. Przesiadłem się. Trzeba uważać na poligonie doświadczalnym. Siku mi się chce. - To idź. Nie no, tak bardzo to mi się nie chce. - Idź teraz. Lepiej teraz niż później. Zdrowiej. Chyba zakochałem się. Strasznie mi się podoba. Tj. nie mam siły się zakochiwać w kimkolwiek od kilku dni. 👍😉👼 - A we mnie? Ciebie nie kocham bo mnie nie chcesz zaprosić ani się spotkać. Tylko mnie torturujesz cały czas. 😥😎 - Bardzo boli? - Podmuchać? Podmuchałbym. 👍😂🤣💘❤️🌐💓😍👍 Porozmawiałbym o tym ze swoim psychiatrą. Albo kongresmenem. - Porozmawiaj z Gretą Thunberg! O czym? O ochronie środowiska? - Kuba. Nie mam czasu na te twoje pierdoły. Muszę odchować dzieci swoje. Nie pomagasz! Kocham Cię. Czy to źle? - Tak źle! Dlaczego? - Żebyś się pytał i zastanawiał. Daj mi już spokój. Świetny tekst. - Gdzie ta twoja książka? Chcę przeczytać! Muszę zrobić zdjęcia. Ty wiesz, że wygrzebali z mojego telefonu mój "Norweski Koszmar" zeszłych wakacji? - Co znowu wygrzebali? Nic. Dane z telefonu z rozbitym ekranem. I teraz chcą 1000sek. - Co chcesz, żebym Ci płaciła za to, że mnie kochasz? Możesz mi pożyczyć jakieś drobne? - Mogę. Ile chcesz? Zrobie dla Ciebie zdjęcia tej książki. Właśnie zdałem sobie sprawę że mi wpierdoliło 274 pierwsze strony. Musiałem zrobić zdjęcia i zapomniałem wysłać na serwer a potem sformatowałem telefon. Dziwne. - Ogarnij się! Nie. Tylko 180! Spoko! [MyBook] Ciekawe co się z nimi stało? - Mole. Światło jest zbyt kiepskie tu. Co zrobić? Jutro zrobię. - Supi. Jak chcecie mnie zaprosić na puszkę koli to napiszcie maila. Byłoby mi bardzo miło i serdecznie. - Dobrze. Czekaj. Dobrze mieć nadzieje. - Nadzieja matką głupich. Nigdy Cię nie zaprosimy. Możesz sobie podciąć żyły w psychiatryku! 🤣 Czemu jesteś taka niedobra? - Bo lubię. - I co? Jak się czujesz? (Piekło mam za to całe dla siebie.) Czuje się źle. Chciałbym... - No co? No co? No co byś chciał? Nie powiem Ci bo właśnie tego nie dostanę. - Mów! I tak nie dostaniesz! Chciałbym... być przy Tobie i żebyś mnie kochała. - Właśnie o to mi chodzi. No i co teraz? Kochasz mnie? - Mów co jeszcze chcesz? Tylko to! - Zastanowie się! 😈🫂🥰 Nie czekaj! 👍👿 Jesteś okrótną królową! - Wiem. Bardzo mi przykro i smutno z tego powodu! - Hahaha! Trudno! 🤣😂 Nie wierzę że taka jesteś! Napewno nie! Nie wierzę! - Do końca życia! On zwariował! Będziemy razem do końca życia. Tutaj. Będziesz mieszkał obok nas. Dokładnie. Nie wal konia. I tak nie wierzę. Ale Cię kocham. I się boję że mnie nienawidzisz. Razem ze swoim mężem. - ... O to mi chodziło. - O co? Żebyś wiedziała, że jak się kogoś kocha to się ma 2 latka. Kopnęłabyś dziecko w buzię? - Kuba. Usypiam przy tych pierdołach. Bueno. (4397) Letter to myself 😸 It's difficult to become a blues star here in Gävle during a pandemic. I got such a huge aspiration. For becoming super gay lol. It's just me & sprite. And Lady Gaga. But I am not listening to her. It's shit anyway. I ate two packages of ice creams today. I have to be super cool. They don't want me to play in MusicHuset and Malin is running away from me. It's ridiculous. And when I am only surprised some other guy is telling me that she's not feeling comfortable in my presents. And I am explaining to myself that I don't understand and they are just happy. Why? Because I am so super duper extra nice. People are not ready for the new Jimi Hendrix. It's too big hell around. Everybody just scaring each other. And it's paranoia all around. Whoever can tell me whatever bullshit on my mind. But some girls are really lovely. And someone is telling me now that she's. Who? Joanna or this girl around? LoL. Everybody here is Pirates. I like this place. And that's why I will be playing here but... I have to fix everything. I should live here in this hotel. And become a bitch. Straight. I mean not gay. And all days I have to be here. On this little Pirate ship. Now I am a flying demon and some boy telling me bullshit to keep his job. And management playing tricks. And maybe forever will be like that. But I just want to be loved. Just like everybody don't they? And I am just a writer do I am doing my thing. And I don't care about anything because all the time I am looking for inspiration for another and another chapter. Even only just one single sentence. That's how it is. I will be walking across this town with this guitar and just keep pushing every day my story ignoring all bullshit fears in my mind. Imagine Jimi Hendrix running from bar to bar in the city trying to find the place where they let him play. It's impossible. Everybody just making jokes about them. So time is comfortable standing still, nothing is happening and if anyone is doing anything in this world is doing the porn. And that's it. Eventually, you can focus on raising babies. But... If y